您选择的条件: Yue-Liang Wu
  • Spot size estimation of flat-top beams in space-based gravitational wave detectors

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Motivated by the necessity of a high-quality stray light control in the detection of the gravitational waves in space, the spot size of a flat top beam generated by the clipping of the Gaussian beam (GB) is studied. By adopting the mode expansion method (MEM) approach to simulating the beam, a slight variant of the definition of the mean square deviation (MSD) spot size for the MEM beam is proposed. This enables us to quickly estimate the spot size for arbitrary propagation distances. Given that the degree of clipping is dependent on the power ratio within the surface of an optical element, the power ratio within the MSD spot range is used as a measure of spot size. The definition is then validated in the cases of simple astigmatic Gaussian beam and nearly-Gaussian beam profiles. As a representative example, the MSD spot size for a top-hat beam in a science interferometer in the detection of gravitational waves in space is then simulated. As in traditional MSD spot size analysis, the spot size is divergent when diffraction is taken into account. A careful error analysis is carried out on the divergence and in the present context, it is argued that this error will have little effect on our estimation. Using the results of our study allows an optimal design of optical systems with top-hat or other types of non-Gaussian beams. Furthermore, it allows testing the interferometry of space-based gravitational wave detectors for beam clipping in optical simulations. The present work will serve as a useful guide in the future system design of the optical bench and the sizes of the optical components.

  • Inflation in Weyl Scaling Invariant Gravity with $R^3$ Extensions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The cosmological observations of cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure indicate that our universe has a nearly scaling invariant power spectrum of the primordial perturbation. However, the exact origin for this primordial spectrum is still unclear. Here, we propose the Weyl scaling invariant $R^2+R^3$ gravity that gives rise to inflation that is responsible for the primordial perturbation in the early universe. We develop both analytic and numerical treatments on inflationary observables, and find this model gives a distinctive scalar potential that can support two different patterns of inflation. The first one is similar to that occurs in the pure $R^2$ model, but with a wide range of tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ from $\mathcal O(10^{-4})$ to $\mathcal O(10^{-2})$. The other one is a new situation with not only slow-roll inflation but also a short stage of oscillation-induced accelerating expansion. Both patterns of inflation have viable parameter spaces that can be probed by future experiments on cosmic microwave background and primordial gravitational waves.

  • On Conformal Transformation with Multiple Scalar Fields and Geometric Property of Field Space with Einstein-like Solutions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Multiple scalar fields appear in vast modern particle physics and gravity models. When they couple to gravity non-minimally, conformal transformation is utilized to bring the theory into Einstein frame. However, the kinetic terms of scalar fields are usually not canonical, which makes analytic treatment difficult. Here we investigate under what conditions the theories can be transformed to the quasi-canonical form, in which case the effective metric tensor in field space is conformally flat. We solve the relevant nonlinear partial differential equations for arbitrary number of scalar fields and present several solutions that may be useful for future phenomenological model building, including the $\sigma$-model with a particular non-minimal coupling. We also find conformal flatness can always be achieved in some modified gravity theories, for example, Starobinsky model.

  • Probing Dark Matter Spikes via Gravitational Waves of Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The exact properties of dark matter remain largely unknown despite the accumulating evidence. If dark matter is composed of weakly interacting massive particles, it would be accreted by the black hole in the galactic center and form a dense, cuspy spike. Dynamical friction from this spike may have observable effects in a binary system. We consider extreme-mass-ratio inspiral (EMRI) binaries comprising massive black holes harbored in dark matter spikes and stellar mass objects in elliptic orbits. We find that the gravitational-wave waveforms in the frequency domain can be substantially modified. In particular, we show that dark matter can suppress the characteristic strain of a gravitational wave at low frequency but enhance it at a higher domain. These effects are more dramatic as the dark matter density increases. The results indicate that the signal-to-noise ratio of EMRIs can be strongly reduced near $10^{-3}\sim 0.3$~Hz but enhanced near $1.0$~Hz with a higher sensitivity, which can be probed via the future space-borne gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, LISA and TAIJI. The findings will have important impacts on the detection and parameter inference of EMRIs.

  • The estimation of far-field wavefront error of tilt-to-length distortion coupling in space-based gravitational wave detection

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In space-based gravitational wave detection, the estimation of far-field wavefront error of the distorted beam is the precondition for the noise reduction. Zernike polynomials is used to describe the wavefront error of the transmitted distorted beam. The propagation of a laser beam between two telescope apertures is calculated numerically. Far-field wavefront error is estimated with the absolute height of the peak-to-valley phase deviation between distorted Gaussian beam and a reference distortion-free Gaussian beam. The results show the pointing jitter is strongly related to the wavefront error. Furthermore, when jitter decreases 10 times from 100 to 10 nrad, wavefront error reduces for more than an order of magnitude. In the analysis of multi-parameter minimization, the minimum of wavefront error tends to Z[5,3] Zernike in some parameter ranges. Some Zernikes have a strong correlation with wavefront error of the received beam. When the aperture diameter increases at Z[5,3] Zernike, wavefront error is not monotonic and has oscillation. Nevertheless, wavefront error almost remains constant with the arm length increasing from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm. When the arm length decreases for three orders of magnitude from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^{-4}$ Mkm, wavefront error has only an order of magnitude increasing. In the range of 10$^{-4}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm, the lowest limit of the wavefront error is from 0.5 fm to 0.015 fm, at Z[5,3] Zernike and 10 nrad jitter.

  • The estimation of far-field wavefront error of tilt-to-length distortion coupling in space-based gravitational wave detection

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In space-based gravitational wave detection, the estimation of far-field wavefront error of the distorted beam is the precondition for the noise reduction. Zernike polynomials is used to describe the wavefront error of the transmitted distorted beam. The propagation of a laser beam between two telescope apertures is calculated numerically. Far-field wavefront error is estimated with the absolute height of the peak-to-valley phase deviation between distorted Gaussian beam and a reference distortion-free Gaussian beam. The results show the pointing jitter is strongly related to the wavefront error. Furthermore, when jitter decreases 10 times from 100 to 10 nrad, wavefront error reduces for more than an order of magnitude. In the analysis of multi-parameter minimization, the minimum of wavefront error tends to Z[5,3] Zernike in some parameter ranges. Some Zernikes have a strong correlation with wavefront error of the received beam. When the aperture diameter increases at Z[5,3] Zernike, wavefront error is not monotonic and has oscillation. Nevertheless, wavefront error almost remains constant with the arm length increasing from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm. When the arm length decreases for three orders of magnitude from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^{-4}$ Mkm, wavefront error has only an order of magnitude increasing. In the range of 10$^{-4}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm, the lowest limit of the wavefront error is from 0.5 fm to 0.015 fm, at Z[5,3] Zernike and 10 nrad jitter.

  • Inflation in Weyl Scaling Invariant Gravity with $R^3$ Extensions

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The cosmological observations of cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure indicate that our universe has a nearly scaling invariant power spectrum of the primordial perturbation. However, the exact origin for this primordial spectrum is still unclear. Here, we propose the Weyl scaling invariant $R^2+R^3$ gravity that gives rise to inflation that is responsible for the primordial perturbation in the early universe. We develop both analytic and numerical treatments on inflationary observables, and find this model gives a distinctive scalar potential that can support two different patterns of inflation. The first one is similar to that occurs in the pure $R^2$ model, but with a wide range of tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ from $\mathcal O(10^{-4})$ to $\mathcal O(10^{-2})$. The other one is a new situation with not only slow-roll inflation but also a short stage of oscillation-induced accelerating expansion. Both patterns of inflation have viable parameter spaces that can be probed by future experiments on cosmic microwave background and primordial gravitational waves.

  • Dark Matter Production in Weyl $R^2$ Inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Dark matter and inflation are two key elements to understand the origin of cosmic structures in modern cosmology, and yet their exact physical models remain largely uncertain. The Weyl scaling invariant theory of gravity may provide a feasible scheme to solve these two puzzles jointly, which contains a massive gauge boson playing the role of dark matter candidate, and allows the quadratic scalar curvature term, namely $R^2$, to realize a viable inflationary mechanism in agreement with current observations. We ponder on the production of dark matters in the Weyl $R^2$ model, including the contribution from the non-perturbative production due to the quantum fluctuations from inflationary vacuum and perturbative ones from scattering. We demonstrate that there are generally three parameter ranges for viable dark matter production: (1) If the reheating temperature is larger than $10^3~\mathrm{GeV}$, the Weyl gauge boson as dark matter can be produced abundantly with mass larger than the inflation scale $\sim 10^{13}~\mathrm{GeV}$. (2) Small mass region with $3\times10^{-13}~\mathrm{GeV}$ for a higher reheating temperature. (3) Annihilation channel becomes important in the case of higher reheating temperature, which enables the Weyl gauge boson with mass up to $4\times10^{16}~\mathrm{GeV}$ to be produced through freeze-in.

  • The estimation of far-field wavefront error of tilt-to-length distortion coupling in space-based gravitational wave detection

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In space-based gravitational wave detection, the estimation of far-field wavefront error of the distorted beam is the precondition for the noise reduction. Zernike polynomials is used to describe the wavefront error of the transmitted distorted beam. The propagation of a laser beam between two telescope apertures is calculated numerically. Far-field wavefront error is estimated with the absolute height of the peak-to-valley phase deviation between distorted Gaussian beam and a reference distortion-free Gaussian beam. The results show the pointing jitter is strongly related to the wavefront error. Furthermore, when jitter decreases 10 times from 100 to 10 nrad, wavefront error reduces for more than an order of magnitude. In the analysis of multi-parameter minimization, the minimum of wavefront error tends to Z[5,3] Zernike in some parameter ranges. Some Zernikes have a strong correlation with wavefront error of the received beam. When the aperture diameter increases at Z[5,3] Zernike, wavefront error is not monotonic and has oscillation. Nevertheless, wavefront error almost remains constant with the arm length increasing from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm. When the arm length decreases for three orders of magnitude from 10$^{-1}$ Mkm to 10$^{-4}$ Mkm, wavefront error has only an order of magnitude increasing. In the range of 10$^{-4}$ Mkm to 10$^3$ Mkm, the lowest limit of the wavefront error is from 0.5 fm to 0.015 fm, at Z[5,3] Zernike and 10 nrad jitter.

  • Embedding Flipped SU(5) into SO(10)

    分类: 物理学 >> 普通物理:统计和量子力学,量子信息等 提交时间: 2017-09-17

    摘要: We embed the flipped SU(5) models into the SO(10) models. After the SO(10) gauge symmetry is broken down to the flipped SU(5)譛(1)X gauge symmetry, we can split the five/one-plets and ten-plets in the spinor 16 and 16 Higgs fields via the stable sliding singlet mechanism. As in the flipped SU(5) models, these ten-plet Higgs fields can break the flipped SU(5) gauge symmetry down to the Standard Model gauge symmetry. The doublet-triplet splitting problem can be solved naturally by the missing partner mechanism, and the Higgsino-exchange mediated proton decay can be suppressed elegantly. Moreover, we show that there exists one pair of the light Higgs doublets for the electroweak gauge symmetry breaking. Because there exist two pairs of additional vector-like particles with similar intermediate-scale masses, the SU(5) and U(1)X gauge couplings can be unified at the GUT scale which is reasonably (about one or two orders) higher than the SU(2)L �SU(3)C unification scale. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the simplest SO(10) model with flipped SU(5) embedding, and point out that it can not work without fine-tuning.

  • Realization of chiral symmetry breaking and restoration in holographic QCD

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: With proper profiles of the scalar potential and the dilaton field, for the first time, the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the vacuum and its restoration at finite temperature are correctly realized in the holographic QCD framework. In the chiral limit, a nonzero chiral condensate develops in the vacuum and decreases with temperature, and the phase transition is of 2nd order for two-flavor case and of 1st order for three-flavor case. In the case of explicit chiral symmetry breaking, in two-flavor case, the 2nd order phase transition turns to crossover with any nonzero current quark mass, and in three-flavor case, the 1st order phase transition turns to crossover at a finite current quark mass. The correct description of chiral symmetry breaking and restoration makes the holographic QCD models more powerful in dealing with non-perturbative QCD phenomena. This framework can be regarded as a general set up in application of AdS/CFT to describe conventional Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson type phase transitions, e.g. in condensed matter and cosmology systems.

  • Long-range self-interacting dark matter in the Sun

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-13

    摘要: We investigate the implications of the long-rang self-interaction on both the self-capture and the annihilation of the self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) trapped in the Sun. Our discussion is based on a specific SIDM model in which DM particles self-interact via a light scalar mediator, or Yukawa potential, in the context of quantum mechanics. Within this framework, we calculate the self-capture rate across a broad region of parameter space. While the self-capture rate can be obtained separately in the Born regime with perturbative method, and the classical limits with the Rutherford formula, our calculation covers the gap between in a non-perturbative fashion. Besides, the phenomelogy of both the Sommerfeld-enhanced s- and p-wave annihilation of the solar SIDM is also involved in our discussion. Moreover, by combining the analysis of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) data and the observed DM relic density, we constrain the nuclear capture rate of the DM particles in the presence of the dark Yukawa potential. The consequence of the long-range dark force on probing the solar SIDM turns out to be significant if the force-carrier is much lighter than the DM particle, and a quantitative analysis is provided.