您选择的条件: Christopher M. Johns-Krull
  • Probing Protoplanetary Disk Winds with C II Absorption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an analysis of wind absorption in the C II ${\lambda}1335$ doublet towards 40 classical T Tauri stars with archival far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. Absorption features produced by fast or slow winds are commonly detected (36 out of 40 targets) in our sample. The wind velocity of the fast wind decreases with disk inclination, consistent with expectations for a collimated jet. Slow wind absorption is detected mostly in disks with intermediate or high inclination, without a significant dependence of wind velocity on disk inclination. Both the fast and slow wind absorption are preferentially detected in FUV lines of neutral or singly ionized atoms. The Mg II ${\lambda}{\lambda}2796,2804$ lines show wind absorption consistent with the absorption in the C II lines. We develop simplified semi-analytical disk/wind models to interpret the observational disk wind absorption. Both fast and slow winds are consistent with expectations from a thermal-magnetized disk wind model and are generally inconsistent with a purely thermal wind. Both the models and the observational analysis indicate that wind absorption occurs preferentially from the inner disk, offering a wind diagnostic in complement to optical forbidden line emission that traces the wind in larger volumes.

  • Science with the Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX)

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: UVEX is a proposed medium class Explorer mission designed to provide crucial missing capabilities that will address objectives central to a broad range of modern astrophysics. The UVEX design has two co-aligned wide-field imagers operating in the FUV and NUV and a powerful broadband medium resolution spectrometer. In its two-year baseline mission, UVEX will perform a multi-cadence synoptic all-sky survey 50/100 times deeper than GALEX in the NUV/FUV, cadenced surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, rapid target of opportunity followup, as well as spectroscopic followup of samples of stars and galaxies. The science program is built around three pillars. First, UVEX will explore the low-mass, low-metallicity galaxy frontier through imaging and spectroscopic surveys that will probe key aspects of the evolution of galaxies by understanding how star formation and stellar evolution at low metallicities affect the growth and evolution of low-metallicity, low-mass galaxies in the local universe. Such galaxies contain half the mass in the local universe, and are analogs for the first galaxies, but observed at distances that make them accessible to detailed study. Second, UVEX will explore the dynamic universe through time-domain surveys and prompt spectroscopic followup capability will probe the environments, energetics, and emission processes in the early aftermaths of gravitational wave-discovered compact object mergers, discover hot, fast UV transients, and diagnose the early stages of stellar explosions. Finally, UVEX will become a key community resource by leaving a large all-sky legacy data set, enabling a wide range of scientific studies and filling a gap in the new generation of wide-field, sensitive optical and infrared surveys provided by the Rubin, Euclid, and Roman observatories. This paper discusses the scientific potential of UVEX, and the broad scientific program.

  • The IGRINS YSO Survey III: Stellar parameters of pre-main sequence stars in Ophiuchus and Upper Scorpius

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We used the Immersion GRating Infrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) to determine fundamental parameters for 61 K- and M-type young stellar objects (YSOs) located in the Ophiuchus and Upper Scorpius star-forming regions. We employed synthetic spectra and a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to fit specific K-band spectral regions and determine the photospheric temperature ($T_{\rm eff}$), surface gravity ($\log$ g), magnetic field strength (B), projected rotational velocity ($v \sin i$), and K-band veiling ($r_{\rm K}$). We determined B for $\sim$46% of our sample. Stellar parameters were compared to the results from Taurus-Auriga and the TW Hydrae Association (TWA) presented in Paper I of this series. We classified all the YSOs in the IGRINS survey with infrared spectral indices from 2MASS and WISE photometry between 2 and 24~$\mu$m. We found that Class II YSOs typically have lower $\log$ g and $v\sin i$, similar B, and higher K-band veiling than their Class III counterparts. Additionally, we determined the stellar parameters for a sample of K and M field stars also observed with IGRINS. We have identified intrinsic similarities and differences at different evolutionary stages with our homogeneous determination of stellar parameters in the IGRINS YSO Survey. Considering $\log$ g as a proxy for age, we found that the Ophiuchus and Taurus samples have a similar age. We also find that Upper Scorpius and TWA YSOs have similar ages, and are more evolved than Ophiuchus/Taurus YSOs.