您选择的条件: Qi Zheng
  • Velocity offset between emission and absorption lines might be an effective indicator of dual core system

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: This paper presents a detection of significant velocity offset between emission and absorption lines for a dual core system in SDSS~J155708.82+273518.74 (= SDSS~J1557). The photometric image of SDSS~J1557 exhibits clear two cores with a projected separation of $\sim$2.2 arcseconds (4.9 kpc) determined by GALFIT. Based on the applications of the commonly accepted pPXF code with 636 theoretical SSP templates, the host galaxy contribution can be well determined. Then, the emission line features of SDSS~J1557 can be well measured after subtraction of host starlight. It is found that the velocity offset of emission lines with respect to absorption lines reaches $458 \pm 13$ km/s. According to the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT) diagram, SDSS J1557 is a composite galaxy. In addition, SDSS J1557 can well fit the $M_{\rm BH}-\sigma_{\ast}$ relation of bulges and the galaxy merger would not change this relation. Two reasonable models (say, AGN-driven outflow vs. dual core system) have been discussed to explain this velocity offset. The model of AGN-driven outflow fails to interpret the systematic redshift of emission lines and similar velocity offsets for various emission lines in SDSS~J1557. A significant velocity offset between emission and absorption lines might be an effective indicator of dual core system.

  • About 300 days optical quasi-periodic oscillations in the long-term light curves of the blazar PKS 2155-304

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Based on the long-term light curves collected from the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) (from 2005 to 2013) and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) (from 2014 to 2018), optical quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) about 300 days can be well determined in the well-known blazar PKS~2155-304 through four different methods: the generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram (GLSP) method, the weighted wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) technique, the epoch-folded method and redfit method. The GLSP determined significance level for the periodicity is higher than 99.9999\% based on a false alarm probability. The redfit provided confidence level for the periodicity is higher than 99\% in ASAS-SN light curve, after considering the effects of red noise. Based on continuous autoregressive (CAR) process created artificial light curves, the probability of detecting fake QPOs is lower than 0.8\%. The determined optical periodicity of 300 days from CSS and ASAS-SN light curves is well consistent with the reported optical periodicity in the literature. Moreover, three possible models are discussed to explain the optical QPOs in PKS 2155-304: the relativistic Frame-dragging effect, the binary black hole (BBH) model and the jet precession model.

  • Velocity offset between emission and absorption lines might be an effective indicator of dual core system

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: This paper presents a detection of significant velocity offset between emission and absorption lines for a dual core system in SDSS~J155708.82+273518.74 (= SDSS~J1557). The photometric image of SDSS~J1557 exhibits clear two cores with a projected separation of $\sim$2.2 arcseconds (4.9 kpc) determined by GALFIT. Based on the applications of the commonly accepted pPXF code with 636 theoretical SSP templates, the host galaxy contribution can be well determined. Then, the emission line features of SDSS~J1557 can be well measured after subtraction of host starlight. It is found that the velocity offset of emission lines with respect to absorption lines reaches $458 \pm 13$ km/s. According to the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT) diagram, SDSS J1557 is a composite galaxy. In addition, SDSS J1557 can well fit the $M_{\rm BH}-\sigma_{\ast}$ relation of bulges and the galaxy merger would not change this relation. Two reasonable models (say, AGN-driven outflow vs. dual core system) have been discussed to explain this velocity offset. The model of AGN-driven outflow fails to interpret the systematic redshift of emission lines and similar velocity offsets for various emission lines in SDSS~J1557. A significant velocity offset between emission and absorption lines might be an effective indicator of dual core system.