您选择的条件: Hong-Ming Zhu
  • Galaxy Spin Classification I: Z-wise vs S-wise Spirals With Chirality Equivariant Residual Network

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The angular momentum of galaxies (galaxy spin) contains rich information about the initial condition of the Universe, yet it is challenging to efficiently measure the spin direction for the tremendous amount of galaxies that are being mapped by the ongoing and forthcoming cosmological surveys. We present a machine learning based classifier for the Z-wise vs S-wise spirals, which can help to break the degeneracy in the galaxy spin direction measurement. The proposed Chirality Equivariant Residual Network (CE-ResNet) is manifestly equivariant under a reflection of the input image, which guarantees that there is no inherent asymmetry between the Z-wise and S-wise probability estimators. We train the model with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images, with the training labels given by the Galaxy Zoo 1 (GZ1) project. A combination of data augmentation tricks are used during the training, making the model more robust to be applied to other surveys. We find a $\sim\!30\%$ increase of both types of spirals when Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) images are used for classification, due to the better imaging quality of DESI. We verify that the $\sim\!7\sigma$ difference between the numbers of Z-wise and S-wise spirals is due to human bias, since the discrepancy drops to $<\!1.8\sigma$ with our CE-ResNet classification results. We discuss the potential systematics that are relevant to the future cosmological applications.

  • Cosmic Tidal Reconstruction with Halo Fields

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The gravitational coupling between large-scale perturbations and small-scale perturbations leads to anisotropic distortions of the small-scale matter distribution. The measured local small-scale power spectrum can thus be used to infer the large-scale matter distribution. In this paper, we present a new tidal reconstruction algorithm for reconstructing large-scale modes using the full three-dimensional tidal shear information. We apply it to simulated dark matter halo fields and the reconstructed large-scale density field correlates well with the original matter density field on large scales, improving upon the previous tidal reconstruction method which only uses two transverse shear fields. This has profound implications for recovering lost 21~cm radial modes due to foreground subtraction and constraining primordial non-Gaussianity using the multi-tracer method with future cosmological surveys.

  • Galaxy Spin Classification I: Z-wise vs S-wise Spirals With Chirality Equivariant Residual Network

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The angular momentum of galaxies (galaxy spin) contains rich information about the initial condition of the Universe, yet it is challenging to efficiently measure the spin direction for the tremendous amount of galaxies that are being mapped by the ongoing and forthcoming cosmological surveys. We present a machine learning based classifier for the Z-wise vs S-wise spirals, which can help to break the degeneracy in the galaxy spin direction measurement. The proposed Chirality Equivariant Residual Network (CE-ResNet) is manifestly equivariant under a reflection of the input image, which guarantees that there is no inherent asymmetry between the Z-wise and S-wise probability estimators. We train the model with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images, with the training labels given by the Galaxy Zoo 1 (GZ1) project. A combination of data augmentation tricks are used during the training, making the model more robust to be applied to other surveys. We find a $\sim\!30\%$ increase of both types of spirals when Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) images are used for classification, due to the better imaging quality of DESI. We verify that the $\sim\!7\sigma$ difference between the numbers of Z-wise and S-wise spirals is due to human bias, since the discrepancy drops to $<\!1.8\sigma$ with our CE-ResNet classification results. We discuss the potential systematics that are relevant to the future cosmological applications.

  • Extracting high-order cosmological information in galaxy surveys with power spectra

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The ``reconstruction" method was proposed more than a decade ago to boost the signal of baryonic acoustic oscillations measured in galaxy redshift surveys, which is one of key probes for dark energy. After moving the observed overdensities in galaxy surveys back to their initial position, the reconstructed density field is closer to a linear Gaussian field, with higher-order information moved back into the power spectrum. We find that by jointly analysing power spectra measured from the pre- and post-reconstructed galaxy samples, higher-order information beyond the 2-point power spectrum can be efficiently extracted, which generally yields an information gain upon the analysis using the pre- or post-reconstructed galaxy sample alone. This opens a new window to easily use higher-order information when constraining cosmological models.

  • Cosmic tidal reconstruction in redshift space

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The gravitational coupling between large- and small-scale density perturbations leads to anisotropic distortions to the local small-scale matter fluctuations. Such local anisotropic distortions can be used to reconstruct the large-scale matter distribution, known as tidal reconstruction. In this paper, we apply the tidal reconstruction methods to simulated galaxies in redshift space. We find that redshift-space distortions lead to anisotropic reconstruction results. While the reconstructed radial modes are more noisy mainly due to the small-scale velocity dispersion, the transverse modes are still reconstructed with high fidelity, well correlated with the original large-scale density modes. The bias of the reconstructed field at large scales shows a simple angular dependence which can be described by a form similar to the linear redshift-space distortion. The noise power spectrum is nearly isotropic and scale-independent on large scales. This makes the reconstructed tides field an ideal tracer for cosmic variance cancellation and multi-tracer analysis and has profound implications for future 21~cm intensity mapping surveys.

  • Nonlinear reconstruction of features in the primordial power spectrum from large-scale structure

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Potential features in the primordial power spectrum have been searched for in galaxy surveys in recent years since these features can assist in understanding the nature of inflation. The null detection to date suggests that any such features should be fairly weak, and next-generation galaxy surveys, with their unprecedented sizes and precisions, are in a position to place stronger constraints than before. However, even if such primordial features once existed in the early Universe, they would have been significantly damped in the nonlinear regime at low redshift due to structure formation, which makes them difficult to be directly detected in real observations. A potential way to tackle this challenge for probing the features is to undo the cosmological evolution, i.e., using reconstruction to obtain an approximate linear density field. By employing a set of N-body simulations, here we show that a recently-proposed nonlinear reconstruction algorithm can effectively retrieve damped oscillatory features from halo catalogues and improve the accuracy of the measurement of feature parameters (assuming that such primordial features do exist). We do a Fisher analysis to forecast how nonlinear reconstruction affects the constraining power, and find that it can lead to significantly more robust constraints on the feature amplitude for a DESI-like survey. Comparing nonlinear reconstruction with other ways of improving constraints, such as increasing the survey volume and range of scales, this shows that it is possible to achieve what the latter do, but at a lower cost.