您选择的条件: Yilin Guo
  • Reconstructing 3D Magnetic Topology of On-disk Prominence Bubbles from Stereoscopic Observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Bubbles, the semi-circular voids below quiescent prominences (filaments), have been extensively investigated in the past decade. However, hitherto the magnetic nature of bubbles cannot be verified due to the lack of on-disk photospheric magnetic field observations. Here for the first time, we find and investigate an on-disk prominence bubble around a filament barb on 2019 March 18 based on stereoscopic observations from NVST, SDO, and STEREO-A. In high-resolution NVST H$\alpha$ images, this bubble has a sharp arch-like boundary and a projected width of $\thicksim$26 Mm. Combining SDO and STEREO-A images, we further reconstruct 3D structure of the bubble boundary, whose maximum height is $\thicksim$15.6 Mm. The squashing factor Q map deduced from extrapolated 3D magnetic fields around the bubble depicts a distinct arch-shaped interface with a height of $\thicksim$11 Mm, which agrees well with the reconstructed 3D structure of the observed bubble boundary. Under the interface lies a set of magnetic loops, which is rooted on a surrounding photospheric magnetic patch. To be more persuasive, another on-disk bubble on 2019 June 10 is presented as a supplement. According to these results obtained from on-disk bubble observations, we suggest that the bubble boundary corresponds to the interface between the prominence dips (barb) and the underlying magnetic loops rooted nearby. It is thus reasonable to speculate that the bubble can form around a filament barb below which there is a photospheric magnetic patch.

  • Various Activities above Sunspot Light Bridges in IRIS Observations: Classification and Comparison

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Light bridges (LBs) are among the most striking sub-structures in sunspots, where various activities have been revealed by recent high-resolution observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). According to the variety of physical properties, we classified these activities into four distinct categories: transient brightening (TB), intermittent jet (IJ), type-I light wall (LW-I), and type-II light wall (LW-II). In IRIS 1400/1330 {\AA} observations, TBs are characterized by abrupt emission enhancements, and IJs appear as collimated plasma ejections with a width of 1-2 Mm at some LB sites. Most observed TBs are associated with IJs and show superpositions of some chromosphere absorption lines on enhanced and broadened wings of C II and Si IV lines, which could be driven by intermittent magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere. LW-I and LW-II are wall-shaped structures with bright fronts above the whole LB. An LW-I has a continuous oscillating front with a typical height of several Mm and an almost stationary period of 4-5 minutes. On the contrary, an LW-II has a indented front with a height of over 10 Mm, which has no stable period and is accompanied by recurrent TBs in the entire LB. These results support that LW-IIs are driven by frequent reconnection occurring along the whole LB due to large-scale magnetic flux emergence or intrusion, rather than the leakage of waves producing LW-Is. Our observations reveal a highly dynamical scenario of activities above LBs driven by different basic physical processes, including magneto-convection, magnetic reconnection, and wave leakage.