您选择的条件: Lu Li
  • Correction factors of the measurement errors of the LAMOST-LRS stellar parameters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We aim to investigate the propriety of stellar parameter errors of the official data release of the LAMOST low-resolution spectroscopy (LRS) survey. We diagnose the errors of radial velocity (RV), atmospheric parameters ([Fe/H], T eff , log g) and {\alpha}-enhancement ([{\alpha}/M]) for the latest data release version of DR7, including 6,079,235 effective spectra of 4,546,803 stars. Based on the duplicate observational sample and comparing the deviation of multiple measurements to their given errors, we find that, in general, the error of [{\alpha}/M] is largely underestimated, and the error of radial velocity is slightly overestimated. We define a correction factor k to quantify these misestimations and correct the errors to be expressed as proper internal uncertainties. Using this self-calibration technique, we find that the k-factors significantly vary with the stellar spectral types and the spectral signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Particularly, we reveal a strange but evident trend between k-factors and error themselves for all five stellar parameters. Larger errors tend to have smaller k-factor values, i.e., they were more overestimated. After the correction, we recreate and quantify the tight correlations between SNR and errors, for all five parameters, while these correlations have dependence on spectral types. It also suggests that the parameter errors from each spectrum should be corrected individually. Finally, we provide the error correction factors of each derived parameter of each spectrum for the entire LAMOST-LRS DR7.

  • Correction factors of the measurement errors of the LAMOST-LRS stellar parameters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We aim to investigate the propriety of stellar parameter errors of the official data release of the LAMOST low-resolution spectroscopy (LRS) survey. We diagnose the errors of radial velocity (RV), atmospheric parameters ([Fe/H], T eff , log g) and {\alpha}-enhancement ([{\alpha}/M]) for the latest data release version of DR7, including 6,079,235 effective spectra of 4,546,803 stars. Based on the duplicate observational sample and comparing the deviation of multiple measurements to their given errors, we find that, in general, the error of [{\alpha}/M] is largely underestimated, and the error of radial velocity is slightly overestimated. We define a correction factor k to quantify these misestimations and correct the errors to be expressed as proper internal uncertainties. Using this self-calibration technique, we find that the k-factors significantly vary with the stellar spectral types and the spectral signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Particularly, we reveal a strange but evident trend between k-factors and error themselves for all five stellar parameters. Larger errors tend to have smaller k-factor values, i.e., they were more overestimated. After the correction, we recreate and quantify the tight correlations between SNR and errors, for all five parameters, while these correlations have dependence on spectral types. It also suggests that the parameter errors from each spectrum should be corrected individually. Finally, we provide the error correction factors of each derived parameter of each spectrum for the entire LAMOST-LRS DR7.

  • Robust Gaussian Process Regression Based on Iterative Trimming

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Gaussian process (GP) regression can be severely biased when the data are contaminated by outliers. This paper presents a new robust GP regression algorithm that iteratively trims the most extreme data points. While the new algorithm retains the attractive properties of the standard GP as a nonparametric and flexible regression method, it can greatly improve the model accuracy for contaminated data even in the presence of extreme or abundant outliers. It is also easier to implement compared with previous robust GP variants that rely on approximate inference. Applied to a wide range of experiments with different contamination levels, the proposed method significantly outperforms the standard GP and the popular robust GP variant with the Student-t likelihood in most test cases. In addition, as a practical example in the astrophysical study, we show that this method can precisely determine the main-sequence ridge line in the color-magnitude diagram of star clusters.

  • LAMOST meets Gaia: The Galactic Open Clusters

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Open Clusters are born and evolve along the Milky Way plane, on them is imprinted the history of the Galactic disc, including the chemical and dynamical evolution. Chemical and dynamical properties of open clusters can be derived from photometric, spectroscopic, and astrometric data of their member stars. Based on the photometric and astrometric data from the Gaia mission, the membership of stars in more than 2000 Galactic clusters has been identified in the literature. The chemical and kinematical properties, however, are still poorly known for many of these clusters. In synergy with the large spectroscopic survey LAMOST (data release 8) and Gaia (data release 2), we report a new comprehensive catalogue of 386 open clusters. This catalogue has homogeneous parameter determinations of radial velocity, metallicity, and dynamical properties, such as orbit, eccentricity, angular momenta, total energy, and 3D Galactic velocity. These parameters allow the first radial velocity determination and the first spectroscopic [Fe/H] determination for 44 and 137 clusters, respectively. The metallicity distribution of majority clusters shows falling trends in the parameter space of the Galactocentric radius, the total energy, and the Z component of angular momentum -- except for two old groups that show flat tails in their own parameter planes. Cluster populations of ages younger and older than 500 Myrs distribute diversely on the disc. The latter has a spatial consistency with the Galactic disc flare. The 3-D spatial comparison between very young clusters (< 100 Myr) and nearby molecular clouds revealed a wide range of metallicity distribution along the Radcliffe gas cloud wave, indicating a possible inhomogeneous mixing or fast star formation along the wave. This catalogue would serve the community as a useful tool to trace the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way.

  • MiMO: Mixture Model for Open Clusters in Color-Magnitude Diagrams

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We propose a mixture model of open clusters (OCs) in the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) to measure the OC properties, including isochrone parameters (age, distance, metallicity, and dust extinction), stellar mass function (MF), and binary parameters (binary fraction and mass-ratio distribution), with high precision and reliability. The model treats an OC in the CMD as a mixture of single and binary member stars and field stars in the same region. The cluster members are modeled using a theoretical stellar model, MF and binary properties. The field component is modeled nonparametrically using a separate field-star sample in the vicinity of the cluster. Unlike conventional methods that rely on stringent member selection, ours allows us to use a sample of more complete cluster members and attendant field stars. The larger star sample reduces the statistical error and diminishes the potential bias by retaining more stars that are crucial for age estimation and MF measurement. After validating the method with 1000 mock clusters, we measured the parameters of 10 real OCs using Gaia EDR3 data. The best-fit isochrones are consistent with previous measurements in general but with more precise age estimates for several OCs. The inferred MF slope is -2.7 to -1.6 for clusters younger than 2 Gyr, while older clusters appear to have significantly flatter MFs. The binary fraction is 30% to 50%. The photometric and astrometric distances agree well.

  • The In-Flight Realtime Trigger and Localization Software of GECAM

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Realtime trigger and localization of bursts are the key functions of GECAM, which is an all-sky gamma-ray monitor launched in Dec 10, 2020. We developed a multifunctional trigger and localization software operating on the CPU of the GECAM electronic box (EBOX). This onboard software has the following features: high trigger efficiency for real celestial bursts with a suppression of false triggers caused by charged particle bursts and background fluctuation, dedicated localization algorithm optimized for short and long bursts respetively, short time latency of the trigger information which is downlinked throught the BeiDou satellite navigation System (BDS). This paper presents the detailed design and deveopment of this trigger and localization software system of GECAM, including the main functions, general design, workflow and algorithms, as well as the verification and demonstration of this software, including the on-ground trigger tests with simulated gamma-ray bursts made by a dedicated X-ray tube and the in-flight performance to real gamma-ray bursts and magnetar bursts.

  • The role of binarity and stellar rotation in the split main sequence of NGC 2422

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In addition to the extended main-sequence turnoffs widely found in young and intermediate-age (~ 600 Myr-2 Gyr-old) star clusters, some younger clusters even exhibit split main sequences (MSs). Different stellar rotation rates are proposed to account for the bifurcated MS pattern, with red and blue MSs (rMS and bMS) populated by fast and slowly rotating stars, respectively. Using photometry from Gaia Early Data Release 3, we report a Galactic open cluster with a bifurcated MS, NGC 2422 ( ~ 90 Myr). We exclude the possibilities that the bifurcated MS pattern is caused by photometric noise or differential reddening. We aim to examine if stellar rotation can account for the split MSs. We use spectra observed with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Southern African Large Telescope, and directly measured v sin i, the projected rotational velocities, for stars populating the bMS and rMS. We find that their v sin i values are weakly correlated with their loci in the color-magnitude diagram because of contamination caused by a large fraction of rMS stars with low projected rotational velocities. Based on the spectral energy distribution fitting method, we suggest that these slowly rotating stars at the rMS may hide a binary companion, which breaks the expected v sin i-color correlation. Future time-domain studies focusing on whether these slowly rotating stars are radial velocity variables are crucial to test the roles of stellar rotation and binarity in generating the split MSs.