您选择的条件: Yan Lu
  • Rotational Velocities of Am and Non-CP Stars based on Kepler and LAMOST DR5

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Rotation is a critical physical process operating in the formation of Am stars. There is a strong correlation between low-velocity rotation and chemical peculiarity. However, the existence of many non-CP slow rotators challenges the understanding of Am stars. The purpose of our work is to search for low-velocity rotating non-CP A-type stars and Am stars and to make a comparative analysis. In this paper, we pick out a sample from the LAMOST-Kepler project, including 21 Am stars, 125 non-CP slow rotators, and 53 non-CP fast rotators. We calculate the rotational frequencies through periodic change of light curves caused by inhomogeneous stellar surfaces and then obtain the rotational velocities. For slow rotators, the age of Am stars is statistically younger than that of non-CP stars in the same temperature bin. In the comparison of the period, the average amplitude, and stellar mass of Am and non-CP stars, we discover that there is no difference in the photometric variability between Am and non-CP stars, which implies similar inhomogeneities on the surfaces. The average amplitude of non-CP stars has a downward trend with the increase of effective temperature and stellar mass, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction caused by weak dynamo-generated magnetic fields in A-type stars. In addition, we confirm four non-non-CP stars which have flares by checking FOV images, 24 pixel images, and pixel-level light curves.

  • Study on Outliers in the Big Stellar Spectral Dataset of the Fifth Data Release (DR5) of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST)

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: To study the quality of stellar spectra of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) and the correctness of the corresponding stellar parameters derived by the LASP (LAMOST Stellar Parameter Pipeline), the outlier analysis method is applied to the archived AFGK stars in the fifth data release (DR5) of LAMOST. The outlier factor is defined in order to sort more than 3 million stellar spectra selected from the DR5 Stellar Parameter catalog. We propose an improved Local Outlier Factor (LOF) method based on Principal Component Analysis and Monte Carlo to enable the computation of the LOF rankings for randomly picked sub-samples that are computed in parallel by multiple computers, and finally to obtain the outlier ranking of each spectrum in the entire dataset. Totally 3,627 most outlier ranked spectra, around one-thousandth of all spectra, are selected and clustered into 10 groups, and the parameter density distribution of them conforms to the parameter distribution of LAMOST DR5, which suggests that in the whole parameter space the probability of bad spectra is uniformly distributed. By cross-matching the 3,627 spectra with APOGEE, we obtain 122 common ones. The published parameters calculated from LASP agree with APOGEE for the 122 spectra although there are bad pixels or bad flux calibrations in them. On the other hand, some outlier spectra show strong nebular contamination warning the corresponding parameters should be carefully used. A catalog and a spectral atlas of all the 3,627 outliers can be found at the link http://paperdata.china-vo.org/LY_paper/dr5Outlier/dr5Outlier_resource.zip.

  • A catalog of early-type H{\alpha} emission line stars and 58 newly confirmed Herbig Ae/Bes from LAMOST DR7

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We derive a catalog of early-type emission-line stars including 30,048 spectra of 25,886 stars from LAMOST DR7, in which 3,922 have Simbad records. The sample is obtained using K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest methods and visually inspected. The spectra are classified into 3 morphological types (10 subtypes) based on H$\alpha$ emission line profiles. Some spectra contaminated by nebula emission lines such as from HII regions are flagged in the catalog. We also provide a specific sub-catalog of 101 stars with the stellar wind by calculating stellar wind or accretion flow velocities based on P Cygni or inverse P Cygni profiles, in which 74\% of them having velocities below 400km/s. More important, with two color-color diagrams (H-K, K- W1) and (H-K, J-H) of a collection of known Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBes) and classical Ae/Be stars (CAeBes), we propose an updated criterion to separate HAeBes from CAeBes. By the criterion, we select 201 HAeBes candidates and 5,547 CAeBes candidates from the sample. We confirmed 66 of the 201 HAeBes by using both WISE images and LAMOST spectra and present a specific HAeBe sub-catalog, in which 58 are newly identified. In addition, the WISE colors (W1-W2, W1- W3, and W1-W4) show the distribution consistency between our confirmed HAeBes and that of the known HAeBes. Most of the 66 confirmed HAeBes locate in the lower edge of the main sequence of hot end in the HR diagram, while the distances of about 77\% exceed 1Kpc, which enlarges the number of far distant known HAeBes.

  • Quantum gates with weak van der Waals interactions of neutral Rydberg atoms

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Neutral atoms are promising for large-scale quantum computing, but accurate neutral-atom entanglement depends on large Rydberg interactions which strongly limit the interatomic distances. Via a phase accumulation in detuned Rabi cycles enabled by a Rydberg interaction of similar magnitude to the Rydberg Rabi frequency, we study a controlled-phase gate with an arbitrary phase and extend it to the controlled-NOT gate. The gates need only three steps for coupling one Rydberg state, depend on easily accessible van der Waals interaction that naturally arises between distant atoms, and have no rotation error in the weak interaction regime. Importantly, they can work with very weak interactions so that well-separated qubits can be entangled. The gates are sensitive to the irremovable fluctuation of Rydberg interactions, but can still have a fidelity over 98\% with realistic position fluctuation of qubits separated over 20~$\mu$m.