您选择的条件: Adam Smercina
  • The State of the Molecular Gas in Post-Starburst Galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The molecular gas in galaxies traces both the fuel for star formation and the processes that can enhance or suppress star formation. Observations of the molecular gas state can thus point to when and why galaxies stop forming stars. In this study, we present ALMA observations of the molecular gas in galaxies evolving through the post-starburst phase. These galaxies have low current star formation rates, regardless of the SFR tracer used, with recent starbursts ending within the last 600 Myr. We present CO (3-2) observations for three post-starburst galaxies, and dense gas HCN/HCO+/HNC (1-0) observations for six (four new) post-starburst galaxies. The post-starbursts have low excitation traced by the CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED) up to CO (3-2), more similar to early-type than starburst galaxies. The low excitation indicates that lower density rather than high temperatures may suppress star formation during the post-starburst phase. One galaxy displays a blueshifted outflow traced by CO (3-2). MaNGA observations show that the ionized gas velocity is disturbed relative to the stellar velocity field, with a blueshifted component aligned with the molecular gas outflow, suggestive of a multiphase outflow. Low ratios of HCO+/CO, indicating low fractions of dense molecular gas relative to the total molecular gas, are seen throughout post-starburst phase, except for the youngest post-starburst galaxy considered here. These observations indicate that the impact of any feedback or quenching processes may be limited to low excitation and weak outflows in the cold molecular gas during the post-starburst phase.

  • New Globular Cluster Candidates in the M81 group

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The study of outer halo globular cluster (GC) populations can give insight into galaxy merging, globular cluster accretion and the origin of GCs. We use archival Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data in concert with space-based GALEX, IRAC and Gaia EDR3 data to select candidate Globular clusters (GCs) in the outer halo of the M81 group for confirmation and future study. We use a small sample of previously-discovered GCs to tune our selection criteria, finding that bright already-known GCs in the M81 group have sizes that are typically slightly larger than the Subaru PSF in our fields. In the optical bands, GCs appear to have colours that are only slightly different from stars. The inclusion of archival IRAC data yields dramatic improvements in colour separation, as the long wavelength baseline aids somewhat in the separation from stars and clearly separates GCs from many compact background galaxies. We show that some previously spectroscopically-identified GCs in the M81 group are instead foreground stars or background galaxies. GCs close to M82 have radial velocities suggesting that they fell into the M81 group along with M82. The overall M81 GC luminosity function is similar to the Milky Way and M31. M81's outer halo GCs are similar to the Milky Way in their metallicities and numbers, and much less numerous than M31's more metal-rich outer halo GC population. These properties reflect differences in the three galaxies' merger histories, highlighting the possibility of using outer halo GCs to trace merger history in larger samples of galaxies.

  • Resolved Molecular Gas Observations of MaNGA Post-starbursts Reveal a Tumultuous Past

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Post-starburst galaxies (PSBs) have recently and rapidly quenched their star-formation, thus they are an important way to understand how galaxies transition from star-forming late-types to quiescent early-types. The recent discovery of large cold gas reservoirs in PSBs calls into question the theory that galaxies must lose their gas to become quiescent. Optical Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) surveys have revealed two classes of PSBs: central PSBs with central quenching regions and ring PSBs with quenching in their outskirts. We analyze a sample of 13 nearby (z < 0.1) PSBs with spatially resolved optical IFS data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey and matched resolution Atacama Large (sub-)Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of $^{12}$CO(1-0). Disturbed stellar kinematics in 7/13 of our PSBs and centrally concentrated molecular gas is consistent with a recent merger for most of our sample. In galaxies without merger evidence, alternate processes may funnel gas inwards and suppress star-formation, which may include outflows, stellar bars, and minor mergers or interactions. The star-formation efficiencies of the post-starburst regions in nearly half our galaxies are suppressed while the gas fractions are consistent with star-forming galaxies. AGN feedback may drive this stabilization, and we observe AGN-consistent emission in the centers of 5/13 galaxies. Finally, our central and ring PSBs have similar properties except the ionized and molecular gas in central PSBs is more disturbed. Overall, the molecular gas in our PSBs tends to be compact and highly disturbed, resulting in concentrated gas reservoirs unable to form stars efficiently.