您选择的条件: Jie Li
  • Entanglement Emerges from Dissipation-Structured Quantum Self-Organization

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-20

    摘要: Entanglement is a holistic property of multipartite quantum systems, which is accompanied by the establishment of nonclassical correlations between subsystems. Most entanglement mechanisms can be described by a coherent interaction Hamiltonian, and entanglement develops over time. In other words, the generation of entanglement has a time arrow. Dissipative structure theory directs the evolving time arrow of a non-equilibrium system. By dissipating energy to the environment, the system establishes order out of randomness. This is also referred to as self-organization. Here, we explore a new mechanism to create entanglement, utilizing the wisdom of dissipative structure theory in quantum systems. The entanglement between subsystems can emerge via the dissipation-structured correlation. This method requires a non-equilibrium initial state and cooperative dissipation, which can be implemented in a variety of waveguide-coupled quantum systems.

  • Earth's carbon deficit caused by early loss through irreversible sublimation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Carbon is an essential element for life but its behavior during Earth's accretion is not well understood. Carbonaceous grains in meteoritic and cometary materials suggest that irreversible sublimation, and not condensation, governs carbon acquisition by terrestrial worlds. Through astronomical observations and modeling we show that the sublimation front of carbon carriers in the solar nebula, or the soot line, moved inward quickly so that carbon-rich ingredients would be available for accretion at 1 au after the first million years. On the other hand, geological constraints firmly establish a severe carbon deficit in Earth, requiring the destruction of inherited carbonaceous organics in the majority of its building blocks. The carbon-poor nature of the Earth thus implies carbon loss in its precursor material through sublimation within the first million years.

  • Spin transfer from dark matter to gas during halo formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In the protogalactic density field, diffuse gas and collision-less cold dark matter (DM) are often assumed sufficiently mixed that both components experience identical tidal torques. However, haloes in cosmological simulations consistently end up with a higher specific angular momentum (sAM) in gas, even in simulations without radiative cooling and galaxy formation physics. We refine this result by analysing the spin distributions of gas and DM in $\sim$50,000 well-resolved haloes in a non-radiative cosmological simulation from the SURFS suite. The sAM of the halo gas on average ends up $\sim$40\% above that of the DM. This can be pinned down to an excess AM in the inner halo ($<$50\% virial radius), paralleled by a more coherent rotation pattern in the gas. We uncover the leading driver for this AM difference through a series of control simulations of a collapsing ellipsoidal top-hat, where gas and DM are initially well mixed. These runs reveal that the pressurised inner gas shells collapse more slowly, causing the DM ellipsoid to spin ahead of the gas ellipsoid. The arising torque generally transfers AM from the DM to the gas. The amount of AM transferred via this mode depends on the initial spin, the initial axes ratios and the collapse factor. These quantities can be combined in a single dimensionless parameter, which robustly predicts the AM transfer of the ellipsoidal collapse. This simplistic model can quantitatively explain the average AM excess of the gas found in the more complex non-radiative cosmological simulation.

  • Three Cases of Optical Periodic Modulation in Active Galactic Nuclei

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the case of optical periodic modulation discovered in two Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and one candidate AGN. Analyzing the archival optical data obtained from large transient surveys, namely the Catalina Real-Transient Survey (CRTS) and the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), we find the periodicities of 2169.7, 2103.1, and 1462.6\,day in the sources J0122+1032, J1007+1248 (or PG~1004+1248), and J2131$-$1127 respectively. The optical spectra of the first two indicate that the first is likely a blazar and the second a type 1 Seyfert galaxy, and while no spectroscopic information is available for the third one, its overall properties suggest that it is likely an AGN. In addition, mid-infrared (MIR) light curve data of the three sources, taken by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), are also analyzed. The light curves show variations, which may possibly be related to the optical periodicities. Based on the widely-discussed super-massive black hole binary (SMBHB) scenario, we discuss the origin of the optical modulation as well as the MIR variations. Two possible interesting features, an additional 162-day short optical periodicity in J2131$-$1127 and the consistency of the X-ray flux variations of J1007+1248 with its optical periodicity, are also discussed within the SMBHB scenario.

  • Squeezing Microwaves by Magnetostriction

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Squeezed light finds many important applications in quantum information science and quantum metrology, and has been produced in a variety of physical systems involving optical nonlinear processes. Here, we show how a nonlinear magnetostrictive interaction in a ferrimagnet in cavity magnomechanics can be used to reduce quantum noise of the electromagnetic field. We show optimal parameter regimes where a substantial and stationary squeezing of the microwave output field can be achieved. The scheme can be realized within the reach of current technology in cavity electromagnonics and magnomechanics. Our work provides a new and practicable approach for producing squeezed vacuum states of electromagnetic fields, and may find promising applications in quantum information processing and quantum metrology.

  • Entangling ferrimagnetic magnons with an atomic ensemble via opto-magnomechanics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We show how to prepare macroscopic entanglement between an atomic ensemble and a large number of magnons in a ferrimagnetic YIG crystal. Specifically, we adopt an opto-magnomechanical configuration where the magnetostriction-induced magnomechanical displacement couples to an optical cavity via radiation pressure, and the latter further couples to an ensemble of two-level atoms that are placed inside the cavity. We show that by properly driving the cavity and magnon modes, optomechanical entanglement is created which is further distributed to the atomic and magnonic systems, yielding stationary entanglement between atoms and magnons. The atom-magnon entanglement is a result of the combined effect of opto- and magnomechanical cooling and optomechanical parametric down-conversion interactions. A competition mechanism between two mechanical cooling channels is revealed. Our results indicate that the hybrid opto-magnomechanical system may become a promising system for preparing macroscopic quantum states involving magnons, photons, phonons and atoms.

  • Ground-state cooling of a massive mechanical oscillator by feedback in cavity magnomechanics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cooling the motion of a massive mechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state plays an essential role in observing macroscopic quantum effects in mechanical systems. Here we propose a measurement-based feedback cooling protocol in cavity magnomechanics that is able to cool the mechanical vibration mode of a macroscopic ferromagnet into its ground state. The mechanical mode couples to a magnon mode via a dispersive magnetostrictive interaction, and the latter further couples to a microwave cavity mode via the magnetic-dipole interaction. A feedback loop is introduced by measuring the amplitude of the microwave cavity output field and applying a force onto the mechanical oscillator that is proportional to the amplitude fluctuation of the output field. We show that by properly designing the feedback gain, the mechanical damping rate can be significantly enhanced while the mechanical frequency remains unaffected. Consequently, the vibration mode can be cooled into its quantum ground state in the unresolved-sideband regime at cryogenic temperatures. The protocol is designed for cavity magnomechanical systems using ferromagnetic materials which possess strong magnetostriction along with large magnon dissipation.

  • Optical sensing of magnons via the magnetoelastic displacement

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We show how to measure a steady-state magnon population in a magnetostatic mode of a ferromagnet or ferrimagnet, such as yttrium iron garnet. We adopt an optomechanical approach and utilize the magnetoelasticity of the ferromagnet. The magnetostrictive force dispersively couples magnons to the deformation displacement of the ferromagnet, which is proportional to the magnon population. By further coupling the mechanical displacement to an optical cavity that is resonantly driven by a weak laser, the magnetostrictively induced displacement can be sensed by measuring the phase quadrature of the optical field. The phase shows an excellent linear dependence on the magnon population for a not very large population, and can thus be used as a `magnometer' to measure the magnon population. We further study the effect of thermal noises, and find a high signal-to-noise ratio even at room temperature. At cryogenic temperatures, the resolution of magnon excitation numbers is essentially limited by the vacuum fluctuations of the phase, which can be significantly improved by using a squeezed light.

  • 6 GHz hyperfast rotation of an optically levitated nanoparticle in vacuum

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report an experimental observation of a record-breaking ultra-high rotation frequency about 6 GHz in an optically levitated nanoparticle system. We optically trap a nanoparticle in the gravity direction with a high numerical aperture (NA) objective lens, which shows significant advantages in compensating the influences of the scattering force and the photophoretic force on the trap, especially at intermediate pressure (about 100 Pa). This allows us to trap a nanoparticle from atmospheric to low pressure ($10^{-3}$ Pa) without using feedback cooling. We measure a highest rotation frequency about 4.3 GHz of the trapped nanoparticle without feedback cooling and a 6 GHz rotation with feedback cooling, which is the fastest mechanical rotation ever reported to date. Our work provides useful guides for efficiently observing hyperfast rotation in the optical levitation system, and may find various applications such as in ultrasensitive torque detection, probing vacuum friction, and testing unconventional decoherence theories.

  • Stationary optomagnonic entanglement and magnon-to-optics quantum state transfer via opto-magnomechanics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We show how to prepare a steady-state entangled state between magnons and optical photons in an opto-magnomechanical configuration, where a mechanical vibration mode couples to a magnon mode in a ferrimagnet by the dispersive magnetostrictive interaction, and to an optical cavity by the radiation pressure. We find that, by appropriately driving the magnon mode and the cavity to simultaneously activate the magnomechanical Stokes and the optomechanical anti-Stokes scattering, a stationary optomagnonic entangled state can be created. We further show that, by activating the magnomechanical state-swap interaction and subsequently sending a weak red-detuned optical pulse to drive the cavity, the magnonic state can be read out in the cavity output field of the pulse via the mechanical transduction. The demonstrated entanglement and state-readout protocols in such a novel opto-magnomechanical configuration allow us to optically control, prepare, and read out quantum states of collective spin excitations in solids, and provide promising opportunities for the study of quantum magnonics, macroscopic quantum states, and magnonic quantum information processing.

  • Microwave-optics Entanglement via Cavity Optomagnomechanics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Microwave-optics entanglement is a vital component for building hybrid quantum networks. Here we show how to prepare stationary entanglement between microwave and optical cavity fields in a cavity optomagnomechanical system. It consists of a magnon mode in a ferrimagnetic crystal that couples directly to a microwave cavity mode via the magnetic dipole interaction, and indirectly to an optical cavity through the deformation displacement of the crystal. The mechanical displacement is induced by the magnetostrictive force and coupled to the optical cavity via radiation pressure. Both the opto- and magnomechanical couplings are dispersive. Magnon-phonon entanglement is created via magnomechanical parametric down-conversion, which is further distributed to optical and microwave photons via simultaneous optomechanical beamsplitter interaction and electromagnonic state-swap interaction, yielding stationary microwave-optics entanglement. The microwave-optics entanglement is robust against thermal noise, which will find broad potential applications in quantum networks and quantum information processing with hybrid quantum systems.

  • Quantum network with magnonic and mechanical nodes

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A quantum network consisting of magnonic and mechanical nodes connected by light is proposed. Recent years have witnessed a significant development in cavity magnonics based on collective spin excitations in ferrimagnetic crystals, such as yttrium iron garnet (YIG). Magnonic systems are considered to be a promising building block for a future quantum network. However, a major limitation of the system is that the coherence time of the magnon excitations is limited by their intrinsic loss (typically in the order of 1 $\mu$s for YIG). Here, we show that by coupling the magnonic system to a mechanical system using optical pulses, an arbitrary magnonic state (either classical or quantum) can be transferred to and stored in a distant long-lived mechanical resonator. The fidelity depends on the pulse parameters and the transmission loss. We further show that the magnonic and mechanical nodes can be prepared in a macroscopic entangled state. These demonstrate the quantum state transfer and entanglement distribution in such a novel quantum network of magnonic and mechanical nodes. Our work shows the possibility to connect two separate fields of optomagnonics and optomechanics, and to build a long-distance quantum network based on magnonic and mechanical systems.

  • Ultra-narrowband terahertz circular dichroism driven by planar metasurface supporting chiral quasi bound states in continuum

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Terahertz (THz) chirality pursues customizable manipulation from narrowband to broadband. While conventional THz chirality is restricted by non-negligible linewidth and unable to handle narrowband well. Recently, the concept "quasi bound states in continuum" (quasi-BIC) is introduced to optics resonance system whose the quality factor can be extremely high with the ultra-low radiative loss, thus providing a conceptual feasibility for wave control with ultra-narrow linewidth. Herein, we construct quasi-BIC in a planar all-silicon THz metasurface with in-plane C2 and mirror symmetries breaking. Such system not only exposes the symmetry-protected BIC, but also exposes the parameter-tuned BIC assigned to single resonance type. An extremely narrow linewidth (below 0.06 GHz) with high quality factor (104 level) is obtained at quasi-BIC frequency, which achieves the ultra-narrowband THz chirality.

  • Remote magnon entanglement between two massive ferrimagnetic spheres via cavity optomagnonics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recent studies show that hybrid quantum systems based on magnonics provide a new and promising platform for generating macroscopic quantum states involving a large number of spins. Here we show how to entangle two magnon modes in two massive yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) spheres using cavity optomagnonics, where magnons couple to high-quality optical whispering gallery modes supported by the YIG sphere. The spheres can be as large as 1 mm in diameter and each sphere contains more than $10^{18}$ spins. The proposal is based on the asymmetry of the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands generated by the magnon-induced Brillouin light scattering in cavity optomagnonics. This allows one to utilize the Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering process, respectively, for generating and verifying the entanglement. Our work indicates that cavity optomagnonics could be a promising system for preparing macroscopic quantum states.