您选择的条件: Guilaine Lagache
  • Extragalactic CO emission lines in the CMB experiments: a forgotten signal and a foreground

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: High resolution cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments have allowed us to precisely measure the CMB temperature power spectrum down to very small scales (multipole $\ell \sim 3000$). Such measurements at multiple frequencies enable separating the primary CMB anisotropies with other signals like CMB lensing, thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects (tSZ and kSZ), and cosmic infrared background (CIB). In this paper, we explore another signal of interest at these frequencies that should be present in the CMB maps: extragalactic CO molecular rotational line emissions, which are the most widely used tracers of molecular gas in the line intensity mapping experiments. Using the SIDES simulations adopted for top hat bandpasses at 150 and 220 GHz, we show that the cross-correlation of the CIB with CO lines has a contribution similar to the CIB-tSZ correlation and the kSZ power, thereby contributing a non-negligible amount to the total power at these scales. This signal, therefore, may significantly impact the recently reported $\geq 3\sigma$ detection of the kSZ power spectrum from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) collaboration, as the contribution of the CO lines is not considered in such analyses. Our results also provide a new way of measuring the CO power spectrum in cross-correlation with the CIB. Finally, these results show that the CO emissions present in the CMB maps will have to be accounted for in all the CMB auto-power spectrum and cross-correlation studies involving a LSS tracer.

  • 1/f Noise Analysis for FAST HI Intensity Mapping Drift-Scan Experiment

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the 1/f noise of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) receiver system using drift-scan data from an intensity mapping pilot survey. All the 19 beams have 1/f fluctuations with similar structures. Both the temporal and the 2D power spectrum densities are estimated. The correlations directly seen in the time series data at low frequency $f$ are associated with the sky signal, perhaps due to a coupling between the foreground and the system response. We use Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to subtract the foreground. By removing the strongest components, the measured 1/f noise power can be reduced significantly. With 20 modes subtraction, the knee frequency of the 1/f noise in a 10 MHz band is reduced to $1.8 \times 10^{-3}\Hz$, well below the thermal noise over 500-seconds time scale. The 2D power spectra show that the 1/f-type variations are restricted to a small region in the time-frequency space and the correlations in frequency can be suppressed with SVD modes subtraction. The residual 1/f noise after the SVD mode subtraction is uncorrelated in frequency, and a simple noise diode frequency-independent calibration of the receiver gain at 8s interval does not affect the results. The 1/f noise can be important for HI intensity mapping, we estimate that the 1/f noise has a knee frequency $(f_{k}) \sim$ 6 $\times$ 10$^{-4}$Hz, and time and frequency correlation spectral indices $(\alpha) \sim 0.65$, $(\beta) \sim 0.8$ after the SVD subtraction of 30 modes. This can bias the HI power spectrum measurement by 10 percent.

  • The hidden side of cosmic star formation at z > 3: Bridging optically-dark and Lyman break galaxies with GOODS-ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Our current understanding of the cosmic star formation history at z>3 is primarily based on UV-selected galaxies (i.e., LBGs). Recent studies of H-dropouts have revealed that we may be missing a large proportion of star formation that is taking place in massive galaxies at z>3. In this work, we extend the H-dropout criterion to lower masses to select optically dark/faint galaxies (OFGs), in order to complete the census between LBGs and H-dropouts. Our criterion (H> 26.5 mag & [4.5] 3 (z_med=4.1) in the GOODS-ALMA field, covering a wide distribution of stellar masses with log($M_{\star}$/$M_{\odot}$) = 9.4-11.1. We find that up to 75% of the OFGs with log($M_{\star}$/$M_{\odot}$) = 9.5-10.5 were neglected by previous LBGs and H-dropout selection techniques. After performing stacking analyses, the OFGs exhibit shorter gas depletion timescales, slightly lower gas fractions, and lower dust temperatures than typical star-forming galaxies. Their SFR_tot (SFR_ IR+SFR_UV) is much larger than SFR_UVcorr (corrected for dust extinction), with SFR_tot/SFR_UVcorr = $8\pm1$, suggesting the presence of hidden dust regions in the OFGs that absorb all UV photons. The average dust size measured by a circular Gaussian model fit is R_e(1.13 mm)=1.01$\pm$0.05 kpc. We find that the cosmic SFRD at z>3 contributed by massive OFGs is at least two orders of magnitude higher than the one contributed by equivalently massive LBGs. Finally, we calculate the combined contribution of OFGs and LBGs to the cosmic SFRD at z=4-5 to be 4 $\times$ 10$^{-2}$ $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-3}$, which is about 0.15 dex (43%) higher than the SFRD derived from UV-selected samples alone at the same redshift.

  • The hidden side of cosmic star formation at z > 3: Bridging optically-dark and Lyman break galaxies with GOODS-ALMA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Our current understanding of the cosmic star formation history at z>3 is primarily based on UV-selected galaxies (i.e., LBGs). Recent studies of H-dropouts have revealed that we may be missing a large proportion of star formation that is taking place in massive galaxies at z>3. In this work, we extend the H-dropout criterion to lower masses to select optically dark/faint galaxies (OFGs), in order to complete the census between LBGs and H-dropouts. Our criterion (H> 26.5 mag & [4.5] 3 (z_med=4.1) in the GOODS-ALMA field, covering a wide distribution of stellar masses with log($M_{\star}$/$M_{\odot}$) = 9.4-11.1. We find that up to 75% of the OFGs with log($M_{\star}$/$M_{\odot}$) = 9.5-10.5 were neglected by previous LBGs and H-dropout selection techniques. After performing stacking analyses, the OFGs exhibit shorter gas depletion timescales, slightly lower gas fractions, and lower dust temperatures than typical star-forming galaxies. Their SFR_tot (SFR_ IR+SFR_UV) is much larger than SFR_UVcorr (corrected for dust extinction), with SFR_tot/SFR_UVcorr = $8\pm1$, suggesting the presence of hidden dust regions in the OFGs that absorb all UV photons. The average dust size measured by a circular Gaussian model fit is R_e(1.13 mm)=1.01$\pm$0.05 kpc. We find that the cosmic SFRD at z>3 contributed by massive OFGs is at least two orders of magnitude higher than the one contributed by equivalently massive LBGs. Finally, we calculate the combined contribution of OFGs and LBGs to the cosmic SFRD at z=4-5 to be 4 $\times$ 10$^{-2}$ $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-3}$, which is about 0.15 dex (43%) higher than the SFRD derived from UV-selected samples alone at the same redshift.