您选择的条件: Christopher A. Tout
  • Evolved cataclysmic variables as progenitors of AM CVn stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We model cataclysmic variables (CVs) with solar metallicity donors ($X=0.7,\:Z=0.02$) that evolve to form AM CVn stars through the Evolved CV formation channel using various angular momentum loss mechanisms by magnetic braking ($\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$). We find that the time-scale for $\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$ in our double-dynamo (DD) model is shorter than that of previously used empirical formulae. Owing to the shorter time-scales, a larger parameter space of initial conditions evolves to form AM CVn stars with the DD model than with other models. We perform an analysis of the expected number of AM CVn stars formed through the Evolved CV channel and find about $3$ times as many AM CVn stars as reported before. We evolve these systems in detail with the Cambridge stellar evolution code (STARS) and show that evolved CVs populate a region with orbital period $P_\mathrm{orb}\geq5.5\,\mathrm{hr}$. We evolve our donors beyond their orbital period minimum and find that a significant number become extremely H-exhausted systems. This makes them indistinguishable from systems evolved from the He-star and the White Dwarf (WD) channels in terms of the absence of H in their spectra. We also compare the masses, mass-transfer rates of the donor, and the orbital period with observations. We find that the state of the donor and the absence of H in systems such as YZ LMi and V396 Hya match with our modelled trajectories, while systems such as CR Boo and HP Lib match with our modelled tracks if their actual donor mass lies on the lower-end of the observed mass range.

  • Criteria for Dynamical Timescale Mass Transfer of Metal-poor Intermediate-mass Stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The stability criteria of rapid mass transfer and common envelope evolution are fundamental in binary star evolution. They determine the mass, mass ratio and orbital distribution of many important systems, such as X-ray binaries, Type Ia supernovae and merging gravitational wave sources. We use our adiabatic mass-loss model to systematically survey the intermediate-mass stars' thresholds for dynamical-timescale mass transfer. The impact of metallicity on the stellar responses and critical mass ratios is explored. Both tables ($Z=0.001$) and fitting formula ($Z=0.001$ and $Z=0.02$) of critical mass ratios of intermediate-mass stars are provided. An application of our results to intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs) is discussed. We find that the predicted upper limit to mass ratios, as a function of orbital period, is consistent with the observed IMXBs that undergo thermal or nuclear timescale mass transfer. According to the observed peak X-ray luminosity $L_\mathrm{X}$, we predict the range of $L_\mathrm{X}$ for IMXBs as a function of the donor mass and the mass transfer timescale.

  • Evolved cataclysmic variables as progenitors of AM CVn stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We model cataclysmic variables (CVs) with solar metallicity donors ($X=0.7,\:Z=0.02$) that evolve to form AM CVn stars through the Evolved CV formation channel using various angular momentum loss mechanisms by magnetic braking ($\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$). We find that the time-scale for $\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$ in our double-dynamo (DD) model is shorter than that of previously used empirical formulae. Owing to the shorter time-scales, a larger parameter space of initial conditions evolves to form AM CVn stars with the DD model than with other models. We perform an analysis of the expected number of AM CVn stars formed through the Evolved CV channel and find about $3$ times as many AM CVn stars as reported before. We evolve these systems in detail with the Cambridge stellar evolution code (STARS) and show that evolved CVs populate a region with orbital period $P_\mathrm{orb}\geq5.5\,\mathrm{hr}$. We evolve our donors beyond their orbital period minimum and find that a significant number become extremely H-exhausted systems. This makes them indistinguishable from systems evolved from the He-star and the White Dwarf (WD) channels in terms of the absence of H in their spectra. We also compare the masses, mass-transfer rates of the donor, and the orbital period with observations. We find that the state of the donor and the absence of H in systems such as YZ LMi and V396 Hya match with our modelled trajectories, while systems such as CR Boo and HP Lib match with our modelled tracks if their actual donor mass lies on the lower-end of the observed mass range.

  • New insights into the helium star formation channel of AM CVn systems with explanations of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We model helium-rich stars with solar metallicity ($X=0.7,\:Z=0.02$) progenitors that evolve to form AM Canum Venaticorum systems through a helium-star formation channel, with the aim to explain the observed properties of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49. We show that semi-degenerate, H-exhausted ($X\leq 10^{-5}$), He-rich ($Y\approx0.98$) donors can be formed after a common envelope evolution (CEE) phase if either additional sources of energy are used to eject the common envelope, or a different formalism of CEE is implemented. We follow the evolution of such binary systems after the CEE phase using the Cambridge stellar evolution code, when they consist of a He-star and a white dwarf accretor, and report that the mass, radius, and mass-transfer rate of the donor, the orbital period of the system, and the lack of hydrogen in the spectrum of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49 match well with our modelled trajectories wherein, after the CEE phase Roche lobe overflow is governed not only by the angular momentum loss (AML) owing to gravitational wave radiation ($\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$) but also an additional AML owing to $\alpha-\Omega$ dynamos in the donor. This additional AML is modelled with our double-dynamo (DD) model of magnetic braking in the donor star. We explain that this additional AML is just a consequence of extending the DD model from canonical cataclysmic variable donors to evolved donors. We show that none of our modelled trajectories match with Gaia14aae or ZTFJ1637+49 if the systems are modelled only with $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$.

  • Criteria for Dynamical Timescale Mass Transfer of Metal-poor Intermediate-mass Stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The stability criteria of rapid mass transfer and common envelope evolution are fundamental in binary star evolution. They determine the mass, mass ratio and orbital distribution of many important systems, such as X-ray binaries, Type Ia supernovae and merging gravitational wave sources. We use our adiabatic mass-loss model to systematically survey the intermediate-mass stars' thresholds for dynamical-timescale mass transfer. The impact of metallicity on the stellar responses and critical mass ratios is explored. Both tables ($Z=0.001$) and fitting formula ($Z=0.001$ and $Z=0.02$) of critical mass ratios of intermediate-mass stars are provided. An application of our results to intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs) is discussed. We find that the predicted upper limit to mass ratios, as a function of orbital period, is consistent with the observed IMXBs that undergo thermal or nuclear timescale mass transfer. According to the observed peak X-ray luminosity $L_\mathrm{X}$, we predict the range of $L_\mathrm{X}$ for IMXBs as a function of the donor mass and the mass transfer timescale.

  • New insights into the helium star formation channel of AM CVn systems with explanations of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We model helium-rich stars with solar metallicity ($X=0.7,\:Z=0.02$) progenitors that evolve to form AM Canum Venaticorum systems through a helium-star formation channel, with the aim to explain the observed properties of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49. We show that semi-degenerate, H-exhausted ($X\leq 10^{-5}$), He-rich ($Y\approx0.98$) donors can be formed after a common envelope evolution (CEE) phase if either additional sources of energy are used to eject the common envelope, or a different formalism of CEE is implemented. We follow the evolution of such binary systems after the CEE phase using the Cambridge stellar evolution code, when they consist of a He-star and a white dwarf accretor, and report that the mass, radius, and mass-transfer rate of the donor, the orbital period of the system, and the lack of hydrogen in the spectrum of Gaia14aae and ZTFJ1637+49 match well with our modelled trajectories wherein, after the CEE phase Roche lobe overflow is governed not only by the angular momentum loss (AML) owing to gravitational wave radiation ($\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$) but also an additional AML owing to $\alpha-\Omega$ dynamos in the donor. This additional AML is modelled with our double-dynamo (DD) model of magnetic braking in the donor star. We explain that this additional AML is just a consequence of extending the DD model from canonical cataclysmic variable donors to evolved donors. We show that none of our modelled trajectories match with Gaia14aae or ZTFJ1637+49 if the systems are modelled only with $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$.