您选择的条件: Haochuan Li
  • Residuals of an Equilibrium Model for the Galaxy Reveal a State of Disequilibrium in the Solar Neighborhood

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We simultaneously model the gravitational potential and phase space distribution function (DF) of giant stars near the Sun using the {\it Gaia} DR2 radial velocity catalog. We assume that the Galaxy is in equilibrium and is symmetric about both the spin axis of the disk and the Galactic midplane. The potential is taken as a sum of terms that nominally represent contributions from the gas disk, stellar disk, bulge, and dark matter halo. Our DF model for the giants comprise two components to account for a mix of thin and thick disk stars. The DF for each component is described by an analytic function of the energy, the spin angular momentum, and the vertical energy, in accord with Jeans theorem. We present model predictions for the radial and vertical forces within $\sim 2\,{\rm kpc}$ of the Sun, highlighting the rotation curve and vertical force profile in the Solar Neighbourhood. Finally, we show residuals for star counts in the $R-z$ and $z-v_z$ planes as well as maps of the mean radial and azimuthal velocities in the $z-v_z$ plane. Using our model for the potential, we also examine the star count residuals in action-frequency-angle coordinates. The {\it Gaia} phase spirals, velocity arches, some of the known moving groups and bending modes appear as well-defined features in these maps.

  • Room-temperature continuous-wave Dirac-vortex topological lasers on silicon

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Robust laser sources are a fundamental building block for contemporary information technologies. Originating from condensed-matter physics, the concept of topology has recently entered the realm of optics, offering fundamentally new design principles for lasers with enhanced robustness. In analogy to the well-known Majorana fermions in topological superconductors, Dirac-vortex states have recently been investigated in passive photonic systems and are now considered as a promising candidate for single-mode large-area lasers. Here, we experimentally realize the first Dirac-vortex topological lasers in InAs/InGaAs quantum-dot materials monolithically grown on a silicon substrate. We observe room-temperature continuous-wave single-mode linearly polarized vertical laser emission at a telecom wavelength. Most importantly, we confirm that the wavelength of the Dirac-vortex laser is topologically robust against variations in the cavity size, and its free spectral range defies the universal inverse scaling law with the cavity size. These lasers will play an important role in CMOS-compatible photonic and optoelectronic systems on a chip.