您选择的条件: Ilaria Pascucci
  • A High-resolution Optical Survey of Upper Sco: Evidence for Coevolution of Accretion and Disk Winds

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and photoevaporative winds are thought to play an important role in the evolution and dispersal of planet-forming disks. Here, we analyze high-resolution ($\Delta v \sim$ 7 kms$^{-1}$) optical spectra from a sample of 115 T Tauri stars in the $\sim 5-10$ Myr Upper Sco association and focus on the [O I]$\lambda$6300 and H$\alpha$ lines to trace disk winds and accretion, respectively. Our sample covers a large range in spectral type and we divide it into Warm (G0-M3) and Cool (later than M3) to facilitate comparison with younger regions. We detect the [O I]$\lambda$6300 line in 45 out of 87 upper sco sources with protoplanetary disks and 32 out of 45 are accreting based on H$\alpha$ profiles and equivalent widths. All [O I] $\lambda$6300 Upper Sco profiles have a low-velocity (centroid $< -30$ kms$^{-1}$, LVC) emission and most (36/45) can be fit by a single Gaussian (SC). The SC distribution of centroid velocities and FWHMs is consistent with MHD disk winds. We also find that the Upper Sco sample follows the same accretion luminosity$-$LVC [O I]$\lambda$6300 luminosity relation and the same anti-correlation between SC FWHM and WISE W3-W4 spectral index as the younger samples. These results indicate that accretion and disk winds coevolve and that, as inner disks clear out, wind emission arises further away from the star. Finally, our large spectral range coverage reveals that Cool stars have larger FWHMs normalized by stellar mass than Warm stars indicating that [O I]$\lambda$6300 emission arises closer in towards lower mass/lower luminosity stars.

  • A High-resolution Optical Survey of Upper Sco: Evidence for Coevolution of Accretion and Disk Winds

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and photoevaporative winds are thought to play an important role in the evolution and dispersal of planet-forming disks. Here, we analyze high-resolution ($\Delta v \sim$ 7 kms$^{-1}$) optical spectra from a sample of 115 T Tauri stars in the $\sim 5-10$ Myr Upper Sco association and focus on the [O I]$\lambda$6300 and H$\alpha$ lines to trace disk winds and accretion, respectively. Our sample covers a large range in spectral type and we divide it into Warm (G0-M3) and Cool (later than M3) to facilitate comparison with younger regions. We detect the [O I]$\lambda$6300 line in 45 out of 87 upper sco sources with protoplanetary disks and 32 out of 45 are accreting based on H$\alpha$ profiles and equivalent widths. All [O I] $\lambda$6300 Upper Sco profiles have a low-velocity (centroid $< -30$ kms$^{-1}$, LVC) emission and most (36/45) can be fit by a single Gaussian (SC). The SC distribution of centroid velocities and FWHMs is consistent with MHD disk winds. We also find that the Upper Sco sample follows the same accretion luminosity$-$LVC [O I]$\lambda$6300 luminosity relation and the same anti-correlation between SC FWHM and WISE W3-W4 spectral index as the younger samples. These results indicate that accretion and disk winds coevolve and that, as inner disks clear out, wind emission arises further away from the star. Finally, our large spectral range coverage reveals that Cool stars have larger FWHMs normalized by stellar mass than Warm stars indicating that [O I]$\lambda$6300 emission arises closer in towards lower mass/lower luminosity stars.

  • Hyperion: The origin of the stars A far-UV space telescope for high-resolution spectroscopy over wide fields

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present Hyperion, a mission concept recently proposed to the December 2021 NASA Medium Explorer announcement of opportunity. Hyperion explores the formation and destruction of molecular clouds and planet-forming disks in nearby star-forming regions of the Milky Way. It does this using long-slit, high-resolution spectroscopy of emission from fluorescing molecular hydrogen, which is a powerful far-ultraviolet (FUV) diagnostic. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant molecule in the universe and a key ingredient for star and planet formation, but is typically not observed directly because its symmetric atomic structure and lack of a dipole moment mean there are no spectral lines at visible wavelengths and few in the infrared. Hyperion uses molecular hydrogen's wealth of FUV emission lines to achieve three science objectives: (1) determining how star formation is related to molecular hydrogen formation and destruction at the boundaries of molecular clouds; (2) determining how quickly and by what process massive star feedback disperses molecular clouds; and (3) determining the mechanism driving the evolution of planet-forming disks around young solar-analog stars. Hyperion conducts this science using a straightforward, highly-efficient, single-channel instrument design. Hyperion's instrument consists of a 48 cm primary mirror, with an f/5 focal ratio. The spectrometer has two modes, both covering 138.5-161.5 nm bandpasses. A low resolution mode has a spectral resolution of R>10,000 with a slit length of 65 arcmin, while the high resolution mode has a spectral resolution of R>50,000 over a slit length of 5 armin. Hyperion occupies a 2 week long, high-earth, Lunar resonance TESS-like orbit, and conducts 2 weeks of planned observations per orbit, with time for downlinks and calibrations. Hyperion was reviewed as Category I, which is the highest rating possible, but was not selected.