您选择的条件: Andrew Wetzel
  • The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program II. Survey Overview

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science (ERS) science program. We obtained 27.5 hours of NIRCam and NIRISS imaging of three targets in the Local Group (Milky Way globular cluster M92, ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Draco II, star-forming dwarf galaxy WLM), which span factors of $\sim10^5$ in luminosity, $\sim10^4$ in distance, and $\sim10^5$ in surface brightness. We describe the survey strategy, scientific and technical goals, implementation details, present select NIRCam color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), and validate the NIRCam exposure time calculator (ETC). Our CMDs are among the deepest in existence for each class of target. They touch the theoretical hydrogen burning limit in M92 ($<0.08$ $M_{\odot}$; SNR $\sim5$ at $m_{F090W}\sim28.2$; $M_{F090W}\sim+13.6$), include the lowest-mass stars observed outside the Milky Way in Draco II (0.09 $M_{\odot}$; SNR $=10$ at $m_{F090W}\sim29$; $M_{F090W}\sim+12.1$), and reach $\sim1.5$ magnitudes below the oldest main sequence turnoff in WLM (SNR $=10$ at $m_{F090W}\sim29.5$; $M_{F090W}\sim+4.6$). The PARSEC stellar models provide a good qualitative match to the NIRCam CMDs, though are $\sim0.05$ mag too blue compared to M92 F090W$-$F150W data. The NIRCam ETC (v2.0) matches the SNRs based on photon noise from DOLPHOT stellar photometry in uncrowded fields, but the ETC may not be accurate in more crowded fields, similar to what is known for HST. We release beta versions of DOLPHOT NIRCam and NIRISS modules to the community. Results from this ERS program will establish JWST as the premier instrument for resolved stellar populations studies for decades to come.

  • Orientations of DM Halos in FIRE-2 Milky Way-mass Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The shape and orientation of dark matter (DM) halos are sensitive to the micro-physics of the DM particle, yet in many mass models, the symmetry axes of the Milky Way's DM halo are often assumed to be aligned with the symmetry axes of the stellar disk. This is well-motivated for the inner DM halo but not for the outer halo. We use zoomed cosmological-baryonic simulations from the Latte suite of FIRE-2 Milky Way-mass galaxies to explore the evolution of the DM halo's orientation with radius and time, with or without a major merger with a Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) analog, and when varying the DM model. In three of the four CDM halos we examine, the orientation of the halo minor axis diverges from the stellar disk vector by more than 20 degrees beyond about 30 galactocentric kpc, reaching a maximum of 30--90 degrees depending on the individual halo's formation history. In identical simulations using a model of self-interacting DM with $\sigma = 1 \, \mathrm{cm}^2 \, \mathrm{g}^{-1}$, the halo remains aligned with the stellar disk out to $\sim$200--400 kpc. Interactions with massive satellites ($M \gtrsim 4 \times 10^{10} \, \rm{M_\odot}$ at pericenter; $M \gtrsim 3.3 \times 10^{10} \, \rm{M_\odot}$ at infall) affect the orientation of the halo significantly, aligning the halo's major axis with the satellite galaxy from the disk to the virial radius. The relative orientation of the halo and disk beyond 30 kpc is a potential diagnostic of SIDM if the effects of massive satellites can be accounted for.

  • Using Action Space Clustering to Constrain the Accretion History of Milky Way like Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In the currently favored cosmological paradigm galaxies form hierarchically through the accretion of numerous satellite galaxies. Since the satellites are much less massive than the host halo, they occupy a small fraction of the volume in action space defined by the potential of the host halo. Since actions are conserved when the potential of the host halo changes adiabatically, stars from an accreted satellite are expected to remain clustered in action space as the host halo evolves. In this paper, we identify accreted satellites in three Milky Way like disk galaxies from the cosmological baryonic FIRE-2 simulations by tracking satellite galaxies through simulation snapshots. We then try to recover these satellites by applying the cluster analysis algorithm Enlink to the orbital actions of accreted star particles in the present-day snapshot. We define several metrics to quantify the success of the clustering algorithm and use these metrics to identify well-recovered and poorly-recovered satellites. We plot these satellites in the infall time-progenitor mass (or stellar mass) space, and determine the boundaries between the well-recovered and poorly-recovered satellites in these two spaces with classification tree method. The groups found by Enlink are more likely to correspond to a real satellite if they have high significance, a quantity assigned by Enlink. Since cosmological simulations predict that most stellar halos have a population of insitu stars, we test the ability of Enlink to recover satellites when the sample is contaminated by 10-50% of insitu star particles, and show that most of the satellites well-recovered by Enlink in the absence of insitu stars, stay well-recovered even with 50% contamination. We thus expect that, in the future, cluster analysis in action space will be useful in upcoming data sets (e.g. Gaia) for identifying accreted satellites in the Milky Way.

  • Public data release of the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations of galaxy formation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We describe a public data release of the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations of galaxy formation, available at http://flathub.flatironinstitute.org/fire, from the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project. FIRE-2 simulations achieve parsec-scale resolution to explicitly model the multi-phase interstellar medium while implementing direct models for stellar evolution and feedback, including stellar winds, core-collapse and Ia supernovae, radiation pressure, photoionization, and photoelectric heating. We release complete snapshots from 3 suites of simulations. The first comprises 20 simulations that zoom in on 14 Milky Way-mass galaxies, 5 SMC/LMC-mass galaxies, and 4 lower-mass galaxies including 1 ultra-faint; we release 39 snapshots across z = 0 - 10. The second comprises 4 massive galaxies, with 19 snapshots across z = 1 - 10. Finally, a high-redshift suite comprises 22 simulations, with 11 snapshots across z = 5 - 10. Each simulation also includes dozens of resolved lower-mass (satellite) galaxies in its zoom-in region. Snapshots include all stored properties for all dark matter, gas, and star particles, including 11 elemental abundances for stars and gas, and formation times (ages) of star particles. We also release accompanying (sub)halo catalogs, which include galaxy properties and member star particles. For the simulations to z = 0, including all Milky Way-mass galaxies, we release the formation coordinates and an "ex-situ" flag for all star particles, pointers to track particles across snapshots, catalogs of stellar streams, and multipole basis expansions for the halo mass distributions. We describe publicly available python packages for reading and analyzing these simulations.

  • The contribution of globular clusters to cosmic reionization

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the escape fraction of ionizing photons (f_esc) in two cosmological zoom-in simulations of galaxies in the reionization era with halo mass M_halo~10^10 and 10^11 M_sun (stellar mass M*~10^7 and 10^9 M_sun) at z=5 from the Feedback in Realistic Environments project. These simulations explicitly resolve the formation of proto-globular clusters (GCs) self-consistently, where 17-39% of stars form in bound clusters during starbursts. Using post-processing Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations of ionizing radiation, we compute f_esc from cluster stars and non-cluster stars formed during a starburst over ~100 Myr in each galaxy. We find that the averaged f_esc over the lifetime of a star particle follows a similar distribution for cluster stars and non-cluster stars. Clusters tend to have low f_esc in the first few Myrs, presumably because they form preferentially in more extreme environments with high optical depths; the f_esc increases later as feedback starts to disrupt the natal cloud. On the other hand, non-cluster stars formed between cluster complexes or in the compressed shell at the front of a superbubble can also have high f_esc. We find that cluster stars on average have comparable f_esc to non-cluster stars. This result is robust across several star formation models in our simulations. Our results suggest that the fraction of ionizing photons from proto-GCs to cosmic reionization is comparable to the cluster formation efficiency in high-redshift galaxies and hence proto-GCs likely contribute an appreciable fraction of photons but are not the dominant sources for reionization.

  • What Causes The Formation of Disks and End of Bursty Star Formation?

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As they grow, galaxies can transition from irregular/spheroidal with 'bursty' star formation histories (SFHs), to disky with smooth SFHs. But even in simulations, the direct physical cause of such transitions remains unclear. We therefore explore this in a large suite of numerical experiments re-running portions of cosmological simulations with widely varied physics, further validated with existing FIRE simulations. We show that gas supply, cooling/thermodynamics, star formation model, Toomre scale, galaxy dynamical times, and feedback properties do not have a direct causal effect on these transitions. Rather, both the formation of disks and cessation of bursty star formation are driven by the gravitational potential, but in different ways. Disk formation is promoted when the mass profile becomes sufficiently centrally-concentrated in shape (relative to circularization radii): we show that this provides a well-defined dynamical center, ceases to support the global 'breathing modes' which can persist indefinitely in less-concentrated profiles and efficiently destroy disks, promotes orbit mixing to form a coherent angular momentum, and stabilizes the disk. Smooth SF is promoted by the potential or escape velocity (not circular velocity) becoming sufficiently large at the radii of star formation that cool, mass-loaded (momentum-conserving) outflows are trapped/confined near the galaxy, as opposed to escaping after bursts. We discuss the detailed physics, how these conditions arise in cosmological contexts, their relation to other correlated phenomena (e.g. inner halo virialization, vertical disk 'settling'), and observations.

  • Dissipative Dark Matter on FIRE: II. Observational signatures and constraints from local dwarf galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We analyze the first set of cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations of galaxies in dissipative self-interacting dark matter (dSIDM). The simulations utilize the FIRE-2 galaxy formation physics with the inclusion of dissipative dark matter self-interactions modelled as a constant fractional energy dissipation ($f_{\rm diss}=0.5$). In this paper, we examine the properties of dwarf galaxies with $M_{\ast} \sim 10^{5}\operatorname{-}10^{9}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}$ in both isolation and within Milky Way-mass hosts. For isolated dwarfs, we find more compact galaxy sizes and promotion of stellar/neutral gas disk formation in dSIDM with $(\sigma/m)\leq 1\,{\rm cm^2\,g^{-1}}$ but they are still consistent with observed galaxy sizes and masses. In addition, as a result of the steeper central density profiles developed in dSIDM, the sub-kpc circular velocities of isolated dwarfs in models with $(\sigma/m)\geq 0.1\,{\rm cm^2\,g^{-1}}$ are enhanced by about a factor of two, which are still consistent with the measured stellar velocity dispersions of Local Group dwarfs but in tension with the HI rotation curves of more massive field dwarfs. Meanwhile, for satellites of the simulated Milky Way-mass hosts, the median circular velocity profiles are marginally affected by dSIDM physics, but dSIDM may help address the missing compact dwarf satellites in CDM. The number of satellites is slightly enhanced in dSIDM, but the differences are small compared with the large host-to-host variations. In conclusion, the dSIDM models with constant cross-section $(\sigma/m) \gtrsim 0.1\,{\rm cm^2\,g^{-1}}$ (assuming $f_{\rm diss}=0.5$) are effectively ruled out in bright dwarfs ($M_{\rm halo}\sim 10^{11}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}$) by circular velocity constraints. However, models with lower effective cross-sections (at this halo mass/velocity scale) are still viable and can give rise to non-trivial observable signatures.

  • Dissipative Dark Matter on FIRE: I. Structural and kinematic properties of dwarf galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the first set of cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations of galaxies including dissipative self-interacting dark matter (dSIDM). These simulations utilize the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE-2) galaxy formation physics, but allow the dark matter to have dissipative self-interactions analogous to Standard Model forces, parameterized by the self-interaction cross-section per unit mass, $(\sigma/m)$, and the dimensionless degree of dissipation, $0展开 -->

  • Born this way: thin disc, thick disc, and isotropic spheroid formation in FIRE-2 Milky-Way-mass galaxy simulations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the formation of Milky-Way-mass galaxies using FIRE-2 LCDM cosmological zoom-in simulations by studying the orbital evolution of stars formed in the main progenitor of the galaxy, from birth to the present day. We classify in situ stars as isotropic spheroid, thick-disc, and thin-disc according to their orbital circularities and show that these components are assembled in a time-ordered sequence from early to late times, respectively. All simulated galaxies experience an early phase of bursty star formation that transitions to a late-time steady phase. This transition coincides with the time that the inner CGM virializes. During the early bursty phase, galaxies have irregular morphologies and new stars are born on radial orbits; these stars evolve into an isotropic spheroidal population today. The bulk of thick-disc stars form at intermediate times, during a clumpy-disc ``spin-up'' phase, slightly later than the peak of spheroid formation. At late times, once the CGM virializes and star formation ``cools down," stars are born on circular orbits within a narrow plane. Those stars mostly inhabit thin discs today. Broadly speaking, stars with disc-like or spheroid-like orbits today were born that way. Mergers onto discs and secular processes do affect kinematics in our simulations, but play only secondary roles in populating thick-disc and in situ spheroid populations at z=0. The age distributions of spheroid, thick disc, and thin disc populations scale self-similarly with the steady-phase transition time, which suggests that morphological age dating can be linked to the CGM virialization time in galaxies.