您选择的条件: Yi Zheng
  • Measuring cosmic filament spin with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The spin of intergalactic filaments has been predicted from simulations, and supported by tentative evidence from redshift-space filament shapes in a galaxy redshift survey: generally, a filament is redshifted on one side of its axis, and blueshifted on the other. Here, we investigate whether filament spins could have a measurable kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) signal, from CMB photons being scattered by moving ionised gas; this pure velocity information is complementary to filament redshift-space shapes. We propose to measure the kSZ dipole by combining galaxy redshift surveys with CMB experiments. We base our S/N analyses first on an existing filament catalogue, and its combination with Planck data. We then investigate the detectability of the kSZ dipole using the combination of DESI or SKA-2 with next-stage CMB experiments. We find that the gas halos of filament galaxies co-rotating with filaments induce a stronger kSZ dipole signal than that from the diffuse filamentary gas, but both signals seem too small to be detected in near-term surveys such as DESI+future CMB experiments. But the combination of SKA-2 with future CMB experiments could give a more than 10$\sigma$ detection. The gain comes mainly from an increased area overlap and an increased number of filaments, but also the low noise and high resolution in future CMB experiments are important to capture signals from filaments small on the sky. Successful detection of the signals may help to find the gravitomagnetic effect in large-scale structure and advance our understanding of baryons in the cosmic web.

  • Cosmological constraints from the density gradient weighted correlation function

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The mark weighted correlation function (MCF) $W(s,\mu)$ is a computationally efficient statistical measure which can probe clustering information beyond that of the conventional 2-point statistics. In this work, we extend the traditional mark weighted statistics by using powers of the density field gradient $|\nabla \rho/\rho|^\alpha$ as the weight, and use the angular dependence of the scale-averaged MCFs to constrain cosmological parameters. The analysis shows that the gradient based weighting scheme is statistically more powerful than the density based weighting scheme, while combining the two schemes together is more powerful than separately using either of them. Utilising the density weighted or the gradient weighted MCFs with $\alpha=0.5,1$, we can strengthen the constraint on $\Omega_m$ by factors of 2 or 4, respectively, compared with the standard 2-point correlation function, while simultaneously using the MCFs of the two weighting schemes together can be $1.25$ times more statistically powerful than using the gradient weighting scheme alone. The mark weighted statistics may play an important role in cosmological analysis of future large-scale surveys. Many issues, including the possibility of using other types of weights, the influence of the bias on this statistics, as well as the usage of MCFs in the tomographic Alcock-Paczynski method, are worth further investigations.

  • Breaking $\tau_{\rm T}-f$ degeneracy spontaneously in redshift space

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The 'optical depth-linear growth rate' ($\tau_{\rm T}-f$) degeneracy is a long-standing problem in the kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich (kSZ) cosmology. It can be spontaneously broken in redshift space, where the velocity field leaves its own distinct imprint on the galaxies' redshift space positions and provides valuable information of the linear growth rate. We validate this idea with the Fisher matrix and Monte Carlo Markov Chain techniques in this work, finding that the level of this degeneracy breaking is further enhanced on non-linear scales due to the non-linear evolution of the density and velocity fields. This result emphasizes the importance of the redshift space analysis of the kSZ effect and its potential as a powerful cosmological probe, especially on non-linear scales. As a by-product, we develop a non-linear model of the redshift space density-weighted pairwise kSZ power spectrum. The fitted $f$ and $\tau_{\rm T}$ values from this model are shown to be accurate within $1-2\sigma$ ranges of the fiducial ones when confronted to the mock galaxies mimicking a DESI+CMB-S4 survey combination, even on small scales of $k\sim 0.5h/{\rm Mpc}$.

  • Measuring cosmic filament spin with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The spin of intergalactic filaments has been predicted from simulations, and supported by tentative evidence from redshift-space filament shapes in a galaxy redshift survey: generally, a filament is redshifted on one side of its axis, and blueshifted on the other. Here, we investigate whether filament spins could have a measurable kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) signal, from CMB photons being scattered by moving ionised gas; this pure velocity information is complementary to filament redshift-space shapes. We propose to measure the kSZ dipole by combining galaxy redshift surveys with CMB experiments. We base our S/N analyses first on an existing filament catalogue, and its combination with Planck data. We then investigate the detectability of the kSZ dipole using the combination of DESI or SKA-2 with next-stage CMB experiments. We find that the gas halos of filament galaxies co-rotating with filaments induce a stronger kSZ dipole signal than that from the diffuse filamentary gas, but both signals seem too small to be detected in near-term surveys such as DESI+future CMB experiments. But the combination of SKA-2 with future CMB experiments could give a more than 10$\sigma$ detection. The gain comes mainly from an increased area overlap and an increased number of filaments, but also the low noise and high resolution in future CMB experiments are important to capture signals from filaments small on the sky. Successful detection of the signals may help to find the gravitomagnetic effect in large-scale structure and advance our understanding of baryons in the cosmic web.

  • Breaking $\tau_{\rm T}-f$ degeneracy spontaneously in redshift space

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The 'optical depth-linear growth rate' ($\tau_{\rm T}-f$) degeneracy is a long-standing problem in the kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich (kSZ) cosmology. It can be spontaneously broken in redshift space, where the velocity field leaves its own distinct imprint on the galaxies' redshift space positions and provides valuable information of the linear growth rate. We validate this idea with the Fisher matrix and Monte Carlo Markov Chain techniques in this work, finding that the level of this degeneracy breaking is further enhanced on non-linear scales due to the non-linear evolution of the density and velocity fields. This result emphasizes the importance of the redshift space analysis of the kSZ effect and its potential as a powerful cosmological probe, especially on non-linear scales. As a by-product, we develop a non-linear model of the redshift space density-weighted pairwise kSZ power spectrum. The fitted $f$ and $\tau_{\rm T}$ values from this model are shown to be accurate within $1-2\sigma$ ranges of the fiducial ones when confronted to the mock galaxies mimicking a DESI+CMB-S4 survey combination, even on small scales of $k\sim 0.5h/{\rm Mpc}$.

  • Sensitivity tests of cosmic velocity fields to massive neutrinos

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate impacts of massive neutrinos on the cosmic velocity fields, employing high-resolution cosmological $N$-body simulations provided by the information-optimized CUBE code, where cosmic neutrinos are evolved using collisionless hydrodynamics and their perturbations can be accurately resolved. In this study we focus, for the first time, on the analysis of massive-neutrino induced suppression effects in various cosmic velocity field components of velocity magnitude, divergence, vorticity and dispersion. By varying the neutrino mass sum $M_\nu$ from 0 -- 0.4 eV, the simulations show that, the power spectra of vorticity -- exclusively sourced by non-linear structure formation that is affected by massive neutrinos significantly -- is very sensitive to the mass sum, which potentially provide novel signatures in detecting massive neutrinos. Furthermore, using the chi-square statistic, we quantitatively test the sensitivity of the density and velocity power spectra to the neutrino mass sum. Indeed, we find that, the vorticity spectrum has the highest sensitivity, and the null hypothesis of massless neutrinos is incompatible with both vorticity and divergence spectra from $M_\nu=0.1$ eV at high significance ($p$-value $= 0.03$ and $0.07$, respectively). These results demonstrate clearly the importance of peculiar velocity field measurements, in particular of vorticity and divergence components, in determination of neutrino mass and mass hierarchy.

  • Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Method with Redshift Errors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The tomographic Alcock-Paczynski (AP) method is a promising method that uses the redshift evolution of the anisotropic clustering in redshift space to calibrate cosmology. It extends the applicable range of AP method to substantially nonlinear scales, yielding very tight cosmological constraints. For future stage-IV slitless spectroscopic surveys, the non-negligible redshift errors might reduce the advantage of the tomographic AP method by suppressing the resolution of the nonlinear structure along the line of sight. The present work studies how redshift errors propagate to cosmological parameters in the tomographic AP analysis. We use a formula $\sigma_z = \sigma(1+z)^{\alpha} $ to model the redshift errors, with $\sigma$ varying from 0.001 to 0.006 and $\alpha$ varying from 0.5 to 1.5. The redshift errors produce a signal of anisotropic clustering that is similar to a strong finger-of-god effect, which smears out both the AP signal and the contamination caused by the redshift space distortions (RSD). For the target precision of the Chinese Space Station Telescope optical survey ($\sigma\lesssim 0.002$), the decrement of constraining power on the dark energy equation of state is mild ($\lesssim 50\%$), and the suppression of RSD contamination leads to a smaller bias-to-signal ratio. Our results indicate that the tomographic AP method will remain a useful and complementary tool for analyses of future slitless spectroscopic surveys.

  • Detection of pairwise kSZ effect with DESI galaxy clusters and Planck

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a $5\sigma$ detection of the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect, combining galaxy clusters in DESI imaging surveys and the Planck temperature maps. The detection is facilitated by both improvements in the data and in the analysis method. For the data, we adopt the recently released galaxy group catalog (Y20: \cite{yang2020extended}) with $\sim 10^6$ robustly-identified groups, and construct various galaxy cluster samples for the kSZ measurement. The Y20 catalogue also provides estimation of halo mass, which further improves the kSZ measurement by $\sim 10\%$. For the analysis method, we derive an optimal estimator of pairwise kSZ through the maximum likelihood analysis. It also handles potential systematic errors self-consistently. The baseline cluster sample, containing the $1.2\times 10^5$ richest galaxy clusters of typical mass ~$ 10^{14} M_{\odot}/h$ at typical redshift $0.2$-$0.5$, rules out the null hypothesis at $5\sigma$. When fitting with a pairwise kSZ template from simulations, the signal is detected at $4.7\sigma$ and the average optical depth is constrained as $\bar{\tau}_e=(1.66\pm 0.35)\times 10^{-4}$. We perform various internal checks, with different cluster selection criteria, different sky coverage and redshift range, different CMB maps, different filter sizes, different treatments of potential systematics and the covariance matrix. The kSZ effect is consistently detected with $2.5\leq $S/N$\leq 5.6$ and acceptable $\chi^2_{\rm min}$, across a variety of cluster samples. The S/N is limited by both the Planck resolution and the photo-z accuracy, and therefore can be significant improved with DESI spectroscopic redshift information and with other CMB experiments.

  • Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Method with Redshift Errors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The tomographic Alcock-Paczynski (AP) method is a promising method that uses the redshift evolution of the anisotropic clustering in redshift space to calibrate cosmology. It extends the applicable range of AP method to substantially nonlinear scales, yielding very tight cosmological constraints. For future stage-IV slitless spectroscopic surveys, the non-negligible redshift errors might reduce the advantage of the tomographic AP method by suppressing the resolution of the nonlinear structure along the line of sight. The present work studies how redshift errors propagate to cosmological parameters in the tomographic AP analysis. We use a formula $\sigma_z = \sigma(1+z)^{\alpha} $ to model the redshift errors, with $\sigma$ varying from 0.001 to 0.006 and $\alpha$ varying from 0.5 to 1.5. The redshift errors produce a signal of anisotropic clustering that is similar to a strong finger-of-god effect, which smears out both the AP signal and the contamination caused by the redshift space distortions (RSD). For the target precision of the Chinese Space Station Telescope optical survey ($\sigma\lesssim 0.002$), the decrement of constraining power on the dark energy equation of state is mild ($\lesssim 50\%$), and the suppression of RSD contamination leads to a smaller bias-to-signal ratio. Our results indicate that the tomographic AP method will remain a useful and complementary tool for analyses of future slitless spectroscopic surveys.