您选择的条件: Huanyuan Shan
  • KiDS-1000: cross-correlation with Planck cosmic microwave background lensing and intrinsic alignment removal with self-calibration

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy shear - cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing convergence cross-correlations contain additional information on cosmology to auto-correlations. While being immune to certain systematic effects, they are affected by the galaxy intrinsic alignments (IA). This may be responsible for the reported low lensing amplitude of the galaxy shear $\times$ CMB convergence cross-correlations, compared to the standard Planck $\Lambda$CDM (cosmological constant and cold dark matter) cosmology prediction. In this work, we investigate how IA affects the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) galaxy lensing shear - Planck CMB lensing convergence cross-correlation and compare it to previous treatments with or without IA taken into consideration. More specifically, we compare marginalization over IA parameters and the IA self-calibration (SC) method (with additional observables defined only from the source galaxies) and prove that SC can efficiently break the degeneracy between the CMB lensing amplitude $A_{\rm lens}$ and the IA amplitude $A_{\rm IA}$. We further investigate how different systematics affect the resulting $A_{\rm IA}$ and $A_{\rm lens}$, and validate our results with the MICE2 simulation. We find that by including the SC method to constrain IA, the information loss due to the degeneracy between CMB lensing and IA is strongly reduced. The best-fit values are $A_{\rm lens}=0.84^{+0.22}_{-0.22}$ and $A_{\rm IA}=0.60^{+1.03}_{-1.03}$, while different angular scale cuts can affect $A_{\rm lens}$ by $\sim10\%$. We show that appropriate treatment of the boost factor, cosmic magnification, and photometric redshift modeling is important for obtaining the correct IA and cosmological results.

  • Forklens: Accurate weak lensing shear measurement on extremely noisy images with deep learning

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Weak gravitational lensing is one of the most important probes of the nature of dark matter and dark energy. In order to extract cosmological information from next-generation weak lensing surveys (e.g., Euclid, Roman, LSST, and CSST) as much as possible, accurate measurements of weak lensing shear are required. In this work, we present a fully deep-learning-based approach to measuring weak lensing shear accurately. Our approach comprises two modules. The first one contains a CNN with two branches for taking galaxy images and PSF simultaneously, and the output of this module includes the galaxy's magnitude, size, and shape. The second module includes a multiple-layer Neural Network to calibrate weak lensing shear measurements. We name the program Forklens and make it publicly available online. Applying Forklens to CSST-like mock images, we achieve consistent accuracy with traditional approaches (such as moment-based measurement and forward model fitting) on the sources with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). For the sources with meagre S/N, Forklens exhibits powerful latent denoising ability and offers accurate predictions on galaxy shapes. The final shear measurements with Forklens deliver a multiplicative bias $m=-0.4\pm3.0\times10^{-3}$ and an additive bias $c=-0.5\pm1.9\times10^{-4}$. Our tests with CSST-like simulation show that Forklens is competitive with other shear measurement algorithms such as Metacalibration, while Forklens can potentially lower the S/N limit. Moreover, the whole procedure of Forklens is automated and costs about 0.6 milliseconds per galaxy, which is appropriate to adequately take advantage of the sky coverage and depth of the upcoming weak lensing surveys.

  • Void Lensing in Cubic Galileon Gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Weak lensing studies via cosmic voids are a promising probe of Modified Gravity (MG). The Excess Surface mass Density (ESD) is widely used as a lensing statistics in weak lensing researches. In this paper we use the ray-tracing method to study the ESD around voids in simulations based on the Cubic Galileon (CG) gravity. With the compilation of N-body simulation and ray-tracing method, changes on the structure formation and deflection angle resulting from MG can both be considered, making the extraction of lensing signals more realistic. We find good agreements between the measurement and theoretical prediction of ESD for CG gravity. Meanwhile, the effect on the deflection angle is found to be incomparable to that on the structure formation in CG, indicating an equivalence between ESD (statistics) and the projection of 3D dark matter density field for this gravity. Finally, we demonstrate that it is impossible to distinguish CG and General Relativity in our simulation with an effective survey area $\sim1550deg^2$ and a galaxy number density of $10arcmin^{-2}$, implying that void lensing statistics may not be the optimal probe on testing CG gravity. The methodology employed in this paper that combines N-body simulation and ray-tracing method can be a robust way to measure the lensing signals from simulations based on the MGs, and especially on that who significantly modifies the deflection angle.

  • Is the large-scale structure traced by the BOSS LOWZ galaxies consistent with $\textit{Planck}$?

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recently, several studies reported a significant discrepancy between the clustering and lensing of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) galaxies in the $\textit{Planck}$ cosmology. We construct a simple yet powerful model based on the linear theory to assess whether this discrepancy points toward deviations from $\textit{Planck}$. Focusing on scales $10展开 -->

  • Global CD/EoR Signal Detection with a Dense Digital Beamforming Array and Beyond

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The global neutral hydrogen 21 cm signal extracted from the all-sky averaged radio spectra is one of the signatures of the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization (CD/EoR). The frequency-dependency of antenna beam patterns coupled with the strong foreground emission could introduce artificial spectral structures and cause false detection. A digital beamforming array could be potentially employed to form achromatic station beam patterns to overcome this problem. In this work, we discuss the method of forming achromatic beam patterns with a dense regular beamforming array to detect the global CD/EoR signal, covering topics including the array configuration, antenna weight optimization, and error estimation. We also show that based on the equivalence between a beamforming array and an interferometer, most antennas in the array can be removed by canceling redundant baselines. We present an example array design, optimize the antenna weights, and show the final array configuration by canceling redundant baselines. The performance of the example array is evaluated based on a simulation, which provides a positive indication towards the feasibility of detecting the CD/EoR signal using a dense digital beamforming array.

  • An unbiased method of measuring the ratio of two data sets

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In certain cases of astronomical data analysis, the meaningful physical quantity to extract is the ratio $R$ between two data sets. Examples include the lensing ratio, the interloper rate in spectroscopic redshift samples, the decay rate of gravitational potential and $E_G$ to test gravity. However, simply taking the ratio of the two data sets is biased, since it renders (even statistical) errors in the denominator into systematic errors in $R$. Furthermore, it is not optimal in minimizing statistical errors of $R$. Based on the Bayesian analysis and the usual assumption of Gaussian error in the data, we derive an analytical expression of the posterior PDF $P(R)$. This result enables fast and unbiased $R$ measurement, with minimal statistical errors. Furthermore, it relies on no underlying model other than the proportionality relation between the two data sets. Even more generally, it applies to the cases where the proportionality relation holds for the underlying physics/statistics instead of the two data sets directly. It also applies to the case of multiple ratios ($R\rightarrow {\bf R}=(R_1,R_2,\cdots)$). We take the lensing ratio as an example to demonstrate our method. We take lenses as DESI imaging survey galaxies, and sources as DECaLS cosmic shear and \emph{Planck} CMB lensing. We restrict the analysis to the ratio between CMB lensing and cosmic shear. The resulting $P(R$), for multiple lens-shear pairs, are all nearly Gaussian. The S/N of measured $R$ ranges from $5.3$ to $8.4$. We perform several tests to verify the robustness of the above result.

  • Halo Mass-Concentration Relation at High-Mass End

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The concentration-mass (c-M) relation encodes the key information of the assembly history of the dark matter halos, however its behavior at the high mass end has not been measured precisely in observations yet. In this paper, we report the measurement of halo c-M relation with galaxy-galaxy lensing method, using shear catalog of the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS) Data Release 8, which covers a sky area of 9500 deg^2. The foreground lenses are selected from redMaPPer, LOWZ, and CMASS catalogs, with halo mass range from 10^{13} to 10^{15} M_sun and redshift range from z=0.08 to z=0.65. We find that the concentration decreases with the halo mass from 10^{13} to 10^{14} M_sun, but shows a trend of upturn after the pivot point of ~10^{14} M_sun. We fit the measured c-M relation with the concentration model c(M)=C_0 (M/(10^{12} M_sun/h)^{-\gamma} [1+(M/M_0)^{0.4}], and get the values (C_0, \gamma, log(M_0) = (5.119_{-0.185}^{0.183}, 0.205_{-0.010}^{0.010}, 14.083_{-0.133}^{0.130}), and (4.875_{-0.208}^{0.209}, 0.221_{-0.010}^{0.010}, 13.750_{-0.141}^{0.142}) for halos with 0.08<=z<0.35 and 0.35<=z<0.65, respectively. We also show that the model including an upturn is favored over a simple power-law model. Our measurement provides important information for the recent argument of massive cluster formation process.

  • External Calibrator in Global Signal Experiment for Detection of the Epoch of Reionization

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a conceptual design study of external calibrators in the 21 cm experiment towards detecting the globally averaged radiation of the epoch of reionization (EoR). Employment of external calibrator instead of internal calibrator commonly used in current EoR experiments allows to remove instrumental effects such as beam pattern, receiver gain and instability of the system if the conventional three-position switch measurements are implemented in a short time interval. Furthermore, in the new design the antenna system is placed in an underground anechoic chamber with an open/closing ceiling to maximally reduce the environmental effect such as RFI and ground radiation/reflection. It appears that three of the four external calibrators proposed in this paper, including two indoor artificial transmitters and one outdoor celestial radiation (the Galactic polarization), fail to meet our purpose. Diurnal motion of the Galactic diffuse emission turns to be the most possible source as an external calibrator, for which we have discussed the observational strategy and the algorithm of extracting the EoR signal.

  • Forklens: Accurate weak lensing shear measurement on extremely noisy images with deep learning

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Weak gravitational lensing is one of the most important probes of the nature of dark matter and dark energy. In order to extract cosmological information from next-generation weak lensing surveys (e.g., Euclid, Roman, LSST, and CSST) as much as possible, accurate measurements of weak lensing shear are required. In this work, we present a fully deep-learning-based approach to measuring weak lensing shear accurately. Our approach comprises two modules. The first one contains a CNN with two branches for taking galaxy images and PSF simultaneously, and the output of this module includes the galaxy's magnitude, size, and shape. The second module includes a multiple-layer Neural Network to calibrate weak lensing shear measurements. We name the program Forklens and make it publicly available online. Applying Forklens to CSST-like mock images, we achieve consistent accuracy with traditional approaches (such as moment-based measurement and forward model fitting) on the sources with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). For the sources with meagre S/N, Forklens exhibits powerful latent denoising ability and offers accurate predictions on galaxy shapes. The final shear measurements with Forklens deliver a multiplicative bias $m=-0.4\pm3.0\times10^{-3}$ and an additive bias $c=-0.5\pm1.9\times10^{-4}$. Our tests with CSST-like simulation show that Forklens is competitive with other shear measurement algorithms such as Metacalibration, while Forklens can potentially lower the S/N limit. Moreover, the whole procedure of Forklens is automated and costs about 0.6 milliseconds per galaxy, which is appropriate to adequately take advantage of the sky coverage and depth of the upcoming weak lensing surveys.

  • Does Concentration Drive the Scatter in the Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation of Galaxy Clusters?

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Concentration is one of the key dark matter halo properties that could drive the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation of massive clusters. We derive robust photometric stellar masses for a sample of brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in SDSS redMaPPer clusters at $0.17展开 -->

  • Global CD/EoR Signal Detection with a Dense Digital Beamforming Array and Beyond

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The global neutral hydrogen 21 cm signal extracted from the all-sky averaged radio spectra is one of the signatures of the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization (CD/EoR). The frequency-dependency of antenna beam patterns coupled with the strong foreground emission could introduce artificial spectral structures and cause false detection. A digital beamforming array could be potentially employed to form achromatic station beam patterns to overcome this problem. In this work, we discuss the method of forming achromatic beam patterns with a dense regular beamforming array to detect the global CD/EoR signal, covering topics including the array configuration, antenna weight optimization, and error estimation. We also show that based on the equivalence between a beamforming array and an interferometer, most antennas in the array can be removed by canceling redundant baselines. We present an example array design, optimize the antenna weights, and show the final array configuration by canceling redundant baselines. The performance of the example array is evaluated based on a simulation, which provides a positive indication towards the feasibility of detecting the CD/EoR signal using a dense digital beamforming array.

  • The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications from multi-tracer BAO analysis with galaxies and voids

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We construct cosmic void catalogues with the DIVE void finder upon SDSS BOSS DR12 and eBOSS DR16 galaxy samples with BAO reconstruction applied, and perform a joint BAO analysis using different types of galaxies and the corresponding voids. The BAO peak is evident for the galaxy-galaxy, galaxy-void, and void-void correlation functions of all datasets, including the ones cross correlating luminous red galaxy and emission line galaxy samples. Two multi-tracer BAO fitting schemes are then tested, one combining the galaxy and void correlation functions with a weight applied to voids, and the other using a single BAO dilation parameter for all clustering measurements of different tracers. Both methods produce consistent results with mock catalogues, and on average ~10 per cent improvements of the BAO statistical uncertainties are observed for all samples, compared to the results from galaxies alone. By combining the clustering of galaxies and voids, the uncertainties of BAO measurements from the SDSS data are reduced by 5 to 15 per cent, yielding 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 2.3, and 2.9 per cent constraints on the distance $D_{_{\rm V}}(z)$, at effective redshifts of 0.38, 0.51, 0.70, 0.77, and 0.85, respectively. When combined with BAO measurements from SDSS MGS, QSO, and Ly$\alpha$ samples, as well as the BBN results, we obtain $H_0 = 67.58 \pm 0.91\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$, $\Omega_{\rm m} = 0.290 \pm 0.015$, and $\Omega_\Lambda h^2 = 0.3241 \pm 0.0079$ in the flat-$\Lambda$CDM framework, where the 1$\,\sigma$ uncertainties are around 6, 6, and 17 per cent smaller respectively, compared to constraints from the corresponding anisotropic BAO measurements without voids and LRG-ELG cross correlations.

  • An unbiased method of measuring the ratio of two data sets

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In certain cases of astronomical data analysis, the meaningful physical quantity to extract is the ratio $R$ between two data sets. Examples include the lensing ratio, the interloper rate in spectroscopic redshift samples, the decay rate of gravitational potential and $E_G$ to test gravity. However, simply taking the ratio of the two data sets is biased, since it renders (even statistical) errors in the denominator into systematic errors in $R$. Furthermore, it is not optimal in minimizing statistical errors of $R$. Based on the Bayesian analysis and the usual assumption of Gaussian error in the data, we derive an analytical expression of the posterior PDF $P(R)$. This result enables fast and unbiased $R$ measurement, with minimal statistical errors. Furthermore, it relies on no underlying model other than the proportionality relation between the two data sets. Even more generally, it applies to the cases where the proportionality relation holds for the underlying physics/statistics instead of the two data sets directly. It also applies to the case of multiple ratios ($R\rightarrow {\bf R}=(R_1,R_2,\cdots)$). We take the lensing ratio as an example to demonstrate our method. We take lenses as DESI imaging survey galaxies, and sources as DECaLS cosmic shear and \emph{Planck} CMB lensing. We restrict the analysis to the ratio between CMB lensing and cosmic shear. The resulting $P(R$), for multiple lens-shear pairs, are all nearly Gaussian. The S/N of measured $R$ ranges from $5.3$ to $8.4$. We perform several tests to verify the robustness of the above result.

  • DESI and DECaLS (D&D): galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements with 1% survey and its forecast

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The shear measurement from DECaLS (Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey) provides an excellent opportunity for galaxy-galaxy lensing study with DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument) galaxies, given the large ($\sim 9000$ deg$^2$) sky overlap. We explore this potential by combining the DESI 1\% survey and DECaLS DR8. With $\sim 106$ deg$^2$ sky overlap, we achieve significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing for BGS and LRG as lenses. Scaled to the full BGS sample, we expect the statistical errors to improve from $18(12)\%$ to a promising level of $2(1.3)\%$ at $\theta>8^{'}(<8^{'})$. This brings stronger requirements for future systematics control. To fully realize such potential, we need to control the residual multiplicative shear bias $|m|<0.01$ and the bias in the mean redshift $|\Delta z|<0.015$. We also expect significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing with DESI LRG/ELG full samples as lenses, and cosmic magnification of ELG through cross-correlation with low-redshift DECaLS shear. {If such systematical error control can be achieved,} we find the advantages of DECaLS, comparing with KiDS (Kilo Degree Survey) and HSC (Hyper-Suprime Cam), are at low redshift, large-scale, and in measuring the shear-ratio (to $\sigma_R\sim 0.04$) and cosmic magnification.

  • GREAT3 results I: systematic errors in shear estimation and the impact of real galaxy morphology

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present first results from the third GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing (GREAT3) challenge, the third in a sequence of challenges for testing methods of inferring weak gravitational lensing shear distortions from simulated galaxy images. GREAT3 was divided into experiments to test three specific questions, and included simulated space- and ground-based data with constant or cosmologically-varying shear fields. The simplest (control) experiment included parametric galaxies with a realistic distribution of signal-to-noise, size, and ellipticity, and a complex point spread function (PSF). The other experiments tested the additional impact of realistic galaxy morphology, multiple exposure imaging, and the uncertainty about a spatially-varying PSF; the last two questions will be explored in Paper II. The 24 participating teams competed to estimate lensing shears to within systematic error tolerances for upcoming Stage-IV dark energy surveys, making 1525 submissions overall. GREAT3 saw considerable variety and innovation in the types of methods applied. Several teams now meet or exceed the targets in many of the tests conducted (to within the statistical errors). We conclude that the presence of realistic galaxy morphology in simulations changes shear calibration biases by $\sim 1$ per cent for a wide range of methods. Other effects such as truncation biases due to finite galaxy postage stamps, and the impact of galaxy type as measured by the S\'{e}rsic index, are quantified for the first time. Our results generalize previous studies regarding sensitivities to galaxy size and signal-to-noise, and to PSF properties such as seeing and defocus. Almost all methods' results support the simple model in which additive shear biases depend linearly on PSF ellipticity.

  • KiDS-1000: cross-correlation with Planck cosmic microwave background lensing and intrinsic alignment removal with self-calibration

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy shear - cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing convergence cross-correlations contain additional information on cosmology to auto-correlations. While being immune to certain systematic effects, they are affected by the galaxy intrinsic alignments (IA). This may be responsible for the reported low lensing amplitude of the galaxy shear $\times$ CMB convergence cross-correlations, compared to the standard Planck $\Lambda$CDM (cosmological constant and cold dark matter) cosmology prediction. In this work, we investigate how IA affects the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) galaxy lensing shear - Planck CMB lensing convergence cross-correlation and compare it to previous treatments with or without IA taken into consideration. More specifically, we compare marginalization over IA parameters and the IA self-calibration (SC) method (with additional observables defined only from the source galaxies) and prove that SC can efficiently break the degeneracy between the CMB lensing amplitude $A_{\rm lens}$ and the IA amplitude $A_{\rm IA}$. We further investigate how different systematics affect the resulting $A_{\rm IA}$ and $A_{\rm lens}$, and validate our results with the MICE2 simulation. We find that by including the SC method to constrain IA, the information loss due to the degeneracy between CMB lensing and IA is strongly reduced. The best-fit values are $A_{\rm lens}=0.84^{+0.22}_{-0.22}$ and $A_{\rm IA}=0.60^{+1.03}_{-1.03}$, while different angular scale cuts can affect $A_{\rm lens}$ by $\sim10\%$. We show that appropriate treatment of the boost factor, cosmic magnification, and photometric redshift modeling is important for obtaining the correct IA and cosmological results.

  • DESI and DECaLS (D&D): galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements with 1% survey and its forecast

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The shear measurement from DECaLS (Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey) provides an excellent opportunity for galaxy-galaxy lensing study with DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument) galaxies, given the large ($\sim 9000$ deg$^2$) sky overlap. We explore this potential by combining the DESI 1\% survey and DECaLS DR8. With $\sim 106$ deg$^2$ sky overlap, we achieve significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing for BGS and LRG as lenses. Scaled to the full BGS sample, we expect the statistical errors to improve from $18(12)\%$ to a promising level of $2(1.3)\%$ at $\theta>8^{'}(<8^{'})$. This brings stronger requirements for future systematics control. To fully realize such potential, we need to control the residual multiplicative shear bias $|m|<0.01$ and the bias in the mean redshift $|\Delta z|<0.015$. We also expect significant detection of galaxy-galaxy lensing with DESI LRG/ELG full samples as lenses, and cosmic magnification of ELG through cross-correlation with low-redshift DECaLS shear. {If such systematical error control can be achieved,} we find the advantages of DECaLS, comparing with KiDS (Kilo Degree Survey) and HSC (Hyper-Suprime Cam), are at low redshift, large-scale, and in measuring the shear-ratio (to $\sigma_R\sim 0.04$) and cosmic magnification.

  • Void Lensing in Cubic Galileon Gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Weak lensing studies via cosmic voids are a promising probe of Modified Gravity (MG). The Excess Surface mass Density (ESD) is widely used as a lensing statistics in weak lensing researches. In this paper we use the ray-tracing method to study the ESD around voids in simulations based on the Cubic Galileon (CG) gravity. With the compilation of N-body simulation and ray-tracing method, changes on the structure formation and deflection angle resulting from MG can both be considered, making the extraction of lensing signals more realistic. We find good agreements between the measurement and theoretical prediction of ESD for CG gravity. Meanwhile, the effect on the deflection angle is found to be incomparable to that on the structure formation in CG, indicating an equivalence between ESD (statistics) and the projection of 3D dark matter density field for this gravity. Finally, we demonstrate that it is impossible to distinguish CG and General Relativity in our simulation with an effective survey area $\sim1550deg^2$ and a galaxy number density of $10arcmin^{-2}$, implying that void lensing statistics may not be the optimal probe on testing CG gravity. The methodology employed in this paper that combines N-body simulation and ray-tracing method can be a robust way to measure the lensing signals from simulations based on the MGs, and especially on that who significantly modifies the deflection angle.

  • Strong Conformity and Assembly Bias: Towards a Physical Understanding of the Galaxy-Halo Connection in SDSS Clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Understanding the physical connection between cluster galaxies and massive haloes is key to mitigating systematic uncertainties in next-generation cluster cosmology. We develop a novel method to infer the level of conformity between the stellar mass of the brightest central galaxies~(BCGs) $M_*^{BCG}$ and the satellite richness $\lambda$, defined as their correlation coefficient $\rho_{cc}$ at fixed halo mass, using the abundance and weak lensing of SDSS clusters as functions of $M_*^{BCG}$ and $\lambda$. We detect a halo mass-dependent conformity as $\rho_{cc}{=}0.60{+}0.08\ln(M_h/3{\times}10^{14}M_{\odot}/h)$. The strong conformity successfully resolves the "halo mass equality" conundrum discovered in Zu et al. 2021 -- when split by $M_*^{BCG}$ at fixed $\lambda$, the low and high-$M_*^{BCG}$ clusters have the same average halo mass despite having a $0.34$ dex discrepancy in average $M_*^{BCG}$. On top of the best-fitting conformity model, we develop a cluster assembly bias~(AB) prescription calibrated against the CosmicGrowth simulation, and build a conformity+AB model for the cluster weak lensing measurements. Our model predicts that with a ${\sim}20\%$ lower halo concentration $c$, the low-$M_*^{BCG}$ clusters are ${\sim}10\%$ more biased than the high-$M_*^{BCG}$ systems, in excellent agreement with the observations. We also show that the observed conformity and assembly bias are unlikely due to projection effects. Finally, we build a toy model to argue that while the early-time BCG-halo co-evolution drives the $M_*^{BCG}$-$c$ correlation, the late-time dry merger-induced BCG growth naturally produces the $M_*^{BCG}$-$\lambda$ conformity despite the well-known anti-correlation between $\lambda$ and $c$. Our method paves the path towards simultaneously constraining cosmology and cluster formation with future cluster surveys.

  • The Sphere of Influence of the Bright Central Galaxies in the Diffuse Light of SDSS Clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The bright central galaxies (BCGs) dominate the inner portion of the diffuse cluster light, but it is still unclear where the intracluster light (ICL) takes over. To investigate the BCG-ICL transition, we stack the images of ${\sim}3000$ clusters between $0.2{<}z{<}0.3$ in the SDSS $gri$ bands, and measure their BCG+ICL stellar surface mass profile $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ down to $3{\times}10^4\,M_{\odot}/\mathrm{kpc}^{2}$ at $R{\simeq}1\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ (${\sim}32$ mag/arcsec$^2$ in the $r$-band). We develop a physically-motivated method to decompose $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ into three components, including an inner de Vaucouleurs' profile, an outer ICL that follows the dark matter distribution measured from weak lensing, and an intriguing transitional component between 70 and 200 kpc. To investigate the origin of this transition, we split the clusters into two subsamples by their BCG stellar mass $M_*^{\mathrm{BCG}}$ (mass enclosed roughly within 50 kpc) while making sure they have the same distribution of satellite richness. The $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ profiles of the two subsamples differ by more than a factor of two at $R{<}50\,\mathrm{kpc}$, consistent with their 0.34 dex difference in $M_*^{\mathrm{BCG}}$, whereas on scales beyond 400 kpc the two profiles converge to the same amplitudes, suggesting a satellite-stripping origin of the outer ICL. Remarkably, however, the discrepancy between the two $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ profiles persist at above $50\%$ level on all scales below 200 kpc, thereby revealing the BCG sphere of influence with radius $R_{\mathrm{SOI}}{\simeq}$ 200 kpc. Finally, we speculate that the surprisingly large sphere of influence of the BCG is tied to the elevated escape velocity profile within $r_s$, the characteristic radius of the dark matter haloes.