您选择的条件: P. F. Chen
  • Prominence fine structures in weakly twisted and highly twisted magnetic flux ropes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Many prominences are supported by magnetic flux ropes. One important question is how we can determine whether the flux rope is weakly-twisted or strongly-twisted. In this paper, we attempted to check whether prominences supported by weakly-twisted and strongly-twisted flux ropes can manifest different features so that we might distinguish the two types of magnetic structures by their appearance. We performed pseudo three-dimensional simulations of two magnetic flux ropes with different twists. We found that the resulting two prominences differ in many aspects. The prominence supported by a weakly-twisted flux rope is composed mainly of transient threads, forming high-speed flows inside the prominence. Its horns are evident. Conversely, the one supported by a highly-twisted flux rope consists mainly of stable quasi-stationary threads, including longer independently trapped threads and shorter magnetically connected threads. It is also revealed that the prominence spine deviates from the flux rope axis in the vertical direction and from the photospheric polarity inversion line projected on the solar surface, especially for the weakly-twisted magnetic flux rope. The two types of prominences differ significantly in appearance. It is also suggested that a piling-up of short threads in highly-twisted flux ropes might account for the vertical-like threads in some prominences.

  • A unified model of solar prominence formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the formation of solar prominences or filaments, among which direct injection and evaporation-condensation models are the two most popular ones. In the direct injection model, cold plasma is ejected from the chromosphere into the corona along magnetic field lines; In the evaporation-condensation model, the cold chromospheric plasma is heated to over a million degrees and is evaporated into the corona, where the accumulated plasma finally reaches thermal instability or non-equilibrium so as to condensate to cold prominences. In this paper, we try to unify the two mechanisms: The essence of filament formation is the localized heating in the chromosphere. If the heating happens in the lower chromosphere, the enhanced gas pressure pushes the cold plasma in the upper chromosphere to move up to the corona, such a process is manifested as the direct injection model. If the heating happens in the upper chromosphere, the local plasma is heated to million degrees, and is evaporated into the corona. Later, the plasma condensates to form a prominence. Such a process is manifested as the evaporation-condensation model. With radiative hydrodynamic simulations we confirmed that the two widely accepted formation mechanisms of solar prominences can really be unified in such a single framework. A particular case is also found where both injection and evaporation-condensation processes occur together.

  • Simulations of solar filament fine structures and their counterstreaming flows

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar filaments, also called solar prominences when appearing above the solar limb, are cold, dense materials suspended in the hot tenuous solar corona, consisting of numerous long, fibril-like threads. These threads are the key to disclosing the physics of solar filaments. Similar structures also exist in galaxy clusters. Besides their mysterious formation, filament threads are observed to move with alternating directions, which are called counterstreaming flows. However, the origin of these flows has not been clarified yet. Here we report that turbulent heating at the solar surface is the key, which randomly evaporates materials from the solar surface to the corona, naturally reproducing the formation and counterstreamings of the sparse threads in the solar corona. We further suggest that while the cold H$\alpha$ counterstreamings are mainly due to longitudinal oscillations of the filament threads, there are million-kelvin counterstreamings in the corona between threads, which are alternating unidirectional flows.

  • Cross-loop propagation of a quasi-periodic extreme-ultraviolet wave train triggered by successive stretching of magnetic field structures during a solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves generally refer to large-scale disturbances propagating outward from sites of solar eruptions in EUV imaging observations. Using the recent observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we report a quasi-periodic wave train propagating outward at an average speed of $\sim$308 km s$^{-1}$. At least five wavefronts can be clearly identified with the period being $\sim$120 s. These wavefronts originate from the coronal loop expansion, which propagates with an apparent speed of $\sim$95 km s$^{-1}$, about 3 times slower than the wave train. In the absence of a strong lateral expansion, these observational results might be explained by the theoretical model of Chen et al. (2002), which predicted that EUV waves may have two components: a faster component that is a fast-mode magnetoacoustic wave or shock wave and a slower apparent front formed as a result of successive stretching of closed magnetic field lines. In this scenario, the wave train and the successive loop expansion we observed likely correspond to the fast and slow components in the model, respectively.

  • Cross-loop propagation of a quasi-periodic extreme-ultraviolet wave train triggered by successive stretching of magnetic field structures during a solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves generally refer to large-scale disturbances propagating outward from sites of solar eruptions in EUV imaging observations. Using the recent observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we report a quasi-periodic wave train propagating outward at an average speed of $\sim$308 km s$^{-1}$. At least five wavefronts can be clearly identified with the period being $\sim$120 s. These wavefronts originate from the coronal loop expansion, which propagates with an apparent speed of $\sim$95 km s$^{-1}$, about 3 times slower than the wave train. In the absence of a strong lateral expansion, these observational results might be explained by the theoretical model of Chen et al. (2002), which predicted that EUV waves may have two components: a faster component that is a fast-mode magnetoacoustic wave or shock wave and a slower apparent front formed as a result of successive stretching of closed magnetic field lines. In this scenario, the wave train and the successive loop expansion we observed likely correspond to the fast and slow components in the model, respectively.

  • Data-constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Long Duration Eruptive Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We perform a zero-$\beta$ magnetohydrodynamic simulation for the C7.7 class flare initiated at 01:18 UT on 2011 June 21 using the Message Passing Interface Adaptive Mesh Refinement Versatile Advection Code (MPI-AMRVAC). The initial condition for the simulation involves a flux rope which we realize through the regularized Biot-Savart laws, whose parameters are constrained by observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) on the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). This data-constrained initial state is then relaxed to a force-free state by the magneto-frictional module in MPI-AMRVAC. The further time-evolving simulation results reproduce the eruption characteristics obtained by SDO/AIA 94 A, 304 A, and STEREO/EUVI 304 A observations fairly well. The simulated flux rope possesses similar eruption direction, height range, and velocities to the observations. Especially, the two phases of slow evolution and fast eruption are reproduced by varying the density distribution in light of the filament material draining process. Our data-constrained simulations also show other advantages, such as a large field of view (about 0.76 solar radii). We study the twist of the magnetic flux rope and the decay index of the overlying field, and find that in this event, both the magnetic strapping force and the magnetic tension force are sufficiently weaker than the magnetic hoop force, thus allowing the successful eruption of the flux rope. We also find that the anomalous resistivity is necessary in keeping the correct morphology of the erupting flux rope.

  • Analyses of Laser Propagation Noises for TianQin Gravitational Wave Observatory Based on the Global Magnetosphere MHD Simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: TianQin is a proposed space-borne gravitational wave (GW) observatory composed of three identical satellites orbiting around the geocenter with a radius of $10^5$ km. It aims at detecting GWs in the frequency range of 0.1 mHz -- 1 Hz. The detection of GW relies on the high precision measurement of optical path length at $10^{-12}$~m level. The dispersion of space plasma can lead to the optical path difference (OPD, $\Delta l$) along the propagation of laser beams between any pair of satellites. Here, we study the OPD noises for TianQin. The Space Weather Modeling Framework is used to simulate the interaction between the Earth magnetosphere and solar wind. From the simulations, we extract the magnetic field and plasma parameters on the orbits of TianQin at four relative positions of the satellite constellation in the Earth magnetosphere. We calculate the OPD noise for single link, Michelson combination, and Time-Delay Interferometry (TDI) combinations ($\alpha$ and $X$). For single link and Michelson interferometer, the maxima of $|\Delta l|$ are on the order of 1 pm. For the TDI combinations, these can be suppressed to about 0.004 and 0.008 pm for $\alpha$ and $X$. The OPD noise of the Michelson combination is colored in the concerned frequency range; while the ones for the TDI combinations are approximately white. Furthermore, we calculate the ratio of the equivalent strain of the OPD noise to that of TQ, and find that the OPD noises for the TDI combinations can be neglected in the most sensitive frequency range of TQ.