您选择的条件: Yun Chen
  • Probing modified gravity theories with multiple measurements of high-redshift quasars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we quantify the ability of multiple measurements of high-redshift quasars (QSOs) to constrain several theories of modified gravity, including the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld scenario, generalized Chaplygin gas, $f(T)$ modified gravity, and Modified Polytropic Cardassian model. Recently released sample of 1598 quasars with X-ray and UV flux measurements in the redshift range of $0.036\leq z \leq 5.1003$, as well as a compilation of 120 intermediate-luminosity radio quasars covering the redshift of $0.46 < z < 2.76$ are respectively used as standard probes at higher redshifts. For all considered modified gravity theories, our results show that there is still some possibility that the standard $\Lambda$CDM scenario might not be the best cosmological model preferred by the current quasar observations. In order to improve cosmological constraints, the quasar data are also combined with the latest observations of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), which strongly complement the constraints. Finally, we discuss the support given by the data to modified gravity theories, applying different information theoretic techniques like the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD).

  • Diagnosing the cosmic coincidence problem and its evolution with recent observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In the framework of a phenomenological cosmological model with the assumption of $\rho_{X} \propto \rho_{m} a^{\xi}$ ($\rho_{X}$ and $\rho_{m} $ are the energy densities of dark energy and matter, respectively.), we intend to diagnose the cosmic coincidence problem by using the recent samples of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and cosmic microwave background (CMB). $\xi$ is a key parameter to characterize the severity of the coincidence problem, wherein $\xi=3$ and $0$ correspond to the $\Lambda$CDM scenario and the self-similar solution without the coincidence problem, respectively. The case of $\xi = Constant$ has been investigated in the previous studies, while we further consider the case of $\xi(z) = \xi_{0} + \xi_{z}*\frac{z}{1+z}$ to explore the possible evolution. A joint analysis of the Pantheon SNe Ia sample with the recent BAO and CMB data figures out that $\xi=3.28\pm0.15$ in the case of $\xi = Constant$ at $68\%$ confidence level (CL), in addition, $\xi_{0} = 2.78_{-1.01}^{+0.28}$ and $\xi_{z} = 0.93_{-0.91}^{+1.56}$ in the case of $\xi(z)$ at $68\%$ CL. It implies that the temporal evolution of the scaling parameter $\xi$ is accepted by the joint sample at $68\%$ CL; however, the joint sample also cannot distinguish whether the scaling parameter $\xi$ is variable or not at 95\% CL. Moreover, the $\Lambda$CDM scenario is accepted by the joint sample at $95\%$ CL in both cases, and the coincidence problem still exists. In addition, we apply the Bayesian evidence to compare the models with the analysis of the joint sample, it turns out that the $\Lambda$CDM scenario is most supported by the joint sample; furthermore, the joint sample prefers the scenario with a constant $\xi$ to the one with a variable $\xi(z)$.

  • Investigating the dynamical models of cosmology with recent observations and upcoming gravitational-wave data

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We explore and compare the capabilities of the recent observations of standard cosmological probes and the future observations of gravitational-wave (GW) standard sirens on constraining cosmological parameters. It is carried out in the frameworks of two typical dynamical models of cosmology, i.e., the $\omega_0\omega_a$CDM model with $\omega(z) = \omega_0 +\omega_a*z/(1+z)$, and the $\xi$-index model with $\rho_X\propto\rho_ma^{\xi}$, where $\omega(z)$ is the dark energy equation of state, and $\rho_X$ and $\rho_m$ are the energy densities of dark energy and matter, respectively. In the cosmological analysis, the employed data sets include the recent observations of the standard cosmological probes, i.e., Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and cosmic microwave background (CMB), and also the mock GW standard siren sample with 1000 merging neutron star events anticipated from the third-generation detectors. In the scenarios of both $\omega_0\omega_a$CDM and $\xi$-index models, it turns out that the mock GW sample can reduce the uncertainty of the Hubble constant $H_0$ by about 50\% relative to that from the joint SNe+BAO+CMB sample; nevertheless, the SNe+BAO+CMB sample demonstrates better performance on limiting other parameters. Furthermore, the Bayesian evidence is applied to compare the dynamical models with the $\Lambda$CDM model. The Bayesian evidences computed from the SNe+BAO+CMB sample reveal that the $\Lambda$CDM model is the most supported one; moreover, the $\omega_0\omega_a$CDM model is more competitive than the $\xi$-index model.

  • Direct Estimate of the Post-Newtonian Parameter and Cosmic Curvature from Galaxy-scale Strong Gravitational Lensing

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) has been precisely tested on solar system scales, but extragalactic tests are still poorly performed. In this work, we use a newly compiled sample of galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses to test the validity of GR on kiloparsec scales. In order to solve the circularity problem caused by the preassumption of a specific cosmological model based on GR, we employ the distance sum rule in the Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker metric to directly estimate the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter $\gamma_{\rm PPN}$ and the cosmic curvature $\Omega_k$ by combining observations of strong lensing and Type Ia supernovae. This is the first simultaneous measurement of $\gamma_{\rm PPN}$ and $\Omega_k$ without any assumptions about the contents of the universe or the theory of gravity. Our results show that $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1.11^{+0.11}_{-0.09}$ and $\Omega_{k}=0.48^{+1.09}_{-0.71}$, indicating a strong degeneracy between the two quantities. The measured $\gamma_{\rm PPN}$, which is consistent with the prediction of 1 from GR, provides a precise extragalactic test of GR with a fractional accuracy better than 9.0\%. If a prior of the spatial flatness (i.e., $\Omega_{k}=0$) is adopted, the PPN parameter constraint can be further improved to $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1.07^{+0.07}_{-0.07}$, representing a precision of 6.5\%. On the other hand, in the framework of GR (i.e., $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1$), our results are still marginally compatible with zero curvature ($\Omega_k=-0.12^{+0.48}_{-0.36}$), supporting no significant deviation from a flat universe.

  • Comparing the scalar-field dark energy models with recent observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the general properties of a class of scalar-field dark energy models (i.e., $\phi$CDM models) which behave like cosmological trackers at early times. Particularly, we choose three $\phi$CDM models with typical potentials, i.e., $V(\phi)\propto \phi^{-\alpha}$ (inverse power-law (IPL) model), $V(\phi)\propto \coth^{\alpha}{\phi}$ (L-model) and $V(\phi)\propto \cosh(\alpha\phi)$ (Oscillatory tracker model), where the latter two models are based on the $\alpha$-attractors originated from the study of inflation. These models, which reduce to the $\Lambda$CDM model with $\alpha \to 0$, are studied and compared with the recent observations, including the Pantheon sample of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) measurements extracted from 6dFGS, BOSS and eBOSS, as well as the temperature and polarization anisotropy power spectra data of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) from Planck 2018 results. The observational constraints from the combining sample (SNe Ia + BAO + CMB) indicate that none of the three $\phi$CDM models exclude the $\Lambda$CDM model at $68.3\%$ confidence level. We find that the CMB anisotropy data have obvious advantages in constraining the dark energy models compared with other cosmological probes, which is particularly evident in the L-model. Furthermore, we apply the Bayesian evidence to compare the $\phi$CDM models and the $\Lambda$CDM model with the analysis of the combining sample. The concordance $\Lambda$CDM model is still the most supported one. In addition, among the three $\phi$CDM models, the IPL model is the most competitive one, while the L-model/Oscillatory tacker model is moderately/strongly disfavored.

  • Phase gradient protection of stored spatially multimode perfect optical vortex beams in a diffused rubidium vapor

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We experimentally investigate the optical storage of perfect optical vortex (POV) and spatially multimode perfect optical vortex (MPOV) beams via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a hot vapor cell. In particular, we study the role that phase gradients and phase singularities play in reducing the blurring of the retrieved images due to atomic diffusion. Three kinds of manifestations are enumerated to demonstrate such effect. Firstly, the suppression of the ring width broadening is more prominent for POVs with larger orbital angular momentum (OAM). Secondly, the retrieved double-ring MPOV beams' profiles present regular dark singularity distributions that are related to their vortex charge difference. Thirdly, the storage fidelities of the triple-ring MPOVs are substantially improved by designing line phase singularities between multi-ring MPOVs with the same OAM number but $\pi$ offset phases between adjacent rings. Our experimental demonstration of MPOV storage opens new opportunities for increasing data capacity in quantum memories by spatial multiplexing, as well as the generation and manipulation of complex optical vortex arrays.

  • Generation and characterization of customized perfect Laguerre-Gaussian beams with arbitrary profiles

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We experimentally demonstrate the generation of customized perfect Laguerre-Gaussian (PLG) beams whose intensity maxima localized around any desired curves. The principle is to act appropriate algebraic functions on the angular spectra of PLG beams. We characterize the propagation properties of these beams and compare them with non-diffraction caustic beams possessing the same intensity profiles. The results manifest that the customized-PLG beams can maintain their profiles during propagation and suffer less energy loss than the non-diffraction caustic beams, and hence are able to propagate a longer distance. This new structure beam would have potential applications in areas such as optical communication, soliton routing and steering, optical tweezing and trapping, atom optics, etc.

  • Angular dependency of spatial frequency modulation in diffusion media

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: An optical field will undergo coherent diffusion when it is mapped into thermal-motioned atoms, e.g., in a slow or storage light process. As was demonstrated before, such diffusion effect is equivalent to a spatial low-pass filter attenuating the high spatial frequency (SF) components of the optical field. Here, employing electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) based light storage in hot atomic vapor, we demonstrate that the angular deviation between the control and probe beams could be utilized as a degree of freedom to modulate the SF of the probe beam. The principle is to change the diffusion-induced low-pass filter into a band-pass filter, whose SF response can be tuned by varying the direction and magnitude of the angular deviation. Transverse multimode light fields, such as optical images and Laguerre-Gaussian modes are utilized to study such SF modulation. Our findings could be broadly applied to the fields of quantum information processing, all-optical image manipulation and imaging through diffusive media.