您选择的条件: A. S. Bonomo
  • A CHEOPS-enhanced view of the HD3167 system

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Much remains to be understood about the nature of exoplanets smaller than Neptune, most of which have been discovered in compact multi-planet systems. With its inner ultra-short period planet b aligned with the star and two larger outer planets d-c on polar orbits, the multi-planet system HD 3167 features a peculiar architecture and offers the possibility to investigate both dynamical and atmospheric evolution processes. To this purpose we combined multiple datasets of transit photometry and radial velocimetry (RV) to revise the properties of the system and inform models of its planets. This effort was spearheaded by CHEOPS observations of HD 3167b, which appear inconsistent with a purely rocky composition despite its extreme irradiation. Overall the precision on the planetary orbital periods are improved by an order of magnitude, and the uncertainties on the densities of the transiting planets b and c are decreased by a factor of 3. Internal structure and atmospheric simulations draw a contrasting picture between HD 3167d, likely a rocky super-Earth that lost its atmosphere through photo-evaporation, and HD 3167c, a mini-Neptune that kept a substantial primordial gaseous envelope. We detect a fourth, more massive planet on a larger orbit, likely coplanar with HD 3167d-c. Dynamical simulations indeed show that the outer planetary system d-c-e was tilted, as a whole, early in the system history, when HD 3167b was still dominated by the star influence and maintained its aligned orbit. RV data and direct imaging rule out that the companion that could be responsible for the present-day architecture is still bound to the HD\,3167 system. Similar global studies of multi-planet systems will tell how many share the peculiar properties of the HD3167 system, which remains a target of choice for follow-up observations and simulations.

  • The GAPS Programme at TNG. XLI. The climate of KELT-9b revealed with a new approach to high spectral resolution phase curves

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: [Abridged] We present a novel method to study the thermal emission of exoplanets as a function of orbital phase at very high spectral resolution, and apply it to investigate the climate of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9b. We combine 3 nights of HARPS-N and 2 nights of CARMENES optical spectra, covering orbital phases between quadratures (0.25 < phi < 0.75), when the planet shows its day-side hemisphere with different geometries. We co-add the signal of thousands of FeI lines through cross-correlation, which we map to a likelihood function. We investigate the phase-dependence of: (i) the line depths of FeI, and (ii) their Doppler shifts, by introducing a new method that exploits the very high spectral resolution of our observations. We confirm a previous detection of FeI emission and demonstrate a combined precision of 0.5 km s-1 on the orbital properties of KELT-9b. By studying the phase-resolved Doppler shift of FeI lines, we detect an anomaly in the planet's orbital radial velocity well-fitted with a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.016$\pm$0.003, w = 150$^{+13\circ}_{-11},~5\sigma$ preference). However, we argue that such anomaly can be explained by a day-night wind of a few km s-1 blowing neutral iron gas. Additionally, we find that the FeI emission line depths are symmetric around the substellar point within 10 deg ($2\sigma$). We show that these results are qualitatively compatible with predictions from general circulation models for ultra-hot Jupiter planets. Very high-resolution spectroscopy phase curves have the sensitivity to reveal a phase dependence in both the line depths and their Doppler shifts throughout the orbit. They are highly complementary to space-based phase curves obtained with HST and JWST, and open a new window into the still poorly understood climate and atmospheric structure of the hottest planets known.