您选择的条件: Chaowei Jiang
  • The Mechanism of Magnetic Flux Rope Rotation During Solar Eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar eruptions often show the rotation of filaments, which is a manifestation of the rotation of erupting magnetic flux rope (MFR). Such a rotation of MFR can be induced by either the torque exerted by a background shear-field component (which is an external cause) or the relaxation of the magnetic twist of the MFR (an internal cause). For a given chirality of the erupting field, both the external and internal drivers cause the same rotation direction. Therefore, it remains elusive from direct observations which mechanism yields the dominant contribution to the rotation. In this paper, we exploit a full MHD simulation of solar eruption by tether-cutting magnetic reconnection to study the mechanism of MFR rotation. In the simulation, the MFR's height-rotation profile suggests that the force by the external shear-field component is a dominant contributor to the rotation. Furthermore, the torque analysis confirms that it is also the only factor in driving the counterclockwise rotation. On the contrary, the Lorentz torque inside the MFR makes a negative effect on this counterclockwise rotation.

  • A fundamental mechanism of solar eruption initiation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar eruptions are spectacular magnetic explosions in the Sun's corona, and how they are initiated remains unclear. Prevailing theories often rely on special magnetic topologies that may not generally exist in the pre-eruption source region of corona. Here, using fully three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations with high accuracy, we show that solar eruptions can be initiated in a single bipolar configuration with no additional special topology. Through photospheric shearing motion alone, an electric current sheet forms in the highly sheared core field of the magnetic arcade during its quasi-static evolution. Once magnetic reconnection sets in, the whole arcade is expelled impulsively, forming a fast-expanding twisted flux rope with a highly turbulent reconnecting region underneath. The simplicity and efficacy of this scenario argue strongly for its fundamental importance in the initiation of solar eruptions.

  • Light Bridges Can Suppress the Formation of Coronal Loops

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A light bridge is a magnetic intrusion into a sunspot, it interacts with the main magnetic field and excites a variety of dynamical processes. In the letter, we studied magnetic connectivity between a light bridge and coronal loops rooted at the sunspot. We used the data of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to study the features of sunspots with light bridges. It is found that if a light bridge anchors at the umbra-penumbra boundary, the coronal loops could not be formed around the anchoring point. If the a light bridge become detached from the penumbra, the coronal loop starts to form again. The vector magnetogram provided by the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager onboard SDO shows that the anchoring region of a light bridge usually have an accompanying opposite minor-polarities. We conjugate that the magnetic field line could connect to these opposite polarities and form short-range magnetic loops, and therefore, coronal loops that extend to long-range could not be formed. A model of light bridge is proposed to explain the magnetic connectivity between a light bridge and the coronal loops. This model could explain many physical processes associated with light bridges.

  • Quantification of the Writhe Number Evolution of Solar Filament Axes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar filament eruptions often show complex and dramatic geometric deformation that is highly relevant to the underlying physical mechanism triggering the eruptions. It has been well known that the writhe of filament axes is a key parameter characterizing its global geometric deformation, but a quantitative investigation of the development of writhe during its eruption is still lacking. Here we introduce the Writhe Application Toolkit (WAT) which can be used to characterize accurately the topology of filament axes. This characterization is achieved based on the reconstruction and writhe number computation of three-dimensional paths of the filament axes from dual-perspective observations. We apply this toolkit to four dextral filaments located in the northern hemisphere with a counterclockwise (CCW) rotation during their eruptions. Initially, all these filaments possess a small writhe number (=<0.20) indicating a weak helical deformation of the axes. As the CCW rotation kicks in, their writhe numbers begin to decrease and reach large negative values. Combined with the extended C\u{a}lug\u{a}reanu theorem, the absolute value of twist is deduced to decrease during the rotation. Such a quantitative analysis strongly indicates a consequence of the conversion of twist into writhe for the studied events.

  • The Mechanism of Magnetic Flux Rope Rotation During Solar Eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar eruptions often show the rotation of filaments, which is a manifestation of the rotation of erupting magnetic flux rope (MFR). Such a rotation of MFR can be induced by either the torque exerted by a background shear-field component (which is an external cause) or the relaxation of the magnetic twist of the MFR (an internal cause). For a given chirality of the erupting field, both the external and internal drivers cause the same rotation direction. Therefore, it remains elusive from direct observations which mechanism yields the dominant contribution to the rotation. In this paper, we exploit a full MHD simulation of solar eruption by tether-cutting magnetic reconnection to study the mechanism of MFR rotation. In the simulation, the MFR's height-rotation profile suggests that the force by the external shear-field component is a dominant contributor to the rotation. Furthermore, the torque analysis confirms that it is also the only factor in driving the counterclockwise rotation. On the contrary, the Lorentz torque inside the MFR makes a negative effect on this counterclockwise rotation.

  • Numerical Simulation of Solar Magnetic Flux Emergence Using the AMR--CESE--MHD Code

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic flux emergence from the solar interior to the atmosphere is believed to be a key process of formation of solar active regions and driving solar eruptions. Due to the limited capability of observation, the flux emergence process is commonly studied using numerical simulations. In this paper, we developed a numerical model to simulate the emergence of a twisted magnetic flux tube from the convection zone to the corona using the AMR--CESE--MHD code, which is based on the conservation-element solution-element method with adaptive mesh refinement. The result of our simulation agrees with that of many previous ones with similar initial conditions but using different numerical codes. In the early stage, the flux tube rises from the convection zone as driven by the magnetic buoyancy until it reaches close to the photosphere. The emergence is decelerated there and with piling-up of the magnetic flux, the magnetic buoyancy instability is triggered, which allows the magnetic field to partially enter into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, two gradually separated polarity concentration zones appear in the photospheric layer, transporting the magnetic field and energy into the atmosphere through their vortical and shearing motions. Correspondingly, the coronal magnetic field has also been reshaped to a sigmoid configuration containing a thin current layer, which resembles the typical pre-eruptive magnetic configuration of an active region. Such a numerical framework of magnetic flux emergence as established will be applied in future investigations of how solar eruptions are initiated in flux emergence active regions.

  • The Rotation of Magnetic Flux Rope Formed during Solar Eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The eruptions of solar filaments often show rotational motion about their rising direction, but it remains elusive what mechanism governs such rotation and how the rotation is related to the initial morphology of the pre-eruptive filament (and co-spatial sigmoid), filament chirality, and magnetic helicity. The conventional view regarding the rotation as a result of a magnetic flux rope (MFR) under-going the ideal kink instability still has confusion in explaining these relationships. Here we proposed an alternative explanation for the rotation during eruptions, by analyzing a magnetohydrodynamic simulation in which magnetic reconnection initiates an eruption from a sheared arcade configuration and an MFR is formed during eruption through the reconnection. The simulation reproduces a reverse S-shaped MFR with dextral chirality, and the axis of this MFR rotates counterclockwise while rising, which compares favorably with a typical filament eruption observed from dual viewing angles. By calculating the twist and writhe numbers of the modeled MFR during its eruption, we found that accompanied with the rotation, the nonlocal writhe of the MFR's axis decreases while the twist of its surrounding field lines increases, and this is distinct from the kink instability, which converts magnetic twist into writhe of the MFR axis.

  • MHD simulation of Solar Eruption from Active Region 11429 Driven by Photospheric Velocity Field

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Data-driven simulation is becoming an important approach for realistically characterizing the configuration and evolution of solar active regions, revealing the onset mechanism of solar eruption events and hopefully achieving the goal of accurate space weather forecast, which is beyond the scope of any existing theoretical modelling. Here we performed a full 3D MHD simulation using the data-driven approach and followed the whole evolution process from quasi-static phase to eruption successfully for solar active region NOAA 11429. The MHD system was driven at the bottom boundary by photospheric velocity field, which is derived by the DAVE4VM method from the observed vector magnetograms. The simulation shows that a magnetic flux rope was generated by persistent photospheric flow before the flare onset and then triggered to erupt by torus instability. Our simulation demonstrates a high degree of consistency with observations in the pre-eruption magnetic structure, the time scale of quasi-static stage, the pattern of flare ribbons as well as the time evolution of magnetic energy injection and total unsigned magnetic flux. We further found that an eruption can also be initiated in the simulation as driven by only the horizontal components of photospheric flow, but a comparison of the different simulations indicates that the vertical flow at the bottom boundary is necessary in reproducing more realistically these observed features, emphasizing the importance of flux emergence during the development of this AR.

  • Quantification of the Writhe Number Evolution of Solar Filament Axes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar filament eruptions often show complex and dramatic geometric deformation that is highly relevant to the underlying physical mechanism triggering the eruptions. It has been well known that the writhe of filament axes is a key parameter characterizing its global geometric deformation, but a quantitative investigation of the development of writhe during its eruption is still lacking. Here we introduce the Writhe Application Toolkit (WAT) which can be used to characterize accurately the topology of filament axes. This characterization is achieved based on the reconstruction and writhe number computation of three-dimensional paths of the filament axes from dual-perspective observations. We apply this toolkit to four dextral filaments located in the northern hemisphere with a counterclockwise (CCW) rotation during their eruptions. Initially, all these filaments possess a small writhe number (=<0.20) indicating a weak helical deformation of the axes. As the CCW rotation kicks in, their writhe numbers begin to decrease and reach large negative values. Combined with the extended C\u{a}lug\u{a}reanu theorem, the absolute value of twist is deduced to decrease during the rotation. Such a quantitative analysis strongly indicates a consequence of the conversion of twist into writhe for the studied events.

  • A Study of Pre-flare Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields: Magnetic Energy and Helicity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar flares fall into two types with eruptive ones associated with coronal mass ejection (CME) and confined ones without CME. To explore whether there are pre-flare conditions in terms of magnetic energy and helicity that can effectively determine the types of flares, here we analyzed a suite of related parameters of the reconstructed pre-flare coronal magnetic field of major solar flares, either eruptive or confined, from 2011 to 2017 near the solar disk center. The investigated parameters include the extensive-type quantities such as the total magnetic energy $E_T$, the potential energy $E_P$, the free energy $E_F$, the relative helicity $H_R$, and the non-potential helicity $H_J$, as well as the intensive-type indices $E_F/E_P$, $|H_J/H_R|$, $|H_R/\phi^{\prime2}|$ and $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|$, where $\phi^{\prime}$ is half of the total unsigned magnetic flux. We have the following key findings: (1) None of the extensive parameters can effectively distinguish the eruptive and confined potential of the pre-flare coronal fields, though the confined events have averagely larger values; (2) All the intensive parameters have significantly larger average and median values for eruptive flares than the confined events, which indicates that the field for eruptive flares have overall higher degree of non-potentiality and complexity than that of the confined flares; (3) The energy ratio $E_F/E_P$ and the normalized non-potential helicity $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|$, which are strongly correlated with each other, have among the highest capability of distinguishing the fields that possibly produce a major eruptive or confined flare, as over 75\% of all the events are successfully discriminated between eruptive and confined flares by using critical values of $E_F/E_P\ge0.27$ and $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|\ge0.009$.

  • A Study of Pre-flare Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields: Magnetic Energy and Helicity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar flares fall into two types with eruptive ones associated with coronal mass ejection (CME) and confined ones without CME. To explore whether there are pre-flare conditions in terms of magnetic energy and helicity that can effectively determine the types of flares, here we analyzed a suite of related parameters of the reconstructed pre-flare coronal magnetic field of major solar flares, either eruptive or confined, from 2011 to 2017 near the solar disk center. The investigated parameters include the extensive-type quantities such as the total magnetic energy $E_T$, the potential energy $E_P$, the free energy $E_F$, the relative helicity $H_R$, and the non-potential helicity $H_J$, as well as the intensive-type indices $E_F/E_P$, $|H_J/H_R|$, $|H_R/\phi^{\prime2}|$ and $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|$, where $\phi^{\prime}$ is half of the total unsigned magnetic flux. We have the following key findings: (1) None of the extensive parameters can effectively distinguish the eruptive and confined potential of the pre-flare coronal fields, though the confined events have averagely larger values; (2) All the intensive parameters have significantly larger average and median values for eruptive flares than the confined events, which indicates that the field for eruptive flares have overall higher degree of non-potentiality and complexity than that of the confined flares; (3) The energy ratio $E_F/E_P$ and the normalized non-potential helicity $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|$, which are strongly correlated with each other, have among the highest capability of distinguishing the fields that possibly produce a major eruptive or confined flare, as over 75\% of all the events are successfully discriminated between eruptive and confined flares by using critical values of $E_F/E_P\ge0.27$ and $|H_J/\phi^{\prime2}|\ge0.009$.

  • Homologous Coronal Mass Ejections Caused by Recurring Formation and Disruption of Current Sheet within a Sheared Magnetic Arcade

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Sun often produces coronal mass ejections with similar structure repeatedly from the same source region, and how these homologous eruptions are initiated remains an open question. Here, by using a new magnetohydrodynamic simulation, we show that homologous solar eruptions can be efficiently produced by recurring formation and disruption of coronal current sheet as driven by continuously shearing of the same polarity inversion line within a single bipolar configuration. These eruptions are initiated by the same mechanism, in which an internal current sheet forms slowly in a gradually sheared bipolar field and reconnection of the current sheet triggers and drives the eruption. Each of the eruptions does not release all the free energy but with a large amount left in the post-flare arcade below the erupting flux rope. Thus, a new current sheet can be more easily formed by further shearing of the post-flare arcade than by shearing a potential field arcade, and this is favorable for producing the next eruption. Furthermore, it is found that the new eruption is stronger since the newly formed current sheet has a larger current density and a lower height. In addition, our results also indicate the existence of a magnetic energy threshold for a given flux distribution, and eruption occurs once this threshold is approached.

  • Quantitative Characterization of Magnetic Flux Rope Properties for Two Solar Eruption Events

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In order to bridge the gap between heliospheric and solar observations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), one of the key steps is to improve the understanding of their corresponding magnetic structures like the magnetic flux ropes (MFRs). But it remains a challenge to confirm the existence of a coherent MFR before or upon the CME eruption on the Sun and to quantitatively characterize the CME-MFR due to the lack of direct magnetic field measurement in the corona. In this study, we investigate the MFR structures, originating from two active regions (ARs), AR 11719 and AR 12158, and estimate their magnetic properties quantitatively. We perform the nonlinear force-free field extrapolations with preprocessed photospheric vector magnetograms. In addition, remote-sensing observations are employed to find indirect evidence of MFRs on the Sun and to analyze the time evolution of magnetic reconnection flux associated with the flare ribbons during the eruption. A coherent "pre-existing" MFR structure prior to the flare eruption is identified quantitatively for one event from the combined analysis of the extrapolation and observation. Then the characteristics of MFRs for two events on the Sun before and during the eruption, forming the CME-MFR, including the axial magnetic flux, field-line twist, and reconnection flux, are estimated and compared with the corresponding in situ modeling results. We find that the magnetic reconnection associated with the accompanying flares for both events injects significant amount of flux into the erupted CME-MFRs.

  • The role of photospheric converging motion in initiation of solar eruptions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: It is well known that major solar eruptions are often produced by active regions with continual photospheric shearing and converging motions. Here, through high accuracy magnetohydrodynamics simulation, we show how solar eruption is initiated in a single bipolar configuration as driven by first shearing and then converging motions at the bottom surface. Different from many previous simulations, we applied the converging motion without magnetic diffusion, thus it only increases the magnetic gradient across the polarity inversion line but without magnetic flux cancellation. The converging motion at the footpoints of the sheared arcade creates a current sheet in a quasi-static way, and the eruption is triggered by magnetic reconnection of the current sheet, which supports the same scenario as shown in our previous simulation with only shearing motion. With the converging motion, the current sheet is formed at a lower height and has a higher current density than with shearing motion alone, which makes reconnection more effective and eruption stronger. Moreover, the converging motion renders a fast decay rate of the overlying field with height and thus favorable for an eruption. This demonstrate that the converging flow is more efficient to create the current sheet and more favorable for eruption than by solely the shearing flow.

  • MHD simulation of Solar Eruption from Active Region 11429 Driven by Photospheric Velocity Field

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Data-driven simulation is becoming an important approach for realistically characterizing the configuration and evolution of solar active regions, revealing the onset mechanism of solar eruption events and hopefully achieving the goal of accurate space weather forecast, which is beyond the scope of any existing theoretical modelling. Here we performed a full 3D MHD simulation using the data-driven approach and followed the whole evolution process from quasi-static phase to eruption successfully for solar active region NOAA 11429. The MHD system was driven at the bottom boundary by photospheric velocity field, which is derived by the DAVE4VM method from the observed vector magnetograms. The simulation shows that a magnetic flux rope was generated by persistent photospheric flow before the flare onset and then triggered to erupt by torus instability. Our simulation demonstrates a high degree of consistency with observations in the pre-eruption magnetic structure, the time scale of quasi-static stage, the pattern of flare ribbons as well as the time evolution of magnetic energy injection and total unsigned magnetic flux. We further found that an eruption can also be initiated in the simulation as driven by only the horizontal components of photospheric flow, but a comparison of the different simulations indicates that the vertical flow at the bottom boundary is necessary in reproducing more realistically these observed features, emphasizing the importance of flux emergence during the development of this AR.

  • Formation of Magnetic Flux Rope during Solar Eruption. I. Evolution of Toroidal Flux and Reconnection Flux

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) constitute the core structure of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), but hot debates remain on whether the MFR forms before or during solar eruptions. Furthermore, how flare reconnection shapes the erupting MFR is still elusive in three dimensions. Here we studied a new MHD simulation of CME initiation by tether-cutting magnetic reconnection in a single magnetic arcade. The simulation follows the whole life, including the birth and subsequent evolution, of an MFR during eruption. In the early phase, the MFR is partially separated from its ambient field by a magnetic quasi-separatrix layer (QSL) that has a double-J shaped footprint on the bottom surface. With the ongoing of the reconnection, the arms of the two J-shaped footprints continually separate from each other, and the hooks of the J shaped footprints expand and eventually become closed almost at the eruption peak time, and thereafter the MFR is fully separated from the un-reconnected field by the QSL. We further studied the evolution of the toroidal flux in the MFR and compared it with that of the reconnected flux. Our simulation reproduced an evolution pattern of increase-to-decrease of the toroidal flux, which is reported recently in observations of variations in flare ribbons and transient coronal dimming. The increase of toroidal flux is owing to the flare reconnection in the early phase that transforms the sheared arcade to twisted field lines, while its decrease is a result of reconnection between field lines in the interior of the MFR in the later phase.

  • MHD Modeling of Solar Coronal Magnetic Evolution Driven by Photospheric Flow

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: It is well known that magnetic fields dominate the dynamics in the solar corona, and new generation of numerical modelling of the evolution of coronal magnetic fields, as featured with boundary conditions driven directly by observation data, are being developed. This paper describes a new approach of data-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of solar active region (AR) magnetic field evolution, which is for the first time that a data-driven full-MHD model utilizes directly the photospheric velocity field from DAVE4VM. We constructed a well-established MHD equilibrium based on a single vector magnetogram by employing an MHD-relaxation approach with sufficiently small kinetic viscosity, and used this MHD equilibrium as the initial conditions for subsequent data-driven evolution. Then we derived the photospheric surface flows from a time series of observed magentograms based on the DAVE4VM method. The surface flows are finally inputted in time sequence to the bottom boundary of the MHD model to self-consistently update the magnetic field at every time step by solving directly the magnetic induction equation at the bottom boundary. We applied this data-driven model to study the magnetic field evolution of AR 12158 with SDO/HMI vector magnetograms. Our model reproduced a quasi-static stress of the field lines through mainly the rotational flow of the AR's leading sunspot, which makes the core field lines to form a coherent S shape consistent with the sigmoid structure as seen in the SDO/AIA images. The total magnetic energy obtained in the simulation matches closely the accumulated magnetic energy as calculated directly from the original vector magnetogram with the DAVE4VM derived flow field. Such a data-driven model will be used to study how the coronal field, as driven by the slow photospheric motions, reaches a unstable state and runs into eruptions.

  • Numerical Simulation of Solar Magnetic Flux Emergence Using the AMR--CESE--MHD Code

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic flux emergence from the solar interior to the atmosphere is believed to be a key process of formation of solar active regions and driving solar eruptions. Due to the limited capability of observation, the flux emergence process is commonly studied using numerical simulations. In this paper, we developed a numerical model to simulate the emergence of a twisted magnetic flux tube from the convection zone to the corona using the AMR--CESE--MHD code, which is based on the conservation-element solution-element method with adaptive mesh refinement. The result of our simulation agrees with that of many previous ones with similar initial conditions but using different numerical codes. In the early stage, the flux tube rises from the convection zone as driven by the magnetic buoyancy until it reaches close to the photosphere. The emergence is decelerated there and with piling-up of the magnetic flux, the magnetic buoyancy instability is triggered, which allows the magnetic field to partially enter into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, two gradually separated polarity concentration zones appear in the photospheric layer, transporting the magnetic field and energy into the atmosphere through their vortical and shearing motions. Correspondingly, the coronal magnetic field has also been reshaped to a sigmoid configuration containing a thin current layer, which resembles the typical pre-eruptive magnetic configuration of an active region. Such a numerical framework of magnetic flux emergence as established will be applied in future investigations of how solar eruptions are initiated in flux emergence active regions.

  • MHD Simulation of Homologous Eruptions from Solar Active Region 10930 Caused by Sunspot Rotation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The relationship between solar eruption and sunspot rotation has been widely reported, and the underlying mechanism requires to be studied. Here we performed a full 3D MHD simulation of data-constrained approach to study the mechanism of flare eruptions in active region (AR) NOAA 10930, which is characterized by continuous sunspot rotation and homologous eruptions. We reconstructed the potential magnetic field from the magnetogram of Hinode/SOT as the initial condition and drove the MHD system by applying continuous sunspot rotation at the bottom boundary. The key magnetic structure before the major eruptions and the pre-formed current sheet were derived, which is responsible for the complex MHD evolution with multiple stages. The major eruptions were triggered directly by fast reconnection in the pre-formed current sheet above the main polarity inversion line between the two major magnetic polarities of the AR. Furthermore, our simulation shows the homologous eruption successfully. It has reasonable consistence with observations in relative strength, energy release, X-ray and H{\alpha} features and time interval of eruptions. In addition, the rotation angle of the sunspot before the first eruption in the simulation is also close to the observed value. Our simulation offers a scenario different from many previous studies based on ideal instabilities of twisted magnetic flux rope, and shows the importance of sunspot rotation and magnetic reconnection in efficiently producing homologous eruptions by continuous energy injection and impulsive energy release in a recurrent way.

  • Numerical Simulation of a Fundamental Mechanism of Solar Eruption with Different Magnetic Flux Distributions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar eruptions are explosive release of coronal magnetic field energy as manifested in solar flares and coronal mass ejection. Observations have shown that the core of eruption-productive regions are often a sheared magnetic arcade, i.e., a single bipolar configuration, and, particularly, the corresponding magnetic polarities at the photosphere are elongated along a strong-gradient polarity inversion line (PIL). It remains unclear what mechanism triggers the eruption in a single bipolar field and why the one with a strong PIL is eruption-productive. Recently, using high accuracy simulations, we have established a fundamental mechanism of solar eruption initiation that a bipolar field as driven by quasi-static shearing motion at the photosphere can form an internal current sheet, and then fast magnetic reconnection triggers and drives the eruption. Here we investigate the behavior of the fundamental mechanism with different photospheric magnetic flux distributions, i.e., magnetograms, by combining theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. Our study shows that the bipolar fields of different magnetograms, as sheared continually, all exhibit similar evolutions from the slow storage to fast release of magnetic energy in accordance with the fundamental mechanism, which demonstrates the robustness of the mechanism. We further found that the magnetograms with stronger PIL produce larger eruptions, and the key reason is that the sheared bipolar fields with stronger PIL can achieve more non-potentiality, and their internal current sheet can form at a lower height and with a larger current density, by which the reconnection can be more efficient. This also provides a viable trigger mechanism for the observed eruptions in active region with strong PIL.