您选择的条件: B. Luo
  • The $L_\mathrm{x}$-$L_\mathrm{uv}$-$L_\mathrm{radio}$ relation and corona-disk-jet connection in optically selected radio-loud quasars

    分类: 其他 分类: 其他 提交时间: 2024-04-25

    摘要: Radio-loud quasars (RLQs) are more X-ray luminous than predicted by the X-ray-optical/UV relation (i.e. $L_\mathrm{x}\propto L_\mathrm{uv}^\gamma$) for radio-quiet quasars (RQQs). The excess X-ray emission depends on the radio-loudness parameter ($R$) and radio spectral slope ($\alpha_\mathrm{r}$). We construct a uniform sample of 729 optically selected RLQs with high fractions of X-ray detections and $\alpha_\mathrm{r}$ measurements.We find that steep-spectrum radio quasars (SSRQs; $\alpha_\mathrm{r}\le-0.5$) follow a quantitatively similar $L_\mathrm{x}\propto L_\mathrm{uv}^\gamma$ relation as that for RQQs, suggesting a common coronal origin for the X-ray emission of both SSRQs and RQQs. However, the corresponding intercept of SSRQs is larger than that for RQQs and increases with $R$, suggesting a connection between the radio jets and the configuration of the accretion flow. Flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs; $\alpha_\mathrm{r}>-0.5$) are generally more X-ray luminous than SSRQs at given $L_\mathrm{uv}$ and $R$, likely involving more physical processes. The emergent picture is different from that commonly assumed where the excess X-ray emission of RLQs is attributed to the jets. We thus perform model selection to comparecritically these different interpretations, which prefers the coronal scenario with a corona-jet connection. A distinct jet component is likely important for only a small portion of FSRQs.The corona-jet, disk-corona, and disk-jet connections of RLQs are likely driven by independent physical processes. Furthermore, the corona-jet connection implies that small-scale processesin the vicinity of SMBHs, probably associated with the magnetic flux/topology instead of black-hole spin, are controlling the radio-loudness of quasars.

  • NuSTAR Observations of Intrinsically X-ray Weak Quasar Candidates: An Obscuration-Only Scenario

    分类: 天文学 >> 天体物理学 提交时间: 2023-02-21

    摘要: We utilize recent NuSTAR observations (co-added depth 55-120 ks) of PG 1001+054, PG 1254+047, and PHL 1811 to constrain their hard X-ray (≳5 keV) weakness and spectral shapes, and thus to investigate the nature of their extreme X-ray weakness. These quasars showed very weak soft X-ray emission, and they were proposed to be intrinsically X-ray weak, with the X-ray coronae producing weak continuum emission relative to their optical/UV emission. However, the new observations suggest an alternative explanation. The NuSTAR 3-24 keV spectral shapes for PG 1001+054 and PHL 1811 are likely flat (effective power-law photon indices \Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.0^{+0.5}_{-0.6} and \Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.4^{+0.8}_{-0.7}, respectively), while the shape is nominal for PG 1254+047 (\Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.8\pm0.3). PG 1001+054 and PHL 1811 are significantly weak at hard X-ray energies (by factors of 26-74 at rest-frame 8 keV) compared to the expectations from their optical/UV emission, while PG 1254+047 is only hard X-ray weak by a factor of 3. We suggest that X-ray obscuration is present in all three quasars. We propose that, as an alternative to the intrinsic X-ray weakness + X-ray obscuration scenario, the soft and hard X-ray weakness of these quasars can be uniformly explained under an obscuration-only scenario. This model provides adequate descriptions of the multi-epoch soft and hard X-ray data of these quasars, with variable column density and leaked fraction of the partial-covering absorber. We suggest that the absorber is the clumpy dust-free wind launched from the accretion disk. These quasars probably have super-Eddington accretion rates that drive powerful and high-density winds.

  • The universal shape of the X-ray variability power spectrum of AGN up to $z\sim 3$

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the ensemble X-ray variability properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) over a large range of timescales (20 ks $\leq T\leq$ 14 yrs), redshift ($0\leq z \lesssim 3$), luminosities ($10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}\leq L_X\leq 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and black hole (BH) masses ($10^6 \leq $M$_\odot \leq 10^9$). We propose the use of the variance-frequency diagram, as a viable alternative to the study of the power spectral density (PSD), which is not yet accessible for distant, faint and/or sparsely sampled AGN. We show that the data collected from archival observations and previous literature studies are fully consistent with a universal PSD form which does not show any evidence for systematic evolution of shape or amplitude with redshift or luminosity, even if there may be differences between individual AGN at a given redshift or luminosity. We find new evidence that the PSD bend frequency depends on BH mass and, possibly, on accretion rate. We finally discuss the implications for current and future AGN population and cosmological studies.

  • Sensitive Chandra coverage of a representative sample of weak-line quasars: revealing the full range of X-ray properties

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present deeper Chandra observations for weak-line quasars (WLQs) in a representative sample that previously had limited X-ray constraints, and perform X-ray photometric analyses to reveal the full range of X-ray properties of WLQs. Only 5 of the 32 WLQs included in this representative sample remain X-ray undetected after these observations, and a stacking analysis shows that these 5 have an average X-ray weakness factor of > 85. One of the WLQs in the sample that was known to have extreme X-ray variability, SDSS J1539+3954, exhibited dramatic X-ray variability again: it changed from an X-ray normal state to an X-ray weak state within ~ 3 months in the rest frame. This short timescale for an X-ray flux variation by a factor of $\gtrsim$ 9 further supports the thick disk and outflow (TDO) model proposed to explain the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of WLQs. The overall distribution of the X-ray-to-optical properties of WLQs suggests that the TDO has an average covering factor of the X-ray emitting region of ~ 0.5, and the column density of the TDO can range from $N_{\rm H}$ $\sim 10^{23-24}~{\rm cm}^{-2}$ to $N_{\rm H}$ $\gtrsim 10^{24}~{\rm cm}^{-2}$, which leads to different levels of absorption and Compton reflection (and/or scattering) among WLQs.

  • A Rapid and Large-Amplitude X-ray Dimming Event in a z ~ 2.6 Radio-Quiet Quasar

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report a dramatic fast X-ray dimming event in a z=2.627 radio-quiet type 1 quasar, which has an estimated supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass of $6.3\times 10^{9} M_\odot$. In the high X-ray state, it showed a typical level of X-ray emission relative to its UV/optical emission. Then its 0.5-2 keV (rest-frame 1.8-7.3 keV) flux dropped by a factor of $\approx7.6$ within two rest-frame days. The dimming is associated with spectral hardening, as the 2-7 keV (rest-frame 7.3-25.4 keV) flux dropped by only $17\%$ and the effective power-law photon index of the X-ray spectrum changed from $\approx2.3$ to $\approx0.9$. The quasar has an infrared (IR)-to-UV spectral energy distribution and a rest-frame UV spectrum similar to those of typical quasars, and it does not show any significant long-term variability in the IR and UV/optical bands. Such an extremely fast and large-amplitude X-ray variability event has not been reported before in luminous quasars with such massive SMBHs. The X-ray dimming is best explained by a fast-moving absorber crossing the line of sight and fully covering the X-ray emitting corona. Adopting a conservatively small size of $5 {G} M_{\rm BH}/c^2$ for the X-ray corona, the transverse velocity of the absorber is estimated to be $\approx 0.9c$. The quasar is likely accreting with a high or even super-Eddington accretion rate, and the high-velocity X-ray absorber is probably related to a powerful accretion-disk wind. Such an energetic wind may eventually evolve into a massive galactic-scale outflow, providing efficient feedback to the host galaxy.