您选择的条件: Jian-Ning Fu
  • The cradle of nonlinear asteroseismology: observations of oscillation mode variability in compact pulsating stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We briefly review progress in developing a pathway to nonlinear astereoseismology, both from theoretical and observational aspects. As predicted by the theory of weak nonlinear interactions between resonant modes, their amplitude and frequency can be modulated according to various kinds of patterns. However, those subtle modulations could hardly be well characterized from ground-based photometric monitoring. The {\sl Kepler} spacecraft offered a new window to find clear-cut evidence of well-determined amplitude and frequency modulations, leading to the first discoveries of such variations in pulsating white dwarf and hot B subdwarf stars. Following that direction, a systematic survey of oscillation mode properties in compact pulsators monitored by {\sl Kepler} suggests that mode variability is likely a common phenomenon, which remain unaccounted for by standard linear non-radial pulsation theory. To reach this conclusion firmly, the survey has now been extended to a larger context including compact stars observed by K2 and TESS. We expect that this extended survey will help to constrain key parameters governing weak nonlinear effects in stellar oscillations.

  • Forecast of observing time delay of the strongly lensed quasars with Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As a completely independent method, the measurement of time delay of strongly lensed quasars (TDSL) are crucial to resolve the Hubble tension. Extensive monitoring is required but so far limited to a small sample of strongly lensed quasars. Together with several partner institutes, Beijing Normal University is constructing a 1.93m reflector telescope at the Muztagh-Ata site in west China, which has the world class observing conditions. The telescope will be equipped with both a three-channel imager/photometer which covers $3500-11000$ Angstrom wavelength band, and a low-medium resolution ($\lambda/\delta\lambda=500/2000/7500$) spectrograph. In this paper, we investigate the capability of Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope in measuring time delays of strongly lensed quasars. We generate mock strongly lensed quasar systems and light curves with microlensing effects based on five known strongly lensed quasars, i.e., RX J1131-1231, HE 0435-1223, PG 1115+080, WFI 2033-4723 and SDSS 1206+4332. In particular, RX J1131-1231 is generated with lens modeling in this work. Due to lack of enough information, we simulate the other 4 systems with the public data without lens modeling. According to simulations, for RX J1131-like systems (wide variation in time delay between images) the TDSL measurement can be achieved with the precision about $\Delta t=0.5$ day with 4 seasons campaign length and 1 day cadence. This accuracy is comparable to the up-coming TDCOSMO project. And it would be better when the campaign length keeps longer and with high cadence. As a result, the capability of Muztagh-Ata 1.93m telescope allows it to join the network of TDSL observatories. It will enrich the database for strongly lensed quasar observations and make more precise measurements of time delays, especially considering the unique coordinate of the site.

  • A Study of Pulsation properties of 57 Non-Blazhko effect ab-type RR Lyrae stars with homogeneous metallicities from the LAMOST-Kepler/K2 survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Homogeneous metallicities and continuous high-precision light curves play key roles in studying the pulsation properties of RR Lyrae stars. By cross-matching with LAMOST DR6, we have determined 7 and 50 Non-Blazhko RRab stars in the Kepler and K2 fields, respectively, who have homogeneous metallicities determined from low-resolution spectra of the LAMOST-Kepler/K2 project. The Fourier Decomposition method is applied to the light curves of these stars provided by the Kepler space based telescope to determine the fundamental pulsation periods and the pulsation parameters. The calculated amplitude ratios of R21, R31 and the phase differences of {\phi}21, {\phi}31 are consistent with the parameters of the RRab stars in both the Globular Clusters and the Large Magellanic Cloud. We find a linear relationship between the phase differences {\phi}21 and {\phi}31, which is in good agreement with the results in previous literature. As far as the amplitude, we find that the amplitude of primary frequency A1 and the total amplitude Atot follow either a cubic or linear relationship. For the rise time RT, we do not find its relevance with the period of the fundamental pulsation mode P1, or Atot and {\phi}21. However, it might follow a linear relationship with R31. Based on the homogeneous metallicities, we have derived a new calibration formula for the relationship of period-{\phi}31-[Fe/H], which agrees well with the previous studies.

  • The Spectroscopic Binaries from LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS). I. Searching for Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries (SB2s) with Convolutional Neural Network

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to distinguish the double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s) from others based on single exposure medium-resolution spectra ($R\sim 7,500$). The training set consists of a large set of mock spectra of single stars and binaries synthesized based on the MIST stellar evolutionary model and ATLAS9 atmospheric model. Our model reaches a novel theoretic false positive rate by adding a proper penalty on the negative sample (e.g., 0.12\% and 0.16\% for the blue/red arm when the penalty parameter $\Lambda=16$). Tests show that the performance is as expected and favors FGK-type Main-sequence binaries with high mass ratio ($q \geq 0.7$) and large radial velocity separation ($\Delta v \geq 50\,\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}$). Although the real false positive rate can not be estimated reliably, validating on eclipsing binaries identified from Kepler light curves indicates that our model predicts low binary probabilities at eclipsing phases (0, 0.5, and 1.0) as expected. The color-magnitude diagram also helps illustrate its feasibility and capability of identifying FGK MS binaries from spectra. We conclude that this model is reasonably reliable and can provide an automatic approach to identify SB2s with period $\lesssim 10$ days. This work yields a catalog of binary probabilities for over 5 million spectra of 1 million sources from the LAMOST medium-resolution survey (MRS), and a catalog of 2198 SB2 candidates whose physical properties will be analyzed in our following-up paper. Data products are made publicly available at the journal as well as our Github website.

  • A triplet of the only pulsation mode detected in the DAV star G132-12

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Hydrogen atmosphere pulsating white dwarfs, also known as DAV stars, are the most abundant type of pulsating white dwarfs. High-temperature DAV stars exhibit in general a small number of pulsation modes and stable frequencies. G132-12 is one of the pulsating hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf stars which lies close to the blue edge of the instability strip. Previous researches reported that G132-12 might have only one pulsation mode with the period of 212.69 s. To study the pulsation properties of G132-12 in detail, we carried out a bi-site observation campaign in October 2019. Time series photometric data were collected during around 154 hours in total. A Fourier Analysis reveals 3 frequencies which are identified as the triplet of a $l = 1$ g-mode pulsation with the period of 212.499 s. The rotational period is derived as $P_{rot} = 35.0\pm6.7$ hours and the inclination of the rotational axis to the line of sight is $70^{\circ}$. G132-12 could be an ideal target for measuring the cooling scale of this white dwarf star with only one excited pulsation mode detected.

  • A Study of Pulsation properties of 57 Non-Blazhko effect ab-type RR Lyrae stars with homogeneous metallicities from the LAMOST-Kepler/K2 survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Homogeneous metallicities and continuous high-precision light curves play key roles in studying the pulsation properties of RR Lyrae stars. By cross-matching with LAMOST DR6, we have determined 7 and 50 Non-Blazhko RRab stars in the Kepler and K2 fields, respectively, who have homogeneous metallicities determined from low-resolution spectra of the LAMOST-Kepler/K2 project. The Fourier Decomposition method is applied to the light curves of these stars provided by the Kepler space based telescope to determine the fundamental pulsation periods and the pulsation parameters. The calculated amplitude ratios of R21, R31 and the phase differences of {\phi}21, {\phi}31 are consistent with the parameters of the RRab stars in both the Globular Clusters and the Large Magellanic Cloud. We find a linear relationship between the phase differences {\phi}21 and {\phi}31, which is in good agreement with the results in previous literature. As far as the amplitude, we find that the amplitude of primary frequency A1 and the total amplitude Atot follow either a cubic or linear relationship. For the rise time RT, we do not find its relevance with the period of the fundamental pulsation mode P1, or Atot and {\phi}21. However, it might follow a linear relationship with R31. Based on the homogeneous metallicities, we have derived a new calibration formula for the relationship of period-{\phi}31-[Fe/H], which agrees well with the previous studies.

  • Self-consistent Stellar Radial Velocities from LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS) DR7

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Radial velocity (RV) is among the most fundamental physical quantities obtainable from stellar spectra and is rather important in the analysis of time-domain phenomena. The LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS) DR7 contains 5 million single-exposure stellar spectra at spectral resolution $R\sim7\,500$. However, the temporal variation of the RV zero-points (RVZPs) of the MRS survey, which makes the RVs from multiple epochs inconsistent, has not been addressed. In this paper, we measure the RVs of the 3.8 million single-exposure spectra (for 0.6 million stars) with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) higher than 5 based on cross-correlation function (CCF) method, and propose a robust method to self-consistently determine the RVZPs exposure-by-exposure for each spectrograph with the help of \textit{Gaia} DR2 RVs. Such RVZPs are estimated for 3.6 million RVs and can reach a mean precision of $\sim 0.38\,\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$. The result of the temporal variation of RVZPs indicates that our algorithm is efficient and necessary before we use the absolute RVs to perform time-domain analysis. Validating the results with APOGEE DR16 shows that our absolute RVs can reach an overall precision of 0.84/0.80 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ in the blue/red arm at $50<\mathrm{SNR}<100$, while 1.26/1.99 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ at $5<\mathrm{SNR}<10$. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard deviations of multiple RVs ($N_\mathrm{obs}\geq 8$) for 678 standard stars reach 0.45/0.54, 1.07/1.39, and 1.45/1.86 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ in the blue/red arm at 50\%, 90\%, and 95\% levels, respectively. The catalogs of the RVs, RVZPs, and selected candidate RV standard stars are available at \url{https://github.com/hypergravity/paperdata}.

  • Double-, triple-line spectroscopic candidates in the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey (LAMOST-MRS) provides an unprecedented opportunity for detecting multi-line spectroscopic systems. Based on the method of Cross-Correlation Function (CCF) and successive derivatives, we search for spectroscopic binaries and triples and derive their radial velocities (RVs) from the LAMOST-MRS spectra. A Monte-Carlo simulation is adopted to estimate the RV uncertainties. After examining over 1.3 million LAMOST DR7 MRS blue arm spectra, we obtain 3,133 spectroscopic binary (SB) and 132 spectroscopic triple (ST) candidates, which account for 1.2% of the LAMOST-MRS stars. Over 95% of the candidates are newly discovered. It is found that all of the ST candidates are on the main sequence, while around 10% of the SB candidates may have one or two components on the red giant branch.

  • Precise Evolutionary Asteroseismology of High-Amplitude {\delta} Scuti Star AE Ursae Majoris

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Stellar structure and evolution theory is one of the basis in modern astronomy. Stellar inner structures and their evolutionary states can be precisely tested by asteroseismology, since the inner information is brought to the stellar surface by the global oscillating waves and becomes observable. For stellar evolutionary speed (i.e. how long time scale does a star stay at a special evolution phase?), because of the insurmountable gap between the time scales of the evolutionary history of human civilization and a star, it can only be roughly tested by ensemble of stars in different evolutionary stages in most cases, and all the snapshots of these stars make up our global view of stellar evolution. The effect of stellar evolution on the structure and the corresponding global size of a pulsating star will lead to tiny period variations of its pulsation modes, which are the most valuable indicators of its evolutionary state and can be used to test the stellar evolution theory by a single star rather than ensemble of stars. Here, we report a High-Amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star AE Ursae Majoris, who locates in the post main-sequence (MS) evolutionary stage and its observed linear period variation rate can be practically ascribed to its evolutionary effect. The result tests the stellar evolution theory from the pre-MS to post-MS with an unprecedented precision by a single star, and the framework can be extended to other type of pulsating stars to perform precise evolutionary asteroseismology, which aims to test the current stellar evolution theory in different evolutionary stages, discover the discrepancies between the theory and observations, and ultimately build a complete and precise stellar evolution theory to backtrack the history of each of these stars.

  • LAMOST Time-Domain Survey: First Results of four $K$2 plates

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: From Oct. 2019 to Apr. 2020, LAMOST performs a time-domain spectroscopic survey of four $K$2 plates with both low- and med-resolution observations. The low-resolution spectroscopic survey gains 282 exposures ($\approx$46.6 hours) over 25 nights, yielding a total of about 767,000 spectra, and the med-resolution survey takes 177 exposures ($\approx$49.1 hours) over 27 nights, collecting about 478,000 spectra. More than 70%/50% of low-resolution/med-resolution spectra have signal-to-noise ratio higher than 10. We determine stellar parameters (e.g., $T_{\rm eff}$, log$g$, [Fe/H]) and radial velocity (RV) with different methods, including LASP, DD-Payne, and SLAM. In general, these parameter estimations from different methods show good agreement, and the stellar parameter values are consistent with those of APOGEE. We use the $Gaia$ DR2 RV data to calculate a median RV zero point (RVZP) for each spectrograph exposure by exposure, and the RVZP-corrected RVs agree well with the APOGEE data. The stellar evolutionary and spectroscopic masses are estimated based on the stellar parameters, multi-band magnitudes, distances and extinction values. Finally, we construct a binary catalog including about 2700 candidates by analyzing their light curves, fitting the RV data, calculating the binarity parameters from med-resolution spectra, and cross-matching the spatially resolved binary catalog from $Gaia$ EDR3. The LAMOST TD survey is expected to get breakthrough in various scientific topics, such as binary system, stellar activity, and stellar pulsation, etc.

  • The cradle of nonlinear asteroseismology: observations of oscillation mode variability in compact pulsating stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We briefly review progress in developing a pathway to nonlinear astereoseismology, both from theoretical and observational aspects. As predicted by the theory of weak nonlinear interactions between resonant modes, their amplitude and frequency can be modulated according to various kinds of patterns. However, those subtle modulations could hardly be well characterized from ground-based photometric monitoring. The {\sl Kepler} spacecraft offered a new window to find clear-cut evidence of well-determined amplitude and frequency modulations, leading to the first discoveries of such variations in pulsating white dwarf and hot B subdwarf stars. Following that direction, a systematic survey of oscillation mode properties in compact pulsators monitored by {\sl Kepler} suggests that mode variability is likely a common phenomenon, which remain unaccounted for by standard linear non-radial pulsation theory. To reach this conclusion firmly, the survey has now been extended to a larger context including compact stars observed by K2 and TESS. We expect that this extended survey will help to constrain key parameters governing weak nonlinear effects in stellar oscillations.

  • ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We propose to develop a wide-field and ultra-high-precision photometric survey mission, temporarily named "Earth 2.0 (ET)". This mission is designed to measure, for the first time, the occurrence rate and the orbital distributions of Earth-sized planets. ET consists of seven 30cm telescopes, to be launched to the Earth-Sun's L2 point. Six of these are transit telescopes with a field of view of 500 square degrees. Staring in the direction that encompasses the original Kepler field for four continuous years, this monitoring will return tens of thousands of transiting planets, including the elusive Earth twins orbiting solar-type stars. The seventh telescope is a 30cm microlensing telescope that will monitor an area of 4 square degrees toward the galactic bulge. This, combined with simultaneous ground-based KMTNet observations, will measure masses for hundreds of long-period and free-floating planets. Together, the transit and the microlensing telescopes will revolutionize our understandings of terrestrial planets across a large swath of orbital distances and free space. In addition, the survey data will also facilitate studies in the fields of asteroseismology, Galactic archeology, time-domain sciences, and black holes in binaries.

  • LTD064402+245919: A Subgiant with a 1-3 M$_{\odot}$ Undetected Companion Identified from LAMOST-TD Data

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Single-line spectroscopic binaries recently contribute to the stellar-mass black hole discovery, independently of the X-ray transient method. We report the identification of a single-line binary system LTD064402+245919, with an orbital period of 14.50 days. The observed component is a subgiant with a mass of 2.77$\pm$0.68M$_{\odot}$, radius 15.5$\pm$2.5R$_{\odot}$, effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}$ 4500$\pm$200K, and surface gravity log\emph{g} 2.5$\pm$0.25dex. The discovery makes use of the LAMOST time-domain (LAMOST-TD) and ZTF survey. Our general-purpose software pipeline applies the Lomb-Scargle periodogram to determine the orbital period and uses machine-learning to classify the variable type from the folded light curves. We apply a combined model to estimate the orbital parameters from both the light and radial velocity curves, taking constraints on the primary star mass, mass function, and detection limit of secondary luminosity into consideration. We obtain a radial velocity semi-amplitude of 44.6$\pm$1.5 km s$^{-1}$, mass ratio of 0.73$\pm$0.07, and an undetected component mass of 2.02$\pm$0.49M$_{\odot}$ when the type of the undetected component is not set. We conclude that the inclination is not well constrained, and that the secondary mass is larger than 1M$_{\odot}$ when the undetected component is modelled as a compact object. According to our investigations using an MCMC simulation, increasing the spectra SNR by a factor of 3 would enable the secondary light to be distinguished (if present). The algorithm and software in this work are able to serve as general-purpose tools for the identification of compact objects quiescent in X-rays.

  • KIC 10417986: Spectroscopic confirmation of the nature of the binary system with a {\delta} Scuti component

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: KIC 10417986 is a short orbital period (0.0737 d) ellipsoidal variable star with a {\delta} Scuti and {\gamma} Doradus hybrid pulsations component discovered by Kepler. The ground-based spectroscopic observations were carried out in the winters of 2020 and 2021 to investigate the binary nature of this star. We derive the orbital parameters using the rvfit code with a result of K1 = 29.7 $\pm$ 1.5 km/s, {\gamma} = -18.7 $\pm$ 1.7 km/s, and confirm an orbital period of 0.84495 d instead of the result given by Kepler. The atmospheric parameters of the primary are determined by the synthetic spectra fitting technique with the estimated values of Teff = 7411 $\pm$ 187 K, log g = 4.2 $\pm$ 0.3 dex, [M/H] = 0.08 $\pm$ 0.09 dex and vsini = 52 $\pm$ 11 km/s. KIC 10417986 is a circular orbit binary system. From the single-lined nature and mass function of the star, the derived orbital inclination is 26 $\pm$ 6{\deg}, and the mass of the secondary is from 0.43 to 0.7 M_sun, which should be a late-K to early-M type star. Fourteen frequencies are extracted from Kepler light curves, of which six independent frequencies in the high-frequency region are identified as the p-mode pulsations of {\delta} Scuti star, and one independent frequency in the low-frequency region (f2 = 1.3033 c/d) is probably the rotational frequency due to the starspots rather than the ellipsoidal effect or g-mode of {\gamma} Doradus.

  • K2 photometry on oscillation mode variability: the new pulsating hot B subdwarf star EPIC 220422705

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an analysis of oscillation mode variability in the hot B subdwarf star EPIC~220422705, a new pulsator discovered from $\sim78$~days of {\em K}2 photometry. The high-quality light curves provide a detection of 66 significant independent frequencies, from which we identified 9 incomplete potential triplets and 3 quintuplets. Those {\sl g-} and {\sl p-}multiplets give rotation periods of $\sim$ 36 and 29 days in the core and at the surface, respectively, potentially suggesting a slightly differential rotation. We derived a period spacing of 268.5\,s and 159.4\,s for the sequence of dipole and quadruple modes, respectively. We characterized the precise patterns of amplitude and frequency modulations (AM and FM) of 22 frequencies with high enough amplitude for our science. Many of them exhibit intrinsic and periodic patterns of AM and FM, with periods on a timescale of months as derived by the best fitting and \texttt{MCMC} test. The nonlinear resonant mode interactions could be a natural interpretation for such AMs and FMs after other mechanisms are ruled out. Our results are the first step to build a bridge between mode variability from {\em K}2 photometry and nonlinear perturbation theory of stellar oscillation.