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  • Current status, challenges, and policy recommendations for industrial development in the Yellow River Basin

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-06-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The foundation for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin lies in the rational development of industry. This study systematically analyzes the current state of industrial development in the Yellow River Basin, examining traditional industries, strategic emerging industries, and future industries. Based on this analysis, it identifies key issues and development directions. The study reveals that the industrial structure in the Yellow River Basin is unreasonable; traditional industries have short chains and high energy consumption; the cultivation of strategic emerging industries is inadequate and poorly aligned; and comprehensive planning for future industries is inadequate. Therefore, it is imperative to systematically optimize the industrial structure in the Yellow River Basin, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation of strategic emerging industries through technological innovation, and plan the development of future industries from a holistic perspective. This approach will enhance the momentum and vitality necessary for advancing ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, contributing to a new chapter in the western development.

  • Comparative analysis of science and technology innovation competitiveness in the Yellow River Basin

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-06-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The assessment and comparison of the S&T innovation competitiveness among the provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin are helpful to better utilize the supporting and leading role of S&T innovation in the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Combined with the real characteristics of S&T innovation in the Yellow River Basin, the study considers five dimensions horizontally: S&T innovation input, S&T innovation output, S&T entrepreneurial condition, S&T innovation revenue, and S&T innovation influence. Vertically, it considers two types of indicators, namely, strength and efficiency, and constructs the index system of evaluation of S&T innovation competitiveness in the Yellow River Basin. A multi-dimensional indicator system for measuring the competitiveness of S&T innovation in the Yellow River Basin is constructed, taking into account the differences in scale and efficiency indicators. Based on this, the study analyzes the evolution trend and current situation of S&T innovation competitiveness of the nine provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin from 2012 to 2021, and further compares the differences in S&T innovation competitiveness among the provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin. The study finds the followings. (1) The nine provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin have formed three echelons with significant differences in the level of S&T innovation competitiveness, and the upstream provinces and regions lag behind noticeably in S&T innovation competitiveness. (2) The evaluation results of five horizontal dimensions show that the low level of S&T entrepreneurship conditions and S&T innovation benefit are the key factors constraining the S&T innovation competitiveness of all provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin. (3) The results of vertical “strength-efficiency” evaluation show that Shandong Province, which is in the first echelon of S&T innovation competitiveness in the Yellow River Basin, should focus on improving its competitive effectiveness in S&T innovation, while the provinces and regions in the third echelon (Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, and Ningxia) should optimize their competitive strength in S&T innovation. Finally, the study proposes countermeasures to improve the competitiveness of S&T innovation in the Yellow River Basin.

  • Situation, needs, and countermeasures of innovation development in the Yellow River Basin

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-06-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The Yellow River runs through nine provinces (regions) in western, central, and eastern China. It is not only an important ecological security barrier in China, but also an important region for social activity and economic development. Strategically planning the development of the Yellow River Basin at the national level can not only accelerate the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, but also effectively promote the western development strategy and regional coordinated development strategy. Nevertheless, the poor carrying capacity of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin, the obvious feature of industrial development relying heavily on energy, and the insufficient ability to ensure people’s livelihood have constrained the innovation driven transformation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Therefore, the Yellow River Basin must vigorously enhance its ability to support scientific and technological innovation, strengthen macro-integration, synergize and deepen the reform, accelerate the deployment of the integrated development strategy of science,technology and innovation in the Yellow River Basin, systematically plan the construction of the Yellow River Basin Science, Technology and Innovation Corridor, and promote the coordinated development of ecological protection and economic and social development led by scientific and technological innovation. This study analyzes the development characteristics and spatial distribution of the Yellow River Basin, and systematically analyzes the scientific and technological innovation needs and constraints of the Yellow River Basin from three perspectives: ecological protection, industrial development, and social development. It proposes the overall idea of achieving innovative development in the Yellow River Basin, and proposes countermeasures and suggestions from five approaches: strengthening scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the ecological field, enhancing the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of key regions, coordinating the reform of the entire basin’s scientific and technological system, accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces led by science and technology, and digital transformation to promote the improvement and efficiency of social services.

  • Measurement, evolution and international comparison of national science and technology competitiveness

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The measurement of national science and technology competitiveness helps to describe the international competition pattern, and to provide decision-making reference for future-oriented science and technology policy and strategy formulation. From the perspective of input-process-output, the study proposes a three-dimensional measurement framework of potential-efficiency-strength for national science and technology competitiveness and realizes a multi-dimensional comprehensive measurement of national science and technology competitiveness, which takes the differences in both scale and efficiency into account. Based on The Report on National Science and Technology Competitiveness 2023, the study measures the national science and technology competitiveness of 34 major countries in the world and focuses on the evolution trend of national science and technology competitiveness of 11 countries including China from 2011 to 2022. On this basis, the science and technology competitiveness of 34 countries is further classified and analyzed from the three dimensions of science and technology competitiveness potential, science and technology competitiveness effectiveness, and science and technology competitiveness strength, so as to describe the technological competition pattern of 34 countries and reveal the status quo of China’s science and technology competitiveness. The research has found that the growth rate of China’s science and technology competitiveness has gradually slowed down in recent years, shifting towards a stage of steady growth. However, there is still significant room for improvement compared to leading countries. Among them, the level of China’s science and technology competitiveness strength is relatively high, but the indicators that reflect the quality of China’s technological output are still far from those of major technological powers. China’s science and technology competitiveness potential has improved but the level of intensity indicators is still lower than those of main technological powers. The significant decrease in the science and technology competitiveness effectiveness compared to major technological powers is the main factor restricting the improvement of China’s science and technology competitiveness. Finally, this study puts forward suggestions to improve China’s science and technology competitiveness.

  • Strategic research on information technology promoting national governance modernization—Review on the S70th Xiangshan Science Conferences

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: This study systematically summarizes the reports and speeches of the S70th Xiangshan Science Conferences on the theme of “Strategic Research on Information Technology Promoting the National Governance Modernization” and summarizes the consensus of the conference in the following three aspects. (1) Important progress and achievements have been made in the four typical areas, i.e., smart justice, internet governance, data governance, and emergency management. (2) Using information technology to promote the modernization of national governance is confronted with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. And (3) it is necessary to take a series of effective measures to promote information technology to facilitate the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity from the top-level design.

  • Strategy choices of science and technology development of China’s industries of future

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-12-03 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The industries of the future (IOF) that cater to the new demands and scenarios of economic society significantly rely on breakthroughs in disruptive cutting-edge technologies, therefore, it is crucial to study the demands of future industrial technology development and management in order to make strategic choices for technology. This study finds that the science and technology development of IOF impetus is reflected in three aspects: the supply of science and technology factors, the cultivation of science and technology scenarios, and the assurance of science and technology policies. The development direction depends on breakthroughs in emerging and significant frontier of science and technology, as well as the major demands of economic and social development. This study works on the needs of IOF in four aspects: the macro layout of science and technology development, the pursuit of breakthroughs in frontier technologies, the supply of innovation elements for technological innovation, and the construction of an innovation ecosystem for technological innovation. It summarizes the science and technology development strategic layouts of typical countries, and sort out the current situation and challenges of China’s IOF science and technology development of IOF. Based on this, the study proposes optimizing the layout of China’s science and technology development of IOF from four aspects: strengthening the macro layout of science and technology development of IOF, enhancing the scenario-driven approach to science and technology development of IOF, expanding the supply of innovation elements for science and technology development of IOF, and constructing an innovation ecosystem for science and technology development of IOF.

  • 国际发展环境变化与我国科技战略选择:历史回顾与未来展望

    Subjects: Management Science >> Other Disciplines of Management Science submitted time 2023-07-09 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Changes in international development environment such as geopolitics, geo-economics and science and technology innovation are reshaping the world’s competitive landscape and altering the balance of power among nations. China needs to adapt to the changes in international development environment, accurately grasp the new trends, optimize and adjust the science and technology strategy, effectively respond to new challenges, and seek new advantages in international competition. This study reviews China’s choices of science and technology strategy under the changes in international development environment. By summing up the successful experiences and remaining issues of the past science and technology strategies, the study proposes new choices for China’s science and technology strategy in response to new international development environment. It is found that, China’s science and technology strategy has been continuously adjusted and optimized in response to the ever-changing international development environment. Successful experience such as engaging in international scientific and technological cooperation, formulating forward-looking and systematic policies, improving the construction of national innovation system, fully leveraging the advantages of the nationwide system, or advancing reform of systems and mechanisms for science and technology, have effectively addressed the complex and changing international development environment and propelled the rapid development of China’s scientific and technological endeavors. However, China still needs to deal with and resolve the remaining issues in science and technology strategy choices, such as the path dependency of critical core technologies, the lack of deep integration between innovation and industrial, the lack of synergy among “education,science, technology and talent”, and the non-principal role of enterprises in innovation. Facing the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, the acceleration of deglobalization and regionalism, the rise of developing countries as a collective force, and the increasingly intense international conflicts and confrontations, China’s science and technology strategy should learn from historical retrospection and strengthen strategic foresight and form asymmetric advantages, enhance the development of a national self-reliant innovation ecosystem, and promote science, improve the new nationwide system to strengthen the basic capabilities of science and technology, and technology cooperation in the light of diverse international interests.

  • 新时代创新人才成长路径及所需环境

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2023-06-15 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》


  • Strengthen Fundamental Role of Data Element Governance in National Governance Modernization

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Data element governance is a key factor to promote the modernization of national governance in the digital era. By strengthening the deep integration of data factors and national governance, a new model of data-driven national governance can be formed, and the national governance can be made more scientific, refined, intelligent, and efficient. The US and European countries have continuously strengthened the top-level system design, technological innovation application, collaborative governance mechanism, and global governance cooperation of data element governance, which has effectively improved the level of data element governance and provided experience for China. Nevertheless, due to the virtuality of data elements, more subjects involved, greater risk of leakage, and higher requirements of technical support level, the current data element governance is still faced with challenges such as imperfect collaborative governance mechanism, incomplete ethical governance mechanism, weak talent and technology foundation, etc. It is thus challenging to give full play to the role of data factors to meet the needs of the modernization of national governance. In the new era, it is urgent to establish and improve a data element governance system suitable for current major needs and application scenarios of national governance, by establishing a governance concept that takes into account the development of efficiency, fairness, and security in all directions, building a governance model featuring the collaboration and co-governance of multiple subjects of the government, the market, and society, strengthening a governance idea driven by the synergy of science, technology, and institutions, and improving the basic guarantee of talents, infrastructure, and public services, to promote the governance level of data factors and provide strong support for the modernization of national governance system and capacity.

  • Digital Technology Enables Construction of National Governance Modernization

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: As digital technologies continue to be integrated into the whole process of economic and social development, promoting the modernization of digital technology-enabled national governance systems and capabilities has become an important way to seize the strategic initiative in the future world competitive landscape, and has attracted the attention of countries around the world. The rapid development of digital technologies such as big data collection, storage, processing, and analysis is constantly optimizing the organizational system structure of national governance, upgrading and perfecting the quality and methods of national governance personnel, and accelerating the process of making national governance efficient, scientific, intelligent and refined. At present, the national governance of China has made remarkable achievements but still faces many problems and challenges. The development of digital technologies for national governance needs scene expansion and talent supply, and the negative effects of digital technologies put new requirements on national governance. Based on the current development needs of the modernization of national governance supported by digital technology, this study puts forward suggestions to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity endowed by digital technology, and quicken the pace to reach the overall goal of realizing the modernization of national governance.

  • Promote Deep Integration of Innovation Chain and Industry Chain by Improving National Innovation Systems of Crop Seed Industry

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Under the new situation, expanding and strengthening the crop seed industry and ensuring food security have been elevated to the national strategic importance. It urgently needs to improve the crop seed national innovation system and promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and industrial chain. The crop seed industry in developed countries such as the United States has formed a relatively mature industrial innovation system dominated by enterprises; however, China’s crop seed industry innovation system is large but weak, the seed industry innovation efficiency is low, and the innovation ecology of the innovation chain and the industrial chain integration is immature, which seriously restrict the high-quality development of China’s seed industry. Based on analyzing the development trend of the global crop seed industry and identifying the problems and obstacles restricting the integration of China’s seed industry innovation chain and industrial chain, it is suggested to fully consider the unique laws and needs of agricultural seed industry innovation, strengthen top-level design, optimize and integrate the national seed industry scientific and technological forces, and build a market-oriented, enterprise-centered, industry-university#2;research-government integration, and whole industry chain integration. The seed industry innovation system with Chinese characteristics fully utilizes the advantages of a unified large national market on the basis of fully considering regional differences, so as to promote the integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain.

  • National Innovation Force Measurement and International Comparison: 2006–2020

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Based on the innovation value chain, this study establishes the “three horizontal and two vertical dimensions” measurement framework of National Innovation Force, which has a science-technology-industry horizontal dimension and a strength-effectiveness vertical dimension. The framework realizes a comprehensive analysis of National Innovation System from different perspectives and supports the categorized research and differentiated implementation of innovation policies and strategies. The framework considers the differences in science, technology, and innovation activities, as well as those between strength and effectiveness. Based on the analysis of 35 countries in The Report of National Innovation Force Measurement and International Comparison completed by the authors, this work studies in depth the evolution of National Innovation Force of China and ten typical countries from 2006 to 2020. In addition to the competitive landscape of National Innovation Force of 35 countries, it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of China’s National Innovation Force during the period. As a result, it shows that the competitive landscape of National Innovation Force of 35 countries has changed slightly. China’s National Innovation Force ranking has increased steadily but still needs to be improved. From the comparison between China and ten typical countries, six developed countries, namely the United States of America, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and South Korea, generally had high National Innovation Strength Force rankings. But their National Innovation Effectiveness Force rankings dropped from upper to the middle level, leading to the drop in National Innovation Force rankings of countries such as the United Kingdom and France in recent years. Four BRICS countries, namely South Africa, India, Brazil, and Russia were in the middle or lower level of National Innovation Strength Force rankings. Besides, their National Innovation Effectiveness Force ranked low, which restricted the improvement of their National Innovation Force rankings. China’s National Innovation Strength Force ranked among the top level of 35 countries and had obvious advantages. Despite some fluctuations, China’s National Innovation Effectiveness Force ranking rose to the middle level of 35 countries in 2020. However, China’s National Innovation Effectiveness Force ranking significantly lagged behind China’s National Innovation Strength Force ranking and restricted the improvement of China’s National Innovation Force ranking. From the perspective of three types of innovation activities, different from ten typical countries’ stable or declining trends, China’s National Technological Force ranking, National Scientific Force ranking, and National Industrial Force ranking were all on the rise. For China, the competitive advantage of National Technological Force became increasingly significant, while National Scientific Force was the key constraint force. In the future, some measures should be taken to enhance China’s National Innovation Force.

  • Ten-year Development of China’s Science and Technology Talent Policies and Optimizing Approach for Sci-tech Self-reliance and Self-improvement

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the science and technology (S&T) talent policies in China have been continuously optimized and developed Consequently, a multi-layered policy system with vertical and horizontal linkages has been formed. The education and training policies have been improved, the utilization and development policies of talents have been enhanced, and the evaluation and incentive policies have become more rational, which effectively guaranteed the high-quality development of China’s S&T talents. However, there are still several problems with the current S&T talent policy system, such as incomplete system, low precision, low integration of technological and educational policy, and insufficient incentives for young S&T talents and basic research talents (thereafter “young-basic talents”), which cannot meet the urgent need under the strategy of sci-tech self-reliance and self-improvement. Therefore, it is vital to consolidate the core position and leading role of the S&T talents development in the construction of the national innovation system under the new situation. Facing the sci-tech self reliance and self-improvement strategy, the future S&T talent policies need to strengthen self#2;cultivating, serve national strategy, and focus on industry needs to promote the deep integration of the education chain, talent chain, innovation chain, and industry chain and promote the implementation of policies for young S&T talents, basic research talents and strategic scientists, and outstanding engineers. It is also necessary to promote talent education, training and development policies to meet the needs of sci-tech development by deepening the integration of science and education and establishing a postgraduate education system that follows the laws of scientific research activities. Furthermore, it needs to systematically think about the policy system optimization for the S&T talents evaluation and incentives, to promote the effective implementation of the life security policy of S&T talents. In addition, efforts should be made to promote the establishment of a talent mechanism in line with international standards and to accelerate the construction of the world’s important talent centers and innovations highlands.

  • Strategic Thinking on Deepening International Cooperation in National Natural Science Foundation of China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: As an important channel for China to support international cooperation in basic research, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) should play a leading role in the international scientific and technological cooperation in the new era. This paper reviews the layout characteristics, achievements, and the new measures of the international cooperation projects of NSFC in the past decade, and summarizes the experiences of typical countries. It is found that the international cooperation in NSFC has formed a project layout with cooperative research, personnel exchange, and talent cultivation projects, providing important support for China’s engagement in global scientific and technological governance and integration into the global innovation network. In the complex and changeable international situation, NSFC has been actively and steadily expanding the international cooperation network of science and technology, systematically deepening the international cooperation, continuously optimizing the funding mode of foreign scholars, and is establishing a support framework for foreign scholars at different levels. In the new era, NSFC is facing new needs, to adapt to the trend of globalization and to engage in the construction of global innovation network, to open up new ways of international scientific and technological cooperation and to adapt to the new paradigm of scientific research, and to meet new global challenges and actively engage in the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, being endowed with the mission of planning and promoting the development of basic research in China from a global perspective so as to actively integrate into the global innovation network. At present, the international cooperation strategy in NSFC has not played enough role in China, and the layout level of international cooperation funding needs to be improved. Measures to serve the “Belt and Road Initiative” need to be improved, and the support for international scientific and technological talents needs to be improved. The review mechanism and support platform do not meet the needs of strategic international cooperation project management. In the new era, NSFC should take scientific value creation as the starting point and foothold, guide and support Chinese scientists to actively engage in the research on major issues related to human sustainable development, and expand and deepen multilateral cooperation. This study puts forward the policy suggestions that the development and management of international cooperation in NSFC should be systematically optimized and promoted, the top#2;level design and capacity-building should be strengthened, the distribution of major tasks and platform funding should be upgraded, international cooperation channels should be expanded, and the international cooperation strategy should be refined.

  • Strengthen Development of Young Research Team and Accelerate Realization of Scientific and Technological Self-reliance and Self-improvement—On Development Experience and Prospect of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Young researchers are the pioneering force with the most innovative vitality, the main force for basic research and core technology breakthroughs, and the backbone for realizing scientific and technological (S&T) self-reliance and self-improvement. In order to strengthen the construction of national strategic S&T force, there is an urgent need to strengthen the construction of young research team and establish a talent development environment that can effectively stimulate the young researchers’ creativity, innovation ability, vitality and motivation. This paper summarizes the experience and results of “Youth Innovation Promotion Association”—the main program of independent cultivation of young S&T talents of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), by analyzing the important role of young researchers in the output of major scientific and technological achievements. It then puts forward the systematic thinking of optimizing the development of young research team in China, amongst our efforts towards S&T self-reliance and self-improvement, from the following three aspects: taking multiple measures to strengthen the support to young researchers, creating an institutional environment for young researchers to devote themselves to research, and building a diversified platform for academic exchanges and scientific research cooperation. Lastly, this paper proposes to further optimize and promote the construction of an innovation-oriented development community for the young S&T talents, as well as accelerate the interdisciplinary cooperation of them for integrating innovation.