您选择的条件: Weiguang Cui
  • Boundless Baryons: how diffuse gas contributes to anisotropic tSZ signal around simulated Three Hundred clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Upcoming advances in galaxy surveys and cosmic microwave background data will enable measurements of the anisotropic distribution of diffuse gas in filaments and superclusters at redshift $z=1$ and beyond, observed through the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect. These measurements will help distinguish between different astrophysical feedback models, account for baryons that appear to be 'missing' from the cosmic census, and present opportunities for using locally-anisotropic tSZ statistics as cosmological probes. This study seeks to guide such future measurements by analysing whether diffuse intergalactic gas is a major contributor to anisotropic tSZ signal in The Three Hundred GIZMO-Simba hydrodynamic simulations. Various definitions are applied to divide concentrated from diffuse gas at $z=1$ and create mock Compton-$y$ maps for the separate components. The maps from 98 simulation snapshots are centred on massive galaxy clusters, oriented by the most prominent galaxy filament axis, and stacked. Results vary significantly depending on the definition used for diffuse gas, indicating that assumptions should be clearly defined when claiming observations of the warm-hot intergalactic medium. In all cases, the diffuse gas is important, contributing 25-60% of the tSZ signal in the far field ($>4 h^{-1}$ comoving Mpc) from the stacked clusters. The gas 1-2 virial radii from halo centres is especially key. Oriented stacking and environmental selections help to amplify the signal from the warm-hot intergalactic medium, which is aligned but less concentrated along the filament axis than the hot halo gas.

  • Machine Learning methods to estimate observational properties of galaxy clusters in large volume cosmological N-body simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper we study the applicability of a set of supervised machine learning (ML) models specifically trained to infer observed related properties of the baryonic component (stars and gas) from a set of features of dark matter only cluster-size halos. The training set is built from THE THREE HUNDRED project which consists of a series of zoomed hydrodynamical simulations of cluster-size regions extracted from the 1 Gpc volume MultiDark dark-matter only simulation (MDPL2). We use as target variables a set of baryonic properties for the intra cluster gas and stars derived from the hydrodynamical simulations and correlate them with the properties of the dark matter halos from the MDPL2 N-body simulation. The different ML models are trained from this database and subsequently used to infer the same baryonic properties for the whole range of cluster-size halos identified in the MDPL2. We also test the robustness of the predictions of the models against mass resolution of the dark matter halos and conclude that their inferred baryonic properties are rather insensitive to their DM properties which are resolved with almost an order of magnitude smaller number of particles. We conclude that the ML models presented in this paper can be used as an accurate and computationally efficient tool for populating cluster-size halos with observational related baryonic properties in large volume N-body simulations making them more valuable for comparison with full sky galaxy cluster surveys at different wavelengths. We make the best ML trained model publicly available.

  • Effects of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback on Cold Gas Depletion and Quenching of Central Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the influence of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback on the galaxy cold gas content and its connection to galaxy quenching in three hydrodynamical simulations of Illustris, IllustrisTNG and SIMBA. By comparing to the observed atomic and molecular neutral hydrogen measurements for central galaxies, we find that Illustris over-predicts the cold gas masses in star-forming galaxies and significantly under-predicts them for quenched galaxies. IllustrisTNG performs better in this comparison than Illustris, but quenched galaxies retain too much cold gas compared with observations. SIMBA shows good agreement with observations, by depleting the global cold gas reservoir for quenched galaxies. We find that the discrepancies in IllustrisTNG are caused by its weak kinetic AGN feedback that only redistributes the cold gas from the inner disks to the outer regions and reduces the inner cold gas densities. It agrees with observations much better when only the cold gas within the stellar disk is considered to infer the star formation rates. From dependences of cold gas reservoir on the black hole mass and Eddington ratio, we find that the cumulative energy release during the black hole growth is the dominant reason for the cold gas depletion and thus the galaxy quenching. We further measure the central stellar surface density within 1 kpc ($\Sigma_1$) for the high-resolution run of IllustrisTNG and find a tight correlation between $\Sigma_1$ and black hole mass. It suggests that the observed decreasing trend of cold gas mass with $\Sigma_1$ is also a reflection of the black hole growth.

  • What to expect from dynamical modelling of cluster haloes II. Investigating dynamical state indicators with Random Forest

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the importances of various dynamical features in predicting the dynamical state (DS) of galaxy clusters, based on the Random Forest (RF) machine learning approach. We use a large sample of galaxy clusters from the Three Hundred Project of hydrodynamical zoomed-in simulations, and construct dynamical features from the raw data as well as from the corresponding mock maps in the optical, X-ray, and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) channels. Instead of relying on the impurity based feature importance of the RF algorithm, we directly use the out-of-bag (OOB) scores to evaluate the importances of individual features and different feature combinations. Among all the features studied, we find the virial ratio, $\eta$, to be the most important single feature. The features calculated directly from the simulations and in 3-dimensions carry more information on the DS than those constructed from the mock maps. Compared with the features based on X-ray or SZ maps, features related to the centroid positions are more important. Despite the large number of investigated features, a combination of up to three features of different types can already saturate the score of the prediction. Lastly, we show that the most sensitive feature $\eta$ is strongly correlated with the well-known half-mass bias in dynamical modelling. Without a selection in DS, cluster halos have an asymmetric distribution in $\eta$, corresponding to an overall positive half-mass bias. Our work provides a quantitative reference for selecting the best features to discriminate the DS of galaxy clusters in both simulations and observations.

  • The Three Hundred: Cluster Dynamical States and Relaxation Time Scale

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Using the galaxy clusters from The Three Hundred Project, we define a new parameter: $\lambda_{DS}$ to describe the dynamical state of clusters, which assumes a double-Gaussian distribution in logarithm scale for our mass-complete cluster sample at $z=0$ from the dark-matter-only (DMO) run. Therefore, the threshold for distinguishing relaxed and unrelaxed clusters is naturally determined by the crossing point of the double-Gaussian fitting which has a value of $\lambda_{DS} = 3.424$. By applying $\lambda_{DS}$ with the same parameters from the DMO run to the hydro-dynamically simulated clusters (Gadget-X run and GIZMO-SIMBA run), we investigate the effect of baryons on the cluster dynamical state. We find a weak baryon-model dependence for the $\lambda_{DS}$ parameter. Finally, we study the evolution of $\lambda_{DS}$ along with clusters mass accretion history. We notice an upper limit of halo mass change $\frac{\Delta M_{200}}{M_{200}} \sim 0.12$ that don't alter the cluster dynamical state, i.e. from relaxed to unrelaxed. We define relaxation period (from the most relaxed state to disturb and relaxed again) which reflects how long the dynamical state of a cluster restores its relaxation state, and propose a correlation between this relaxation period and the strength of halo mass change $\frac{\Delta M_{200}}{M_{200}}$. With the proposed fitting to such correlation, we verify the relaxation period can be estimated from $\frac{\Delta M_{200}}{M_{200}}$ (including multi mass change peaks) with considerably small error.

  • The origin of galaxy colour bimodality in the scatter of the Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recent observations reveal that, at a given stellar mass, blue galaxies tend to live in haloes with lower mass while red galaxies live in more massive host haloes. The physical driver behind this is still unclear because theoretical models predict that, at the same halo mass, galaxies with high stellar masses tend to live in early-formed haloes which naively leads to an opposite trend. Here, we show that the {\sc Simba} simulation quantitatively reproduces the colour bimodality in SHMR and reveals an inverse relationship between halo formation time and galaxy transition time. It suggests that the origin of this bimodality is rooted in the intrinsic variations of the cold gas content due to halo assembly bias. {\sc Simba}'s SHMR bimodality quantitatively relies on two aspects of its input physics: (1) Jet-mode AGN feedback, which quenches galaxies and sets the qualitative trend; and (2) X-ray AGN feedback, which fully quenches galaxies and yields better agreement with observations. The interplay between the growth of cold gas and the AGN quenching in {\sc Simba} results in the observed SHMR bimodality.

  • A Deep Learning Approach to Infer Galaxy Cluster Masses from Planck Compton$-y$ parameter maps

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy clusters are useful laboratories to investigate the evolution of the Universe, and accurately measuring their total masses allows us to constrain important cosmological parameters. However, estimating mass from observations that use different methods and spectral bands introduces various systematic errors. This paper evaluates the use of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to reliably and accurately infer the masses of galaxy clusters from the Compton-y parameter maps provided by the Planck satellite. The CNN is trained with mock images generated from hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy clusters, with Planck's observational limitations taken into account. We observe that the CNN approach is not subject to the usual observational assumptions, and so is not affected by the same biases. By applying the trained CNNs to the real Planck maps, we find cluster masses compatible with Planck measurements within a 15% bias. Finally, we show that this mass bias can be explained by the well known hydrostatic equilibrium assumption in Planck masses, and the different parameters in the Y500-M500 scaling laws. This work highlights that CNNs, supported by hydrodynamic simulations, are a promising and independent tool for estimating cluster masses with high accuracy, which can be extended to other surveys as well as to observations in other bands.

  • Understanding the relation between thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich decrement and halo mass using the SIMBA and TNG simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The relation between the integrated thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) $y$-decrement versus halo mass ($Y$--$M$) can potentially constrain galaxy formation models, if theoretical and observational systematics can be properly assessed. We investigate the $Y$--$M$ relation in the SIMBA and IllustrisTNG-100 cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, quantifying the effects of feedback, line-of-sight projection, and beam convolution. We find that SIMBA's AGN jet feedback generates strong deviations from self-similar expectations for the $Y$--$M$ relation, especially at $M_{500}<10^{13}M_{\odot}$. In SIMBA, this is driven by suppressed in-halo $y$ contributions owing to lowered halo baryon fractions. IllustrisTNG results more closely resemble SIMBA without jets. Projections of line-of-sight structures weaken these model differences slightly, but they remain significant -- particularly at group and lower halo masses. In contrast, beam smearing at $\textit{Planck}$ resolution makes the models indistinguishable, and both models appear to agree well with $\textit{Planck}$ data down to the lowest masses probed. We show that the arcminute resolution expected from forthcoming facilities would retain the differences between model predictions, and thereby provide strong constraints on AGN feedback.

  • A stochastic model to reproduce the star-formation history of individual galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The star formation history (SFH) of galaxies is critical for understanding galaxy evolution. Hydrodynamical simulations enable us to precisely reconstruct the SFH of galaxies and establish a link to the underlying physical processes. In this work, we present a model to describe individual galaxies' SFHs from three simulations: TheThreeHundred, Illustris-1 and TNG100-1. This model divides the galaxy SFH into two distinct components: the "main sequence" and the "variation". The "main sequence" part is generated by tracing the history of the $SFR-M_*$ main sequence of galaxies across time. The "variation" part consists of the scatter around the main sequence, which is reproduced by fractional Brownian motions. We find that: 1) The evolution of the main sequence varies between simulations; 2) fractional Brownian motions can reproduce many features of SFHs, however, discrepancies still exist; 3) The variations and mass-loss rate are crucial for reconstructing the SFHs of the simulations. This model provides a fair description of the SFHs in simulations. On the other hand, by correlating the fractional Brownian motion model to simulation data, we provide a 'standard' against which to compare simulations.

  • Does Concentration Drive the Scatter in the Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation of Galaxy Clusters?

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Concentration is one of the key dark matter halo properties that could drive the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation of massive clusters. We derive robust photometric stellar masses for a sample of brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in SDSS redMaPPer clusters at $0.17展开 -->

  • Effects of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback on Cold Gas Depletion and Quenching of Central Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the influence of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback on the galaxy cold gas content and its connection to galaxy quenching in three hydrodynamical simulations of Illustris, IllustrisTNG and SIMBA. By comparing to the observed atomic and molecular neutral hydrogen measurements for central galaxies, we find that Illustris over-predicts the cold gas masses in star-forming galaxies and significantly under-predicts them for quenched galaxies. IllustrisTNG performs better in this comparison than Illustris, but quenched galaxies retain too much cold gas compared with observations. SIMBA shows good agreement with observations, by depleting the global cold gas reservoir for quenched galaxies. We find that the discrepancies in IllustrisTNG are caused by its weak kinetic AGN feedback that only redistributes the cold gas from the inner disks to the outer regions and reduces the inner cold gas densities. It agrees with observations much better when only the cold gas within the stellar disk is considered to infer the star formation rates. From dependences of cold gas reservoir on the black hole mass and Eddington ratio, we find that the cumulative energy release during the black hole growth is the dominant reason for the cold gas depletion and thus the galaxy quenching. We further measure the central stellar surface density within 1 kpc ($\Sigma_1$) for the high-resolution run of IllustrisTNG and find a tight correlation between $\Sigma_1$ and black hole mass. It suggests that the observed decreasing trend of cold gas mass with $\Sigma_1$ is also a reflection of the black hole growth.

  • The Three Hundred project: Galaxy groups do not survive cluster infall

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy clusters grow by accreting galaxies as individual objects, or as members of a galaxy group. These groups can strongly impact galaxy evolution, stripping the gas from galaxies, and enhancing the rate of galaxy mergers. However, it is not clear how the dynamics and structure of groups are affected when they interact with a large cluster, or whether all group members necessarily experience the same evolutionary processes. Using data from TheThreeHundred project, a suite of 324 hydrodynamical resimulations of large galaxy clusters, we study the properties of 1340 groups passing through a cluster. We find that half of group galaxies become gravitationally unbound from the group by the first pericentre, typically just 0.5-1 Gyr after cluster entry. Most groups quickly mix with the cluster satellite population; only 8% of infalling group haloes later leave the cluster, although for nearly half of these, all of their galaxies have become unbound, tidally disrupted or merged into the central by this stage. The position of galaxies in group-centric phase space is also important -- only galaxies near the centre of a group ($r\lesssim0.7R_{200}$) remain bound once a group is inside a cluster, and slow-moving galaxies in the group centre are likely to be tidally disrupted, or merge with another galaxy. This work will help future observational studies to constrain the environmental histories of group galaxies. For instance, groups observed inside or nearby to clusters have likely approached very recently, meaning that their galaxies will not have experienced a cluster environment before.

  • The hydrostatic mass bias in The Three Hundred clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Hydrostatic equilibrium (HE) is often used in observations to estimate galaxy clusters masses. We use a set of almost 300 simulated clusters from The Three Hundred Project, to estimate the cluster HE mass and the bias deriving from it. We study the dependence of the bias on several dynamical state indicators across a redshift range from 0.07 to 1.3, finding no dependence between them. Moreover, we focus our attention on the evolution of the HE bias during the merger phase, where the bias even reaches negative values due to an overestimation of the mass with HE.

  • \textsc{The Three Hundred} project: The \textsc{Gizmo-Simba} run

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We introduce \textsc{Gizmo-Simba}, a new suite of galaxy cluster simulations within \textsc{The Three Hundred} project. \textsc{The Three Hundred} consists of zoom re-simulations of 324 clusters with $M_{200}\gtrsim 10^{14.8}M_\odot$ drawn from the MultiDark-Planck $N$-body simulation, run using several hydrodynamic and semi-analytic codes. The \textsc{Gizmo-Simba} suite adds a state-of-the-art galaxy formation model based on the highly successful {\sc Simba} simulation, mildly re-calibrated to match $z=0$ cluster stellar properties. Comparing to \textsc{The Three Hundred} zooms run with \textsc{Gadget-X}, we find intrinsic differences in the evolution of the stellar and gas mass fractions, BCG ages, and galaxy colour-magnitude diagrams, with \textsc{Gizmo-Simba} generally providing a good match to available data at $z \approx 0$. \textsc{Gizmo-Simba}'s unique black hole growth and feedback model yields agreement with the observed BH scaling relations at the intermediate-mass range and predicts a slightly different slope at high masses where few observations currently lie. \textsc{Gizmo-Simba} provides a new and novel platform to elucidate the co-evolution of galaxies, gas, and black holes within the densest cosmic environments.

  • What to expect from dynamical modelling of cluster haloes I. The information content of different dynamical tracers

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Using hydrodynamical simulations, we study how well the underlying gravitational potential of a galaxy cluster can be modelled dynamically with different types of tracers. In order to segregate different systematics and the effects of varying estimator performances, we first focus on applying a generic minimal assumption method (oPDF) to model the simulated haloes using the full 6-D phasespace information. We show that the halo mass and concentration can be recovered in an ensemble unbiased way, with a stochastic bias that varies from halo to halo, mostly reflecting deviations from steady state in the tracer distribution. The typical systematic uncertainty is $\sim 0.17$ dex in the virial mass and $\sim 0.17$ dex in the concentration as well when dark matter particles are used as tracers. The dynamical state of satellite galaxies are close to that of dark matter particles, while intracluster stars are less in a steady state, resulting in a $\sim$ 0.26 dex systematic uncertainty in mass. Compared with galactic haloes hosting Milky-Way-like galaxies, cluster haloes show a larger stochastic bias in the recovered mass profiles. We also test the accuracy of using intracluster gas as a dynamical tracer modelled through a generalised hydrostatic equilibrium equation, and find a comparable systematic uncertainty in the estimated mass to that using dark matter. Lastly, we demonstrate that our conclusions are largely applicable to other steady-state dynamical models including the spherical Jeans equation, by quantitatively segregating their statistical efficiencies and robustness to systematics. We also estimate the limiting number of tracers that leads to the systematics-dominated regime in each case.

  • A multi-simulation study of relativistic SZ temperature scalings in galaxy clusters and groups

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect is a powerful tool in modern cosmology. With future observations promising ever improving SZ measurements, the relativistic corrections to the SZ signals from galaxy groups and clusters are increasingly relevant. As such, it is important to understand the differences between three temperature measures: (a) the average relativistic SZ (rSZ) temperature, (b) the mass-weighted temperature relevant for the thermal SZ (tSZ) effect, and (c) the X-ray spectroscopic temperature. In this work, we compare these cluster temperatures, as predicted by the {\sc Bahamas} \& {\sc Macsis}, {\sc Illustris-TNG}, {\sc Magneticum}, and {\sc The Three Hundred Project} simulations. Despite the wide range of simulation parameters, we find the SZ temperatures are consistent across the simulations. We estimate a $\simeq 10\%$ level correction from rSZ to clusters with $Y\simeq10^{-4}$~Mpc$^{-2}$. Our analysis confirms a systematic offset between the three temperature measures; with the rSZ temperature $\simeq 20\%$ larger than the other measures, and diverging further at higher redshifts. We demonstrate that these measures depart from simple self-similar evolution and explore how they vary with the defined radius of haloes. We investigate how different feedback prescriptions and resolution affect the observed temperatures, and discover the SZ temperatures are rather insensitive to these details. The agreement between simulations indicates an exciting avenue for observational and theoretical exploration, determining the extent of relativistic SZ corrections. We provide multiple simulation-based fits to the scaling relations for use in future SZ modelling.

  • Hybrid analytic and machine-learned baryonic property insertion into galactic dark matter haloes

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: While cosmological dark matter-only simulations relying solely on gravitational effects are comparably fast to compute, baryonic properties in simulated galaxies require complex hydrodynamic simulations that are computationally costly to run. We explore the merging of an extended version of the equilibrium model, an analytic formalism describing the evolution of the stellar, gas, and metal content of galaxies, into a machine learning framework. In doing so, we are able to recover more properties than the analytic formalism alone can provide, creating a high-speed hydrodynamic simulation emulator that populates galactic dark matter haloes in N-body simulations with baryonic properties. While there exists a trade-off between the reached accuracy and the speed advantage this approach offers, our results outperform an approach using only machine learning for a subset of baryonic properties. We demonstrate that this novel hybrid system enables the fast completion of dark matter-only information by mimicking the properties of a full hydrodynamic suite to a reasonable degree, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid versus machine learning-only frameworks. In doing so, we offer an acceleration of commonly deployed simulations in cosmology.

  • The Physical Nature of Circumgalactic Medium Absorbers in Simba

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the nature of the low-redshift CGM in the Simba cosmological simulations as traced by ultraviolet absorption lines around galaxies in bins of stellar mass ($M_\star>10^{10}M_\odot$) for star-forming, green valley and quenched galaxies at impact parameters $r_\perp\leq 1.25r_{200}$. We generate synthetic spectra for HI, MgII, CII, SiIII, CIV, and OVI, fit Voigt profiles to obtain line properties, and estimate the density, temperature, and metallicity of the absorbing gas. We find that CGM absorbers are most abundant around star forming galaxies with $M_\star < 10^{11}M_\odot$, while the abundance of green valley galaxies show similar behaviour to those of quenched galaxies, suggesting that the CGM "quenches" before star formation ceases. HI absorbing gas exists across a broad range of cosmic phases (condensed gas, diffuse gas, hot halo gas and Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium), while essentially all low-ionisation metal absorption arises from condensed gas. OVI absorbers are split between hot halo gas and the WHIM. The fraction of collisionally ionised CGM absorbers is $\sim 25-55\%$ for CIV and $\sim 80-95\%$ for OVI, depending on stellar mass and impact parameter. In general, the highest column density absorption features for each ion arise from dense gas. Satellite gas, defined as that within $10r_{1/2,\star},$ contributes $\sim 3\%$ of overall HI absorption but $\sim 30\%$ of MgII absorption, with the fraction from satellites decreasing with increasing ion excitation energy.

  • Groups and protocluster candidates in the CLAUDS and HSC-SSP joint deep surveys

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Using the extended halo-based group finder developed by Yang et al. (2021), which is able to deal with galaxies via spectroscopic and photometric redshifts simultaneously, we construct galaxy group and candidate protocluster catalogs in a wide redshift range ($0 2.0$. By checking the galaxy number distributions within a $5-7\ h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$ projected separation and a redshift difference $\Delta z \le 0.1$ around those richest groups at redshift $z>2$, we identified a list of 761, 343 and 43 protocluster candidates in the redshift bins $2\leq z<3$, $3\leq z<4$ and $z \geq 4$, respectively. In general, these catalogs of galaxy groups and protocluster candidates will provide useful environmental information in probing galaxy evolution along the cosmic time.

  • ELUCID VII: Using Constrained Hydro Simulations to Explore the Gas Component of the Cosmic Web

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Using reconstructed initial conditions in the SDSS survey volume, we carry out constrained hydrodynamic simulations in three regions representing different types of the cosmic web: the Coma cluster of galaxies; the SDSS great wall; and a large low-density region at $z\sim 0.05$. These simulations, which include star formation and stellar feedback but no AGN formation and feedback, are used to investigate the properties and evolution of intergalactic and intra-cluster media. About half of the warm-hot intergalactic gas is associated with filaments in the local cosmic web. Gas in the outskirts of massive filaments and halos can be heated significantly by accretion shocks generated by mergers of filaments and halos, respectively, and there is a tight correlation between gas temperature and the strength of the local tidal field. The simulations also predict some discontinuities associated with shock fronts and contact edges, which can be tested using observations of the thermal SZ effect and X-rays. A large fraction of the sky is covered by Ly$\alpha$ and OVI absorption systems, and most of the OVI systems and low-column density HI systems are associated with filaments in the cosmic web. The constrained simulations, which follow the formation and heating history of the observed cosmic web, provide an important avenue to interpret observational data. With full information about the origin and location of the cosmic gas to be observed, such simulations can also be used to develop observational strategies.