您选择的条件: Longlong Feng
  • About One-point Statistics of the Ratio of Two Fourier-transformed Cosmic Fields and an Application

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Fourier transformation is an effective and efficient operation of Gaussianization at the one-point level. Using a set of N-body simulation data, we verified that the one-point distribution functions of the dark matter momentum divergence and density fields closely follow complex Gaussian distributions. The one-point distribution function of the quotient of two complex Gaussian variables is introduced and studied. Statistical theories are then applied to model one-point statistics about the growth of individual Fourier mode of the dark matter density field, which can be obtained by the ratio of two Fourier transformed cosmic fields. Our simulation results proved that the models based on the Gaussian approximation are impressively accurate, and our analysis revealed many interesting aspects about the growth of dark matter's density fluctuation in Fourier space.

  • Four-Vector Optical Dirac Equation and Spin-Orbit Interaction of Structured Light

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The spin-orbit interaction of light is a crucial concept for understanding the electromagnetic properties of a material and realizing the spin-controlled manipulation of optical fields. Achieving these goals requires a complete description of spin-dependent optical phenomena in the context of vector-wave mechanics. We develop an extended Dirac theory for optical fields in generic media, which was found to be akin to a non-Hermitian chiral-extension of massive fermions with anomalous magnetic momenta moving in an external pseudo-magnetic field. This similarity allows us to investigate the optical behaviors of a material by effective field theory methods and can find wide applications in metamaterials, photonic topological insulators, etc. We demonstrate this method by studying the spin-orbit interaction of structured light in a spin-degenerate medium and inhomogeneous isotropic medium, which leads to both spin-orbital-Hall effects and spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion. Of importance, our approach provides simple and clear physical insight into the spin-orbit interaction of light in generic media, and could potentially bridge our understanding of topological insulators between electronic and photonic systems.