您选择的条件: Zhenyong Hou
  • Coronal microjets in quiet-Sun regions observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard Solar Orbiter

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We report the smallest coronal jets ever observed in the quiet Sun with recent high resolution observations from the High Resolution Telescopes (HRI-EUV and HRI-Ly{\alpha}) of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter. In the HRI-EUV (174 {\AA}) images, these microjets usually appear as nearly collimated structures with brightenings at their footpoints. Their average lifetime, projected speed, width, and maximum length are 4.6 min, 62 km s^(-1), 1.0 Mm, and 7.7 Mm, respectively. Inverted-Y shaped structures and moving blobs can be identified in some events. A subset of these events also reveal signatures in the HRI-Ly{\alpha} (H I Ly{\alpha} at 1216 {\AA}) images and the extreme ultraviolet images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our differential emission measure analysis suggests a multi-thermal nature and an average density of ~1.4x10^9 cm^(-3) for these microjets. Their thermal and kinetic energies were estimated to be ~3.9x10^24 erg and ~2.9x10^23 erg, respectively, which are of the same order of the released energy predicted by the nanoflare theory. Most events appear to be located at the edges of network lanes and magnetic flux concentrations, suggesting that these coronal microjets are likely generated by magnetic reconnection between small-scale magnetic loops and the adjacent network field.

  • Statistical properties of H{\alpha} jets in the polar coronal hole and their implications in coronal activities

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Dynamic features, such as chromospheric jets, transition region network jets, coronal plumes and coronal jets, are abundant in the network regions of the solar polar coronal holes. We investigate the relationship between chromospheric jets and coronal activities (e.g., coronal plumes and jets).We analyze observations of a polar coronal hole including the filtergrams that were taken by the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) at the H{\alpha}-0.6 {\AA}to study the H{\alpha} jets,and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 171 {\AA} images to follow the evolution of coronal activities. H{\alpha} jets are persistent in the network regions, only some regions (denoted as R1-R5) are rooted with discernible coronal plumes.With an automated method, we identify and track 1 320 H{\alpha} jets in the network regions. We find that the average lifetime, height and ascending speed of the H{\alpha} jets are 75.38 s, 2.67 Mm, 65.60 km s$^{-1}$, respectively. The H{\alpha} jets rooted in R1-R5 are higher and faster than those in the others. We also find that propagating disturbances (PDs) in coronal plumes have a close connection with the H{\alpha} jets. The speeds of 28 out of 29 H{\alpha} jets associated with PDs are about 50 km s$^{-1}$ . In a case of coronal jet, we find that the speeds of both the coronal jet and the H{\alpha} jet are over 150 km s$^{-1}$, suggesting that both cool and hot jets can be coupled together. Based on our analyses, it is evident that more dynamic H{\alpha} jets could release the energies to the corona, which might be the results of the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHi) or small-scaled magnetic activities. We suggest that chromospheric jets, transition region network jets and ray-like features in the corona are coherent phenomena, and they are important tunnels for cycling energy and mass in the solar atmosphere.

  • Dynamics in the transition region beneath active region upflows viewed by IRIS

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal upflows at the edges of active regions (AR), which are a possible source of slow solar wind, have been found to connect with dynamics in the transition region. To infer at what scale transition region dynamics connect to AR upflows, we investigate the statistical properties of the small-scale dynamics in the transition region underneath the upflows at the edge of AR NOAA 11934. With observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectragraph (IRIS), we found that the Si IV 1403\,\AA\ Doppler map consists of numerous blue-shifted and red-shifted patches mostly with sizes less than 1\,$Mm^2$. The blue-shifted structures in the transition region tend to be brighter than the red-shifted ones, but their nonthermal velocities have no significant difference. With the SWAMIS feature tracking procedure, in IRIS slit-jaw 1400\,\AA\ images we found that dynamic bright dots with an average size of about 0.3\,$Mm^2$ and lifetimes mostly less than 200\,s spread all over the region. Most of the bright dots appear to be localised, without clear signature of propagation of plasma to a long distance on the projection plane. Surge-like motions with speeds about 15 km/s could be seen in some events at the boundaries of the upflow region, where the magnetic field appear to be inclined. We conclude that the transition region dynamics connecting to coronal upflows should occur in very fine scale, suggesting that the corresponding coronal upflows should also be highly-structured. It is also plausible that the transition region dynamics might just act as stimulation at the coronal base that then drives the upflows in the corona.

  • Detection of Flare-induced Plasma Flows in the Corona of EV Lac with X-ray Spectroscopy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Stellar flares are characterized by sudden enhancement of electromagnetic radiation from the atmospheres of stars. Compared to their solar counterparts, our knowledge on the coronal plasma dynamics of stellar flares and their connection to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) remains very limited. With time-resolved high-resolution spectroscopic observations from the \textit{Chandra} X-ray observatory, we detected noticeable coronal plasma flows during several stellar flares on a nearby dMe star EV Lac. In the observed spectra of O~{\sc{viii}} (3 MK), Fe~{\sc{xvii}} (6 MK), Mg~{\sc{xii}} (10 MK), and Si~{\sc{xiv}} (16 MK) lines, these flare-induced upflows/downflows appear as significant Doppler shifts of several tens to \speed{130}, and the upflow velocity generally increases with temperature. Variable line ratios of the Si~{\sc{xiii}} triplet reveal that these plasma flows in most flares are accompanied by an increase of the coronal plasma density and temperature. We interpret these results as X-ray evidences for chromospheric evaporation on EV Lac. In two successive flares, the plasma flow pattern and a sharp increase of the measured coronal density are highly suggestive of explosive evaporation. The transition from redshifts to blueshifts in such an explosive evaporation occurs at a temperature of at least 10 MK, much higher than that observed in solar flares ($\sim$1 MK). However, in one flare the cool and warm upflows appear to be accompanied by a decreasing plasma density, which might be explained by a stellar filament/prominence eruption coupled to this flare. These results provide important clues to understand the coronal plasma dynamics during flares on M dwarfs.

  • Formation of solar quiescent coronal loops through magnetic reconnection in an emerging active region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal loops are building blocks of solar active regions. However, their formation mechanism is still not well understood. Here we present direct observational evidence for the formation of coronal loops through magnetic reconnection as new magnetic fluxes emerge into the solar atmosphere. Extreme-ultraviolet observations of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) clearly show the newly formed loops following magnetic reconnection within a plasma sheet. Formation of the loops is also seen in the h{\alpha} line-core images taken by the New Vacuum Solar Telescope. Observations from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager onboard SDO show that a positive-polarity flux concentration moves towards a negative-polarity one with a speed of ~0.4 km/s, before the formation of coronal loops. During the loop formation process, we found signatures of flux cancellation and subsequent enhancement of the transverse field between the two polarities. The three-dimensional magnetic field structure reconstructed through a magnetohydrostatic model shows field lines consistent with the loops in AIA images. Numerous bright blobs with an average width of 1.37 Mm appear intermittently in the plasma sheet and move upward with a projected velocity of ~114 km/s. The temperature, emission measure and density of these blobs are about 3 MK, 2.0x10^(28) cm^(-5) and 1.2x10^(10) cm^(-3), respectively. A power spectral analysis of these blobs indicates that the observed reconnection is likely not dominated by a turbulent process. We have also identified flows with a velocity of 20 to 50 km/s towards the footpoints of the newly formed coronal loops.

  • Three-dimensional Propagation of the Global EUV Wave associated with a solar eruption on 2021 October 28

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present a case study for the global extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave and its chromospheric counterpart `Moreton-Ramsey wave' associated with the second X-class flare in Solar Cycle 25 and a halo coronal mass ejection (CME). The EUV wave was observed in the H$\alpha$ and EUV passbands with different characteristic temperatures. In the 171 {\AA} and 193/195 {\AA} images, the wave propagates circularly with an initial velocity of 600-720 km s$^{-1}$ and a deceleration of 110-320 m s$^{-2}$. The local coronal plasma is heated from log(T/K)=5.9 to log(T/K)=6.2 during the passage of the wavefront. The H$\alpha$ and 304 {\AA} images also reveal signatures of wave propagation with a velocity of 310-540 km s$^{-1}$. With multi-wavelength and dual-perspective observations, we found that the wavefront likely propagates forwardly inclined to the solar surface with a tilt angle of ~53.2$^{\circ}$. Our results suggest that this EUV wave is a fast-mode magnetohydrodynamic wave or shock driven by the expansion of the associated CME, whose wavefront is likely a dome-shaped structure that could impact the upper chromosphere, transition region and corona.

  • Cross-loop propagation of a quasi-periodic extreme-ultraviolet wave train triggered by successive stretching of magnetic field structures during a solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves generally refer to large-scale disturbances propagating outward from sites of solar eruptions in EUV imaging observations. Using the recent observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we report a quasi-periodic wave train propagating outward at an average speed of $\sim$308 km s$^{-1}$. At least five wavefronts can be clearly identified with the period being $\sim$120 s. These wavefronts originate from the coronal loop expansion, which propagates with an apparent speed of $\sim$95 km s$^{-1}$, about 3 times slower than the wave train. In the absence of a strong lateral expansion, these observational results might be explained by the theoretical model of Chen et al. (2002), which predicted that EUV waves may have two components: a faster component that is a fast-mode magnetoacoustic wave or shock wave and a slower apparent front formed as a result of successive stretching of closed magnetic field lines. In this scenario, the wave train and the successive loop expansion we observed likely correspond to the fast and slow components in the model, respectively.

  • Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations of the line-of-sight velocity of a solar eruption on October 28, 2021

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The propagation direction and true velocity of a solar coronal mass ejection, which are among the most decisive factors for its geo-effectiveness, are difficult to determine through single-perspective imaging observations. Here we show that Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations, together with imaging observations, could allow us to solve this problem. Using observations of the Extreme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we found clear blue-shifted secondary emission components in extreme ultraviolet spectral lines during a solar eruption on October 28, 2021. From simultaneous imaging observations, we found that the secondary components are caused by a mass ejection from the flare site. We estimated the line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the ejecta from both the double Gaussian fitting method and the red-blue asymmetry analysis. The results of both methods agree well with each other, giving an average LOS velocity of the plasma of $\sim 423~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$. From the $304$ \AA~image series taken by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Solar Terrestrial Relation Observatory-A (STEREO-A) spacecraft, we estimated the plane-of-sky (POS) velocity from the STEREO-A viewpoint {to be around $587~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$}. The full velocity of the bulk motion of the ejecta was then computed by combining the imaging and spectroscopic observations, which turns out to be around $596~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$ with an angle of $42.4^\circ$ to the west of the Sun-Earth line and $16.0^\circ$ south to the ecliptic plane.

  • The Solar Upper Transition Region Imager (SUTRI) onboard the SATech-01 satellite

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Solar Upper Transition Region Imager (SUTRI) onboard the Space Advanced Technology demonstration satellite (SATech-01), which was launched to a sun-synchronous orbit at a height of 500 km in July 2022, aims to test the on-orbit performance of our newly developed Sc-Si multi-layer reflecting mirror and the 2kx2k EUV CMOS imaging camera and to take full-disk solar images at the Ne VII 46.5 nm spectral line with a filter width of 3 nm. SUTRI employs a Ritchey-Chretien optical system with an aperture of 18 cm. The on-orbit observations show that SUTRI images have a field of view of 41.6'x41.6' and a moderate spatial resolution of 8" without an image stabilization system. The normal cadence of SUTRI images is 30 s and the solar observation time is about 16 hours each day because the earth eclipse time accounts for about 1/3 of SATech-01's orbit period. Approximately 15 GB data is acquired each day and made available online after processing. SUTRI images are valuable as the Ne VII 46.5 nm line is formed at a temperature regime of 0.5 MK in the solar atmosphere, which has rarely been sampled by existing solar imagers. SUTRI observations will establish connections between structures in the lower solar atmosphere and corona, and advance our understanding of various types of solar activity such as flares, filament eruptions, coronal jets and coronal mass ejections.

  • Cross-loop propagation of a quasi-periodic extreme-ultraviolet wave train triggered by successive stretching of magnetic field structures during a solar eruption

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves generally refer to large-scale disturbances propagating outward from sites of solar eruptions in EUV imaging observations. Using the recent observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we report a quasi-periodic wave train propagating outward at an average speed of $\sim$308 km s$^{-1}$. At least five wavefronts can be clearly identified with the period being $\sim$120 s. These wavefronts originate from the coronal loop expansion, which propagates with an apparent speed of $\sim$95 km s$^{-1}$, about 3 times slower than the wave train. In the absence of a strong lateral expansion, these observational results might be explained by the theoretical model of Chen et al. (2002), which predicted that EUV waves may have two components: a faster component that is a fast-mode magnetoacoustic wave or shock wave and a slower apparent front formed as a result of successive stretching of closed magnetic field lines. In this scenario, the wave train and the successive loop expansion we observed likely correspond to the fast and slow components in the model, respectively.

  • A new post-hoc flat field measurement method for the Solar X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Fengyun-3E satellite

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations are widely used in solar activity research and space weather forecasting since they can observe both the solar eruptions and the source regions of the solar wind. Flat field processing is indispensable to remove the instrumental non-uniformity of a solar EUV imager in producing high-quality scientific data from original observed data. Fengyun-3E (FY-3E) is a meteorological satellite operated in Sun-synchronous orbit, and the routine EUV imaging data from the Solar X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (X-EUVI) onboard FY-3E has the characteristics of concentric rotation. Taking advantage of the concentric rotation, we propose a post-hoc flat field measurement method for its EUV 195 channel in this paper. This method removes small-scale and time-varying component of the coronal activities by taking the median value for each pixel along the time axis of a concentric rotation data cube, and then derives large-scale and invariable component of the quiet coronal radiation, and finally generates a flat field image. Analysis shows that our method is able to measure the instrumental spot-like non-uniformity possibly caused by contamination on the detector, which mostly disappears after the in-orbit self-cleaning process. It can also measure the quasi-periodic grid-like non-uniformity, possibly from the obscuration of the support mesh on the rear filter. After flat field correction, these instrumental non-uniformities from the original data are effectively removed. X-EUVI 195 data after dark and flat field corrections are consistent with the 193 channel data from SDO/AIA, verifying the suitability of the method. Our method is not only suitable for FY-3E/X-EUVI but also a candidate method for the flat field measurement of future solar EUV telescopes.

  • The Solar Upper Transition Region Imager (SUTRI) onboard the SATech-01 satellite

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Solar Upper Transition Region Imager (SUTRI) onboard the Space Advanced Technology demonstration satellite (SATech-01), which was launched to a sun-synchronous orbit at a height of 500 km in July 2022, aims to test the on-orbit performance of our newly developed Sc-Si multi-layer reflecting mirror and the 2kx2k EUV CMOS imaging camera and to take full-disk solar images at the Ne VII 46.5 nm spectral line with a filter width of 3 nm. SUTRI employs a Ritchey-Chretien optical system with an aperture of 18 cm. The on-orbit observations show that SUTRI images have a field of view of 41.6'x41.6' and a moderate spatial resolution of 8" without an image stabilization system. The normal cadence of SUTRI images is 30 s and the solar observation time is about 16 hours each day because the earth eclipse time accounts for about 1/3 of SATech-01's orbit period. Approximately 15 GB data is acquired each day and made available online after processing. SUTRI images are valuable as the Ne VII 46.5 nm line is formed at a temperature regime of 0.5 MK in the solar atmosphere, which has rarely been sampled by existing solar imagers. SUTRI observations will establish connections between structures in the lower solar atmosphere and corona, and advance our understanding of various types of solar activity such as flares, filament eruptions, coronal jets and coronal mass ejections.