您选择的条件: Luqian Wang
  • Identification of new classical Be stars from the LAMOST MRS survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Be stars are B-type main-sequence stars that display broad Balmer emission lines in their spectra. Identification of Be population is essential to further examine the formation and evolutionary models. We report the detection of classical Be (CBe) stars from observations with the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Medium Resolution Survey of Date Release 7 (LAMOST MRS DR7). We used a deep convolutional neural network, the ResNet, with an 18-layer module to examine the morphology of the H alpha profile. We identified 1,162 candidate Be stars from the collection of 2,260,387 spectra for 789,918 stars in the database. The ResNet network achieves a Be star classification accuracy of 99.5%. Among the detections, 151 of these are prior known Be stars cross-matched from the literature. By applying a three-step test, we identified 183 new CBe stars. We find that 41 CBe stars are members of known open clusters. Based upon an investigation of the kinematics of the identified CBe stars from the Gaia EDR3 astrometric solutions, we identified 16 new runaways. These new identifications will provide a reference for future follow-ups to further investigate their physical properties.

  • The Detection and Characterization of Be+sdO Binaries from HST/STIS FUV Spectroscopy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The B-emission line stars are rapid rotators that were probably spun up by mass and angular momentum accretion through mass transfer in an interacting binary. Mass transfer will strip the donor star of its envelope to create a small and hot subdwarf remnant. Here we report on Hubble Space Telescope/STIS far-ultraviolet spectroscopy of a sample of Be stars that reveals the presence of the hot sdO companion through the calculation of cross-correlation functions of the observed and model spectra. We clearly detect the spectral signature of the sdO star in 10 of the 13 stars in the sample, and the spectral signals indicate that the sdO stars are hot, relatively faint, and slowly rotating as predicted by models. A comparison of their temperatures and radii with evolutionary tracks indicates that the sdO stars occupy the relatively long-lived, He-core burning stage. Only one of the ten detections was a known binary prior to this investigation, which emphasizes the difficulty of finding such Be+sdO binaries through optical spectroscopy. However, these results and others indicate that many Be stars probably host hot subdwarf companions.

  • A Roche Lobe-filling hot Subdwarf and White Dwarf Binary: possible detection of an ejected common envelope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Binaries consisting of a hot subdwarf star and an accreting white dwarf (WD) are sources of gravitational wave radiation at low frequencies and possible progenitors of type Ia supernovae if the WD mass is large enough. Here, we report the discovery of the third binary known of this kind: it consists of a hot subdwarf O (sdO) star and a WD with an orbital period of 3.495 hours and an orbital shrinkage of 0.1 s in 6 yr. The sdO star overfills its Roche lobe and likely transfers mass to the WD via an accretion disk. From spectroscopy, we obtain an effective temperature of $T_{\mathrm{eff}}=54\,240\pm1\,840$ K and a surface gravity of $\log{g}=4.841\pm0.108$ for the sdO star. From the light curve analysis, we obtain a sdO mass of $M_{\mathrm{sdO}}=0.55$ ${\mathrm{M_{\odot}}}$ and a mass ratio of $q=M_{\mathrm{WD}}/M_{\mathrm{sdO}}=0.738\pm0.001$. Also, we estimate that the disk has a radius of $\sim 0.41R_\odot$ and a thickness of $\sim 0.18R_\odot$. The origin of this binary is probably a common envelope ejection channel, where the progenitor of the sdO star is either an RGB star or, more likely, an early AGB star; the sdO star will subsequently evolve into a WD and merge with its WD companion, likely resulting in an R CrB star. The outstanding feature in the spectrum of this object is strong Ca H&K lines, which are blueshifted by $\sim$200 km/s and likely originate from the recently ejected common envelope, and we estimated that the remnant CE material in the binary system has a density $\sim 6\times 10^{-10} {\rm g/cm^3}$.

  • Gamma Cas Stars as Be + White Dwarf Binary Systems

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The origin of the bright and hard X-ray emission flux among the gamma Cas subgroup of B-emission line (Be) stars may be caused by gas accretion onto an orbiting white dwarf (WD) companion. Such Be+WD binaries are the predicted outcome of a second stage of mass transfer from a helium star mass donor to a rapidly rotating mass gainer star. The stripped donor stars become small and hot white dwarfs that are extremely faint compared to their Be star companions. Here we discuss model predictions about the physical and orbital properties of Be+WD binaries, and we show that current observational results on gamma Cas systems are consistent with the expected large binary frequency, companion faintness and small mass, and relatively high mass range of the Be star hosts. We determine that the companions are probably not stripped helium stars (hot subdwarf sdO stars), because these are bright enough to detect in ultraviolet spectroscopy, yet their spectroscopic signatures are not observed in studies of gamma Cas binaries. Interferometry of relatively nearby systems provides the means to detect very faint companions including hot subdwarf and cooler main sequence stars. Preliminary observations of five gamma Cas binaries with the CHARA Array interferometer show no evidence of the companion's flux, leaving white dwarfs as the only viable candidates for the companions.

  • The Binarity of Early-type Stars from LAMOST Medium-resolution Spectroscopic Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Massive binaries play significant roles in many fields. Identification of massive stars, particularly massive binaries, is of great importance. In this paper, by adopting the technique of measuring the equivalent widths of several spectral lines, we identified 9,382 early-type stars from LAMOST medium-resolution survey and divided the sample into four groups, T1 ($\sim$O-B4), T2 ($\sim$B5), T3 ($\sim$B7), and T4 ($\sim$B8-A). The relative radial velocities $RV_{\rm rel}$ were calculated using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The stars with significant changes of $RV_{\rm rel}$ and at least larger than 15.57km s$^{-1}$ were identified as spectroscopic binaries. We found that the observed spectroscopic binary fractions for the four groups are $24.6\%\pm0.5\%$, $20.8\%\pm0.6\%$, $13.7\%\pm0.3\%$, and $7.4\%\pm0.3\%$, respectively. Assuming that orbital period ($P$) and mass ratio ($q$) have intrinsic distributions as $f(P) \propto P^\pi$ (1\textless$P$\textless1000 days) and $f(q) \propto q^\kappa$ (0.1\textless$q$\textless1), respectively, we conducted a series of Monte-Carlo simulations to correct observational biases for estimating the intrinsic multiplicity properties. The results show that the intrinsic binary fractions for the four groups are 68$\%\pm8\%$, 52$\%\pm3\%$, 44$\%\pm6\%$, and 44$\%\pm6\%$, respectively. The best estimated values for $\pi$ are -1$\pm0.1$, -1.1$\pm0.05$, -1.1$\pm0.1$, and -0.6$\pm0.05$, respectively. The $\kappa$ cannot be constrained for groups T1 and T2 and is -2.4$\pm0.3$ for group T3 and -1.6$\pm0.3$ for group T4. We confirmed the relationship of a decreasing trend in binary fractions towards late-type stars. No correlation between the spectral type and the orbital period distribution has been found yet, possibly due to the limitation of observational cadence.

  • The statistical properties of early-type stars from LAMOST DR8

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Massive binary stars play a crucial role in many astrophysical fields. Investigating the statistical properties of massive binary stars is essential to trace the formation of massive stars and constrain the evolution of stellar populations. However, no consensus has been achieved on the statistical properties of massive binary stars, mainly due to the lack of a large and homogeneous sample of spectroscopic observations. We study the intrinsic binary fraction $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ and distributions of mass ratio $f(q)$ and orbital period $f(P)$ of early-type stars (comprised of O-, B-, and A-type stars) and investigate their dependences on effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}$, stellar metallicity [M/H], and the projection velocity $v\sin{i}$, based on the homogeneous spectroscopic sample from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Data Release Eight (DR8). We found that $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ increases with increasing $T_\mathrm{eff}$. The binary fraction is positively correlated with metallicity for spectra in the sample. Over all the $v\sin{i}$ values we considered, the $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ have constant values of $\sim$50\%. It seems that the binary population is relatively evenly distributed over a wide range of $v\sin{i}$ values, while the whole sample shows that most of the stars are concentrated at low values of $v\sin{i}$ (probably from strong wind and magnetic braking of single massive stars) and at high values of $v\sin{i}$ (likely from the merging of binary stars). Stellar evolution and binary interaction may be partly responsible for this.There are no correlations found between $\pi$($\gamma$) and $T_{\rm eff}$, nor for $\pi$($\gamma$) and [M/H]. The uncertainties of the distribution decrease toward a larger sample size with higher observational cadence.

  • Mass-Ratio Distribution of Binaries From the LAMOST-MRS Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Binary evolution leads to the formation of important objects crucial to the development of astrophysics, but the statistical properties of binary populations are still poorly understood. The LAMOST-MRS has provided a large sample of stars to study the properties of binary populations, especially for the mass ratio distributions and the binary fractions. We have devised a Peak Amplitude Ratio (PAR) approach to derive the mass ratio of a binary system based on results obtained from its spectrum. By computing a cross-correlation function (CCF), we established a relationship between the derived mass ratio and the PARs of the binary systems. By utilizing spectral observations obtained from LAMSOT DR6 & DR7, we applied the PAR approach to form distributions of the derived mass ratio of the binary systems to the spectral types. We selected the mass ratio within the range of $0.6-1.0$ for investigating the mass-ratio distribution. Through a power-law fitting, we obtained the power index $\gamma$ values of $-0.42\pm0.27$, $0.03\pm0.12$, and $2.12\pm0.19$ for A-, F-, and G-type stars identified in the sample, respectively. The derived $\gamma$-values display an increasing trend toward lower primary star masses, and G-type binaries tend to be more in twins. The close binary fractions (for $P\lesssim 150\,{\rm d}$ and $q\gtrsim 0.6$) in our sample for A, F and G binaries are $7.6\pm 0.5 \%$, $4.9\pm 0.2 \%$ and $3.7 \pm 0.1 \%$, respectively. Note that the PAR approach can be applied to large spectroscopic surveys of stars.

  • The statistical properties of early-type stars from LAMOST DR8

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Massive binary stars play a crucial role in many astrophysical fields. Investigating the statistical properties of massive binary stars is essential to trace the formation of massive stars and constrain the evolution of stellar populations. However, no consensus has been achieved on the statistical properties of massive binary stars, mainly due to the lack of a large and homogeneous sample of spectroscopic observations. We study the intrinsic binary fraction $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ and distributions of mass ratio $f(q)$ and orbital period $f(P)$ of early-type stars (comprised of O-, B-, and A-type stars) and investigate their dependences on effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}$, stellar metallicity [M/H], and the projection velocity $v\sin{i}$, based on the homogeneous spectroscopic sample from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Data Release Eight (DR8). We found that $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ increases with increasing $T_\mathrm{eff}$. The binary fraction is positively correlated with metallicity for spectra in the sample. Over all the $v\sin{i}$ values we considered, the $f_{\rm b}^{\rm in}$ have constant values of $\sim$50\%. It seems that the binary population is relatively evenly distributed over a wide range of $v\sin{i}$ values, while the whole sample shows that most of the stars are concentrated at low values of $v\sin{i}$ (probably from strong wind and magnetic braking of single massive stars) and at high values of $v\sin{i}$ (likely from the merging of binary stars). Stellar evolution and binary interaction may be partly responsible for this.There are no correlations found between $\pi$($\gamma$) and $T_{\rm eff}$, nor for $\pi$($\gamma$) and [M/H]. The uncertainties of the distribution decrease toward a larger sample size with higher observational cadence.