您选择的条件: Chengqun Yang
  • Constructing the Milky Way Stellar Halo in the Galactic Center by Direct Orbit Integration

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The halo stars on highly radial orbits should inevitably pass the center regions of the Milky Way. Under the assumption that the stellar halo is in dynamical equilibrium and axisymmetric, we integrate the orbits of $\sim 10,000$ halo K-giants at $5\leq r \leq 50$ kpc cross-matched from LAMOST DR5 and $Gaia$ DR3. By carefully considering the selection function, we construct the stellar halo distribution at the entire regions of $r \leq 50$ kpc. We find that a double-broken power-law function well describes the stellar halo density distribution with shallower slopes in the inner regions and the two breaks at $r=10$ kpc and $r=25$ kpc, respectively. The stellar halo becomes flatter from outer to inner regions but has $q\sim 0.5$ at $r \lesssim 5$ kpc. The stellar halo becomes isotropic with a slight prograde rotation in the inner 5 kpc, and reaches velocity dispersions of $\sim 250\rm \ km\ s^{-1}$. We get a weak negative metallicity gradient of $-0.005$ dex kpc$^{-1}$ at $5\leq r \leq 50$ kpc, while there is an excess of relative metal-rich stars with [Fe/H]$>-1$ in the inner 10 kpc. The halo interlopers at $r \leq 5$ kpc from integration of our sample has a mass of $\sim1.2 \times 10^8\ M_{\odot}$ ($\sim 4.7 \times 10^7\ M_{\odot}$ at [Fe/H]$<-1.5$), which can explain 50-100% of the metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]$<-1.5$ directly observed in the Galactic central regions.

  • Contribution of Gaia Sausage to the Galactic Stellar Halo Revealed by K Giants and Blue Horizontal Branch Stars from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and Gaia

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We explore the contribution of the Gaia-Sausage to the stellar halo of the Milky Way by making use of a Gaussian Mixture model (GMM) and applying it to halo star samples of LAMOST K giants, SEGUE K giants, and SDSS blue horizontal branch stars. The GMM divides the stellar halo into two parts, of which one represents a more metal-rich and highly radially biased component associated with an ancient, head-on collision referred to as the Gaia-Sausage, and the other one is a more metal-poor and isotropic halo. A symmetric bimodal Gaussian is used to describe the distribution of spherical velocity of the Gaia-Sausage, and we find that the mean absolute radial velocity of the two lobes decreases with Galactocentric radius. We find that the Gaia-Sausage contributes about $41\%-74\%$ of the inner (Galactocentric radius $r_\mathrm{gc} < 30$ kpc) stellar halo. The fraction of stars of the Gaia-Sausage starts to decline beyond $r_\mathrm{gc} \sim$ $25-30$ kpc, and the outer halo is found to be significantly less influenced by the Gaia-Sausage than the inner halo. After the removal of halo substructures found by integrals of motion, the contribution of the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage falls slightly within $r_\mathrm{gc} \sim$ 25 kpc, but is still as high as $30\%-63\%$. Finally, we select several possible Sausage-related substructures consisting of stars on highly eccentric orbits. The GMM/Sausage component agrees well with the selected substructure stars in their chemodynamical properties, which increases our confidence in the reliability of the GMM fits.

  • Vertical structure of Galactic disk kinematics from LAMOST K giants

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We examine the vertical structure of Galactic disk kinematics over a Galactocentric radial distance range of $R=5-15$ $\rm{kpc}$ and up to $3$ $\rm{kpc}$ away from the Galactic plane, using the K-type giants surveyed by LAMOST. Based on robust measurements of three-dimensional velocity moments, a wobbly disk is detected in a phenomenological sense. An outflow dominates the radial motion of the inner disk, while in the outer disk there exist alternate outward and inward flows. The vertical bulk velocities is a combination of breathing and bending modes. A contraction-like breathing mode with amplitudes increasing with the distance to the plane and an upward bending mode dominate the vertical motion outside $R_0$, and there are reversed breathing mode and bending mode at $R展开 -->

  • Influence of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus on the density shape of the Galactic stellar halo revealed by halo K giants from the LAMOST survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a study of the influence of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE) on the density shape of the Galactic stellar halo using 11624 K giants from the LAMOST survey. Every star is assigned a probability of being a member of the GSE based on its spherical velocities and metallicity by a Gaussian Mixture Model. We divide the stellar halo into two parts by the obtained probabilities, of which one is composed of the GSE members and defined as the GSE-related halo, and the other one is referred to as the GSE-removed halo. Using a non-parametric method, the radial number density profiles of the two stellar halos can be well described by a single power law with a variable flattening $q$ ($r = \sqrt{R^2+[(Z/q(r))]^2}, \nu = {\nu_0}r^{-\alpha}$). The index $\alpha$ is $4.92\pm0.12$ for the GSE-related halo and $4.25\pm0.14$ for the GSE-removed halo. Both the two stellar halos are vertically flattened at smaller radii but become more spherical at larger radii. We find that the GSE-related halo is less vertically flattened than the GSE-removed halo, and the difference of $q$ between the two stellar halos ranges from 0.07 to 0.15. However, after the consideration of the bias, it is thought to be within 0.08 at most of the radii. Finally, we compare our results with two Milky Way analogues which experience a significant major merger in the TNG50 simulation. The study of the two analogues also shows that the major merger-related stellar halo has a smaller ellipticity than the major merger-removed stellar halo.

  • Constructing the Milky Way Stellar Halo in the Galactic Center by Direct Orbit Integration

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The halo stars on highly radial orbits should inevitably pass the center regions of the Milky Way. Under the assumption that the stellar halo is in dynamical equilibrium and axisymmetric, we integrate the orbits of $\sim 10,000$ halo K-giants at $5\leq r \leq 50$ kpc cross-matched from LAMOST DR5 and $Gaia$ DR3. By carefully considering the selection function, we construct the stellar halo distribution at the entire regions of $r \leq 50$ kpc. We find that a double-broken power-law function well describes the stellar halo density distribution with shallower slopes in the inner regions and the two breaks at $r=10$ kpc and $r=25$ kpc, respectively. The stellar halo becomes flatter from outer to inner regions but has $q\sim 0.5$ at $r \lesssim 5$ kpc. The stellar halo becomes isotropic with a slight prograde rotation in the inner 5 kpc, and reaches velocity dispersions of $\sim 250\rm \ km\ s^{-1}$. We get a weak negative metallicity gradient of $-0.005$ dex kpc$^{-1}$ at $5\leq r \leq 50$ kpc, while there is an excess of relative metal-rich stars with [Fe/H]$>-1$ in the inner 10 kpc. The halo interlopers at $r \leq 5$ kpc from integration of our sample has a mass of $\sim1.2 \times 10^8\ M_{\odot}$ ($\sim 4.7 \times 10^7\ M_{\odot}$ at [Fe/H]$<-1.5$), which can explain 50-100% of the metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]$<-1.5$ directly observed in the Galactic central regions.

  • The old moving groups in the field of Taurus

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this work, we present a systematic search for stellar groups in the Taurus field by applying DBSCAN algorithm to the data from Gaia DR2. We find 22 groups, consisting of 8 young groups (Groups 1-8) at ages of 2-4Myr and distances of ~130-170pc, 14 old groups (Groups 9-22) at ages of 8-49Myr and distances of ~110-210pc. We characterize the disk properties of group members and find 19 new disk-bearing stars, 8 of which are in the young groups and 11 others belong to the comparatively old groups at ages of 8-11 Myr. We characterize the accretion properties of the group members with H$\alpha$ emission line in their LAMOST spectra, and discover one source in Group 10 at an age of 10 Myr which still shows accretion activity. We investigate the kinematic relations among the old groups, and find that Group 9 is kinematically related to the known Taurus members and exclude any kinematic relations between Groups 10-22 and the known Taurus members.