您选择的条件: Irina Zhuravleva
  • The BIG X-ray tail

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Galaxy clusters grow primarily through the continuous accretion of group-scale haloes. Group galaxies experience preprocessing during their journey into clusters. A star-bursting compact group, the Blue Infalling Group (BIG), is plunging into the nearby cluster A1367. Previous optical observations reveal rich tidal features in the BIG members, and a long H$\alpha$ trail behind. Here we report the discovery of a projected $\sim 250$ kpc X-ray tail behind the BIG using Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. The total hot gas mass in the tail is $\sim 7\times 10^{10}\ {\rm M}_\odot$ with an X-ray bolometric luminosity of $\sim 3.8\times 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The temperature along the tail is $\sim 1$ keV, but the apparent metallicity is very low, an indication of the multi-$T$ nature of the gas. The X-ray and H$\alpha$ surface brightnesses in the front part of the BIG tail follow the tight correlation established from a sample of stripped tails in nearby clusters, which suggests the multiphase gas originates from the mixing of the stripped interstellar medium (ISM) with the hot intracluster medium (ICM). Because thermal conduction and hydrodynamic instabilities are significantly suppressed, the stripped ISM can be long lived and produce ICM clumps. The BIG provides us a rare laboratory to study galaxy transformation and preprocessing.

  • Bubble-driven Gas Uplift in Galaxy Clusters and its Velocity Features

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Buoyant bubbles of relativistic plasma are essential for active galactic nucleus feedback in galaxy clusters, stirring and heating the intracluster medium (ICM). Observations suggest that these rising bubbles maintain their integrity and sharp edges much longer than predicted by hydrodynamic simulations. In this study, we assume that bubbles can be modeled as rigid bodies and demonstrate that intact bubbles and their long-term interactions with the ambient ICM play an important role in shaping gas kinematics, forming thin gaseous structures (e.g., H$\alpha$ filaments), and generating internal waves in cluster cores. We find that well-developed eddies are formed in the wake of a buoyantly rising bubble, and it is these eddies, rather than the Darwin drift, that are responsible for most of the gas mass uplift. The eddies gradually elongate along the bubble's direction of motion due to the strong density stratification of the atmosphere and eventually detach from the bubble, quickly evolving into a high-speed jet-like stream propagating towards the cluster center. This picture naturally explains the presence of long straight and horseshoe-shaped H$\alpha$ filaments in the Perseus cluster, inward and outward motions of the gas, and the X-ray-weighted gas velocity distributions near the northwestern bubble observed by Hitomi. Our model reproduces the observed H$\alpha$ velocity structure function of filaments, providing a simple interpretation for its steep scaling and normalization: laminar gas flows and large eddies within filaments driven by the intact bubbles, rather than spatially homogeneous small-scale turbulence, are sufficient to produce a structure function consistent with observations.

  • Line Emission Mapper (LEM): Probing the physics of cosmic ecosystems

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Line Emission Mapper (LEM) is an X-ray Probe for the 2030s that will answer the outstanding questions of the Universe's structure formation. It will also provide transformative new observing capabilities for every area of astrophysics, and to heliophysics and planetary physics as well. LEM's main goal is a comprehensive look at the physics of galaxy formation, including stellar and black-hole feedback and flows of baryonic matter into and out of galaxies. These processes are best studied in X-rays, and emission-line mapping is the pressing need in this area. LEM will use a large microcalorimeter array/IFU, covering a 30x30' field with 10" angular resolution, to map the soft X-ray line emission from objects that constitute galactic ecosystems. These include supernova remnants, star-forming regions, superbubbles, galactic outflows (such as the Fermi/eROSITA bubbles in the Milky Way and their analogs in other galaxies), the Circumgalactic Medium in the Milky Way and other galaxies, and the Intergalactic Medium at the outskirts and beyond the confines of galaxies and clusters. LEM's 1-2 eV spectral resolution in the 0.2-2 keV band will make it possible to disentangle the faintest emission lines in those objects from the bright Milky Way foreground, providing groundbreaking measurements of the physics of these plasmas, from temperatures, densities, chemical composition to gas dynamics. While LEM's main focus is on galaxy formation, it will provide transformative capability for all classes of astrophysical objects, from the Earth's magnetosphere, planets and comets to the interstellar medium and X-ray binaries in nearby galaxies, AGN, and cooling gas in galaxy clusters. In addition to pointed observations, LEM will perform a shallow all-sky survey that will dramatically expand the discovery space.

  • Indirect Measurements of Gas Velocities in Galaxy Clusters: Effects of Ellipticity and Cluster Dynamic State

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: While awaiting direct velocity measurement of gas motions in the hot intracluster medium, we rely on indirect probes, including gas perturbations in galaxy clusters. Using a sample of $\sim 80$ clusters in different dynamic states from Omega500 cosmological simulations, we examine scaling relations between the fluctuation amplitudes of gas density, $\delta\rho/\rho$, pressure, $\delta P/P$, X-ray surface brightness, Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) y-parameter, and the characteristic Mach number of gas motions, $M_{\rm 1d}$. In relaxed clusters, accounting for halo ellipticities reduces $\delta\rho/\rho$ or $\delta P/P$ by a factor of up to 2 within $r_{500c}$. We confirm a strong linear correlation between $\delta\rho/\rho$ (or $\delta P/P$) and $M_{\rm 1d}$ in relaxed clusters, with the proportionality coefficient $\eta \approx 1$. For unrelaxed clusters, the correlation is less strong and has a larger $\eta\approx 1.3\pm 0.5$ ($1.5\pm0.5$) for $\delta\rho/\rho$ ($\delta P/P$). Examination of the power-law scaling of $M_{\rm 1d}$ with $\delta\rho/\rho$ shows that it is almost linear for relaxed clusters, while for the unrelaxed ones, it is closer to $\delta\rho/\rho\propto M_{\rm 1d}^2$, supporting an increasing role of non-linear terms and compressive modes. In agreement with previous studies, we observe a strong correlation of $M_{\rm 1d}$ with radius. Correcting for these correlations leaves a residual scatter in $M_{\rm 1d}$ of $\sim 4 (7)$ per cent for relaxed (perturbed) clusters. Hydrostatic mass bias correlates with $M_{\rm 1d}$ as strongly as with $\delta\rho/\rho$ in relaxed clusters. The residual scatters after correcting for derived trends is $\sim 6-7$ per cent. These predictions can be verified with existing X-ray and SZ observations of galaxy clusters combined with forthcoming velocity measurements with X-ray microcalorimeters.