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  • Bump Morphology of the CMAGIC Diagram

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We apply the color-magnitude intercept calibration method (CMAGIC) to the Nearby Supernova Factory SNe Ia spectrophotometric dataset. The currently existing CMAGIC parameters are the slope and intercept of a straight line fit to the first linear region in the color-magnitude diagram, which occurs over a span of approximately 30 days after maximum brightness. We define a new parameter, $\omega_{XY}$, the size of the ``bump'' feature near maximum brightness for arbitrary filters $X$ and $Y$. We find a significant correlation between the slope of the first linear region, $\beta_{XY, 1}$, in the CMAGIC diagram and $\omega_{XY}$. These results may be used to our advantage, as they are less affected by extinction than parameters defined as a function of time. Additionally, $\omega_{XY}$ is computed independently of templates. We find that current empirical templates are successful at reproducing the features described in this work, particularly SALT3, which correctly exhibits the negative correlation between slope and bump size seen in our data. In 1-D simulations, we show that the correlation between the size of the bump feature and $\beta_{XY, 1}$ can be understood as a result of chemical mixing due to large-scale Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities.

  • Potential scientific synergies in weak lensing studies between the CSST and Euclid space probes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Aims. With the next generation of large surveys coming to the stage of observational cosmology soon, it is important to explore their potential synergies and to maximise their scientific outcomes. In this study, we aim to investigate the complementarity of the two upcoming space missions Euclid and the China Space Station Telescope (CSST), focusing on weak lensing (WL) cosmology. In particular, we analyse the photometric redshifts (photo-zs) and the galaxy blending effects. For Euclid, WL measurements suffer from chromatic PSF effects. For this, CSST can provide valuable information for Euclid to obtain more accurate PSF, and to calibrate the color and color-gradient biases for WL measurements. Methods. We create image simulations for different surveys, and quantify the photo-z performance. For blending analyses, we employ high-resolution HST/CANDELS data to mock Euclid, CSST, and an LSST-like survey. We analyse the blending fraction for different cases, and the blending effects on galaxy photometry. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CSST can provide a large enough number of high SNR multi-band galaxy images to calibrate the color-gradient biases for Euclid. Results. The sky coverage of Euclid lies entirely within the CSST footprint. The combination of Euclid with CSST data can be done more uniformly than with the various ground-based data. Our studies show that by combining Euclid and CSST, we can reach a photo-z precision of $\sigma_{\rm NMAD} \approx 0.04$, and an outlier fraction of $\eta\approx 2.4\%$. Because of the similarly high resolutions, the data combination of Euclid and CSST can be relatively straightforward for photometry. To include ground-based data, however, sophisticated deblending utilizing priors from high-resolution space data is demanded. The color-gradient biases for Euclid can be well calibrated to the level of 0.1% using galaxies from CSST deep survey.