Your conditions: Ziyong Wu
  • AI-assisted reconstruction of cosmic velocity field from redshift-space spatial distribution of halos

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The peculiar velocities of dark matter halos are crucial to study many issues in cosmology and galaxy evolution. In this study, by using the state-of-the-art deep learning technique, a UNet-based neural network, we propose to reconstruct the peculiar velocity field from the redshift-space distribution of dark matter halos. Through a point-to-point comparison and examination of various statistical properties, we demonstrate that, the reconstructed velocity field is in good agreement with the ground truth. The power spectra of various velocity field components, including velocity magnitude, divergence and vorticity, can be successfully recovered when $k\lesssim 1.1$ $h/\rm Mpc$ (the Nyquist frequency of the simulations) at about 80% accuracy. This approach is very promising and presents an alternative method to correct the redshift-space distortions using the measured 3D spatial information of halos. Additionally, for the reconstruction of the momentum field of halos, UNet achieves similar good results. Hence the applications in various aspects of cosmology are very broad, such as correcting redshift errors and improving measurements in the structure of the cosmic web, the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, BAO reconstruction, etc.

  • AI-assisted reconstruction of cosmic velocity field from redshift-space spatial distribution of halos

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: The peculiar velocities of dark matter halos are crucial to study many issues in cosmology and galaxy evolution. In this study, by using the state-of-the-art deep learning technique, a UNet-based neural network, we propose to reconstruct the peculiar velocity field from the redshift-space distribution of dark matter halos. Through a point-to-point comparison and examination of various statistical properties, we demonstrate that, the reconstructed velocity field is in good agreement with the ground truth. The power spectra of various velocity field components, including velocity magnitude, divergence and vorticity, can be successfully recovered when $k\lesssim 1.1$ $h/\rm Mpc$ (the Nyquist frequency of the simulations) at about 80% accuracy. This approach is very promising and presents an alternative method to correct the redshift-space distortions using the measured 3D spatial information of halos. Additionally, for the reconstruction of the momentum field of halos, UNet achieves similar good results. Hence the applications in various aspects of cosmology are very broad, such as correcting redshift errors and improving measurements in the structure of the cosmic web, the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, BAO reconstruction, etc.

  • Cosmic Velocity Field Reconstruction Using AI

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We develop a deep learning technique to infer the non-linear velocity field from the dark matter density field. The deep learning architecture we use is an "U-net" style convolutional neural network, which consists of 15 convolution layers and 2 deconvolution layers. This setup maps the 3-dimensional density field of $32^3$-voxels to the 3-dimensional velocity or momentum fields of $20^3$-voxels. Through the analysis of the dark matter simulation with a resolution of $2 {h^{-1}}{\rm Mpc}$, we find that the network can predict the the non-linearity, complexity and vorticity of the velocity and momentum fields, as well as the power spectra of their value, divergence and vorticity and its prediction accuracy reaches the range of $k\simeq1.4$ $h{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ with a relative error ranging from 1% to $\lesssim$10%. A simple comparison shows that neural networks may have an overwhelming advantage over perturbation theory in the reconstruction of velocity or momentum fields.