您选择的条件: Jianan Li
  • Metal-Enriched Neutral Gas Reservoir around a Strongly-lensed, Low-mass Galaxy at $z=4$ Identified by JWST/NIRISS and VLT/MUSE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Direct observations of low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies at $z\gtrsim4$ provide an indispensable opportunity for detailed inspection of the ionization radiation, gas flow, and metal enrichment in sources similar to those that reionized the Universe. Combining the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), VLT/MUSE, and ALMA, we present detailed observations of a strongly lensed, low-mass ($\approx 10^{7.6}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$) galaxy at $z=3.98$ (also see Vanzella et al. 2022). We identify strong narrow nebular emission, including CIV $\lambda\lambda1548,1550$, HeII $\lambda1640$, OIII] $\lambda\lambda1661,1666$, [NeIII] $\lambda3868$, [OII] $\lambda3727$, and Balmer series of Hydrogen from this galaxy, indicating a metal-poor HII region ($\lesssim 0.12\ {\rm Z}_\odot$) powered by massive stars. Further, we detect a metal-enriched damped Ly$\alpha$ system (DLA) associated with the galaxy with the HI column density of $N_{\rm{HI}}\approx 10^{21.8}$ cm$^{-2}$. The metallicity of the associated DLA may reach the super solar metallicity (${\gtrsim Z}_\odot$). Moreover, thanks to JWST and gravitational lensing, we present the resolved UV slope ($\beta$) map at the spatial resolution of $\approx 100$ pc at $z=4$, with steep UV slopes reaching $\beta \approx -2.5$ around three star-forming clumps. Combining with low-redshift analogs, our observations suggest that low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies, which dominate reionization, could be surrounded by a high covering fraction of the metal-enriched, neutral-gaseous clouds. This implies that the metal enrichment of low-mass galaxies is highly efficient, and further support that in low-mass galaxies, only a small fraction of ionizing radiation can escape through the interstellar or circumgalactic channels with low column-density neutral gas.

  • Metal-Enriched Neutral Gas Reservoir around a Strongly-lensed, Low-mass Galaxy at $z=4$ Identified by JWST/NIRISS and VLT/MUSE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Direct observations of low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies at $z\gtrsim4$ provide an indispensable opportunity for detailed inspection of the ionization radiation, gas flow, and metal enrichment in sources similar to those that reionized the Universe. Combining the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), VLT/MUSE, and ALMA, we present detailed observations of a strongly lensed, low-mass ($\approx 10^{7.6}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$) galaxy at $z=3.98$ (also see Vanzella et al. 2022). We identify strong narrow nebular emission, including CIV $\lambda\lambda1548,1550$, HeII $\lambda1640$, OIII] $\lambda\lambda1661,1666$, [NeIII] $\lambda3868$, [OII] $\lambda3727$, and Balmer series of Hydrogen from this galaxy, indicating a metal-poor HII region ($\lesssim 0.12\ {\rm Z}_\odot$) powered by massive stars. Further, we detect a metal-enriched damped Ly$\alpha$ system (DLA) associated with the galaxy with the HI column density of $N_{\rm{HI}}\approx 10^{21.8}$ cm$^{-2}$. The metallicity of the associated DLA may reach the super solar metallicity (${\gtrsim Z}_\odot$). Moreover, thanks to JWST and gravitational lensing, we present the resolved UV slope ($\beta$) map at the spatial resolution of $\approx 100$ pc at $z=4$, with steep UV slopes reaching $\beta \approx -2.5$ around three star-forming clumps. Combining with low-redshift analogs, our observations suggest that low-mass, low-metallicity galaxies, which dominate reionization, could be surrounded by a high covering fraction of the metal-enriched, neutral-gaseous clouds. This implies that the metal enrichment of low-mass galaxies is highly efficient, and further support that in low-mass galaxies, only a small fraction of ionizing radiation can escape through the interstellar or circumgalactic channels with low column-density neutral gas.

  • The Identification of a Dusty Multiarm Spiral Galaxy at $z=3.06$ with JWST and ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Spiral arms serve crucial purposes in star formation and galaxy evolution. In this paper, we report the identification of A2744-DSG-$z3$, a dusty, multiarm spiral galaxy at $z=3.059$ using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) NIRISS imaging and grism spectroscopy. A2744-DSG-$z3$ was discovered as a gravitationally lensed sub-millimeter galaxy with ALMA. This is the most distant stellar spiral structure seen thus far, consistent with cosmological simulations which suggest $z\approx3$ as the epoch when spirals emerge. Thanks to the gravitational lensing and excellent spatial resolution of JWST, the spiral arms are resolved with a spatial resolution of $\approx290$\,pc. Based on SED fitting, the spiral galaxy has a de-lensed star formation rate of $85\pm30 \ M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and a stellar mass of $\approx10^{10.6}M_{\odot}$, indicating that A2744-DSG-$z3$ is a main-sequence galaxy. After fitting the spiral arms, we find a stellar effective radius ($R_{e, \rm{star}}$) of $5.0\pm1.5$ kpc. Combing with ALMA measurements, we find that the effective radii ratio between dust and stars is $\approx0.4$, similar to {those} of massive SFGs at $z\sim2$, indicating a compact dusty core in A2744-DSG-$z3$. Moreover, this galaxy appears to be living in a group environment: including A2744-DSG-$z3$, at least three galaxies at $z=3.05 - 3.06$ {are} spectroscopically confirmed by JWST/NIRISS and ALMA, residing within a lensing-corrected projected scale of $\approx 70$ kpc. This, along with the asymmetric brightness profile, further suggests that the spiral arms may be triggered by minor merger events at $z\gtrsim3$.

  • Massive molecular outflow and 100 kpc extended cold halo gas in the enormous Ly$\alpha$ nebula of QSO 1228+3128

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The link between the circum-galactic medium (CGM) and the stellar growth of massive galaxies at high-$z$ depends on the properties of the widespread cold molecular gas. As part of the SUPERCOLD-CGM survey (Survey of Protocluster ELANe Revealing CO/\ci\ in the Ly$\alpha$-Detected CGM), we present the radio-loud QSO Q1228+3128 at $z=2.2218$, which is embedded in an enormous Ly$\alpha$ nebula. ALMA+ACA observations of CO(4-3) reveal both a massive molecular outflow, and a more extended molecular gas reservoir across $\sim$100 kpc in the CGM each containing a mass of M$_{\rm H2}$\,$\sim$\,4$-$5\,$\times$\,10$^{10}$ M$_{\odot}$. The outflow and molecular CGM are aligned spatially, along the direction of an inner radio jet. After re-analysis of Ly$\alpha$ data of Q1228+3128 from the Keck Cosmic Web Imager, we found that the velocity of the extended CO agrees with the redshift derived from the Ly$\alpha$ nebula and the bulk velocity of the massive outflow. We propose a scenario where the radio source in Q1228+3128 is driving the molecular outflow and perhaps also enriching or cooling the CGM. In addition, we found that the extended CO emission is nearly perpendicular to the extended Ly$\alpha$ nebula spatially, indicating that the two gas phases are not well mixed, and possibly even represent different phenomena (e.g., outflow vs. infall). Our results provide crucial evidence in support of predicted baryonic recycling processes that drive the early evolution of massive galaxies.

  • Exploring the radio spectral energy distribution of the ultraluminous radio-quiet quasar SDSS J0100+2802 at redshift 6.3

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report deep Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the optically ultraluminous and radio-quiet quasar SDSS J010013.02 + 280225.8 (hereafter J0100+2802) at redshift $z=$6.3. We detected the radio continuum emission at 1.5 GHz, 6 GHz, and 10 GHz. This leads to a radio power-law spectral index of $\alpha = -0.52\pm0.18$ ($S \propto \nu^{\alpha}$). The radio source is unresolved in all VLA bands with an upper limit to the size of $0.2^{\prime \prime}$ (i.e., $\sim$ 1.1 kpc) at 10 GHz. We find variability in the flux density (increase by $\sim 33\%$) and the spectral index (steepened) between observations in 2016 and 2017. We also find that the VLA 1.5 GHz flux density observed in the same year is 1.5 times that detected with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) in 2016 at the same frequency. This difference suggests that half of the radio emission from J0100+2802 comes from a compact core within 40 pc, and the rest comes from the surrounding few kpc area which is diffuse and resolved out in the VLBA observations. The diffuse emission is four times brighter than that would be expected if driven by star formation. We conclude that the central active galactic nucleus is the dominant power engine of the radio emission in J0100+2802.

  • The Identification of a Dusty Multiarm Spiral Galaxy at $z=3.06$ with JWST and ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Spiral arms serve crucial purposes in star formation and galaxy evolution. In this paper, we report the identification of A2744-DSG-$z3$, a dusty, multiarm spiral galaxy at $z=3.059$ using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) NIRISS imaging and grism spectroscopy. A2744-DSG-$z3$ was discovered as a gravitationally lensed sub-millimeter galaxy with ALMA. This is the most distant stellar spiral structure seen thus far, consistent with cosmological simulations which suggest $z\approx3$ as the epoch when spirals emerge. Thanks to the gravitational lensing and excellent spatial resolution of JWST, the spiral arms are resolved with a spatial resolution of $\approx290$\,pc. Based on SED fitting, the spiral galaxy has a de-lensed star formation rate of $85\pm30 \ M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and a stellar mass of $\approx10^{10.6}M_{\odot}$, indicating that A2744-DSG-$z3$ is a main-sequence galaxy. After fitting the spiral arms, we find a stellar effective radius ($R_{e, \rm{star}}$) of $5.0\pm1.5$ kpc. Combing with ALMA measurements, we find that the effective radii ratio between dust and stars is $\approx0.4$, similar to {those} of massive SFGs at $z\sim2$, indicating a compact dusty core in A2744-DSG-$z3$. Moreover, this galaxy appears to be living in a group environment: including A2744-DSG-$z3$, at least three galaxies at $z=3.05 - 3.06$ {are} spectroscopically confirmed by JWST/NIRISS and ALMA, residing within a lensing-corrected projected scale of $\approx 70$ kpc. This, along with the asymmetric brightness profile, further suggests that the spiral arms may be triggered by minor merger events at $z\gtrsim3$.

  • Spatially resolved molecular interstellar medium in a $z=6.6$ quasar host galaxy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present high spatial resolution (0.4", 2.2kpc) observations of the CO(6-5), CO(7-6) and [CI] lines and dust continuum emission from the interstellar medium in the host galaxy of the quasar J0305$-$3150 at $z=6.6$. These, together with archival [CII] data at comparable spatial resolution, enable studies of the spatial distribution and kinematics between the ISM in different phases. When comparing the radial profiles of CO, [CII] and the dust continuum, we find that the CO and dust continuum exhibit similar spatial distributions, both of which are less extended than the [CII], indicating that the CO and dust continuum are tracing the same gas component, while the [CII] is tracing a more extended one. In addition, we derive the radial profiles of the [CII]/CO, [CII]/far-infrared (FIR), CO/FIR, and dust continuum $S_{98.7 \rm GHz}/S_{258.1 \rm GHz}$ ratios. We find a decreasing $S_{98.7 \rm GHz}/S_{258.1 \rm GHz}$ ratio with radius, possibly indicating a decrease of dust optical depth with increasing radius. We also detect some of the ISM lines and continuum emission in the companion galaxies previously discovered in the field around J0305$-$3150. Through comparing the line-to-line and line-to-FIR ratios, we find no significant differences between the quasar and its companion galaxies.