您选择的条件: Zhen-Nan Tian
  • Non-Abelian braiding on photonic chips

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Non-Abelian braiding has attracted significant attention because of its pivotal role in describing the exchange behaviors of anyons--a candidate for realizing quantum logics. The input and outcome of non-Abelian braiding are connected by a unitary matrix which can also physically emerge as a geometric-phase matrix in classical systems. Hence it is predicted that non-Abelian braiding should have analogues in photonics, but a feasible platform and the experimental realization remain out of reach. Here, we propose and experimentally realize an on-chip photonic system that achieves the non-Abelian braiding of up to five photonic modes. The braiding is realized by controlling the multi-mode geometric-phase matrix in judiciously designed photonic waveguide arrays. The quintessential effect of braiding--sequence-dependent swapping of photon dwell sites is observed in both classical-light and single-photon experiments. Our photonic chips are a versatile and expandable platform for studying non-Abelian physics, and we expect the results to motivate next-gen non-Abelian photonic devices.