您选择的条件: Shinya Matsuzaki
  • Fate of the first-order chiral phase transition in QCD: Implications for dark QCD studied via a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The first-order nature of the chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories can play crucial roles to address a dark side of the Universe, where the created out-of equilibrium is essential to serve as cosmological and astrophysical probes such as gravitational wave productions, which have extensively been explored. This interdisciplinary physics is built based on a widely-accepted conjecture that the thermal chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories with massless (light) three flavors is of first order. We find that such a first order feature may not hold, when ordinary or dark quarks are externally coupled to a weak enough background field of photon or dark photon (which we collectively call a ``magnetic" field). We assume that a weak ``magnetic" background field could be originated from some ``magnetogenesis" in the early Universe. We work on a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model which can describe the chiral phase transition in a wide class of QCD-like theories. We show that in the case with massless (light) three flavors, the first-order feature goes away when $2 f_\pi^2 \lesssim eB ( \ll (4 \pi f_\pi)^2)$, where $eB$ is the ``magnetic" field strength and $f_\pi$ the pion decay constant at the vacuum. This disappearance is the generic consequence of the presence of the ``magnetically" induced scale anomaly and the ``magnetic" catalysis for the chiral symmetry breaking, and would impact or constrain modeling dark QCD coupled to an external ``magnetic" field.

  • Fate of the first-order chiral phase transition in QCD: Implications for dark QCD studied via a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The first-order nature of the chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories can play crucial roles to address a dark side of the Universe, where the created out-of equilibrium is essential to serve as cosmological and astrophysical probes such as gravitational wave productions, which have extensively been explored. This interdisciplinary physics is built based on a widely-accepted conjecture that the thermal chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories with massless (light) three flavors is of first order. We find that such a first order feature may not hold, when ordinary or dark quarks are externally coupled to a weak enough background field of photon or dark photon (which we collectively call a ``magnetic" field). We assume that a weak ``magnetic" background field could be originated from some ``magnetogenesis" in the early Universe. We work on a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model which can describe the chiral phase transition in a wide class of QCD-like theories. We show that in the case with massless (light) three flavors, the first-order feature goes away when $2 f_\pi^2 \lesssim eB ( \ll (4 \pi f_\pi)^2)$, where $eB$ is the ``magnetic" field strength and $f_\pi$ the pion decay constant at the vacuum. This disappearance is the generic consequence of the presence of the ``magnetically" induced scale anomaly and the ``magnetic" catalysis for the chiral symmetry breaking, and would impact or constrain modeling dark QCD coupled to an external ``magnetic" field.

  • Towards a unified interpretation of the early Universe in $R^2$-corrected dark energy model of $F(R)$ gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: $R^2$-corrected dark energy (DE) models in $F(R)$ gravity have been widely investigated in recent years, which not only removes the weak singularity potentially present in DE models but also provide us with a unified picture of the cosmic history, including the inflationary and DE epochs. Towards the unified interpretation of dynamical DE all over the cosmic history in the class of $R^2$-corrected DE models, we explore the universal features of the scalaron dynamics in the radiation-dominated epoch, along with the chameleon mechanism, by keeping our eyes on the inflationary and DE epochs. We show that the scalaron evolution does not follow a \textit{surfing solution} and is mostly adiabatic before big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), even properly including the \textit{kick} by the nonperturbative QCD phase transition, hence a catastrophic consequence claimed in the literature is not applied to this class of DE models. This is due to the presence of the gigantic scale hierarchy between $R^2$ correction and DE, so is the universal feature for the class of $R^2$-corrected DE models. The prospects for the post- or onset-inflationary epoch would be pretty different from what the standard $R^2$ inflationary scenario undergoes due to the presence of the chameleon mechanism.