您选择的条件: Michael Merrifield
  • An analytical model to kinematically identify thin discs in MaNGA galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present an analytical model to identify thin discs in galaxies, and apply this model to a sample of SDSS MaNGA galaxies. This model fits the velocity and velocity dispersion fields of galaxies with regular kinematics. By introducing two parameters $\zeta$ related to the comparison of the model's asymmetric drift correction to the observed gas kinematics and $\eta$ related to the dominant component of a galaxy, we classify the galaxies in the sample as "disc-dominated", "non-disc-dominated", or "disc-free" indicating galaxies with a dominating thin disc, a non-dominating thin disc, or no thin disc detection with our method, respectively. The dynamical mass resulting from our model correlates with stellar mass, and we investigate discrepancies by including gas mass and variation of the initial mass function. As expected, most spiral galaxies in the sample are disc-dominated, while ellipticals are predominantly disc-free. Lenticular galaxies show a dichotomy in their kinematic classification, which is related to their different star formation rates and gas fractions. We propose two possible scenarios to explain these results. In the first scenario, disc-free lenticulars formed in more violent processes than disc-dominated ones, while in the second scenario, the quenching processes in lenticulars lead to a change in their kinematic structures as disc-dominated lenticulars evolve to disc-free ones.

  • The impact of environment on the lives of disk galaxies as revealed by SDSS-IV MaNGA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Environment has long been known to have significant impact on the evolution of galaxies, but here we seek to quantify the subtler differences that might be found in disk galaxies, depending on whether they are isolated, the most massive galaxy in a group (centrals), or a lesser member (satellites). The MaNGA survey allows us to define a large mass-matched sample of 574 galaxies with high-quality integrated spectra in each category. Initial examination of their spectral indices indicates significant differences, particularly in low-mass galaxies. Semi-analytic spectral fitting of a full chemical evolution model to these spectra confirms these differences, with low-mass satellites having a shorter period of star formation and chemical enrichment typical of a closed box, while central galaxies have more extended histories, with evidence of on-going gas accretion over their lifetimes. The derived parameters for gas infall timescale and wind strength suggest that low-mass satellite galaxies have their hot halos of gas effectively removed, while central galaxies retain a larger fraction of gas than isolated galaxies due to the deeper group potential well in which they sit. S0 galaxies form a distinct subset within the sample, particularly at higher masses, but do not bias the inferred lower-mass environmental impact significantly. The consistent picture that emerges underlines the wealth of archaeological information that can be extracted from high-quality spectral data using techniques like semi-analytic spectral fitting.

  • Are Milky-Way-like galaxies like the Milky Way? A view from SDSS-IV/MaNGA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In this paper, we place the Milky Way (MW) in the context of similar-looking galaxies in terms of their star-formation and chemical evolution histories. We select a sample of 138 Milky-Way analogues (MWAs) from the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey based on their masses, Hubble types, and bulge-to-total ratios. To compare their chemical properties to the detailed spatially-resolved information available for the MW, we use a semi-analytic spectral fitting approach, which fits a self-consistent chemical-evolution and star-formation model directly to the MaNGA spectra. We model the galaxies' inner and outer regions assuming that some of the material lost in stellar winds falls inwards. We also incorporate chemical enrichment from type II and Ia supernovae to follow the alpha-element abundance at different metallicities and locations. We find some MWAs where the stellar properties closely reproduce the distribution of age, metallicity, and alpha enhancement at both small and large radii in the MW. In these systems, the match is driven by the longer timescale for star formation in the outer parts, and the inflow of enriched material to the central parts. However, other MWAs have very different histories. These divide into two categories: self-similar galaxies where the inner and outer parts evolve identically; and centrally-quenched galaxies where there is very little evidence of late-time central star formation driven by material accreted from the outer regions. We find that, although selected to be comparable, there are subtle morphological differences between galaxies in these different classes, and that the centrally-quenched galaxies formed their stars systematically earlier.

  • Semi-analytic spectral fitting: simultaneously modelling the mass accumulation and chemical evolution in MaNGA spiral galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We develop a novel semi-analytic spectral fitting approach to quantify the star-formation histories (SFHs) and chemical enrichment histories (ChEHs) of individual galaxies. We construct simple yet general chemical evolution models that account for gas inflow and outflow processes as well as star formation, to investigate the evolution of merger-free star-forming systems. These models are fitted directly to galaxies' absorption-line spectra, while their emission lines are used to constrain current gas phase metallicity and star formation rate. We apply this method to spiral galaxies selected from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. By fitting the co-added absorption-line spectra for each galaxy, and using the emission-line constraints on present-day metallicity and star formation, we reconstruct both the SFHs and the ChEHs for all objects in the sample. We can use these reconstructions to obtain archaeological measures of derived correlations such as the mass--metallicity relation at any redshift, which compare favourably with direct observations. We find that both the SFHs and ChEHs have strong mass dependence: massive galaxies accumulate their stellar masses and become enriched earlier. This mass dependence causes the observed flattening of the mass--metallicity relation at lower redshifts. The model also reproduces the observed gas-to-stellar mass ratio and its mass dependence. Moreover, we are able to determine that more massive galaxies have earlier gas infall times and shorter infall time-scales, and that the early chemical enrichment of low-mass galaxies is suppressed by strong outflows, while outflows are not very significant in massive galaxies.