您选择的条件: Gregory J. Herczeg
  • Lyman-alpha Scattering Models Trace Accretion and Outflow Kinematics in T Tauri Systems

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: T Tauri stars produce broad Lyman-alpha emission lines that contribute $\sim$88% of the total UV flux incident on the inner circumstellar disks. Lyman-alpha photons are generated at the accretion shocks and in the protostellar chromospheres and must travel through accretion flows, winds and jets, the protoplanetary disks, and the interstellar medium before reaching the observer. This trajectory produces asymmetric, double-peaked features that carry kinematic and opacity signatures of the disk environments. To understand the link between the evolution of Lyman-alpha emission lines and the disks themselves, we model HST-COS spectra from targets included in Data Release 3 of the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES) program. We find that resonant scattering in a simple spherical expanding shell is able to reproduce the high velocity emission line wings, providing estimates of the average velocities within the bulk intervening H I. The model velocities are significantly correlated with the K band veiling, indicating a turnover from Lyman-alpha profiles absorbed by outflowing winds to emission lines suppressed by accretion flows as the hot inner disk is depleted. Just 30% of targets in our sample have profiles with red-shifted absorption from accretion flows, many of which have resolved dust gaps. At this stage, Lyman-alpha photons may no longer intersect with disk winds along the path to the observer. Our results point to a significant evolution of Lyman-alpha irradiation within the gas disks over time, which may lead to chemical differences that are observable with ALMA and JWST.

  • Probing Protoplanetary Disk Winds with C II Absorption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an analysis of wind absorption in the C II ${\lambda}1335$ doublet towards 40 classical T Tauri stars with archival far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. Absorption features produced by fast or slow winds are commonly detected (36 out of 40 targets) in our sample. The wind velocity of the fast wind decreases with disk inclination, consistent with expectations for a collimated jet. Slow wind absorption is detected mostly in disks with intermediate or high inclination, without a significant dependence of wind velocity on disk inclination. Both the fast and slow wind absorption are preferentially detected in FUV lines of neutral or singly ionized atoms. The Mg II ${\lambda}{\lambda}2796,2804$ lines show wind absorption consistent with the absorption in the C II lines. We develop simplified semi-analytical disk/wind models to interpret the observational disk wind absorption. Both fast and slow winds are consistent with expectations from a thermal-magnetized disk wind model and are generally inconsistent with a purely thermal wind. Both the models and the observational analysis indicate that wind absorption occurs preferentially from the inner disk, offering a wind diagnostic in complement to optical forbidden line emission that traces the wind in larger volumes.

  • Diagnosing FUor-like Sources: The Parameter Space of Viscously Heated Disks in the Optical and Near-IR

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: FU Ori type objects (FUors) are decades-long outbursts of accretion onto young stars that are strong enough to viscously heat disks so that the disk outshines the central star. We construct models for FUor objects by calculating emission components from a steady-state viscous accretion disk, a passively-heated dusty disk, magnetospheric accretion columns, and the stellar photosphere. We explore the parameter space of the accretion rate and stellar mass to investigate implications on the optical and near-infrared spectral energy distribution and spectral lines. The models are validated by fitting to multi-wavelength photometry of three confirmed FUor objects, FU Ori, V883 Ori and HBC 722 and then comparing the predicted spectrum to observed optical and infrared spectra. The brightness ratio between the viscous disk and the stellar photosphere, $\eta$, provides an important guide for identifying viscous accretion disks, with $\eta=1$ ("transition line") and $\eta=5$ ("sufficient dominance line") marking turning points in diagnostics, evaluated here in the near-infrared. These turning points indicate the emergence and complete development of FUor-characteristic strong CO absorption, weak metallic absorption, the triangular spectral continuum shape in the $H$-band, and location in color-magnitude diagrams. Lower stellar mass $M_*$ and higher accretion rate $\dot{M}$ lead to larger $\eta$; for $M_*=0.3~{\rm M_\odot}$, $\eta=1$ corresponds to $\dot{M}=2\times10^{-7}~{\rm M_\odot}/$yr and $\eta=5$ to $\dot{M}=6\times10^{-7}~{\rm M_\odot}/$yr. The sufficient dominance line also coincides with the expected accretion rate where accreting material directly reaches the star. We discuss implications of the models on extinction diagnostics, FUor brightening timescales, viscous disks during initial protostellar growth, and eruptive young stellar objects (YSO) associated with FUors.

  • Distributed YSOs in the Perseus Molecular Cloud from the Gaia and LAMOST Surveys

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Identifying the young optically visible population in a star-forming region is essential for fully understanding the star formation event. In this paper, We identify 211 candidate members of the Perseus molecular cloud based on Gaia astronomy. We use LAMOST spectra to confirm that 51 of these candidates are new members, bringing the total census of known members to 856. The newly confirmed members are less extincted than previously known members. Two new stellar aggregates are identified in our updated census. With the updated member list, we obtain a statistically significant distance gradient of $\rm 4.84\;pc\;deg^{-1}$ from west to east. Distances and extinction corrected color-magnitude diagrams indicate that NGC 1333 is significantly younger than IC 348 and the remaining cloud regions. The disk fraction in NGC 1333 is higher than elsewhere, consistent with its youngest age. The star formation scenario in the Perseus molecular cloud is investigated and the bulk motion of the distributed population is consistent with the cloud being swept away by the Per-Tau Shell.

  • Hubble Space Telescope UV and H$\alpha$ Measurements of the Accretion Excess Emission from the Young Giant Planet PDS 70 b

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recent discoveries of young exoplanets within their natal disks offer exciting opportunities to study ongoing planet formation. In particular, a planet's mass accretion rate can be constrained by observing the accretion-induced excess emission. So far, planetary accretion is only probed by the H$\alpha$ line, which is then converted to a total accretion luminosity using correlations derived for stars. However, the majority of the accretion luminosity is expected to emerge from hydrogen continuum emission, and is best measured in the ultraviolet (UV). In this paper, we present HST/WFC3/UVIS F336W (UV) and F656N (H$\alpha$) high-contrast imaging observations of PDS 70. Applying a suite of novel observational techniques, we detect the planet PDS 70 b with signal-to-noise ratios of 5.3 and 7.8 in the F336W and F656N bands, respectively. This is the first time that an exoplanet has been directly imaged in the UV. Our observed H$\alpha$ flux of PDS 70 b is higher by $3.5\sigma$ than the most recent published result. However, the light curve retrieved from our observations does not support greater than 30% variability in the planet's H$\alpha$ emission in six epochs over a five-month timescale. We estimate a mass accretion rate of $1.4\pm0.2\times10^{-8}M_{\mathrm{Jup}}/\mathrm{yr}$. H$\alpha$ accounts for 36% of the total accretion luminosity. Such a high proportion of energy released in line emission suggests efficient production of H$\alpha$ emission in planetary accretion, and motivates using the H$\alpha$ band for searches of accreting planets. These results demonstrate HST/WFC3/UVIS's excellent high-contrast imaging performance and highlight its potential for planet formation studies.

  • The Ages of Optically Bright Sub-Clusters in the Serpens Star-Forming Region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Serpens Molecular Cloud is one of the most active star-forming regions within 500 pc, with over one thousand of YSOs at different evolutionary stages. The ages of the member stars inform us about the star formation history of the cloud. In this paper, we develop a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting method for nearby evolved (diskless) young stars from members of the Pleiades to estimate their ages, with a temperature scale adopted from APOGEE spectra. When compared with literature temperatures of selected YSOs in Orion, the SED fits to cool (<5000 K) stars have temperatures that differ by an average of <~ 50 K and have a scatter of ~ 210 K for both disk-hosting and diskless stars. We then apply this method to YSOs in the Serpens Molecular Cloud to estimate ages of optical members previously identified from Gaia DR2 astrometry data. The optical members in Serpens are concentrated in different subgroups with ages from ~4 Myr to ~22 Myr; the youngest clusters, W40 and Serpens South, are dusty regions that lack enough optical members to be included in this analysis. These ages establish that the Serpens Molecular Cloud has been forming stars for much longer than has been inferred from infrared surveys.