您选择的条件: Nobuhiko Kusakabe
  • Direct Imaging Explorations for Companions around Mid-Late M Stars from the Subaru/IRD Strategic Program

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Subaru telescope is currently performing a strategic program (SSP) using the high-precision near-infrared (NIR) spectrometer IRD to search for exoplanets around nearby mid/late-M~dwarfs via radial velocity (RV) monitoring. As part of the observing strategy for the exoplanet survey, signatures of massive companions such as RV trends are used to reduce the priority of those stars. However, this RV information remains useful for studying the stellar multiplicity of nearby M~dwarfs. To search for companions around such ``deprioritized" M~dwarfs, we observed 14 IRD-SSP targets using Keck/NIRC2 observations with pyramid wavefront sensing at NIR wavelengths, leading to high sensitivity to substellar-mass companions within a few arcseconds. We detected two new companions (LSPM~J1002+1459~B and LSPM~J2204+1505~B) and two new candidates that are likely companions (LSPM~J0825+6902~B and LSPM~J1645+0444~B) as well as one known companion. Including two known companions resolved by the IRD fiber injection module camera, we detected seven (four new) companions at projected separations between $\sim2-20$~au in total. A comparison of the colors with the spectral library suggests that LSPM~J2204+1505~B and LSPM~J0825+6902~B are located at the boundary between late-M and early-L spectral types. Our deep high-contrast imaging for targets where no bright companions were resolved did not reveal any additional companion candidates. The NIRC2 detection limits could constrain potential substellar-mass companions ($\sim10-75\ M_{\rm Jup}$) at 10~au or further. The failure with Keck/NIRC2 around the IRD-SSP stars having significant RV trends makes these objects promising targets for further RV monitoring or deeper imaging with JWST to search for smaller-mass companions below the NIRC2 detection limits.

  • Photosynthetic Fluorescence from Earth-Like Planets around Sun-Like and Cool Stars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Remote sensing of the Earth has demonstrated that photosynthesis is traceable as the vegetation red edge (VRE), which is the steep rise in the reflection spectrum of vegetation, and as solar-induced fluorescence. This study examined the detectability of biological fluorescence from two types of photosynthetic pigments, chlorophylls (Chls) and bacteriochlorophylls (BChls), on Earth-like planets with oxygen-rich/poor and anoxic atmospheres around the Sun and M dwarfs. Atmospheric absorption, such as H2O, CH4, O2, and O3, and the VRE obscure the fluorescence emissions from Chls and BChls. We found that BChl-based fluorescence for wavelengths of 1000-1100 nm, assuming the spectrum of BChl b-bearing purple bacteria, could provide a suitable biosignature but only in the absence of the water cloud coverage or other strong absorbers near 1000 nm. The Chl fluorescence is weaker for several reasons, e.g., spectral blending with the VRE. The apparent reflectance excess is greatly increased in both Chl and BChl cases around TRAPPIST-1 due to fluorescence and stellar absorption lines. This could be a promising feature for detecting the fluorescence around ultracool red dwarfs by follow-up ground-based observations with high spectral resolution; however, it requires a long time around Sun-like stars, even for a LUVOIR-like space mission. Moreover, the simultaneous detection of fluorescence and VRE is key to identifying traces of photosynthesis because absorption, reflectance, and fluorescence are physically connected. For further validation of fluorescence detection, the nonlinear response of biological fluorescence as a function of light intensity could be considered.