您选择的条件: Mingde Ding
  • Exploring the Nature of EUV Waves in a Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Coronal extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves are large-scale disturbances propagating in the corona, whose physical nature and origin have been discussed for decades. We report the first three dimensional (3D) radiative magneto-hydrodynamic (RMHD) simulation of a coronal EUV wave and the accompanying quasi-periodic wave trains. The numerical experiment is conducted with the MURaM code and simulates the formation of solar active regions through magnetic flux emergence from the convection zone to the corona. The coronal EUV wave is driven by the eruption of a magnetic flux rope that also gives rise to a C-class flare. It propagates in a semi-circular shape with an initial speed ranging from about 550 to 700 km s$^{-1}$, which corresponds to an average Mach number (relative to fast magnetoacoustic waves) of about 1.2. Furthermore, the abrupt increase of the plasma density, pressure and tangential magnetic field at the wavefront confirms fast-mode shock nature of the coronal EUV wave. Quasi-periodic wave trains with a period of about 30 s are found as multiple secondary wavefronts propagating behind the leading wavefront and ahead of the erupting magnetic flux rope. We also note that the true wavefront in the 3D space can be very inhomogeneous, however, the line-of-sight integration of EUV emission significantly smoothes the sharp structures in 3D and leads to a more diffuse wavefront.

  • Annihilation of Magnetic Islands at the Top of Solar Flare Loops

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The dynamics of magnetic reconnection in the solar current sheet (CS) is studied by high-resolution 2.5-dimensional MHD simulation. With the commence of magnetic reconnection, a number of magnetic islands are formed intermittently and move quickly upward and downward along the CS. When colliding with the semi-closed flux of flare loops, the downflow islands cause a second reconnection with a rate even comparable with that in the main CS. Though the time-integrated magnetic energy release is still dominated by the reconnection in main CS, the second reconnection can release substantial magnetic energy, annihilating the main islands and generating secondary islands with various scales at the flare loop top. The distribution function of the flux of the second islands is found to follow a power-law varying from $f\left(\psi\right)\sim\psi^{-1}$ (small scale) to $\psi^{-2}$ (large scale), which seems to be independent with background plasma $\beta$ and if including thermal conduction. However, the spatial scale and the strength of the termination shocks driven by main reconnection outflows or islands decrease if $\beta$ increases or thermal conduction is included. We suggest that the annihilation of magnetic islands at the flare loop top, which is not included in the standard flare model, plays a non-negligible role in releasing magnetic energy to heat flare plasma and accelerate particles.

  • Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Confined Eruption of a Magnetic Flux Rope: Magnetic Structure and Plasma Thermodynamics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: It is widely believed that magnetic flux ropes are the key structure of solar eruptions; however, their observable counterparts are not clear yet. We study a flare associated with flux rope eruption in a comprehensive radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulation of flare-productive active regions, especially focusing on the thermodynamic properties of the plasma involved in the eruption and their relation to the magnetic flux rope. The pre-existing flux rope, which carries cold and dense plasma, rises quasi-statically before the eruption onsets. During this stage, the flux rope does not show obvious signatures in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission. After the flare onset, a thin `current shell' is generated around the erupting flux rope. Moreover, a current sheet is formed under the flux rope, where two groups of magnetic arcades reconnect and create a group of post-flare loops. The plasma within the `current shell', current sheet, and post-flare loops are heated to more than 10 MK. The post-flare loops give rise to abundant soft X-ray emission. Meanwhile a majority of the plasma hosted in the flux rope is heated to around 1 MK, and the main body of the flux rope is manifested as a bright arch in cooler EUV passbands such as AIA 171 \AA~channel.

  • Statistical analysis of the Si I 6560.58 \r{A} line observed by CHASE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Si I 6560.58 \r{A} line in the H$\alpha$ blue wing is blended with a telluric absorption line from water vapor in ground-based observations. Recent observations with the space-based telescope CHASE provide a new window to study this line. We aim to study the Si I line statistically and to explore possible diagnostics. We select three scannings in the CHASE observations, and measure the equivalent width (EW) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) for each pixel on the solar disk. We then calculate the theoretical EW and FWHM from the VALC model. An active region is also studied in particular for difference in the quiet Sun and the sunspots. The Si I line is formed at the bottom of the photosphere. The EW of this line increases from the disk center to $\mu$ = 0.2, and then decreases toward the solar limb, while the FWHM shows a monotonically increasing trend. Theoretically predicted EW agrees well with observations, while the predicted FWHM is far smaller due to the absence of unresolved turbulence in models. The macroturbulent velocity is estimated to be 2.80 km s$^{-1}$ at the disk center, and increases to 3.52 km s$^{-1}$ at $\mu$ = 0.2. We do not find any response to flare heating in current observations. Doppler shifts and line widths of the Si I 6560.58 \r{A} and Fe I 6569.21 \r{A} lines can be used to study the mass flows and turbulence of the different photospheric layers. The Si I line has good potentials to diagnose the dynamics and energy transport in the photosphere.

  • Microwave Imaging of Quasi-periodic Pulsations at Flare Current Sheet

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) are frequently detected in solar and stellar flares, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still to be ascertained. Here, we show microwave QPPs during a solar flare originating from quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection at the flare current sheet. They appear as two vertically detached but closely related sources with the brighter ones located at flare loops and the weaker ones along the stretched current sheet. Although the brightness temperatures of the two microwave sources differ greatly, they vary in phase with periods of about 10--20 s and 30--60 s. The gyrosynchrotron-dominated microwave spectra also present a quasi-periodic soft-hard-soft evolution. These results suggest that relevant high-energy electrons are accelerated by quasi-periodic reconnection, likely arising from the modulation of magnetic islands within the current sheet as validated by a 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation.

  • Microwave Imaging of Quasi-periodic Pulsations at Flare Current Sheet

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) are frequently detected in solar and stellar flares, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still to be ascertained. Here, we show microwave QPPs during a solar flare originating from quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection at the flare current sheet. They appear as two vertically detached but closely related sources with the brighter ones located at flare loops and the weaker ones along the stretched current sheet. Although the brightness temperatures of the two microwave sources differ greatly, they vary in phase with periods of about 10--20 s and 30--60 s. The gyrosynchrotron-dominated microwave spectra also present a quasi-periodic soft-hard-soft evolution. These results suggest that relevant high-energy electrons are accelerated by quasi-periodic reconnection, likely arising from the modulation of magnetic islands within the current sheet as validated by a 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation.

  • Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations of Spatially Extended Magnetic Reconnection in the Splitting of a Solar Filament Structure

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: On the Sun, Doppler shifts of bidirectional outflows from the magnetic-reconnection site have been found only in confined regions through spectroscopic observations. Without spatially resolved spectroscopic observations across an extended region, the distribution of reconnection and its outflows in the solar atmosphere cannot be made clear. Magnetic reconnection is thought to cause the splitting of filament structures, but unambiguous evidence has been elusive. Here we report spectroscopic and imaging analysis of a magnetic-reconnection event on the Sun, using high-resolution data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our findings reveal that the reconnection region extends to an unprecedented length of no less than 14,000 km. The reconnection splits a filament structure into two branches, and the upper branch erupts eventually. Doppler shifts indicate clear bidirectional outflows of ~100 km/s, which decelerate beyond the reconnection site. Differential-emission-measure analysis reveals that in the reconnection region the temperature reaches over 10 MK and the thermal energy is much larger than the kinetic energy. This Letter provides definite spectroscopic evidence for the splitting of a solar filament by magnetic reconnection in an extended region.

  • Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations of Spatially Extended Magnetic Reconnection in the Splitting of a Solar Filament Structure

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: On the Sun, Doppler shifts of bidirectional outflows from the magnetic-reconnection site have been found only in confined regions through spectroscopic observations. Without spatially resolved spectroscopic observations across an extended region, the distribution of reconnection and its outflows in the solar atmosphere cannot be made clear. Magnetic reconnection is thought to cause the splitting of filament structures, but unambiguous evidence has been elusive. Here we report spectroscopic and imaging analysis of a magnetic-reconnection event on the Sun, using high-resolution data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our findings reveal that the reconnection region extends to an unprecedented length of no less than 14,000 km. The reconnection splits a filament structure into two branches, and the upper branch erupts eventually. Doppler shifts indicate clear bidirectional outflows of ~100 km/s, which decelerate beyond the reconnection site. Differential-emission-measure analysis reveals that in the reconnection region the temperature reaches over 10 MK and the thermal energy is much larger than the kinetic energy. This Letter provides definite spectroscopic evidence for the splitting of a solar filament by magnetic reconnection in an extended region.

  • Statistical analysis of the Si I 6560.58 \r{A} line observed by CHASE

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Si I 6560.58 \r{A} line in the H$\alpha$ blue wing is blended with a telluric absorption line from water vapor in ground-based observations. Recent observations with the space-based telescope CHASE provide a new window to study this line. We aim to study the Si I line statistically and to explore possible diagnostics. We select three scannings in the CHASE observations, and measure the equivalent width (EW) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) for each pixel on the solar disk. We then calculate the theoretical EW and FWHM from the VALC model. An active region is also studied in particular for difference in the quiet Sun and the sunspots. The Si I line is formed at the bottom of the photosphere. The EW of this line increases from the disk center to $\mu$ = 0.2, and then decreases toward the solar limb, while the FWHM shows a monotonically increasing trend. Theoretically predicted EW agrees well with observations, while the predicted FWHM is far smaller due to the absence of unresolved turbulence in models. The macroturbulent velocity is estimated to be 2.80 km s$^{-1}$ at the disk center, and increases to 3.52 km s$^{-1}$ at $\mu$ = 0.2. We do not find any response to flare heating in current observations. Doppler shifts and line widths of the Si I 6560.58 \r{A} and Fe I 6569.21 \r{A} lines can be used to study the mass flows and turbulence of the different photospheric layers. The Si I line has good potentials to diagnose the dynamics and energy transport in the photosphere.

  • Current-sheet Oscillations Caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Loop Top of Solar Flares

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Current sheets (CSs), long stretching structures of magnetic reconnection above solar flare loops, are usually observed to oscillate, their origins, however, are still puzzled at present. Based on a high-resolution 2.5-dimensional MHD simulation of magnetic reconnection, we explore the formation mechanism of the CS oscillations. We find that large-amplitude transverse waves are excited by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) at the highly turbulent cusp-shaped region. The perturbations propagate upward along the CS with a phase speed close to local Alfv\'{e}n speed thus resulting in the CS oscillations we observe. Though the perturbations damp after propagating for a long distance, the CS oscillations are still detectable. In terms of detected CS oscillations, with a combination of differential emission measure technique, we propose a new method for measuring the magnetic field strength of the CSs and its distribution in height.

  • Resolving Two Distinct Thermal X-ray Components in A compound Solar Flare

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: X-ray emission provides the most direct diagnostics of the energy-release process in solar flares. Occasionally, a superhot X-ray source is found to be above hot flare loops of ~10 MK temperature. While the origin of the superhot plasma is still elusive, it has conjured up an intriguing image of in-situ plasma heating near the reconnection site high above the flare loops, in contrast to the conventional picture of chromospheric evaporation. Here we investigate an extremely long-duration solar flare, in which EUV images show two distinct flare loop systems that appear successively along a Gamma-shaped polarity inversion line (PIL). When both flare loop systems are present, the HXR spectrum is found to be well fitted by combining a hot component (Te ~12 MK) and a superhot component (Te ~30 MK). Associated with a fast CME, the superhot X-ray source is located at top of the flare arcade that appears earlier, straddling and extending along the long "arm" of the Gamma-shaped PIL. Associated with a slow CME, the hot X-ray source is located at the top of the flare arcade that appears later and sits astride the short "arm" of the Gamma-shaped PIL. Aided by observations from a different viewing angle, we are able to verify that the superhot X-ray source is above the hot one in projection, but the two sources belong to different flare loop systems. Thus, this case study provides a stereoscopic observation explaining the co-existence of superhot and hot X-ray emitting plasmas in solar flares.