您选择的条件: ChengLong Zhou
  • Radiative heat transfer in low-symmetry Bravais crystal

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Over the last few years, broken symmetry within crystals has attracted extensive attention since it can improve the control of light propagation. In particular, low-symmetry Bravais crystal can support shear polaritons which has great potential in thermal photonics. In this work, we report a twist-induced near-field thermal control system based on the low-symmetry Bravais crystal medium (\b{eta}-Ga2O3). The near-field thermal radiation (NFTR) between such crystal slabs is nearly four orders of magnitude larger than the blackbody limit, exceeding the NFTR from other traditional dielectric materials. Moreover, we show that this crystal can serve as an excellent platform for twist-induced near-field thermal control. Due to the intrinsic shear effect, the twist-induced modulation supported by low-symmetry Bravais crystal exceeds that by high-symmetry crystal. We further clarify how the shear effect affects the twist-induced thermal-radiation modulation supported by hyperbolic and elliptical polaritons and show that the shear effect significantly enhances the twist-induced thermal control induced by the elliptical polariton mode. These results open new directions for thermal-radiation control in low-symmetry materials, including geological minerals, common oxides, and organic crystals.