您选择的条件: Man Qiao
  • The cosmic environment overtakes the local density in shaping galaxy star formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The gas supply from the cosmic web is the key to sustain star formation in galaxies. It remains to be explored how the cosmic large-scale structure (LSS) effects on galaxy evolution at given local environments. We examine galaxy specific star formation rate as a function of local density in a LSS at $z=0.735$ in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. The LSS is mapped by 732 galaxies with $R<24$\,mag and redshift at $0.72\le z \le 0.75$ collected from the literature and our spectroscopic observations with Magellan/IMACS, consisting of five galaxy clusters/groups and surrounding filaments over an area of $23.9 \times22.7$\,co-moving\,Mpc$^2$. The spread of spectroscopic redshifts corresponds a velocity dispersion of 494\,km\,s$^{-1}$, indicating the LSS likely to be a thin sheet with a galaxy density $\gtrsim 3.9$ times that of the general field. These clusters/groups in this LSS mostly exhibit elongated morphologies and multiple components connected with surrounding filaments. Strikingly, we find that star-forming galaxies in the LSS keep star formation at the same level as field, and show no dependence on local density but stellar mass. Meanwhile, an increasing fraction of quiescent galaxies is detected at increasing local density in both the LSS and the field, consistent with the expectation that galaxy mass and local dense environment hold the key to quench star formation. Combined together, we conclude that the cosmic environment of the LSS overtakes the local environment in remaining galaxy star formation to the level of the field.

  • The Physical Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies with Strong [O III] Lines at z=3.25

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an analysis of physical properties of 34 [O III] emission-line galaxies (ELGs) at z=3.254$\pm$0.029 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). These ELGs are selected from deep narrow H2S(1) and broad Ks imaging of 383 arcmin$^{2}$ obtained with CFHT/WIRCam. We construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from U to Ks to derive the physical properties of ELGs. These [O III] ELGs are identified as starburst galaxies with strong [O III] lines of L([O III]) ~ 10$^{42.6}$ - 10$^{44.2}$ erg s$^{-1}$, and have stellar masses of M* ~ 10$^{9.0}$-10$^{10.6}$ M$_\odot$ and star formation rates of ~ 10-210 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$. Our results show that 24% of our sample galaxies are dusty with Av > 1 mag and EW(OIII)$_{rest}$ ~ 70-500 $\AA$, which are often missed in optically selected [O III] ELG samples. Their rest-frame UV and optical morphologies from HST/ACS and HST/WFC3 deep imaging reveal that these [O III] ELGs are mostly multiple-component systems (likely mergers) or compact. And 20% of them are nearly invisible in the rest-frame UV owing to heavy dust attenuation. Interestingly, we find that our samples reside in an overdensity consisting of two components: one southeast (SE) with an overdensity factor of $\delta_{gal}$ ~ 41 over a volume of 13$^{3}$ cMpc$^{3}$ and the other northwest (NW) with $\delta_{gal}$ ~ 38 over a volume of 10$^{3}$ cMpc$^{3}$. The two overdense substructures are expected to be virialized at z=0 with a total mass of ~ 1.1 x 10$^{15}$ M$_\odot$ and ~ 4.8 x 10$^{14}$ M$_\odot$, and probably merge into a Coma-like galaxy cluster.

  • Systematic biases in determining dust attenuation curves through galaxy SED fitting

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: While the slope of the dust attenuation curve ($\delta$) is found to correlate with effective dust attenuation ($A_V$) as obtained through spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, it remains unknown how the fitting degeneracies shape this relation. We examine the degeneracy effects by fitting SEDs of a sample of local star-forming galaxies (SFGs) selected from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey, in conjunction with mock galaxy SEDs of known attenuation parameters. A well-designed declining starburst star formation history is adopted to generate model SED templates with intrinsic UV slope ($\beta_0$) spanning over a reasonably wide range. The best-fitting $\beta_0$ for our sample SFGs shows a wide coverage, dramatically differing from the limited range of $\beta_0<-2.2$ for a starburst of constant star formation. Our results show that strong degeneracies between $\beta_0$, $\delta$, and $A_V$ in the SED fitting induce systematic biases leading to a false $A_V$--$\delta$ correlation. Our simulation tests reveal that this relationship can be well reproduced even when a flat $A_V$--$\delta$ relation is taken to build the input model galaxy SEDs. The variations in best-fitting $\delta$ are dominated by the fitting errors. We show that assuming a starburst with constant star formation in SED fitting will result in a steeper attenuation curve, smaller degeneracy errors, and a stronger $A_V$--$\delta$ relation. Our findings confirm that the $A_V$--$\delta$ relation obtained through SED fitting is likely driven by the systematic biases induced by the fitting degeneracies between $\beta_0$, $\delta$, and $A_V$.

  • Submillimetre galaxies in two massive protoclusters at z = 2.24: witnessing the enrichment of extreme starbursts in the outskirts of HAE density peaks

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Submillimetre galaxies represent a rapid growth phase of both star formation and massive galaxies. Mapping SMGs in galaxy protoclusters provides key insights into where and how these extreme starbursts take place in connections with the assembly of the large-scale structure in the early Universe. We search for SMGs at 850$\,\mu m$ using JCMT/SCUBA-2 in two massive protoclusters at $z=2.24$, BOSS1244 and BOSS1542, and detect 43 and 54 sources with $S_{850}>4\,$mJy at the $4\sigma$ level within an effective area of 264$\,$arcmin$^2$, respectively. We construct the intrinsic number counts and find that the abundance of SMGs is $2.0\pm0.3$ and $2.1\pm0.2$ times that of the general fields, confirming that BOSS1244 and BOSS1542 contain a higher fraction of dusty galaxies with strongly enhanced star formation. The volume densities of the SMGs are estimated to be $\sim15-$30 times the average, significantly higher than the overdensity factor ($\sim 6$) traced by H$\alpha$ emission-line galaxies (HAEs). More importantly, we discover a prominent offset between the spatial distributions of the two populations in these two protoclusters -- SMGs are mostly located around the high-density regions of HAEs, and few are seen inside these regions. This finding may have revealed for the first time the occurrence of violent star formation enhancement in the outskirts of the HAE density peaks, likely driven by the boosting of gas supplies and/or starburst triggering events. Meanwhile, the lack of SMGs inside the most overdense regions at $z\sim2$ implies a transition to the environment disfavouring extreme starbursts.