您选择的条件: Lu Huang
  • Reconciling low and high redshift GRB luminosity correlations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The correlation between the peak spectra energy ($E_p$) and the equivalent isotropic energy ($E_{\rm iso}$) of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the so-called Amati relation, is often used to constrain the high-redshift Hubble diagram. Assuming Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmology, Wang et al. found a $\gtrsim 3\sigma$ tension in the data-calibrated Amati coefficients between low- and high-redshift GRB samples. To reduce the impact of fiducial cosmology, we use the Parameterization based on cosmic Age (PAge), an almost model-independent framework to trace the cosmological expansion history. We find that the low- and high-redshift tension in Amati coefficients stays almost the same for the broad class of models covered by PAge, indicating that the cosmological assumption is not the dominant driver of the redshift evolution of GRB luminosity correlation. Next, we analyze the selection effect due to flux limits in observations. We find Amati relation evolves much more significantly across energy scales of $E_{\rm iso}$. We debias the GRB data by selectively discarding samples to match low-$z$ and high-$z$ $E_{\rm iso}$ distributions. After debiasing, the Amati coefficients agree well between low-$z$ and high-$z$ data groups, whereas the evidence of $E_{\rm iso}$-dependence of Amati relation remains to be strong. Thus, the redshift evolution of GRB luminosity correlation can be fully interpreted as a selection bias, and does not imply cosmological evolution of GRBs.

  • A More Accurate Parameterization based on cosmic Age (MAPAge)

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recently, several statistically significant tensions between different cosmological datasets have raised doubts about the standard Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model. A recent letter~\citet{Huang:2020mub} suggests to use "Parameterization based on cosmic Age" (PAge) to approximate a broad class of beyond-$\Lambda$CDM models, with a typical accuracy $\sim 1\%$ in angular diameter distances at $z\lesssim 10$. In this work, we extend PAge to a More Accurate Parameterization based on cosmic Age (MAPAge) by adding a new degree of freedom $\eta_2$. The parameter $\eta_2$ describes the difference between physically motivated models and their phenomenological PAge approximations. The accuracy of MAPAge, typically of order $10^{-3}$ in angular diameter distances at $z\lesssim 10$, is significantly better than PAge. We compare PAge and MAPAge with current observational data and forecast data. The conjecture in~\citet{Huang:2020mub}, that PAge approximation is sufficiently good for current observations, is quantitatively confirmed in this work. We also show that the extension from PAge to MAPAge is important for future observations, which typically requires sub-percent accuracy in theoretical predictions.

  • Redshift Evolution and Non-Universal Dispersion of Quasar Luminosity Correlation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The standard $\Lambda$CDM model is recently reported to deviate from the high-redshift Hubble diagram of type Ia supernovae (SNe) and quasars (QSOs) at $\sim4\sigma$ confidence level. In this work, we combine the PAge approximation (a nearly model-independent parameterization) and a high-quality QSO sample to search for the origins of the deviation. By visualizing the $\Lambda$CDM model and the marginalized $3\sigma$ constraints of SNe+QSOs into PAge space, we confirm that the SNe+QSOs constraints in both flat and non-flat PAge cases are in remarkable tension with the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Next, we investigate the tension from the perspective of redshift-evolution effects. We find that the QSO correlation coefficient $\gamma$ calibrated by SNe+low-z QSOs and SNe+high-z QSOs shows $\sim2.7\sigma$ and $\sim4\sigma$ tensions in flat and non-flat universes, respectively. The tensions for intrinsic dispersion $\delta$ between different data sets are found to be $>4\sigma$ in both flat and non-flat cases. These results indicate that the QSO luminosity correlation suffers from significant redshift evolution and non-universal intrinsic dispersion. Using a redshift-dependence correlation to build QSO Hubble diagram could lead to biases. Thus, the $\sim4\sigma$ deviation from the standard $\Lambda$CDM probably originates from the redshift-evolution effects and non-universal dispersion of the QSO luminosity correlation rather than new physics.

  • Removal of point source leakage from time-order data filtering

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Time-ordered data (TOD) from ground-based CMB experiments are generally filtered before map-making to remove or reduce the contamination from the ground and the atmospheric emissions. However, when the observation region contains strong point sources, the filtering process will result in considerable leakage around the point sources in a measured CMB map, and leave spurious polarization signals. Therefore, such signals need to be assessed and removed before CMB science exploitation. In this work, we present a new method that we call "template fitting" and can effectively remove these leakage signals in pixel domain, not only satisfying the requirement for measuring primordial gravitational waves from CMB-$B$ modes, but also avoiding time-consuming operations on TOD.

  • Redshift Evolution and Non-Universal Dispersion of Quasar Luminosity Correlation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The standard $\Lambda$CDM model is recently reported to deviate from the high-redshift Hubble diagram of type Ia supernovae (SNe) and quasars (QSOs) at $\sim4\sigma$ confidence level. In this work, we combine the PAge approximation (a nearly model-independent parameterization) and a high-quality QSO sample to search for the origins of the deviation. By visualizing the $\Lambda$CDM model and the marginalized $3\sigma$ constraints of SNe+QSOs into PAge space, we confirm that the SNe+QSOs constraints in both flat and non-flat PAge cases are in remarkable tension with the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Next, we investigate the tension from the perspective of redshift-evolution effects. We find that the QSO correlation coefficient $\gamma$ calibrated by SNe+low-z QSOs and SNe+high-z QSOs shows $\sim2.7\sigma$ and $\sim4\sigma$ tensions in flat and non-flat universes, respectively. The tensions for intrinsic dispersion $\delta$ between different data sets are found to be $>4\sigma$ in both flat and non-flat cases. These results indicate that the QSO luminosity correlation suffers from significant redshift evolution and non-universal intrinsic dispersion. Using a redshift-dependence correlation to build QSO Hubble diagram could lead to biases. Thus, the $\sim4\sigma$ deviation from the standard $\Lambda$CDM probably originates from the redshift-evolution effects and non-universal dispersion of the QSO luminosity correlation rather than new physics.

  • The $S_8$ Tension in Light of Updated Redshift-Space Distortion Data and PAge Approximation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: One of the most prominent challenges to the standard Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmology is the tension between the structure growth parameter $S_8$ constrained by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and the smaller one suggested by the cosmic shear data. Recent studies show that, for $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, redshift-space distortion (RSD) data also prefers a smaller $S_8$ that is $\sim 2$-$3\sigma$ lower than the CMB value, but the result is sensitive to the cosmological model. In the present work we update the RSD constraint on $S_8$ with the most up-to-date RSD data set where the correlation between data points are properly taken into account. To reduce the model dependence, we add in our Monte Carlo Markov Chain calculation the most up-to-date data sets of Type Ia supernovae (SN) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), whose correlation with RSD is also taken into account, to constrain the background geometry. For $\Lambda$CDM cosmology we find $S_8= 0.812 \pm 0.026$, which is $\sim 2\sigma$ larger than previous studies, and hence is consistent with the CMB constraint. By replacing $\Lambda$CDM with the Parameterization based on cosmic Age (PAge), an almost model-independent description of the late universe, we find that the RSD + SN + BAO constraint on $S_8$ is insensitive to the cosmological model.

  • Constraints on the abundance of primordial black holes with different mass distributions from lensing of fast radio bursts

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Primordial black holes (PBHs) has been considered to form a part of dark matter for a long time but the possibility has been poorly constrained over a wide mass range, including the stellar mass range ($1-100~M_{\odot}$). However, due to the discovery of merger events of black hole binaries by LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave observatories, the interest for PBHs in the stellar mass window has been aroused again. Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright radio transients with millisecond duration and very high all-sky occurrence rate. Lensing effect of these bursts has been proposed as one of the optimal probes for constraining the abundance of PBHs in the stellar mass range. In this paper, we first investigate constraints on the abundance of PBHs from the latest $593$ FRB observations for both the monochromatic mass distribution and three other popular extended mass distributions related to different formation mechanisms of PBHs. It is found that constraints from currently public FRB observations are relatively weaker than those from existing gravitational wave detections. Furthermore, we forecast constraining power of future FRB observations on the abundance of PBHs with different mass distributions of PBHs and different redshift distributions of FRBs taken into account. Finally, We find that constraints of parameter space on extended mass distributions from $\sim10^5$ FRBs with $\overline{\Delta t}\leq1 ~\rm ms$ would be comparable with what can be constrained from gravitational wave events. It is foreseen that upcoming complementary multi-messenger observations will yield considerable constraints on the possibilities of PBHs in this intriguing mass window.

  • Removal of point source leakage from time-order data filtering

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Time-ordered data (TOD) from ground-based CMB experiments are generally filtered before map-making to remove or reduce the contamination from the ground and the atmospheric emissions. However, when the observation region contains strong point sources, the filtering process will result in considerable leakage around the point sources in a measured CMB map, and leave spurious polarization signals. Therefore, such signals need to be assessed and removed before CMB science exploitation. In this work, we present a new method that we call "template fitting" and can effectively remove these leakage signals in pixel domain, not only satisfying the requirement for measuring primordial gravitational waves from CMB-$B$ modes, but also avoiding time-consuming operations on TOD.

  • Search for lensing signatures from the latest fast radio burst observations and constraints on the abundance of primordial black holes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The possibility that primordial black holes (PBHs) form a part of dark matter has been considered for a long time but poorly constrained over a wide mass range. Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright radio transients with millisecond duration. Lensing effect of them has been proposed as one of the cleanest probes for constraining the presence of PBHs in the stellar mass window. In this paper, we first apply the normalised cross-correlation algorithm to search and identify candidates of lensed FRBs in the latest public FRB observations, i.e. $593$ FRBs which mainly consist of the first Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment FRB catalog, and then derive constraints on the abundance of PBHs from the null search result of lensing signature. For a monochromatic mass distribution, the fraction of dark matter made up of PBHs could be constrained to $\leq87\%$ for $\geq500~M_{\odot}$ at 95\% confidence level by assuming flux ratio thresholds dependent signal-to-noise ratio for each FRB and that apparently one-off events are intrinsic single bursts. This result would be improved by a three times factor when a conventional constant flux ratio threshold is considered. Moreover, we derive constraints on PBHs with a log-normal mass function naturally predicted by some popular inflation models and often investigated with gravitational wave detections. We find that, in this mass distribution scenario, the constraint from currently public FRB observations is relatively weaker than the one from gravitational wave detections. It is foreseen that upcoming complementary multi-messenger observations will yield considerable constraints on the possibilities of PBHs in this intriguing mass window.