您选择的条件: Gongjie Li
  • Formation History of HD106906 and the Vertical Warping of Debris Disks by an External Inclined Companion

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: HD106906 is a planetary system that hosts a wide-orbit companion, as well as an eccentric and flat debris disk, which hold important constraints on its formation and subsequent evolution. The recent observations of the companion constrain its orbit to be eccentric and inclined relative to the plane of the debris disk. Here, we show that, in the presence of the inclined companion, the debris disk quickly ($\lesssim5$ Myr) becomes warped and puffy. This suggests that the current configuration of the system is relatively recent. We explore the possibility that a recent close encounter with a free floating planet could produce a companion with orbital parameters that agree with observations of HD106906b. We find that this scenario is able to recreate the structure of the debris disk while producing a companion in agreement with observation.

  • Mutual Inclination of Ultra-Short-Period Planets with Time Varying Stellar J2-moment

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Systems with ultra-short-period planets (USPs) tend to possess larger mutual inclinations compared to those with planets located farther from their host stars. This could be explained due to precession caused by stellar oblateness at early times when the host star was rapidly spinning. However, stellar oblateness reduces over time due to the decrease in the stellar rotation rate, and this may further shape the planetary mutual inclinations. In this work, we investigate in detail how the final mutual inclination varies under the effect of a decreasing $J_2$. We find that different initial parameters (e.g., the magnitude of $J_2$ and planetary inclinations) will contribute to different final mutual inclinations, providing a constraint on the formation mechanisms of USPs. In general, if the inner planets start in the same plane as the stellar equator (or co-planar while misaligned with the stellar spin-axis), the mutual inclination decreases (or increases then decreases) over time due to the decay of the $J_2$ moment. This is because the inner orbit typically possesses less orbital angular momentum than the outer ones. However, if the outer planet is initially aligned with the stellar spin while the inner one is misaligned, the mutual inclination nearly stays the same. Overall, our results suggest that either the USP planets formed early and acquired significant inclinations (e.g., $\gtrsim30^\circ$ with its companion or $\gtrsim10^\circ$ with its host star spin-axis for Kepler-653c) or they formed late ($\gtrsim$Gyr) when their host stars rotate slower.

  • GRIT: a package for structure-preserving simulations of gravitationally interacting rigid-bodies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Spin-orbit coupling of planetary systems plays an important role in the dynamics and habitability of planets. However, symplectic integrators that can accurately simulate not only how orbit affects spin but also how spin affects orbit have not been constructed for general systems. Thus, we develop symplectic Lie-group integrators to simulate systems consisting gravitationally interacting rigid bodies. A user friendly package (GRIT \url{https://github.com/GRIT-RBSim/GRIT}) is provided and external forcings such as tidal interactions are also included. As a demonstration, this package is applied to Trappist-I. It shows that the differences in transit timing variations due to spin-orbit coupling could reach a few min in ten year measurements, and strong planetary perturbations can push Trappist-I f, g and h out of the synchronized states.

  • The Gliese 86 Binary System: A Warm Jupiter Formed in a Disk Truncated at $\approx$2 AU

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Gliese 86 is a nearby K dwarf hosting a giant planet on a $\approx$16-day orbit and an outer white dwarf companion on a $\approx$century-long orbit. In this study we combine radial velocity data (including new measurements spanning more than a decade) with high angular resolution imaging and absolute astrometry from Hipparcos and Gaia to measure the current orbits and masses of both companions. We then simulate the evolution of the Gl 86 system to constrain its primordial orbit when both stars were on the main sequence; the closest approach between the two stars was then about $9\,$AU. Such a close separation limited the size of the protoplanetary disk of Gl 86 A and dynamically hindered the formation of the giant planet around it. Our measurements of Gl 86 B and Gl 86 Ab's orbits reveal Gl 86 as a system in which giant planet formation took place in a disk truncated at $\approx$2$\,$AU. Such a disk would be just big enough to harbor the dust mass and total mass needed to assemble Gl 86 Ab's core and envelope, assuming a high disk accretion rate and a low viscosity. Inefficient accretion of the disk onto Gl 86 Ab, however, would require a disk massive enough to approach the Toomre stability limit at its outer truncation radius. The orbital architecture of the Gl 86 system shows that giant planets can form even in severely truncated disks and provides an important benchmark for planet formation theory.

  • Tilting Planets During Planet Scattering

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Observational constraints on planet spin-axis has recently become possible, and revealed a system that favors a large spin-axis misalignment, a low stellar spin-orbit misalignment and a high eccentricity. To explain the origin of such systems, we propose a mechanism that could tilt the planet spin-axis during planet-planet scattering, which are natural outcomes of in-situ formation and disk migration. Specifically, we show that spin-orbit resonances could occur for a short time period during the scattering processes, and excite the misalignment of the planet spin-axis. This typically leads to planets with large spin-misalignment and a wide range of eccentricities and inclinations.

  • Sporadic Spin-Orbit Variations in Compact Multi-planet Systems and their Influence on Exoplanet Climate

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Climate modeling has shown that tidally influenced terrestrial exoplanets, particularly those orbiting M-dwarfs, have unique atmospheric dynamics and surface conditions that may enhance their likelihood to host viable habitats. However, sporadic libration and rotation induced by planetary interactions, such as that due to mean motion resonances (MMRs) in compact planetary systems may destabilize attendant exoplanets away from synchronized states (or 1:1 spin-orbit ratio). Here, we use a three-dimensional N-Rigid-Body integrator and an intermediately-complex general circulation model to simulate the evolving climates of TRAPPIST-1 e and f with different orbital and spin evolution pathways. Planet f perturbed by MMR effects with chaotic spin-variations are colder and dryer compared to their synchronized counterparts due to the zonal drift of the substellar point away from open ocean basins of their initial eyeball states. On the other hand, the differences between perturbed and synchronized planet e are minor due to higher instellation, warmer surfaces, and reduced climate hysteresis. This is the first study to incorporate the time-dependent outcomes of direct gravitational N-Rigid-Body simulations into 3D climate modeling of extrasolar planets and our results show that planets at the outer edge of the habitable zones in compact multiplanet systems are vulnerable to rapid global glaciations. In the absence of external mechanisms such as orbital forcing or tidal heating, these planets could be trapped in permanent snowball states.