您选择的条件: Yong-Hui Hou
  • The First Data Release of LAMOST Low Resolution Single Epoch Spectra

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: LAMOST Data Release 5, covering $\sim$17,000 $deg^2$ from $-10^{\circ}$ to $80^{\circ}$ in declination, contains 9 millions co-added low resolution spectra of celestial objects, each spectrum combined from repeat exposure of two to tens of times during Oct 2011 to Jun 2017. In this paper, We present the spectra of individual exposures for all the objects in LAMOST Data Release 5. For each spectrum, equivalent width of 60 lines from 11 different elements are calculated with a new method combining the actual line core and fitted line wings. For stars earlier than F type, the Balmer lines are fitted with both emission and absorption profiles once two components are detected. Radial velocity of each individual exposure is measured by minimizing ${\chi}^2$ between the spectrum and its best template. Database for equivalent widths of spectral lines and radial velocities of individual spectra are available online. Radial velocity uncertainties with different stellar type and signal-to-noise ratio are quantified by comparing different exposure of the same objects. We notice that the radial velocity uncertainty depends on the time lag between observations. For stars observed in the same day and with signal-to-noise ratio higher than 20, the radial velocity uncertainty is below 5km/s, and increase to 10km/s for stars observed in different nights.

  • Self-consistent Stellar Radial Velocities from LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS) DR7

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Radial velocity (RV) is among the most fundamental physical quantities obtainable from stellar spectra and is rather important in the analysis of time-domain phenomena. The LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS) DR7 contains 5 million single-exposure stellar spectra at spectral resolution $R\sim7\,500$. However, the temporal variation of the RV zero-points (RVZPs) of the MRS survey, which makes the RVs from multiple epochs inconsistent, has not been addressed. In this paper, we measure the RVs of the 3.8 million single-exposure spectra (for 0.6 million stars) with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) higher than 5 based on cross-correlation function (CCF) method, and propose a robust method to self-consistently determine the RVZPs exposure-by-exposure for each spectrograph with the help of \textit{Gaia} DR2 RVs. Such RVZPs are estimated for 3.6 million RVs and can reach a mean precision of $\sim 0.38\,\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$. The result of the temporal variation of RVZPs indicates that our algorithm is efficient and necessary before we use the absolute RVs to perform time-domain analysis. Validating the results with APOGEE DR16 shows that our absolute RVs can reach an overall precision of 0.84/0.80 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ in the blue/red arm at $50<\mathrm{SNR}<100$, while 1.26/1.99 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ at $5<\mathrm{SNR}<10$. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard deviations of multiple RVs ($N_\mathrm{obs}\geq 8$) for 678 standard stars reach 0.45/0.54, 1.07/1.39, and 1.45/1.86 $\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}$ in the blue/red arm at 50\%, 90\%, and 95\% levels, respectively. The catalogs of the RVs, RVZPs, and selected candidate RV standard stars are available at \url{https://github.com/hypergravity/paperdata}.

  • Double-, triple-line spectroscopic candidates in the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey (LAMOST-MRS) provides an unprecedented opportunity for detecting multi-line spectroscopic systems. Based on the method of Cross-Correlation Function (CCF) and successive derivatives, we search for spectroscopic binaries and triples and derive their radial velocities (RVs) from the LAMOST-MRS spectra. A Monte-Carlo simulation is adopted to estimate the RV uncertainties. After examining over 1.3 million LAMOST DR7 MRS blue arm spectra, we obtain 3,133 spectroscopic binary (SB) and 132 spectroscopic triple (ST) candidates, which account for 1.2% of the LAMOST-MRS stars. Over 95% of the candidates are newly discovered. It is found that all of the ST candidates are on the main sequence, while around 10% of the SB candidates may have one or two components on the red giant branch.

  • LAMOST MRS-N Observations of the W80 Region

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The spectral observations and analysis for the W80 Region are presented by using the data of Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Nebulae (MRS-N) with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST). A total of 2982 high-quality nebular spectra have been obtained in the 20 square degree field of view (FoV) which covers the W80 complex, and the largest sample of spectral data have been established for the first time. The relative intensities, radial velocities (RVs), and Full Widths at Half Maximum (FWHMs) are measured with the high spectral resolution of LAMOST MRS, for H$\alpha$ $\lambda$ 6563 \AA, [\ion{N}{ii}] $\lambda$$\lambda$ 6548 \AA, 6584 \AA \ , and [\ion{S}{ii}] $\lambda$$\lambda$ 6716 \AA, 6731 \AA \ emission lines. In the field of view of whole W80 Region, the strongest line emissions are found to be consistent with the bright nebulae, NGC 7000, IC 5070, and LBN 391, and weak line emissions also truly exist in the Middle Region, where no bright nebulae are detected by the wide-band optical observations. The large-scale spectral observations to the W80 Region reveal the systematic spatial variations of RVs and FWHMs, and several unique structural features. A 'curved feature' to the east of the NGC 7000, and a 'jet feature' to the west of the LBN 391 are detected to be showing with larger radial velocities. A 'wider FWHM region' is identified in the eastern part of the NGC 7000. The variations of [\ion{S}{ii}] / H${\alpha}$ ratios display a gradient from southwest to northeast in the NGC 7000 region, and manifest a ring shape around the 'W80 bubble' ionized by an O-type star in the L935. Further spectral and multi-band observations are guaranteed to investigate in detail the structural features.

  • The Lithium Abundances from the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Medium-resolution Survey. I. The Method

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Standard stellar evolution model predicts a severe depletion of lithium (Li) abundance during the first dredge-up process (FDU). Yet a small fraction of giant stars are still found to preserve a considerable amount of Li in their atmospheres after FDU. Those giants are usually identified as Li-rich by a widely used criterion, A(Li) $ > 1.5$\,{\it dex}. A large number of works dedicated to search for and investigate this minority of the giant family, and the amount of Li-rich giants has been largely expanded, especially in the era of big data. In this paper, we present a catalog of Li-rich giants found from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) survey with Li abundances derived from a template matching method developed for LAMOST low-resolution spectra. The catalog contains $10,535$ Li-rich giants with Li abundances from $\sim 1.5$\,{\it dex} to $\sim 4.9$\,{\it dex}. We also confirm that the ratio of Li-rich phenomenon among giant stars is about one percent, or for a more expression, $1.29\%$ from our statistically important sample. This is the largest Li-rich giant sample ever reported to date, which significantly exceeds amount of all the reported Li-rich giants combined. The catalog will help the community to better understand the Li-rich phenomenon in giant stars.

  • The Data Processing of the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectral Survey of Galactic Nebulae (LAMOST MRS-N Pipeline)

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Large sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) medium-resolution spectral survey of Galactic Nebulae (MRS-N) has conducted for three years since Sep. 2018 and observed more than 190 thousands nebular spectra and 20 thousands stellar spectra. However, there is not yet a data processing pipeline for nebular data. To significantly improve the accuracy of nebulae classification and their physical parameters, we developed the MRS-N Pipeline. This article presented in detail each data processing step of the MRS-N Pipeline, such as removing cosmic rays, merging single exposure, fitting sky light emission lines, subtracting skylight, wavelength recalibration, measuring nebular parameters, creating catalogs and packing spectra. Finally, a description of the data products, including nebular spectra files and parameter catalogs, is provided.