您选择的条件: Yue Hu
  • Magnetic Field of Molecular Gas Measured with the Velocity Gradient Technique I. Orion A

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic fields play an important role in the evolution of molecular clouds and star formation. Using the Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT) model, we measured the magnetic field in Orion A using the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (1-0) emission lines at a scale of 0.07 pc. The measured B-field shows an east-west orientation that is perpendicular to the integral shaped filament of Orion A at large scale. The VGT magnetic fields obtained from 13CO and C18O are in agreement with the B-field that is measured from the Planck 353 GHz dust polarization at a scale of 0.55 pc. Removal of density effects by using a Velocity Decomposition Algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of the VGT in tracing magnetic fields with the 12CO (1-0) line. The magnetic field strength of seven sub-clouds, OMC-1, OMC-2, OMC-3, OMC-4, OMC-5, L 1641-N, and NGC 1999 has also been estimated with the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) and MM2 technique, and these are found to be in agreement with previous results obtained from dust polarization at far-infrared and sub-millimeter wavelengths. At smaller scales, the VGT proves a good method to measure magnetic fields.

  • Mapping the Galactic Magnetic Field Orientation and Strength in Three Dimensions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The mapping of the Galactic Magnetic Field (GMF) in three dimensions is essential to comprehend various astrophysical processes that occur within the Milky Way. This study endeavors to map the GMF by utilizing the latest MM2 technique, the Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT), the Column Density Variance Approach, and the GALFA-H I survey of Neutral Hydrogen (H I) emission. The MM2 and VGT methods rely on an advanced understanding of magnetohydrodynamics turbulence to determine the magnetic field strength and orientation respectively. The H I emission data, combined with the Galactic rotational curve, gives us the distribution of H I gas throughout the Milky Way. By combining these two techniques, we map the GMF orientation and strength, as well as the Alfv\'en Mach number $M_{\rm A}$ in 3D for a low galactic latitude ($b<30^{\rm o}$) region close to the Perseus Arm. The analysis of column density variance gives the sonic Mach number $M_{\rm s}$ distribution, The results of this study reveal the sub-Alfv\'enic and subsonic (or trans-sonic) nature of the H I gas. The variation of mean $M_{\rm A}$ along the line-of-sight approximately ranges from 0.6 to 0.9, while that of mean $M_{\rm s}$ is from 0.2 to 1.5. The mean magnetic field strength varies from ~0.5 $\mu$G to ~2.5 $\mu$G exhibiting a decreasing trend towards the Galaxy's outskirt. This work provides a new avenue for mapping the GMF, especially the magnetic field strength, in 3D. We discuss potential synergetic applications with other approaches.

  • The Velocity Statistics of Turbulent Clouds in the Presence of Gravity, Magnetic fields, Radiation, and Outflow Feedback

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The interaction of turbulence, magnetic fields, self-gravity, and stellar feedback within molecular clouds is crucial for understanding star formation. We study the effects of self-gravity and outflow feedback on the properties of the turbulent velocity via the structure function over length scales from $\sim$ 0.01 pc to 2 pc. We analyze a series of three-dimensional, magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of star cluster formation. We find outflow feedback can change the scaling of velocity fluctuations but still roughly being in between Kolmogorov and Burgers turbulence. We observe that self-gravity and protostellar outflows increase the velocity fluctuations over all length scales. Outflows can amplify the velocity fluctuations by up to a factor of $\sim$7 on scales $\sim$ 0.01 - 0.2 pc and drive turbulence up to a scale of $\sim$ 1 pc. The amplified velocity fluctuations provide more support against gravity and enhance fragmentation on small scales. The self-gravity's effect is more significant on smaller dense clumps and it increases the fraction of the compressive velocity component up to a scale of $\sim$ 0.2 pc. However, outflow feedback drives both solenoidal and compressive modes, but it induces a higher fraction of solenoidal modes relative to compressive modes. Thus, with outflows, the dense core ends up with a slightly higher fraction of solenoidal modes. We find that the compressible fraction is fairly constant with about 1/3 on scales $\sim$ 0.1 - 0.2 pc. The combined effect of enhanced velocity dispersion and reduced compressive fraction contributes to a reduction in the star formation rate.

  • Velocity Gradients: Magnetic Field Tomography towards the Supernova Remnant W44

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As a novel approach for tracing interstellar magnetic fields, the Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT) has been proven to be effective for probing magnetic fields in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). In this work, we verify the VGT in a broader context by applying the technique to a molecular cloud interacting with the supernovae remnant (SNR) W44. We probe the magnetic fields with the VGT using CO, $\rm HCO^+$, and H I emission lines and make a comparison with the Planck 353 GHZ dust polarization. We show that the VGT gives an accurate measurement that coheres with the Planck polarization especially in intense molecular gas emission regions. We further study the foreground's contribution to the polarization that results in a misalignment between the VGT and the Planck measurements in low-intensity molecular gas areas. We advance the VGT to achieve magnetic field tomography by decomposing the W44 into various velocity components. We show that W44's velocity component at $v\sim45$ km s$^{-1}$ exhibits the largest coverage and gives the best agreement with Planck polarization in terms of magnetic field orientation.

  • Multi-scale Magnetic Fields in the Central Molecular Zone: Inference from the Gradient Technique

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The central molecular zone (CMZ) plays an essential role in regulating the nuclear ecosystem of our Galaxy. To get an insight into the magnetic fields of the CMZ, we employ the Gradient Technique (GT), which is rooted in the anisotropy of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our analysis is based on the data of multiple wavelengths, including molecular emission lines, radio 1.4 GHz continuum image, and Herschel 70 $\mu$m image, as well as ionized [Ne II] and Paschen-alpha emissions. The results are compared with the observations of Planck 353 GHz and High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera Plus (HWAC+) 53 $\mu$m polarized dust emissions. We map the orientation of the magnetic field at multiple wavelengths across the central molecular zone, including close-ups of the Radio Arc and Sagittarius A West regions, on multi scales from $\sim$ 0.1 pc to 10 pc. The magnetic fields towards the central molecular zone traced by GT are globally compatible with the polarization measurements, accounting for the contribution from the galactic foreground and background. This correspondence suggests that the magnetic field and turbulence are dynamically crucial in the galactic center. We find that the magnetic fields associated with the Arched filaments and the thermal components of the Radio Arc are in good agreement with the HAWC+ polarization. Our measurement towards the non-thermal Radio Arc reveals the poloidal magnetic field components in the galactic center. For Sagittarius A West region, we find a great agreement between the GT measurement using [Ne II] emission and HWAC+ 53 $\mu$m observation. We use GT to predict the magnetic fields associated with ionized Paschen-alpha gas down to scales of 0.1 pc.

  • Probing Three-Dimensional Magnetic Fields: I -- Polarized Dust Emission

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Polarized dust emission is widely used to trace the plane-of-the-sky (POS) component of interstellar magnetic fields in two dimensions. Its potential to access three-dimensional magnetic fields, including the inclination angle of the magnetic fields relative to the line-of-sight (LOS), is crucial for a variety of astrophysical problems. Based on the statistical features of observed polarization fraction and POS Alfv\'en Mach number $\overline{M_{\rm A}}_{,\bot}$ distribution, we present a new method for estimating the inclination angle. The magnetic field fluctuations raised by anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are taken into account in our method. By using synthetic dust emission generated from 3D compressible MHD turbulence simulations, we show that the fluctuations are preferentially perpendicular to the mean magnetic field. We find the inclination angle is the major agent for depolarization, while fluctuations of magnetic field strength and density have an insignificant contribution. We propose and demonstrate that the mean inclination angle over a region of interest can be calculated from the polarization fraction in a strongly magnetized reference position, where $\overline{M_{\rm A}}_{,\bot}^2\ll1$. We test and show that the new method can trace the 3D magnetic fields in sub-Alfv\'enic, trans-Alfv\'enic, and moderately super-Alfv\'enic conditions ($0.4\lesssim M_{\rm A}\lesssim1.2$). We numerically quantify that the difference between the estimated inclination angle and actual inclination angle ranges from 0 to $20^\circ$ with a median value of $\le10^\circ$.

  • Tracing Magnetic Fields with the Gradient Technique: Spatial Filtering and Use of Interferometers

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Probing magnetic fields in astrophysical environments is important but challenging. The Gradients Technique (GT) is a new tool for tracing the magnetic fields, which is rooted in the properties of MHD turbulence and turbulent magnetic reconnection. In this work, we study the performance of multiple gradients obtained from synchrotron emission and spectroscopic data, when low spatial frequencies are removed. Using synthetic observations obtained from MHD simulations, we demonstrate the improved accuracy of GT to trace magnetic fields in the absence of low spatial frequencies. We apply the low-spatial frequency filter to a diffuse neutral hydrogen region selected from the GALFA-H I survey. We report the increased alignment between the magnetic fields inferred from GT and the Planck 353 GHz polarization measurements. We confirm that the usage of the interferometric data independent of single-dish observations provides a unique way to accurately trace the magnetic fields with GT.

  • Turbulent Magnetic Field Amplification by the Interaction of Shock Wave and Inhomogeneous Medium

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic fields on the order of 100 $\mu$G observed in young supernova remnants cannot be amplified by shock compression alone. To investigate the amplification caused by turbulent dynamo, we perform three-dimensional MHD simulations of the interaction between shock wave and inhomogeneous density distribution with a shallow spectrum in the preshock medium. The postshock turbulence is mainly driven by the strongest preshock density contrast and follows the Kolmogorov scaling. The resulting turbulence amplifies the postshock magnetic field. The time evolution of the magnetic fields agrees with the prediction of the nonlinear turbulent dynamo theory in Xu & Lazarian (2016). When the initial weak magnetic field is perpendicular to the shock normal, the maximum amplification of the field's strength achieves a factor of $\approx200$, which is twice larger than that for a parallel shock. We find that the perpendicular shock exhibits a smaller turbulent Alfv\'en Mach number in the vicinity of the shock front than the parallel shock. However, the strongest magnetic field has a low volume filling factor and is limited by the turbulent energy due to the reconnection diffusion taking place in a turbulent and magnetized fluid. The magnetic field strength averaged along the $z$-axis is reduced by a factor $\gtrsim10$. We decompose the turbulent velocity and magnetic field into solenoidal and compressive modes. The solenoidal mode is dominant and evolves to follow the Kolmogorov scaling, even though the preshock density distribution has a shallow spectrum. When the preshock density distribution has a Kolmogorov spectrum, the turbulent velocity's compressive component increases.

  • Superdiffusion of Cosmic Rays in Compressible Magnetized Turbulence

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Owing to the complexity of turbulent magnetic fields, modeling the diffusion of cosmic rays is challenging. Based on the current understanding of anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, we use test particles to examine the cosmic rays' superdiffusion in the direction perpendicular to the mean magnetic field. By changing Alfven Mach number $M_A$ and sonic Mach number $M_S$ of compressible MHD simulations, our study covers a wide range of astrophysical conditions including subsonic warm gas phase and supersonic cold molecular gas. We show that freely streaming cosmic rays' perpendicular displacement increases as 3/2 to the power of the time traveled along local magnetic field lines. This power-law index changes to 3/4 if the parallel propagation is diffusive. We find that the cosmic rays' parallel mean free path decreases in a power-law relation of $M_A^{-2}$ in supersonic turbulence. We investigate the energy fraction of slow, fast, and Alfvenic modes and confirm the dominance of Alfvenic modes in the perpendicular superdiffusion. In particular, the energy fraction of fast mode, which is the main agent for pitch-angle scattering, increases with $M_A$ but is insensitive to $M_S \ge 2$. Accordingly, our results suggest that the suppressed diffusion in supersonic molecular clouds arises primarily due to the variations of $M_A$ instead of $M_S$.

  • Parallel and Perpendicular Alignments of Velocity Gradient and Magnetic Field observed in the Molecular Clouds L1478 and L1482

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Star formation is a complex process that typically occurs in dense regions of molecular clouds mainly regulated by magnetic fields, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, and self-gravity. However, it remains a challenging endeavor to trace the magnetic field and determine regions of gravitational collapse where the star is forming. Based on the anisotropic properties of MHD turbulence, a new technique termed Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT) has been proposed to address these challenges. In this study, we apply the VGT to two regions of the giant California Molecular Cloud (CMC), namely, L1478 and L1482, and analyze the difference in their physical properties. We use the $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, and C$^{18}$O emission lines observed with the Submillimeter Telescope. We compare VGT results calculated in the resolutions of $3.3'$ and $10'$ to Planck polarization at 353 GHz and $10'$ to determine areas of MHD turbulence dominance and gravitational collapse dominance. We show that the resolution difference can introduce misalignment between the two measurements. We find the VGT-measured magnetic fields globally agree with that from Planck in L1478 suggesting self-gravity's effect is insignificant. The best agreement appears in VGT-$^{12}$CO. As for L1482, the VGT measurements are statistically perpendicular to the Planck polarization indicating the dominance of self-gravity. This perpendicular alignment is more significant in VGT-$^{13}$CO and VGT-C$^{18}$O.

  • Role of magnetic fields in fueling Seyfert nuclei

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Molecular gas is believed to be the fuel for star formation and nuclear activity in Seyfert galaxies. To explore the role of magnetic fields in funneling molecular gas into the nuclear region, measurements of the magnetic fields embedded in molecular gas are needed. By applying the new velocity gradient technique (VGT) to ALMA and PAWS's CO isotopolog data, we obtain the first detection of CO-associated magnetic fields in several nearby Seyfert galaxies and their unprecedented high-resolution magnetic field maps. The VGT-measured magnetic fields in molecular gas globally agree with those inferred from existing HAWC+ dust polarization and VLA synchrotron polarization. An overall good alignment between the magnetic fields traced by VGT-CO and by synchrotron polarization may support the correlation between star formation and cosmic ray generation. We find that the magnetic fields traced by VGT-CO have a significant radial component in the central regions of most Seyferts in our sample, where efficient molecular gas inflows or outflows may happen. In particular, we find local misalignment between the magnetic fields traced by CO and dust polarization within the nuclear ring of NGC 1097, and the former aligns with the central bar's orientation. This misalignment reveals different magnetic field configurations in different gas phases and may provide an observational diagnostic for the ongoing multi-phase fueling of Seyfert activity.

  • Anisotropic Turbulence in Position-Position-Velocity Space: Probing Three-Dimensional Magnetic Fields

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Direct measurements of three-dimensional magnetic fields in the interstellar medium (ISM) are not achievable. However, the anisotropic nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence provides a novel way of tracing the magnetic fields. Guided by the advanced understanding of turbulence's anisotropy in the Position-Position-Velocity (PPV) space, we extend the Structure-Function Analysis (SFA) to measure both the three-dimensional magnetic field orientation and Alfven Mach number $M_A$, which provides the information on magnetic field strength. Following the theoretical framework developed in Kandel et al. (2016), we find that the anisotropy in a given velocity channel is affected by the inclination angle between the 3D magnetic field direction and the line-of-sight as well as media magnetization. We analyze the synthetic PPV cubes generated by incompressible and compressible MHD simulations. We confirm that the PPV channel's intensity fluctuations measured in various position angles reveal plane-of-the-sky magnetic field orientation. We show that by varying the channel width, the anisotropies of the intensity fluctuations in PPV space can be used to simultaneously estimate both magnetic field inclination angle and strength of total magnetic fields.

  • SOFIA observations of 30 Doradus: II -- Magnetic fields and large scale gas kinematics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The heart of the Large Magellanic Cloud, 30 Doradus, is a complex region with a clear core-halo structure. Feedback from the stellar cluster R$\,$136 has been shown to be the main source of energy creating multiple pc-scale expanding-shells in the outer region, and carving a nebula core in the proximity of the ionization source. We present the morphology and strength of the magnetic fields (B-fields) of 30 Doradus inferred from the far-infrared polarimetric observations by SOFIA/HAWC+ at 89, 154, and 214$\,\mu$m. The B-field morphology is complex, showing bending structures around R$\,$136. In addition, we use high spectral and angular resolution [\textsc{CII}] observations from SOFIA/GREAT and CO(2-1) from APEX. The kinematic structure of the region correlates with the B-field morphology and shows evidence of multiple expanding shells. Our B-field strength maps, estimated using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method and structure-function, show variations across the cloud within a maximum of 600, 450, and 350$\,\mu$G at 89, 154, and 214$\,\mu$m, respectively. We estimated that the majority of the 30 Doradus clouds are sub-critical and sub-Alfv\'enic. The probability distribution function of the gas density shows that the turbulence is mainly compressively driven, while the plasma beta parameter indicates supersonic turbulence. We show that the B-field is sufficient to hold the cloud structure integrity under feedback from R$\,$136. We suggest that supersonic compressive turbulence enables the local gravitational collapse and triggers a new generation of stars to form. The velocity gradient technique (VGT) using [\textsc{CII}] and CO(2-1) is likely to confirm these results.

  • Multi-Phase Magnetic Fields in the Galaxy NGC 3627

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Magnetic fields play an important role in the formation and evolution of a galaxy, but it is challenging to measure them by observation. Here we study the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3627's magnetic field orientations measured from the synchrotron polarization observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) and from the Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT) using spectroscopic data. The latter employs the magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence's anisotropy to probe the magnetic fields. Being applied to the CO (2-1) and H$\alpha$ emission lines obtained from the PHANGS-ALMA and PHANGS-MUSE surveys, it reveals the magnetic field orientation globally consistent with the polarization. The agreement of the VGT-CO and polarization suggests that the magnetic fields associated with synchrotron emission also percolate through star-forming regions. The VGT-H$\alpha$ measurement reveals the magnetic fields in the warm ionized medium that permeates the disk and disk's vicinity so that it exhibits less agreement with polarization. We find prominent radial fields measured by synchrotron polarization appear in the transition regions from the spiral arms to the galactic bar, while such morphology is less apparent in the VGT-CO and VGT-H$\alpha$ measured magnetic fields. The radial fields suggest that the magnetic torque is important in removing orbiting gas' angular momentum. We notice that magnetic fields inferred from the dust polarization, VGT-CO, and synchrotron polarization are different in the east arm. We interpret this difference as arising from the fact that the three measurements are tracing the magnetic fields associated with pre-collision, the mixture of pre-collision and post-collision, and post-collision flows, respectively.

  • Decomposing Magnetic Fields in Three Dimensions over the Central Molecular Zone

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Measuring magnetic fields in the interstellar medium and obtaining their distribution along line-of-sight is very challenging with the traditional techniques. The Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT), which utilizes anisotropy of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, provides an attractive solution. Targeting the central molecular zone (CMZ), we test this approach by applying the VGT to $\rm ^{12}CO$ and $\rm ^{13}CO$ (J = 1-0) data cubes. We first used the SCOUSEPY algorithm to decompose the CO line emissions into separate velocity components, and then we constructed pseudo-Stokes parameters via the VGT to map the plane-of-the-sky magnetic fields in three-dimension. We present the decomposed magnetic field maps and investigate their significance. While the line-of-sight integrated magnetic field orientation is shown to be consistent with the polarized dust emission from the Planck survey at 353 GHz, individual velocity components may exhibit different magnetic fields. We present a scheme of magnetic field configuration in the CMZ based on the decomposed magnetic fields. In particular, we observe a nearly vertical magnetic field orientation in the dense clump near the Sgr B2 and a change in the outflow regions around the Sgr A*. Two high-velocity structures associated with an expanding ring in the CMZ show distinct swirling magnetic field structures. These results demonstrate the potential power of the VGT to decompose velocity or density-dependent magnetic structures.

  • Characterizing three-dimensional magnetic field, turbulence, and self-gravity in the star-forming region L1688

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Interaction of three-dimensional magnetic fields, turbulence, and self-gravity in the molecular cloud is crucial in understanding star formation but has not been addressed so far. In this work, we target the low-mass star-forming region L1688 and use the spectral emissions of $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, C$^{18}$O, and H I, as well as polarized dust emissions. To obtain the 3D direction of the magnetic field, we employ the polarization fraction analysis developed in Hu & Lazarian (2022). In combining with the plane-of-the-sky (POS) magnetic field strength derived from the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) method and the new Differential Measure Analysis (DMA) technique introduced in Lazarian et al. (2022), we present the first measurement of L1688's three-dimensional magnetic field, including its orientation and strength. We find that L1688's magnetic field has two statistically different inclination angles. The low-intensity tail has an inclination angle $\approx55^\circ$ on average, while that of the central dense clump is $\approx30^\circ$. We find the global mean value of total magnetic field strength is $B_{\rm tot}\approx$ 135 uG from DCF and $B_{\rm tot}\approx$ 75 uG from DMA. We use the velocity gradient technique (VGT) to separate the magnetic fields' POS orientations associated with L1688 and its foreground/background. The magnetic fields' orientations are statistically coherent. The probability density function of H$_2$ column density and VGT reveal that L1688 potentially is undergoing gravitational contraction at large scale $\approx1.0$ pc and gravitational collapse at small scale $\approx0.2$ pc. The gravitational contraction mainly along the magnetic field resulting in an approximate power-law relation $B_{\rm tot}\propto n_{\rm H}^{1/2}$ when volume density $n_{\rm H}$ is less than approximately $6.0\times10^3$ cm$^{-3}$.

  • Generation of Vortex N2+ Lasing

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Harnessing structured light is fascinating for its multi-disciplinary applications, e.g., in remote driving microrobots, sensing, communications, and ultrahigh resolution imaging. Here we experimentally demonstrated the generation of a vortex N2+ lasing pumped by a wavefront structured near-infrared femtosecond pulse with an orbital angular momentum. The topological charge of the new-born N2+ lasing is measured to be twofold that of the pump beam. As compared to the case with pump beam of plane wavefront, the N2+ lasing generation efficiency is much higher for the vortex pump beam at high pumping energy which has a higher clamping intensity by reducing the on-axis plasma density. Our results herald a stirring marching into the territory of remote structured N2+ lasing.