您选择的条件: B. W. Stappers
  • Tied-Array Beam Localisation of Radio Transients and Pulsars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Multi-element interferometers such as MeerKAT, which observe with high time resolution and have a wide field-of-view, provide an ideal opportunity to perform real-time, untargeted transient and pulsar searches. However, because of data storage limitations, it is not always feasible to store the baseband data required to image the field of a discovered transient or pulsar. This limits the ability of surveys to effectively localise their discoveries and may restrict opportunities for follow-up science, especially of one-off events like some Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). Here we present a novel maximum-likelihood estimation approach to localising transients and pulsars detected in multiple MeerKAT tied-array beams at once, which we call Tied Array Beam Localisation (TABLo), as well as a Python implementation of the method named SeeKAT. We provide real-world examples of SeeKAT's use as well as a Monte Carlo analysis to show that it is capable of localising single pulses detected in beamformed MeerKAT data to (sub-)arcsecond precision.

  • Image plane detection of FRB121102 with the MeerKAT radio telescope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the analysis of radio interferometric 2-s images from a MeerKAT observation of the repeating fast radio burst FRB121102 on September 2019, during which 11 distinct pulses have been previously detected using high time and frequency resolution data cubes. In this work, we detected 6 out of the 11 bursts in the image plane at 1.48 GHz with a minimum peak signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 5 {\sigma} and a fluence detection limit of 0.512 Jy ms. These constitute the first detections of a fast radio burst (FRB) or a radio transient using 2-s timescale images with MeerKAT data. Analysis of the fitted burst properties revealed a weighted average precision of 1 arcsec in the localization of the bursts. The accurate knowledge of FRB positions is essential for identifying their host galaxy and understanding their mysterious nature which is still unresolved to this day. We also produced 2-s images at 1.09 GHz but yielded no detection which we attributed to the spectral structure of the pulses that are mostly higher in strength in the upper frequencies. We also explore a new approach to difference imaging analysis (DIA) to search for transients and find that our technique has the potential to reduce the number of candidates and could be used to automate the detection of FRBs in the image plane for future MeerKAT observations.

  • Removal and replacement of interference in tied-array radio pulsar observations using the spectral kurtosis estimator

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We describe how to implement the spectral kurtosis method of interference removal (zapping) on a digitized signal of averaged power values. Spectral kurtosis is a hypothesis test, analogous to the t-test, with a null hypothesis that the amplitudes from which power is formed belong to a `good' distribution -- typically Gaussian with zero mean -- where power values are zapped if the hypothesis is rejected at a specified confidence level. We derive signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) as a function of amount of zapping for folded radio pulsar observations consisting of a sum of signals from multiple telescopes in independent radio-frequency interference (RFI) environments, comparing four methods to compensate for lost data with coherent (tied-array) and incoherent summation. For coherently summed amplitudes, scaling amplitudes from non-zapped telescopes achieves a higher SNR than replacing zapped amplitudes with artificial noise. For incoherently summed power values, the highest SNR is given by scaling power from non-zapped telescopes to maintain a constant mean. We use spectral kurtosis to clean a tied-array radio pulsar observation by the Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP): the signal from one telescope is zapped with time and frequency resolutions of 6.25 $\mu$s and 0.16 MHz, removing interference along with 0.27 per cent of `good' data, giving an uncertainty of 0.25 $\mu$s in pulse time of arrival (TOA) for PSR J1022+1001. We use a single-telescope observation to demonstrate recovery of the pulse profile shape, with 0.6 per cent of data zapped and a reduction from 1.22 to 0.70 $\mu$s in TOA uncertainty.