您选择的条件: Vinay L. Kashyap
  • Identifying diffuse spatial structures in high-energy photon lists

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Data from high-energy observations are usually obtained as lists of photon events. A common analysis task for such data is to identify whether diffuse emission exists, and to estimate its surface brightness, even in the presence of point sources that may be superposed. We have developed a novel non-parametric event list segmentation algorithm to divide up the field of view into distinct emission components. We use photon location data directly, without binning them into an image. We first construct a graph from the Voronoi tessellation of the observed photon locations and then grow segments using a new adaptation of seeded region growing, that we call Seeded Region Growing on Graph, after which the overall method is named SRGonG. Starting with a set of seed locations, this results in an over-segmented dataset, which SRGonG then coalesces using a greedy algorithm where adjacent segments are merged to minimize a model comparison statistic; we use the Bayesian Information Criterion. Using SRGonG we are able to identify point-like and diffuse extended sources in the data with equal facility. We validate SRGonG using simulations, demonstrating that it is capable of discerning irregularly shaped low surface-brightness emission structures as well as point-like sources with strengths comparable to that seen in typical X-ray data. We demonstrate SRGonG's use on the Chandra data of the Antennae galaxies, and show that it segments the complex structures appropriately.

  • Shocks and Photoionization of the Inner 650 AU Jet of the Interacting Binary Star R Aquarii from Multiwavelength Hubble Space Telescope Observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Astrophysical jets are present in a range of environments, including young stellar objects, X-ray binaries, and active galactic nuclei, but their formation is still not fully understood. As one of the nearest symbiotic binary stars, R Aquarii ($D \sim 220$ pc) offers a unique opportunity to study the inner region within $\sim$ 600 AU of the jet source, which is particularly crucial to our understanding of non-relativistic jet formation and origin. We present high-angular resolution ultraviolet and optical imaging from the \emph{Hubble} Space Telescope in six emission-line regions of the inner jet. Using these observations to obtain a range of representative line ratios for our system and kinematic data derived from a comparison with previous studies, we model the shocked gas in order to determine the relative roles of shock heating and photoionization in the R Aquarii system. We find that our shock models suggest a nonzero magnetic field is needed to describe the measured line ratios. We also find that the Mg~II$\lambda\lambda$2795,2802 intensities are overpredicted by our models for most of the jet regions, perhaps because of depletion onto grains or to opacity in these resonance lines.