您选择的条件: Fabio Pacucci
  • Orbital and Radiative Properties of Wandering Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the ASTRID Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Intermediate-Mass Black Holes (IMBHs), defined as having a mass in the range $10^3 \, \rm M_\odot$ to $10^6 \, \rm M_\odot$, are commonly found at the center of dwarf galaxies. Simulations and observations convincingly show that a sizable population of IMBHs could wander off-center in local galaxies. We use the cosmological simulation Astrid to study the orbital and radiative properties of wandering IMBHs in massive galaxies at $z \sim 3$. We find that this population of undetected black holes has large orbital inclinations ($60^\circ \pm 22^\circ$) with respect to the principal plane of the host. The eccentricity of their orbits is also significant ($0.6 \pm 0.2$) and decreases with time. Wandering IMBHs undergo spikes of accretion activity around the pericenter of their orbits, with rates $10^{-3}-10^{-5}$ times the Eddington rate and a median accretion duty cycle of $\sim 12 \%$. Their typical spectral energy distribution peaks in the infrared at $\sim 11 \, \mu \rm m$ rest frame. The studied IMBHs reach $2-10 \, \rm keV$ X-ray luminosities $> 10^{37} \, \mathrm{erg \, s^{-1}}$ for $\sim 10\%$ of the time. This luminosity corresponds to fluxes $>10^{-15} \, \mathrm{erg \, s^{-1} \, cm^{-2}}$ within $10$ Mpc. Two out of the 28 IMBHs studied ($\sim 7\%)$ have brief X-ray luminosity spikes $> 10^{41} \, \mathrm{erg \, s^{-1}}$, in the hyper-luminous X-ray sources (HLXs) regime. These findings suggest that HLXs are a small subset of the general wandering IMBH population, which is characterized by luminosities $10^3 - 10^4$ times fainter. Dedicated surveys with current and future observatories are needed to assess the demographics of this missing population of black holes.

  • (Nearly) Model-Independent Constraints on the Neutral Hydrogen Fraction in the Intergalactic Medium at $z\sim 5-7$ Using Dark Pixel Fractions in Ly$\alpha$ and Ly$\beta$ Forests

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cosmic reionization was the last major phase transition of hydrogen from neutral to highly ionized in the intergalactic medium (IGM). Current observations show that the IGM is significantly neutral at $z>7$, and largely ionized by $z\sim5.5$. However, most methods to measure the IGM neutral fraction are highly model-dependent, and are limited to when the volume-averaged neutral fraction of the IGM is either relatively low ($\bar{x}_{\rm HI} \lesssim 10^{-3}$) or close to unity ($\bar{x}_{\rm HI}\sim 1$). In particular, the neutral fraction evolution of the IGM at the critical redshift range of $z=6-7$ is poorly constrained. We present new constraints on $\bar{x}_{\rm HI}$ at $z\sim5.1-6.8$, by analyzing deep optical spectra of $53$ quasars at $5.736.1$ are consistent with the redshift evolution of the neutral fraction of the IGM derived from the Planck 2018.

  • A vast population of wandering and merging IMBHs at cosmic noon

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Massive black holes in the centers of galaxies today must have grown by several orders of magnitude from seed black holes formed at early times. Detecting a population of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) can provide constraints on these elusive BH seeds. Here we use the large volume, cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Astrid, which includes IMBH seeds and dynamical friction to investigate the population of IMBH seeds. Dynamical friction is largely inefficient at sinking and merging seed IMBHs at high-z. This leads to an extensive population (several hundred per galaxy) of wandering IMBHs in large halos at z~2. A small fraction of these IMBHs are detectable as HLXs, Hyper Luminous X-ray sources. Importantly, at z ~ 2, IMBHs mergers produce the peak of GW events. We find close to a million GW events in Astrid between z=2-3 involving seed IMBH mergers. These GW events (almost all detectable by LISA) at cosmic noon should provide strong constraints on IMBH seed models and their formation mechanisms. At the center of massive galaxies, where the number of IMBHs can be as high as 10-100, SMBH-IMBH pairs can form. These Intermediate mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs) and extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs), will require the next generation of milli-muHz space-based GW interferometers to be detected. Large populations of IMBHs around massive black holes will probe their environments and MBH causal structure.

  • The Two $z\sim 13$ Galaxy Candidates HD1 and HD2 Are Likely Not Lensed

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The discovery of two UV-bright galaxy candidates at $z\sim 13$, HD1 and HD2, laid the foundation for a new race to study the early Universe. Previous investigations suggested that they are either powered by a supermassive black hole or by an extreme, transient burst of star formation. Given their uncertain nature, we investigate whether these sources could be lensed by a hitherto undetected, faint foreground galaxy. We find that at the current limiting magnitude with which HD1 and HD2 were imaged, there is only a $7.39\%$ probability they are strongly lensed by spherical deflectors and that the hypothetical lensing galaxy was too faint to be detected. Meanwhile, with the limiting magnitudes of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the theoretical probability would drop precipitously to $0.058\%$ and $0.0012\%$, respectively. We further find it unlikely that the luminosities of both sources can be accounted for by lensing that produces a single, resolved image with sufficiently high magnification. Alternatively, in the unlikely event that their brightness results from lensing by an elliptical isothermal galaxy, there is a $30.9 \%$ probability that the lensing galaxy is too faint to be observable at the current limiting magnitude. Future HST (JWST) imaging will drop this probability to $0.245 \%$ ($0.0025 \%$). In summary, while deep imaging with HST and JWST is required to discard the lensing hypothesis entirely, it is unlikely that the exceptional luminosity of the two $z \sim 13$ sources can be accounted for by gravitational lensing.