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Your conditions: Jia-Shu Niu
  • Pulsation Analysis of High-Amplitude δ Scuti Stars with TESS

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-07-28

    Abstract: In this work, the pulsation analysis is performed on 83 high-amplitude δ Scuti stars (HADS), which have been
    observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. The results show that 49 of these HADS show single-mode
    pulsation, 27 of them show radial double-modes pulsation (in which 22 of them pulsate with the fundamental and
    first overtone modes and five of them pulsate with the first and second overtone modes), and seven of them show
    radial triple-modes pulsation (three of which are newly confirmed triple-mode HADS). The histogram of the
    fundamental periods and the ratios between the fundamental and first overtone periods show bimodal structures,
    which might be caused by the stellar evolution in this specific phase. Most of the radial triple-mode HADS have a
    fundamental amplitude of 41–54 mmag, and 50% of them have similar amplitudes of the fundamental and first
    overtone pulsation modes. All these hints require further confirmation not only in observations with more HADS
    samples, but also in theoretical models with suitable treatments of stellar evolution and pulsation.

  • Uncorrelated Amplitude and Frequency Variations of the Harmonics in SX Phoenicis Star XX Cygni

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Harmonics are quite common in pulsating stars, and they are always considered to mimic the behaviors of their independent parent pulsation modes and not taken as the key information for asteroseismology. Here, we report an SX Phoenicis star XX Cygni, whose periodogram is dominated by the fundamental frequency $f_{0} = 7.41481 \pm 0.00004\ \mathrm{c\ d}^{-1}$ and its 19 harmonics. According to the analysis of the archival data from TESS, we find that both the amplitudes and frequencies of the fundamental mode and the harmonics vary within TESS Sectors 14-17 and 54-57, which might be caused by the contamination by neighbouring stars. What is more interesting is that, the harmonics show significantly uncorrelated amplitude and frequency variations over time. Some possible origins and interesting issues are proposed to scheme the further research of this hidden corner in current asteroseismology.

  • Quantitative study of the hardening in the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer nuclei spectra at a few hundred GV

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The most significant feature in the cosmic-ray (CR) nuclei spectra is the spectral hardening at a few hundred GV. It is important to know whether the hardening of different nuclei species is the same or not for constructing CR sources and propagation models. In this work, we collect the recently released AMS-02 CR nuclei spectra of primary species (proton, helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, and iron), secondary species (lithium, beryllium, boron, and fluorine), and hybrid species (nitrogen, sodium, and aluminum) and study the break positions and the spectral index differences (less and greater than the break rigidity) of the spectral hardening quantitatively. The results show us that the CR nuclei spectral hardening at a few hundred GV has hybrid origins. In detail, the dominating factors of the spectral hardening for primary and secondary CR nuclei species are different: the former comes from the superposition of different kinds of CR sources, while the latter comes from the propagation process. Both of these factors influence all kinds of CR nuclei spectra, just with different weights.

  • A rapidly evolving high-amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star crossing the Hertzsprung Gap

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In this work, we report the discovery of the rapidly evolving high-amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star KIC 6382916 (J19480292+4146558) which is crossing the Hertzsprung gap. According to the analysis of the archival data, we find three independent pulsation modes, whose amplitudes and frequencies vary distinctly in 4 years. The linear period variation rates of the first two modes are about 3-4 times larger than the best seismic model constructed by the standard evolution theory, while that of the third one is about 8 times larger than the first two modes. What is more interesting is that, almost all the combinations of the third mode have frequency peaks $0.0815\ \mathrm{c\ d}^{-1}$ away from them in the frequency domain. A framework is proposed to interpret the markedly large frequency and amplitude variation rates of the third mode, in which we employ a new pulsation mode (resonating integration mode) generated by the resonance between a radial p-mode and a nonradial mixed mode. Moreover, a global analysis of the interactions between the three independent pulsation modes and their harmonics/combinations is performed based on the interaction diagrams of their amplitudes and phases, which would be a useful tool for the future asteroseismology research.

  • A rapidly evolving high-amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star crossing the Hertzsprung Gap

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: In this work, we report the discovery of the rapidly evolving high-amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star KIC 6382916 (J19480292+4146558) which is crossing the Hertzsprung gap. According to the analysis of the archival data, we find three independent pulsation modes, whose amplitudes and frequencies vary distinctly in 4 years. The linear period variation rates of the first two modes are about 3-4 times larger than the best seismic model constructed by the standard evolution theory, while that of the third one is about 8 times larger than the first two modes. What is more interesting is that, almost all the combinations of the third mode have frequency peaks $0.0815\ \mathrm{c\ d}^{-1}$ away from them in the frequency domain. A framework is proposed to interpret the markedly large frequency and amplitude variation rates of the third mode, in which we employ a new pulsation mode (resonating integration mode) generated by the resonance between a radial p-mode and a nonradial mixed mode. Moreover, a global analysis of the interactions between the three independent pulsation modes and their harmonics/combinations is performed based on the interaction diagrams of their amplitudes and phases, which would be a useful tool for the future asteroseismology research.

  • Precise Evolutionary Asteroseismology of High-Amplitude {\delta} Scuti Star AE Ursae Majoris

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Stellar structure and evolution theory is one of the basis in modern astronomy. Stellar inner structures and their evolutionary states can be precisely tested by asteroseismology, since the inner information is brought to the stellar surface by the global oscillating waves and becomes observable. For stellar evolutionary speed (i.e. how long time scale does a star stay at a special evolution phase?), because of the insurmountable gap between the time scales of the evolutionary history of human civilization and a star, it can only be roughly tested by ensemble of stars in different evolutionary stages in most cases, and all the snapshots of these stars make up our global view of stellar evolution. The effect of stellar evolution on the structure and the corresponding global size of a pulsating star will lead to tiny period variations of its pulsation modes, which are the most valuable indicators of its evolutionary state and can be used to test the stellar evolution theory by a single star rather than ensemble of stars. Here, we report a High-Amplitude $\delta$ Scuti star AE Ursae Majoris, who locates in the post main-sequence (MS) evolutionary stage and its observed linear period variation rate can be practically ascribed to its evolutionary effect. The result tests the stellar evolution theory from the pre-MS to post-MS with an unprecedented precision by a single star, and the framework can be extended to other type of pulsating stars to perform precise evolutionary asteroseismology, which aims to test the current stellar evolution theory in different evolutionary stages, discover the discrepancies between the theory and observations, and ultimately build a complete and precise stellar evolution theory to backtrack the history of each of these stars.

  • Uncorrelated Amplitude and Frequency Variations of the Harmonics in SX Phoenicis Star XX Cygni

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Harmonics are quite common in pulsating stars, and they are always considered to mimic the behaviors of their independent parent pulsation modes and not taken as the key information for asteroseismology. Here, we report an SX Phoenicis star XX Cygni, whose periodogram is dominated by the fundamental frequency $f_{0} = 7.41481 \pm 0.00004\ \mathrm{c\ d}^{-1}$ and its 19 harmonics. According to the analysis of the archival data from TESS, we find that both the amplitudes and frequencies of the fundamental mode and the harmonics vary within TESS Sectors 14-17 and 54-57, which might be caused by the contamination by neighbouring stars. What is more interesting is that, the harmonics show significantly uncorrelated amplitude and frequency variations over time. Some possible origins and interesting issues are proposed to scheme the further research of this hidden corner in current asteroseismology.

  • Quantitative study of the hardening in the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer nuclei spectra at a few hundred GV

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The most significant feature in the cosmic-ray (CR) nuclei spectra is the spectral hardening at a few hundred GV. It is important to know whether the hardening of different nuclei species is the same or not for constructing CR sources and propagation models. In this work, we collect the recently released AMS-02 CR nuclei spectra of primary species (proton, helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, and iron), secondary species (lithium, beryllium, boron, and fluorine), and hybrid species (nitrogen, sodium, and aluminum) and study the break positions and the spectral index differences (less and greater than the break rigidity) of the spectral hardening quantitatively. The results show us that the CR nuclei spectral hardening at a few hundred GV has hybrid origins. In detail, the dominating factors of the spectral hardening for primary and secondary CR nuclei species are different: the former comes from the superposition of different kinds of CR sources, while the latter comes from the propagation process. Both of these factors influence all kinds of CR nuclei spectra, just with different weights.

  • ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We propose to develop a wide-field and ultra-high-precision photometric survey mission, temporarily named "Earth 2.0 (ET)". This mission is designed to measure, for the first time, the occurrence rate and the orbital distributions of Earth-sized planets. ET consists of seven 30cm telescopes, to be launched to the Earth-Sun's L2 point. Six of these are transit telescopes with a field of view of 500 square degrees. Staring in the direction that encompasses the original Kepler field for four continuous years, this monitoring will return tens of thousands of transiting planets, including the elusive Earth twins orbiting solar-type stars. The seventh telescope is a 30cm microlensing telescope that will monitor an area of 4 square degrees toward the galactic bulge. This, combined with simultaneous ground-based KMTNet observations, will measure masses for hundreds of long-period and free-floating planets. Together, the transit and the microlensing telescopes will revolutionize our understandings of terrestrial planets across a large swath of orbital distances and free space. In addition, the survey data will also facilitate studies in the fields of asteroseismology, Galactic archeology, time-domain sciences, and black holes in binaries.