您选择的条件: Yu-Feng Li
  • Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO using local integrated 3-D refined crustal model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Geoneutrinos are a unique tool that brings to the surface information about our planet, in particular, its radiogenic power, insights formation and chemical composition. To date, only the KamLAND and Borexino experiments observed geoneutrino, with the former characterized by low concentration of heat-producing elements in the Earth in contrast to the latter that sets tight upper limits on the power of a georeactor hypothesized. With respect to the results yielded therefrom, a small discrepancy has been identified. On this account, next generation experiments like JUNO are needed if it is to provide definitive results with respect to the Earth's radiogenic power, and to fully exploit geoneutrinos to better understand deep Earth. An accurate a priori prediction of the crustal contribution plays an important role in enabling the translation of a particle physics measurement into geo-scientific questions. The existing GIGJ model of JUNO only focused on constructing a geophysical model of the local crust, without local geochemical data. Another existing JULOC includes both data, but only able to be achieved for the top layer of the upper crust, not in deep vertical. This paper reports on the development of JUNO's first 3-D integrated model, JULOC-I, which combines seismic, gravity, rock sample and thermal flow data with new building method, solved the problem in vertical depth. JULOC-I results show higher than expected geoneutrino signals are mainly attributable to higher U and Th in southern China than that found elsewhere on Earth. Moreover, the high level of accuracy of the JULOC-I model, complemented by 10 years of experimental data, indicates that JUNO has an opportunity to test different mantle models. Predictions by JULOC-I can be tested after JUNO goes online and higher accuracy local crustal model continue to play an important role to improve mantle measurements precision.

  • Detecting and Monitoring Tidal Dissipation of Hot Jupiters in the Era of SiTian

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Transit Timing Variation (TTV) of hot Jupiters provides direct observational evidence of planet tidal dissipation. Detecting tidal dissipation through TTV needs high precision transit timings and long timing baselines. In this work, we predict and discuss the potential scientific contribution of SiTian Survey in detecting and analyzing exoplanet TTV. We develop a tidal dissipation detection pipeline for SiTian Survey that aims at time-domain astronomy with 72 1-meter optical telescopes. The pipeline includes the modules of light curve deblending, transit timing obtaining, and TTV modeling. SiTian is capable to detect more than 25,000 exoplanets among which we expect $\sim$50 sources showing evidence of tidal dissipation. We present detection and analysis of tidal dissipating targets, based on simulated SiTian light curves of XO-3b and WASP-161b. The transit light curve modeling gives consistent results within 1$\sigma$ to input values of simulated light curves. Also, the parameter uncertainties predicted by Monte-Carlo Markov Chain are consistent with the distribution obtained from simulating and modeling the light curve 1000 times. The timing precision of SiTian observations is $\sim$ 0.5 minutes with one transit visit. We show that differences between TTV origins, e.g., tidal dissipation, apsidal precession, multiple planets, would be significant, considering the timing precision and baseline. The detection rate of tidal dissipating hot Jupiters would answer a crucial question of whether the planet migrates at an early formation stage or random stages due to perturbations, e.g., planet scattering, secular interaction. SiTian identified targets would be constructive given that the sample would extend tenfold.

  • Prospects for the detection of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background with the experiments SK-Gd and JUNO

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The advent of gadolinium-loaded Super-Kamiokande (SK-Gd) and of the soon-to-start JUNO liquid scintillator detector marks a substantial improvement in the global sensitivity for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB). The present article reviews the detector properties most relevant for the DSNB searches in both experiments and estimates the expected signal and background levels. Based on these inputs, we evaluate the sensitivity of both experiments individually and combined. Using a simplified statistical approach, we find that both SK-Gd and JUNO have the potential to reach $>$3$\sigma$ evidence of the DSNB signal within 10 years of measurement. The combined results are likely to enable a $5\sigma$ discovery of the DSNB signal within the next decade.

  • Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO using local integrated 3-D refined crustal model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Geoneutrinos are a unique tool that brings to the surface information about our planet, in particular, its radiogenic power, insights formation and chemical composition. To date, only the KamLAND and Borexino experiments observed geoneutrino, with the former characterized by low concentration of heat-producing elements in the Earth in contrast to the latter that sets tight upper limits on the power of a georeactor hypothesized. With respect to the results yielded therefrom, a small discrepancy has been identified. On this account, next generation experiments like JUNO are needed if it is to provide definitive results with respect to the Earth's radiogenic power, and to fully exploit geoneutrinos to better understand deep Earth. An accurate a priori prediction of the crustal contribution plays an important role in enabling the translation of a particle physics measurement into geo-scientific questions. The existing GIGJ model of JUNO only focused on constructing a geophysical model of the local crust, without local geochemical data. Another existing JULOC includes both data, but only able to be achieved for the top layer of the upper crust, not in deep vertical. This paper reports on the development of JUNO's first 3-D integrated model, JULOC-I, which combines seismic, gravity, rock sample and thermal flow data with new building method, solved the problem in vertical depth. JULOC-I results show higher than expected geoneutrino signals are mainly attributable to higher U and Th in southern China than that found elsewhere on Earth. Moreover, the high level of accuracy of the JULOC-I model, complemented by 10 years of experimental data, indicates that JUNO has an opportunity to test different mantle models. Predictions by JULOC-I can be tested after JUNO goes online and higher accuracy local crustal model continue to play an important role to improve mantle measurements precision.

  • Neutrino Oscillation Probabilities in Matter with Direct and Indirect Unitarity Violation in the Lepton Mixing Matrix

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: In the presence of both direct and indirect unitarity violation in the lepton mixing matrix, we derive a complete set of series expansion formulas for neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter of constant density. Expansions in the mass hierarchy parameter α≡Δm221/Δm231 and those unitarity violation parameters s2ij (for i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 4, 5, 6) up to the first order are studied in this paper. We analyse the accuracy of the analytical series expansion formulas in different regions of L / E. A detailed numerical analysis is also performed, of which the different effects of the direct and the indirect unitarity violation are particularly emphasized. We also study in this paper the summed να→νe,ν,τprobabilities, whose deviation from the unity provides a definite signal of the unitarity violation.

  • Electromagnetic neutrinos in laboratory experiments and astrophysics

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: An overview of neutrino electromagnetic properties, which open a door to the new physics beyond the Standard Model, is given. The effects of neutrino electromagnetic interactions both in terrestrial experiments and in astrophysical environments are discussed. The experimental bounds on neutrino electromagnetic characteristics are summarized. Future astrophysical probes of electromagnetic neutrinos are outlined.

  • Detection Prospects of the Cosmic Neutrino Background

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: The existence of the cosmic neutrino background (CnuB) is a fundamental prediction of the standard Big Bang cosmology. Although current cosmological probes provide indirect observational evidence, the direct detection of the CnuB in a laboratory experiment is a great challenge to the present experimental techniques. We discuss the future prospects for the direct detection of the CnuB, with the emphasis on the method of captures on beta-decaying nuclei and the PTOLEMY project. Other possibilities using the electron-capture (EC) decaying nuclei, the annihilation of extremely high-energy cosmic neutrinos (EHEC\nus) at the Z-resonance, and the atomic de-excitation method are also discussed in this review.

  • Getting the Most from Detection of Galactic Supernova Neutrinos in Future Large Liquid-Scintillator Detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-05

    摘要: Future large liquid-scintillator detectors can be implemented to observe neutrinos from a core-collapse supernova (SN) in our galaxy in various reaction channels: (1) The inverse beta decay ν¯¯¯e+p→n+e+; (2) The elastic neutrino-proton scattering ν+p→ν+p; (3) The elastic neutrino-electron scattering ν+e−→ν+e−; (4) The charged-current νe interaction νe+12C→e−+12N; (5) The charged-current ν¯¯¯e interaction ν¯¯¯e+12C→e++12B; (6) The neutral-current interaction ν+12C→ν+12C∗. The less abundant 13C atoms in the liquid scintillator are also considered as a target, and both the charged-current interaction νe+13C→e−+13N and the neutral-current interaction ν+13C→ν+13C∗ are taken into account. In this work, we show for the first time that a global analysis of all these channels at a single {liquid-}scintillator detector, such as Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), is very important to test the average-energy hierarchy of SN neutrinos and how the total energy is partitioned among neutrino flavors. In addition, the dominant channels for reconstructing neutrino spectra and the impact of other channels are discussed in great detail.

  • Terrestrial matter effects on reactor antineutrino oscillations at JUNO or RENO-50: how small is small?

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-02

    摘要: We have carefully examined, in both analytical and numerical ways, how small the terrestrial matter effects can be in a given medium-baseline reactor antineutrino oscillation experiment like JUNO or RENO-50. Taking the ongoing JUNO experiment for example, we show that the inclusion of terrestrial matter effects may reduce the sensitivity of the neutrino mass ordering measurement by \Delta \chi^2_{\rm MO} \simeq 0.6, and a neglect of such effects may shift the best-fit values of the flavor mixing angle \theta_{12} and the neutrino mass-squared difference \Delta_{21} by about 1\sigma to 2\sigma in the future data analysis. In addition, a preliminary estimate indicates that a 2\sigma sensitivity of establishing the terrestrial matter effects can be achieved for about 10 years of data taking at JUNO with the help of a proper near detector implementation.

  • Mass hierarchy sensitivity of medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments with multiple detectors

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-08-30

    摘要: We report the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH) sensitivity of medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments with multiple detectors. Sensitivity of determining the MH can be significantly improved by adding a near detector and combining both the near and far detectors. The size of the sensitivity improvement is related to accuracy of the individual mass-splitting measurements and requires strict control on the relative energy scale uncertainty of the near and far detectors. We study the impact of both baseline and target mass of the near detector on the combined sensitivity. A figure-of-merit is defined to optimize the baseline and target mass of the near detector and the optimal selections are ∼13~km and ∼4~kton respectively for a far detector with the 20~kton target mass and 52.5~km baseline. As typical examples of future medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments, the optimal location and target mass of the near detector are selected for JUNO and RENO-50. Finally, we discuss distinct effects of the neutrino spectrum uncertainty for setups of a single detector and double detectors, which indicate that the spectrum uncertainty can be well constrained in the presence of the near detector.