您选择的条件: Xilong Fan
  • GalCEM I -- An Open-Source Detailed Isotopic Chemical Evolution Code

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: This is the first of a series of papers that will introduce a user-friendly, detailed, and modular GALactic Chemical Evolution Model, GalCEM, that tracks isotope masses as a function of time in a given galaxy. The list of tracked isotopes automatically adapts to the complete set provided by the input yields. The present iteration of GalCEM tracks 86 elements broken down in 451 isotopes. The prescription includes massive stars, low-to-intermediate mass stars, and Type Ia supernovae as enrichment channels. We have developed a preprocessing tool that extracts multi-dimensional interpolation curves from the input yield tables. These interpolation curves improve the computation speeds of the full convolution integrals, which are computed for each isotope and for each enrichment channel. We map the integrand quantities onto consistent array grids in order to perform the numerical integration at each time step. The differential equation is solved with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. We constrain our analysis to the evolution of all the light and intermediate elements from carbon to zinc, and lithium. Our results are consistent up to the extremely metal poor regime with Galactic abundances. We provide tools to track the mass rate change of individual isotopes on a typical spiral galaxy with a final baryonic mass of $5\times 10^{10} M_{\odot}$. Future iterations of the work will extend to the full periodic table by including the enrichment from neutron-capture channels as well as spatially-dependent treatments of galaxy properties. GalCEM is publicly available at https://github.com/egjergo/GalCEM/

  • Gravitons probing from stochastic gravitational waves background

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantum gravity is a challenge in physics, and the existence of graviton is the prime question at present. We study the detectability of the quantum noise induced by gravitons in this letter. The correlation of the quantum noise in the squeezed state is calculated, but we are surprised to find that the result is the same as those from Grishchuk et.al. and Parikh et.al. This implies that they are essentially about one thing: the quantum noise from the gravitons. The further discussion shows the quantum noise should be completed from the leading order of the interaction between gravitation and the detector. The squeezed factor is estimated, and with it, the spectrum of the quantum noise is found to be of the form $\Omega_0 \sim \nu^{4+a_0 \beta+b_0}$. After comparing it to the sensitivities of several gravitational wave detectors, we conclude that the quantum noise is detectable in the future.

  • Exploring the sky localization and early warning capabilities of third generation gravitational wave detectors in three-detector network configurations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: This work characterises the sky localization and early warning performance of networks of third generation gravitational wave detectors, consisting of different combinations of detectors with either the Einstein Telescope or Cosmic Explorer configuration in sites in North America, Europe and Australia. Using a Fisher matrix method which includes the effect of earth rotation, we estimate the sky localization uncertainty for $1.4\text{M}\odot$-$1.4\text{M}\odot$ binary neutron star mergers at distances $40\text{Mpc}$, $200\text{Mpc}$, $400\text{Mpc}$, $800\text{Mpc}$, $1600\text{Mpc}$, and an assumed astrophysical population up to redshift of 2 to characterize its performance for binary neutron star observations. We find that, for binary neutron star mergers at $200\text{Mpc}$ and a network consisting of the Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer and an extra Einstein Telescope-like detector in Australia(2ET1CE), the upper limit of the size of the 90% credible region for the best localized 90% signals is $0.25\text{deg}^2$. For the simulated astrophysical distribution, this upper limit is $91.79\text{deg}^2$. If the Einstein Telescope-like detector in Australia is replaced with a Cosmic Explorer-like detector(1ET2CE), for $200\text{Mpc}$ case, the upper limit is $0.18\text{deg}^2$, while for astrophysical distribution, it is $56.77\text{deg}^2$. We note that the 1ET2CE network can detect 7.2% more of the simulated astrophysical population than the 2ET1CE network. In terms of early warning performance, we find that a network of 2ET1CE and 1ET2CE networks can both provide early warnings of the order of 1 hour prior to merger with sky localization uncertainties of 30 square degrees or less. Our study concludes that the 1ET2CE network is a good compromise between binary neutron stars detection rate, sky localization and early warning capabilities.

  • String length constraining from the stochastic gravitational waves background

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the stochastic gravitational waves from string gas cosmology. With the help of the Lambert W function, we derive the exact energy density spectrum of the stochastic gravitational waves in term of tensor-to-scalar. New feathers with the spectrum are found. First, the non-Hagedorn phase can be ruled out by the current B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background. Second, the exact spectrum from the Hagedorn phase with a logarithmic term is shown to be unique in the measurable frequency range. Third, which is the most important, we find the string length can be constrained to be lower than 7 $\sim$ orders of that Planck scale.

  • Probing the large-scale structure of the universe through gravitational-wave observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The improvements in the sensitivity of the gravitational wave (GW) network enable the detection of several large redshift GW sources by third-generation GW detectors. These advancements provide an independent method to probe the large-scale structure of the universe by using the clustering of the binary black holes. The black hole catalogs are complementary to the galaxy catalogs because of large redshifts of GW events, which may imply that binary black holes (BBHs) are a better choice than galaxies to probe the large-scale structure of the universe and cosmic evolution over a large redshift range. To probe the large-scale structure, we used the sky position of the binary black holes observed by third-generation GW detectors to calculate the angular correlation function (ACF) and the bias factor of the population of binary black holes. This method is also statistically significant as 5000 BBHs are simulated. Moreover, for the third-generation GW detectors, we found that the bias factor can be recovered to within 33$\%$ with an observational time of ten years. This method only depends on the GW source-location posteriors; hence, it can be an independent method to reveal the formation mechanisms and origin of the BBH mergers compared to the electromagnetic method.